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The Volkov Brothers Series: The Complete Series

Page 23

by Leslie North

  He gave a derisive snort and looked away. “What about him? He left my mother and me behind to start a new family. The only legacy he left me was the Bratva.”

  “You joined because of him?” she asked softly, knowing it was none of her business but powerless now to stop the question from coming.

  Kaz shrugged one muscled shoulder. “Him and my two half-brothers, his sons from his new wife. At the time, my mother was sick, so I joined the Bratva to help pay her medical bills. My boss and the family leaders said I should be proud to avenge his death by serving the family, but all I just wanted was the money. Why should I care about a lying bastard who left me behind, eh?” His voice lowered to nothing but a rough whisper. “I shouldn’t.”

  Her breath caught at the raw anguish in his tone. He shouldn’t care, but the edge of pain in his tone said he still did. Silence weighed heavy between them until the waiter brought their salads and a basket of fresh bread. The sommelier refilled their wine glasses then they started eating.

  About halfway through her salad and his soup, Kaz finally spoke again.

  “You should keep that in mind,” he said.

  “Keep what in mind?”

  “That this is all about the money.” He tore into a dinner roll. “As nice as the items in your shop looked today, I doubt they’re worth a quarter-million-dollars. If you turn all of the inventory over to my boss and give up everything for your brother and it still isn’t enough, what then? How will you pay the remainder?”

  She swallowed a bite of crunchy romaine lettuce covered in spicy Italian dressing and frowned. “I don’t know. I guess I’d start over. Build a new brand and business and pay off what I could when I could. I used to waitress and work as an office temp during college. I can do those things again too, if needed.”

  He gave her a flat look, his tone disparaging. “See? This is what I’m saying. You’ve already decided your brother deserves everything and you’ll be left working your fingers to the bone to support him. How can you do this to yourself? How can you think so little of yourself?”

  “I won’t be left with nothing,” Allie said indignantly, her feelings hurt more by his remarks than she cared to admit. She was a strong, powerful, self-reliant woman. She made her own choices, took care of herself. For him to imply otherwise was infuriating. “And I think plenty of myself. I won’t be left with nothing because I’ll always have my passion for my work. Loving my brother and loving my work aren’t exclusive, you know. My heart’s big enough to hold them both.” She finished her salad then pushed her plate aside and leaned back crossing her arms. How dare he sit there and judge her choices when his own hadn’t been stellar either, at least not if you went by his current occupation. “I happen to believe that if you have love and passion for what you do in life, you’ll always find a way.”

  Kaz chuckled, the sound low and deep and infinitely sarcastic. “Bullshit. You can’t live on love. Love won’t pay your rent or put food in your stomach. Love is nice, but it’s a resource like everything else and you have to spend it carefully. And you can’t love two things equally. One of them will always come first. Always.”

  “Well, I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree then.” She drained the rest of the wine in her glass as the server returned to remove their dishes before the main course was served.

  “I guess so.” As Kaz sliced into his New York Strip steak and she twirled her pasta around her fork, they got down to business at last. “Let’s talk about your financials.”



  Everything you’ve told me sounds fine, but I’ll still need to see your ledgers to make certain what you’ve told me is true.” Kaz glanced around at the thinning crowd in the restaurant then checked his watch. Turns out they’d been sitting here deep in discussion about her business for nearly two hours. Funny enough, it felt like only minutes to him. He placed his linen napkin on the table and flagged down the server to hand him his platinum credit card. “I’ll stop by your shop tomorrow morning and take a look at them.”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head. She wanted to get this all over with tonight, if possible. “I’d rather get all of this done tonight. I keep copies of all my business forms on my home computer. Can you stop by my apartment on the way home and look at them there?”

  Kaz signed off on his receipt, his attention focused on her offer. It could be a legitimate request. He’d not missed the odd looks her other patrons had given him that morning when he’d stood front and center in Charmante. She might be afraid having him show up there again, which would be bad for sales.

  Then again, he’d also noticed her covertly checking him out all evening. It might have been a while since he’d had a woman, but he could still recognize the signs when one was attracted to him—the slight pink in her cheeks as her gaze roamed over him, the way her soft lips parted and curved into a small smile as he spoke, the dilation of her pupils to make her pretty olive-green eyes appear nearly black in the golden glow of the restaurant lighting. And those numerous times her legs had brushed his under the table. She’d stopped pulling back and apologizing for that too. But getting involved with the sister of his target on this mission wasn’t a wise idea, no matter how attractive and enticing he found her.

  Still, it would make his life easier to get all the information for the business transaction gathered sooner rather than later. Salko was riding his ass hard as it was to get his money collected and returned to him. If stopping by her place would expedite things, then he was all for it.

  And if she made a move on him, well then, he’d deal with it when the time came.

  “Okay. Let’s do it.” He handed the receipt and pen back to the server then pushed to his feet to tuck his credit card safely back in his wallet.

  Allie’s eyes widened slightly at his choice of words and he winced.

  “Sorry. I mean, yes. I’d very much like to look at your financial reports.”

