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Price of Fame

Page 81

by Sylvia Jukes Morris

  21. CBL to Gerald Miller, July 18, 1959, CBLP; Mina Shaughnessy to CBL, June 17, 1959, CBLP; CBL to Shaughnessy, July 20, 1959, CBLP.

  22. CBL to HRL, July 21, 1959, CBLP.

  23. Ibid.

  24. John Courtney Murray to CBL, July 31, 1959, SJMP.

  25. CBL interview, Mar. 31, 1982.

  26. Murray to CBL, July 31, 1959, CBLP.

  27. CBL, “Caneel Bay Notebook,” Aug. 6, 1959, CBLP.

  28. CBL to HRL, ca. mid-Aug. 1959, CBLP; CBL to HRL, Feb. 29, 1960, CBLP.

  29. Murray to CBL, Aug. 15, [1959], CBLP.

  30. Ibid., Aug. 26, 1959, CBLP.

  31. CBL to HRL, Apr. 27, 1960, CBLP.

  32. CBL undated memo, ca. late summer 1959, CBLP. This document was forwarded by HRL to his sister and adviser, Elisabeth Moore.

  33. CBL memo, “Frequent Dream—1959 summer,” CBLP.

  34. CBL to HRL, Oct. 9, 1959, CBLP.

  35. Ralph G. Martin, Harry and Clare: An Intimate Portrait of the Luces (New York, 1991), 337.

  36. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 6, 1988.

  37. Serrell Hillman (a former Time Incer) to SJM, Mar. 18, 1988, SJMP.

  38. Martin, Harry and Clare, 341. Jeanne Campbell had kept hundreds of letters from HRL in a safety deposit box at the Plaza Hotel. All but three or four were lost in a burglary there in the early 1970s. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 12, 1988.

  39. Ibid.

  40. Ibid., Apr. 18, 1988.

  41. Ibid.; Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 6, 1988.

  42. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 17, 1988.

  43. CBL to Gerald Heard, Nov. 20, 1959, copy in SJMP.

  44. Ibid.

  45. CBL to HRL, Feb. 29, 1960, CBLP.

  46. Clare Boothe, The Women (New York, 1937), 97.

  47. CBL to HRL, Oct. 10, 1959, CBLP.

  48. CBL to HRL, Mar. 1, 1960, CBLP. CBL admitted to shouting, crying, and cursing in HRL’s presence, and he told his former wife, Lila, about her gutter vocabulary at this time. See Martin, Henry and Clare, 370.

  49. CBL to HRL, ca. Oct. 9, 1959, CBLP.

  50. Ibid., Feb. 29, 1960, CBLP.

  51. Ibid., ca. Oct. 9, 1959, CBLP.

  52. Ibid., Feb. 29, 1960, CBLP.

  53. Ibid. and Oct. 10, 1959, CBLP.

  54. Ibid., Feb. 29, 1960, CBLP.

  55. Ibid. and Mar. 1, 1960, CBLP.

  56. Murray to HRL, Sept. 23, 1959, SJMP.

  57. Boothe, The Women, 56.

  58. Shirley Clurman interview, Apr. 8, 1988. An undated memo in CBLP, “Overseas Press Mentions,” lists fifty-seven international newspapers that reported the Luce divorce rumor, thirty-four of them in Italy.

  59. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 19, 1988. Tex Moore was a colleague of Gilpatric’s at Cravath, Swaine & Moore. According to Mary Bancroft, some of HRL’s close associates at Time Inc. thought that his sister Elisabeth “would have been ‘the right wife’ for him,” making him “more Presbyterian, more ruthless.” Bancroft to W. A. Swanberg, Apr. 19, 1971, MBP.

  60. Murray to HRL, Oct. 2, 1959, CBLP.

  61. CBL interview, Mar. 31, 1982.

  62. Ibid. and June 16, 1982; Murray to CBL, Aug. 1, [1962], CBLP.

  63. Dorothy Farmer interview, Sept. 8, 1981.

  64. Time, Dec. 12, 1960. HRL even signed over his Buick automobile for the priest’s use in Maryland. Dorothea Philp to Murray, Apr. 26 and May 2, 1951, JCMP.

  65. CBL to Dr. Cohen, “Sunday,” n.d., ca. 1963, CBLP.

  66. CBL to Murray, Apr. 5, 1960, CBLP.

  67. Murray to HRL, n.d., ca. Oct. 5, 1959, CBLP.

  68. CBL to HRL, Oct. 10, 1959, CBLP.

  69. CBL to HRL, “Oct. 1959 en route to S.F.,” CBLP.

  70. CBL to Jeanne Campbell, ca. mid-October 1959 [unfinished and unsent], CBLP.

  71. CBL memo ca. early spring 1960, a list of reasons for the failure of her marriage, and whether she and HRL should separate or divorce, CBLP. Gilpatric later became JFK’s Deputy Secretary of Defense.

