Love's Last Cup of Coffee: A Romantic Suspense Book (Cafe' de Maison 1)
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Victoria felt her stomach sink, she felt so nauseous, and she could hardly speak, eventually after a moments silence on the line, Victoria replied, "Mr. Stevenson, I really do not think that this is the best way to deal with the issue, this is what whoever is trying to frame me wants. I could do so much more if I was in the office." Victoria realised her voice had a pleading edge to it, but she was desperate, she was desperate to hold onto her job. Her life consisted of going to work, what would she do with herself all day? Like bile in the back of her throat, panic rose up.
"What about Liz? What will happen to her while I'm away?"
"We have made arrangements with Liz to work with Dermott. With you out of the office, he will have to pick up your case load."
"What!” screeched Victoria, forgetting that she was on the phone. "You can't do that Des!" Victoria had forgotten formalities and reverted to calling Mr. Stevenson by his first name. "Dermott is the reason I am in this mess, now you are rewarding him by giving him my clients, and my personal assistant. Will you be giving him my office too?"
Victoria was enraged. "Now hang on Victoria, you cannot go making random and wild accusations against fellow co-workers. Do you have proof that Dermott is trying to frame you?" Asked Mr. Stevenson.
"Well not exactly, but I have received information from a good source warning me against Dermott."
"So, no actual hard evidence against him?"
"No, but that's what I was planning to prove".
"I'm sorry this is happening to you, Victoria, but without decent evidence against Dermott, your allegations could land you in more trouble. I suggest you stay out of the limelight, consult your own legal counsel and hopefully this will all blow over soon."
Victoria let out a sigh, she felt completely deflated and defeated. “It’s easy for you to say Mr. Stevenson, you are not the one who stands accused of Industrial Espionage.” "Could I at least come into the office today and fetch a few files? I promise not to hang around too long, and dirty up the office halls." With a sulky goodbye Victoria hung up the call, she slammed her head into her hands.
After about fifteen minutes of staring into space, Victoria picked herself up from the table. She would not let Dermott win! She would go down to the office, fetch what she needed, hold her head up high. She had not done anything wrong.
She was the injured party here. She decided to shower and dress. Since she did not have to go into work, she decided she would dress casually, but super saucy casual. One thing her mother had taught her was that even if you did not feel good, dressing up and making an effort can help you feel better about yourself. No business suite today, she got out a pair of blue Tommy Hilfiger skinny denim jeans, a small white camisole, and heeled black ankle boots. She would leave her long chocolate brown hair down for once. Not too much makeup and she was ready. She grabbed her purse and her black biker jacket from the coat stand and left the house.
It did not take her long to get to the office; it was mid-morning, so the traffic had calmed down.
She felt extremely conspicuous as walked passed the reception desk. It seemed as if everybody knew.
"Oh, my goodness, you look amazing!" Liz came running up to her en route to her office. "Liz, I am so glad to see you!" said Victoria, she gripped Liz and gave her a hug, an extremely rare show of emotion.
"Can you believe that Mr. Stevenson has me working for Satan himself? I was so mad I almost quit, but then I remembered I have a mortgage to pay off and my holiday in Corfu is coming up." Liz looked down at her hands guiltily, "I'm sorry I'm such a coward."
Victoria hugged her friend again, "Liz, you are not a coward. I would never expect you to leave your job for me. Don't worry about me, maybe this is not as bad as we think." Victoria unlocked her office door, and ushered Liz in quickly. She closed the door and began pacing up and down the room.
"You, working closely with Dermott might work to my advantage; you could see what he has been up to".
"Vicky, you are right! I hate that ejit, he makes my skin crawl". Liz shuddered.
Victoria was about to reply there was a knock at the door, but before Victoria could answer the door opened.
"Aah! Victoria. So surprised that you are in today, aren't you on "holiday"?”