  She flashed him a wicked smile as she stood then bent to grab her purse, giving him another view right down the front of her prim little black dress, just like she had back at her shop. That seemed to be a thing with her, bending over in front of him. Whether it was intentional or not, he didn’t mind. This time he spotted red lace and creamy flesh and found it suddenly difficult to swallow.

  “I’d very much like you to see my… reports.” She brushed past him and headed for the front door, her words slightly slurred and her steps a bit uneven. Kaz frowned. Exactly how much wine had she had with dinner? He’d stopped keeping track after their third glass. Wine had little effect on a guy his size, but then his build was much bigger than hers. He tugged at the collar of his shirt, wondering when in the hell it had gotten so hot in there, then rushed after Allie, placing a protective hand at the small of her back to guide her outside as well as to keep her steady.

  He hailed a cab and helped her inside then slid into the backseat beside her while she relayed the directions to her apartment in Wicker Park to the driver. They rode in silence, each staring out their windows at the glittering nighttime downtown Chicago scenery. Minutes later, the taxi pulled up in front of a bleached brick high rise apartment building. He paid the driver then helped Allie out. Her quietness set his nerves on edge. Perhaps she was having second-thoughts now about having him in her home. He was a dangerous man, after all. Though he would never hurt her, she didn’t know that—they barely knew each other.

  Kaz stopped her at the entrance to the building with a hand on her arm and turned her to face him. “Are you sure you want to invite me up?”

  Allie stared up at him, her gaze narrowed. “Yes, I am. You’ve been fair and helpful, even though you didn’t need to be. I appreciate that.” She pulled open the glass doors of the building then crooked her finger at him, beckoning him to follow. “It also doesn’t hurt that you obviously loved your mother. Never could resist a tough guy with a heart of gold.”

  Heart of gold? Him? That was one he’d not heard before. Kaz blinked after
her for several seconds before following her inside the clean, modern marble lobby. There wasn’t much in the way of furniture in the waiting area, just a few chairs set atop a brightly colored Persian rug, and an empty manager’s desk that covered one whole wall. They walked quickly across the space, those sexy stiletto pumps of hers clicking against the hardwood floor. She stopped at a bank of brass mailboxes and gathered her mail for the day, then pushed the button for the elevators.

  The doors dinged open and they boarded. She pushed the six and they rode up to her floor side-by-side. Her shoulder kept brushing his and her perfume—cinnamon and citrus—drifted around him and suddenly he wondered if perhaps the wine hadn’t affected him more than he’d thought after all. Especially considering his growing urge to press her up against one of the mirrored walls of the elevator and kiss her until they were both satisfied.


  The elevator jerked to a halt and opened to a long narrow hallway. The carpet beneath his shoes felt thick and plush, muffling their footsteps. He continued to scan the area around them while she unlocked her door. Given Danny Charman’s shady past, he wouldn’t put it past the guy to try and contact his sister now out of desperation. The guy had to know how much trouble he was in at this point. No one bilked the Bratva and got away with it.

  “Here we are,” Allie said, leading him inside her clean, sparsely decorated studio. She set her keys and bag on the granite breakfast bar in front of the open, galley-style kitchen, then toed off her pumps and headed for the long, black dining room table placed before a wall of windows on the other side of the large room. There, she opened a laptop and began typing on the keyboard, once more allowing him a perfect view of her small, perky breasts.

  Kaz remained where he was, doing his best to remain on task and away from forbidden territory. “Your place is very nice.”

  “Thanks,” she said, glancing up at him, the glow from the computer screen casting shadows on her lovely face. “I like it. Make yourself at home while I pull up these reports.”

  He walked over to an upholstered beige overstuffed sofa and took a seat, not quite sure what to do with himself. Normally, when he was working collections, he didn’t mess around. He got the money, made sure the offending party had gotten the warning not to toy with the Bratva again, then got out. But this mission was different. This mission included Allie.

  “All right.” She straightened and waved him over. “This should tell you everything you need to know. These spreadsheets include my balance sheets for the shop for the last three years, plus profit, loss statements and amortized depreciation of assets.”

  Under other circumstances, discussion of such mundane details should’ve effectively put a damper on any erotic thoughts he might be having. But somehow Allie made each of those financial terms sound infinitely dirty and deliciously wicked.

  Kaz took a deep breath then leaned in beside her to stare at the computer screen. He scrolled through several pages and years of figures, his analytical mind storing the information for later to share with Salko.

  She pressed her arm against his, her long red curls brushing the back of his hand and making him shiver. They were so close that her breath whispered across the skin of his cheek, warm and inviting and laced with a hint of alcohol. “Do you like what you see?”

  Summoning every ounce of his willpower, Kaz nodded. “Yes. Very much.”

  “Good.” She reached across to close the files, her hand brushing against his chest, making his muscles bunch from the contact.

  Sucking in a breath, he clasped her wrist and turned to face her. No doubt in his mind she’d had too much to drink. Anything more than a strictly business arrangement between them was a very bad idea. Still, he couldn’t seem to stop himself from pressing her hand to his chest again, just over his pounding heart, as he searched her face. “What are you doing, Allie?”

  Shrugging, she giggled and sagged against him, all her soft curves pressed against him in the most delightful way. “I like you.”