  72. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988; Leila Luce interview, Apr. 8, 1996.

  73. Nancy Randolph, “Chit-Chat,” New York Daily News, Oct. 21, 1959.

  74. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988; Randolph, “Chit-Chat.”

  75. Joseph X. Dever, “Society Today,” The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 22, 1959.

  76. CBL to HRL, Oct. 19, 1959. “Dear—there’s everything ready so you won’t be interrupted. I am down in 38H.… You can get me there when you want me. Always WIFF.” CBLP.

  77. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988.

  78. Ibid.

  79. Ibid.

  80. Ruth Buchanan interview, Jan. 24, 1984 (“She took her place and never lowered her head. She was there as proud as you please and she was Mrs. Henry Luce”); Earl Wilson syndicated column, Oct. 28, 1959.

  81. CBL to Gerald Miller, Nov. 5, CBLP.

  82. Morris, Rage for Fame, 307.

  83. CBL diary, Aug. 24, 1960, SJMP.

  84. CBL to Gerald Heard, Nov. 20, 1959, SJMP.

  85. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988.

  86. McCall’s, Feb. 1960.

  87. Gerald Heard to CBL, Feb. 13, 1960, CBLP; CBL interview, Feb. 10, 1985; Kobler, Luce, 102.

  88. Dr. Cohen to CBL, Dec. 14, 1960, CBLP.

  89. Sidney Cohen, “Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Side Effects and Complications,” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 130 (Jan. 1960).

  90. CBL to Dr. Cohen, ca. Sept. 1963, CBLP.

  91. Ibid.

  92. Dr. Cohen to CBL, Feb. 10, 1960, CBLP.

  93. CBL to HRL, Mar. 1, 1960, CBLP.

  94. Ibid.; CBL to Murray, Apr. 5, 1960, CBLP. The former letter was the first of several lengthy documents, amounting to some one hundred thousand words, that CBL wrote for therapeutic reasons over the next few days.

  95. HRL got this phrase from Mary Bancroft. Bancroft, “Reflections,” May 23, 1958, MBP. A man asked her if she had some Irish whiskey, and she told HRL, “Evidently the map of Ireland is still very evident on my face!”

  96. CBL to Murray, ca. Mar. 3, 1960, CBLP.

  97. Ibid., Apr. 5, 1960, CBLP. HRL’s “dying Gaul” reference was to a Hellenistic statue in Rome’s Capitoline Museums.

  98. CBL to Louisa Jenkins, Mar. 7, 1960; CBL to Murray, ca. Mar. 3, 1960, CBLP.

  99. Gerald Heard to CBL, Mar. 12, 1960, CBLP.

  100. CBL, untitled description of HRL, ca. Mar. 1960, CBLP; CBL interview, Feb. 10, 1985.

  101. CBL untitled description of HRL, ca. Mar. 1960, CBLP.

  102. The New York Times and The Washington Post, Apr. 22, 1960, Austin American (Tex.), Apr. 26, 1960; Marya Mannes, Out of My Time (New York, 1971), 153–54.

  103. CBL to HRL, Apr. 27 and May 16, 1960, CBLP.

  104. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988.

  105. Clipping of Cholly Knickerbocker column, ca. late Apr. 1960, found in HRL’s wallet after his death and shown by CBL to SJM on June 18, 1982.

  106. HRL cable to CBL, May 10, 1960, CBLP.

  107. CBL to HRL, May 10, 1960, CBLP.

  108. CBL cable copy, 12:47 A.M., June 1, 1960, CBLP; CBL interview, June 20, 1982.

  109. “Conference Between CBL and HRL—Waldorf Apartment—June 1, 1960,” SJMP.

  110. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 6, 1988.

  111. HRL to CBL, July 20, 1960, CBLP. CBL’s sudden interest in divorce may have been prompted by Bernard Baruch’s counsel, “Don’t you budge for less than seventeen million.” Lawrenson, “The Woman.”

  112. Jeanne Campbell interviews, June 18 and Apr. 6, 1988; Martin, Harry and Clare, 369.

  113. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 6, 1988.

  114. Quoted in CBL to Murray, July 16, 1962, CBLP.

  115. HRL to CBL, July 20, 1960, CBLP; Murray to CBL, Dec. 29, 1961, CBLP; HRL to CBL, June 19, 1969, CBLP. CBL already had joint ownership of the Phoenix house. Acquiring similar rights to Sugar Hill would give her prohibitive tax liabilities.