Victoria felt sick, she could not believe Dermott had the audacity to come and gloat in her office. He reminded her of a weasel. His hair was mud colour brown, which for some reason he thought looked good by fully gelling it back. He moved closer to Victoria and put a pale pudgy hand on her back, which she promptly swatted and moved behind her desk. "
I must say, Vick, you really brush up well, not that you look bad in your power suites, but you should wear your hair down more often, it gives you a softer look." Dermott’s eyes wondered down the length of Victoria's body. Revulsion for this disgusting human washed over Victoria, but she knew she had to control herself, and that he was purposely baiting her. She replied with all the patience she could muster.
"What do you want Dermott? Even though you believe I'm holiday, I still have a lot to do, and this little exchange is wasting my time."
"There's no need for you to be so formal and law-like with me, we are old friends." He moved back closer to Victoria, he got up so close and whispered close in ear, she could feel his vile coffee-tainted breath on her neck.
"Because when all this is over that's what you going to need, is friends".
Victoria could not control herself anymore. She turned around and slapped him through the face. Liz let out a gasp of surprise. Dermott put a hand to his face and walked to the door, "You will regret that move, my dear!" With a slam of the door, he left the room. Victoria slunk back down into her chair, the whole episode had frazzled her, she had fought tough lawsuits and won, but this was so personal to her, she felt so vulnerable.
“Liz what am I going to do?” was all she could ask.
Chapter 10
Later that afternoon back at the Café, Mickey and Ryan were sitting in Mickey’s office having a heart-to-heart.
"I'm glad you told me. Do you think they will make a move during the day, in full view of everyone?"
Mickey and Ryan were having their usual evening whiskey together. The last customer had left, and the rest of the staff had finished cleaning and prepping for the next day. It was Ryan's favorite time of day; he enjoyed his chats with Mickey. They had been through so much together; Mickey was one of the few people who really understood his situation. Ryan slugged on his whiskey and answered.
"That would be stupid. No, I think if they try, there wouldn't be many witnesses. But don't worry, I'm not taking any chances, I have hired a private security company. They have men placed discreetly outside the shop, and do a security sweep every morning".
"Do they stay with you, when you go home?" Mickey asked anxiously.
"Don't worry about me, Mick. You know I can take care of myself".
Mickey got up from his chair and put on his coat. "As long as you know what you are doing. I need to get back upstairs, Padraig is coming over to play cards, he is a grumpy ol git, I better not keep him waiting. Are you fine to lock up?”
Ryan laughed, "You ask me that every night, I have been locking up every night for over five years".
Mickey put his hand on Ryan's shoulder and said. "But this time I mean it, will you be safe to lock up on your own?"
Ryan patted Mickey's hand. "I will be grand. You go on then, you don't want to keep Padraig waiting".
Ryan started going through the cafe, checking windows, and turning the blinds. He finished quickly, grabbed his keys and jacket. As he was locking the door to leave he looked up, and across the road, he saw Victoria. Or at least it looked like Victoria. She looked so different, but good different, he was mesmerized. Her beautiful hair was cascading down her back, her clothes fitted around her shapely and slim figure. He felt a stirring in his trousers, he knew he couldn't control his body's natural reaction to her; he was only human.
His head was telling him to walk
on, but he had to have one more look. He noticed that all didn't seem well, it looked like she was upset. His instinct kicked in and he crossed the road in a few strides, she was sitting at a table on the side pavement, as he got near he heard her crying. This was too much for him to handle, he put his hand out and turned her to face him. She looked quite startled but seemed to be at ease when she realised it was him. Her eyes were red from crying.
Ryan spoke first, "What are doing here? Did someone hurt you?" Victoria looked up at him and started to sob uncontrollably. He reached for her and pulled her into an embrace.
After what seemed liked ages, he led her across to the cafe and unlocked the door. His body still felt like it was on fire from where Victoria's body had touched his. He knew she was upset, but he couldn't help but feel the need to pull her close again and feel her feminine curves against him. He knew if she gave him any encouragement he would not be able to stop the physical reaction, he was too far gone now. He had felt her in his arms, it would be difficult to erase those feelings. He tried to bring himself back to earth. "Victoria would you like a coffee?" She looked up at him and nodded sedately.