  “Do you?” He shook her slightly to get her to focus. “Don’t forget who I am. I’m here to collect for your brother’s debts. I’m wondering if it’s not me you like but the idea of paying off what he owes with whatever means necessary.”

  His harsh words snapped her out of her woozy haze, at least partially. She scowled up at him and tried to pull away. “Let me go. You’re disgusting, you know that? Accusing me of selling my body to pay off my brother’s debts.”

  Kaz narrowed his gaze on her. “What am I supposed to think, huh?”

  He released her and ran a hand through his hair. stalking to the windows to look out over the city. He liked her, probably more than he should. Certainly more than he expected. She was determined, smart, and resourceful. But she deserved better. Better than losing the business she’d worked so hard to build because of a brother who couldn’t control himself or his spending habits. “We just met this morning. We’ve had one meal together. You’ve already told me that you and your family will do anything to protect Danny.”

  Allie closed the laptop and crossed her arms, her expression sullen. “Yet you basically accused me of prostituting myself to keep my brother safe. This—coming from the guy who did basically the same exact thing himself when his mother was in trouble.”

  At first, her words stung, but the more Kaz thought about it, the more he realized it was true. He had sold himself and his skills to the Bratva in order to pay his mother’s medical expenses. That didn’t, however, mean he wanted Allie to make the same mistakes he had. Without thinking, he stalked over to her and took her by the arms, pulling her against him once more, loving the feel of her breasts crushed against his chest even though he knew he shouldn’t.

  “Listen to me, Allie,” he growled. “You’re right. I did whore myself out to the Bratva. But that doesn’t mean you should do the same. You’re too good for that. Danny’s the one who borrowed two-hundred-and-fifty grand, yet you’re the one who will lose it all. It’s not right. It’s not fair. And I won’t allow you to do it.”

  With that, he twined his hand in the hair at the nape of her neck and kissed her hard, and hot, and deep.

  At first, Allie was too stunned to react. Then his heat and his taste—the rich red wine from dinner plus mint and aroused man—made her knees wobble and her pulse pound. She clung to the lapels of his suit jacket for a moment, savoring the desire screaming through her system. It had been so long, too long since she’d experienced this. First with her grueling college schedule, then later as her business took off and demanded more and more of her time, her social life had fallen by the wayside. Then, when she’d finally had time to date again, none of the men who’d asked her out appealed to her. Most were corporate types or stockbrokers—all brains and little brawn.

  But this man, Kaz, was just what she liked. Protective, confident, type-A alpha with a wounded heart and a kind soul.

  Then the small portion of her rational brain that wasn’t reeling from his kisses and the way his tongue perfectly tangled with hers, blared loud in her head. This was wrong. This man was out to get her baby brother, Danny. This man would only use her to get the money and leave her high and dry in the end. Plus, between her business there was little time for another relationship in her life.

  Allie pushed away from him, stumbling back a step or two, her eyes wide and her breath panting. She wiped the back of her shaky hand over her mouth and stared at Kaz, her tone accusing. “What the hell was that?”

  For his part, the guy looked as flummoxed as she felt. His tanned cheeks were flushed and his light-green eyes were sparkling with passion and need, but his expression hovered somewhere between shock and anger. He shook his head and turned away, cursing in low guttural Russian as he paced before her windows. “I don’t know what that was, other than a mistake. My apologies. That kiss should never have happened. Won’t happen again, that’s for sure.”

  Allie smoothed her hand down the front of her little black dress and tamped down an unreason
able frisson of disappointment. She should be overjoyed he admitted his error and assured her he’d never kiss her again. To want anything more from him was courting disaster.

  Still, when she licked her lips, she tasted him there and that knot of tension inside her sprouted warm tentacles and spread through her nervous system. She wanted him, even though she would never, ever allow herself to have him. Too much was at stake.

  After a few more minutes of him pacing and her watching him, Kaz stopped and ran his hand over his face. “Listen, I don’t know why I’m doing this, but it seems like the right thing. How would you feel about making a deal, with me?”

  She frowned and hugged her arms around her middle. Right now, she felt far too vulnerable and she didn’t like it one bit. “What kind of deal?”

  He gestured toward the beige overstuffed furniture in her living room area and Allie took a seat on her sofa while Kaz grabbed the chair across from her. “Let’s just say I’ve got a lot riding on the successful collection of your brother’s debt. My current boss within the Bratva, Salko, is a difficult man to please and he gave me an ultimatum to prove that I am tougher than he thinks. Either I get the money your brother owes or I must repay it myself.”

  “Where would you get a quarter million dollars?” she asked, her spine stiff and her head aching.

  “I am not without means.” He sat back and she did her best not to stare at his long legs or the way the material of his shirt conformed perfectly to his muscular torso. She might have unbuttoned his suit jacket during their heated kiss and he hadn’t bothered to close it, too absorbed in his thoughts apparently. He looked adorably disheveled and she was in far more danger from him now than she’d ever been before—emotionally, at least. She cleared her throat and looked away fast, concentrating on the important conversation at hand and not the infinitely doable man lounging across from her.


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