Victoria had been so rattled by her encounter with Dermott that she took to the streets and just started walking. She had been walking for a few hours and she honestly did not know how she had landed up at the pub across from the café, she had ordered a drink and sat outside. She had tried to hold it together, but she was overcome with fear over her future. She was so shocked when Ryan came across her, even more by her reaction to his embrace. Every nerve ending in her body was on high alert; she couldn't deny it anymore she wanted it to happen again. After months of stolen glances and illicit daydreams. It wasn't just an appreciation for something good looking, it was a whole lot more. She wanted him to touch her, judging by how good it felt when he hugged her she now felt compelled to find out more.
She watched him making coffee, his hands looked so masterful, pulling levers pushing buttons. The thought of his hands expertly running over her body was intoxicating. She needed to get a grip on her feelings; she had every right to blame it on her rotten day. She felt like she needed to explain herself.
"I'm sorry if I ruined your evening plans, I'm not normally like this, it's just been a very difficult day." He walked over to the table, placed the coffee cup in front of her.
He took her hand and gently pulled her up out of the chair, he shook his head and said softly, "There is no need to explain yourself."
She was about to protest when he placed his finger on her generous lips in a gesture for her to keep quiet. Victoria's base instincts took over, his fingers caused a searing heat to spread through her body she needed to feel more of him, she needed to taste him. She opened her mouth and proceeded to flick her tongue lightly on his fingertip, her tongue as delicate as butterfly wings around it seductively.
This was all too much for Ryan, he pulled Victoria close and claimed her lips with his own. Their tongues meshed in union, their bodies fitted together perfectly, crushed together by their passion. Victoria could feel Ryan's excitement, which only made her want him more. Ryan moved his hands into Victoria's hair, tugging on it slightly. Victoria, ran her hands down Ryan's back feeling the contours of his strong muscles, she cupped his buttocks and somehow knew they would be firm to the touch. In their urgent desire they had landed up against the wall in the far corner of the room. Victoria's jacket lay on the floor, Ryan now was lifting her white camisole, revealing her white lacy bra, she felt so alive, so wanton, she never wanted this feeling to end.
He was kissing the skin around her breasts; her hands were in his hair. As he kisses went lower, his lips now below her naval, she thought she would spontaneously combust. His mouth, teeth and lips continued to tease her senses.
Was it possible that she was hearing bells, the jangling sound became louder until both Ryan and Victoria realised that it was not their imagination, the noise got louder, like someone trying to open a lock. Victoria quickly threw her camisole back on, Ryan gestured for her to be quiet and pointed for her to move to the back of the restaurant. Ryan moved stealthily and reached behind the coffee station. As Victoria peaked from behind the wall, she caught a glimmer of something shiny in Ryan's grip, it took a full twenty seconds for Victoria to realise that the shiny object in Ryan's hands was a gun.
Chapter 11
On the other side of town, Maisey was saying goodnight to Billy on the phone.
"Good night my darling be good for your Nan and Pa. Yes, I'm so happy you are enjoying your new room, sleep tight and love you too".
Maisey ended the call, she felt so relieved. Billy had been so cooperative when she dropped him off at her parents’ house earlier that evening. She was expecting a huge scene, but he obediently went off and waved at her from his "new" room window.
She was now feeling a bit spare, she was not used to being on her own, the flat suddenly felt like a five-bedroom mansion. She had managed to finish her essay, she completed the supporting application papers, sealed the envelope and put it on the table near the entrance for posting in the morning.
Thinking about the application, going through approval and scrutiny made her feel nervous and anxious. Maisey tried to relax, she took her book and lay down on the sofa, but she couldn't concentrate. Her thoughts were driving her crazy, she should be enjoying the time to herself, but she could not settle down. Maisey grabbed her phone maybe she should phone a friend? She didn't have too many of those, she had been so busy with Billy she never had time to make friends other than the ones from the Cafe.
A sudden buzzing noise from the doorbell shook her from the depressing thoughts of having no friends.
Maisey dragged herself off the sofa and went to open the door.
"Omg, Maise, what the hell do you call that outfit you have on?" Maisey just stared as Breda came storming into the flat, all hair and newly spray-tanned, carrying two bottles of prosecco in her hands.
"Breda, what the devil are you doing here?" Maisey felt very confused and irritated at this sudden intrusion.
Breda busied herself in the kitchen looking for glasses, "what you mean, what am I doing here, I'm here to rescue you from yourself that's all".
"Now I'm really confused" sputtered Maisey as a glass of sparkling alcohol was thrust into her hands.
"I overheard you telling Mick that Billy was sleeping at his grandparents tonight, so I figured you would not take the opportunity to go out and have some real fun, so I thought I would bring the fun to you. Slainte!" Toasted Breda and she slammed her glass against Maisey’s.
Maisey shrugged her shoulders in a sign of defeat and took a big glug of her drink, the bubbles surprisingly pleasant popping slowly down her throat.
"You do know the reason why Billy is away, it is not for me to go running around the pubs to all hours, I had to finish some important paper work and I needed some time without interruption".
"Well, are you finished then?" enquired Breda cheekily.
"Yes, I'm finished, but how do you know that I hadn't planned something else, or I could have had a bloke over for the evening?"
Breda burst out laughing, "I'm sorry Maise, but I have worked with you for over five years, and not once have you "had" a bloke over for the evening, it's not in your character. It's like you closed shop downstairs after Billy was born, if you excuse me saying ".
Maisey was quite taken back by Breda's accurate observation,
"Excuse me "Miss Drop-my-pants-for-a-kiss"! I would have you know just because I don't tell people about my sex life doesn't mean I don't have one!" With that Maisey downed her drink and walked back to the kitchen counter and poured herself another one. Breda wasn't far off from the truth, but she was not going to admit that. She had a few very brief affairs in the past thirteen years, but nothing felt right.
Maisey filled Breda's glass and asked, "In any case, why did you come here tonight, you usually have such an active social life why have you chosen me to waste one of
your precious nights?"
"To be honest, I just had my spray tan done. I did not want to sit at home by myself all evening, and I thought that I couldn't show up at my regular friends’ houses looking all orange and smelling like shite and that. I knew you wouldn't mind, so here I am." admitted Breda honestly.
And, there it was. Breda was about as tactful as a brick in the face, but Maisey figured at least she wasn't alone, and Breda's stories were if anything very entertaining.
Chapter 12
Victoria's heart was in her in throat. How the hell did she get mixed up in this mess? She was crouched on the floor in the dark at the back of a coffee shop at 9:15 at night. If the situation was not so serious, it would actually be quite funny.
Ryan was gesturing for her to come over to him at the coffee station. She tried to move as stealthily as possible, but she was a tall woman, all legs and arms hooking on chairs and tables. Honestly, she wasn't built for this cloak and dagger stuff. Eventually, she managed to crawl over to Ryan, who she now noticed held the gun firmly in his left hand. Victoria felt sick as she watched him creep slowly towards the door, all of a sudden, the Cafe lit up and the sound of a scuffle came from the entrance.
"What, the feck do you think you are doing?" yelled Mickey, he was trying to get out of the chokehold Ryan had around him.
"Goodness, Mick! I thought you were the man sent by Jack!" Ryan let go of Mickey and clipped the safety on the gun.
Victoria stood up, "Would someone please like to tell me what the hell is going on here?" Both men turned to look at Victoria, who by now had managed to get out from behind the coffee station. Although her hair was still disheveled, she had managed to straighten her clothes out. She exuded a commanding presence. This was work, Victoria not the pliable nymph from earlier in the evening.