  116. CBL to HRL,
June 2, 1960, CBLP.

  117. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 6, 1988.

  118. CBL to Letitia Baldrige, May 20, 1963, CBLP. CBL quoted Joseph Kennedy as saying, “Harry, he couldn’t have made it without the breaks you gave him.” See also Swanberg, Luce, 410; Nasaw, The Patriarch, 739–40.

  119. New York Herald Tribune, July 22, 1960. CBL met Tunney in the late 1920s when he was world heavyweight champion. Harry Evans, “Broadway Diary,” Family Circle, Apr. 21, 1939.

  120. CBL interview, Apr. 2, 1982.

  121. CBL, “The Double-Bind,” 8, CBLP.

  122. CBL to Dr. Cohen, n.d., ca. 1962, CBLP. CBL was referring to Cohen, on whom she had a crush, and whom she described as “an extraordinarily compassionate man.” She believed he loved her and was the only one who really knew her.

  123. AP report, July 23, 1960; The New York Times, July 24 and 25, 1960.

  124. Randolph Churchill to CBL, Aug. 4, 1960, CBLP; Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 13, 1988; Dr. Michael Rosenbluth interview, May 7, 1984.

  125. Louisa Jenkins to CBL, July 25, 1960, CBLP.

  126. Randolph Churchill to CBL, Aug. 4, 1960, CBLP. CBL never saw Randolph again, but he wrote her on Jan. 6, 1963: “My personal feelings for you are unchanged from when we met at Chartwell and the Ritz Hotel, Paris, and before you had the misfortune to meet Robinson.” CBLP.

  127. CBL to Murray, Aug. 1, 1960, CBLP; CBL’s LSD notes, Aug. 8, 1960, CBLP; Gerald Heard to CBL, Aug 1, 1960, CBLP; CBL to Dr. Cohen, n.d., ca. 1963, CBLP; Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988.

  128. New York World-Telegram and Sun, Aug. 30, 1960; CBL vacation diary, Aug. 19–25, 1960, SJMP.

  129. Kobler, Luce, 4.

  130. Ibid.; CBL told SJM that HRL had speculated that his sexual “deficiency” with women might be due to latent homosexuality. Mary Bancroft wrote to HRL’s biographer, W. A. Swanberg, for his private “enlightenment” about the possibility, and he replied saying he had decided not to publish whatever suspicions or evidence he had because he felt the subject could not be mentioned “until the biographer of 2001 comes along.” Swanberg to Mary Bancroft, Jan. 23, 1971, MBP.

  44. A NEW ERA

  1. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988.

  2. Erich Maria Remarque to CBL, Sept. 2 and n.d., 1960, SJMP; Hedda Hopper in Houston Post, Sept. 30, 1960; CBL to HRL, Sept. 17, 23, 26, and 29, 1960, CBLP; HRL to CBL, “Thursday” [Sept. 29,] 1960 (“I am delighted to have the pleasure of taking care of the Balenciaga raid!”), CBLP; Ferdinando Gazzoni to CBL, Sept. 19 and Nov. 11, 1960 (“AM IN POSSESSION OF RENOWNED DRUG. PLEASE CABLE WHICH USE INTENDED FOR OTHERWISE SHIPPING IMPOSSIBLE”), CBLP. CBL continued to try other potential sources for LSD, including a Greek professor in Athens and the Buddhist scholar Alan Watts. In the last case, she appears to have been successful. N. C. Louros to CBL, Oct. 18, 1960, and Alan Watts to CBL, Oct. 13, 1960, CBLP.

  3. CBL to HRL, Sept. 23, 1960, CBLP.

  4. Nancy A. Walker, Shaping Our Mothers’ World: American Women’s Magazines (Jackson, Miss., 2000), 13.

  5. CBL to Wilfrid Sheed, May 30, 1973, CBLP.

  6. Richard Nixon to CBL, Sept. 9, 1960, CBLP.

  7. CBL to Letitia Baldrige, May 20, 1963, CBLP.

  8. Swanberg, Luce, 410–13; Elson, The World of Time Inc., 474–75; Brinkley, The Publisher, 425.

  9. Randolph Churchill to HRL, Aug. 13, 1960 [CBL copy], SJMP. Randolph chided CBL for avoiding his phone calls. “I expect better treatment than I have had from you. Pray God to make you a better girl.” Aug. 13, 1960, SJMP.

  10. John Courtney Murray to Dr. Cohen, Nov. 20, 1960, SCP.

  11. Ibid.; Cohen to Murray, Nov. 22, 1960, SCP.

  12. CBL to Cohen, Dec. 6, 1960, JCMP. In a letter to Murray dated Dec. 11, 1960, Cohen said he had seen CBL exactly two weeks before.

  13. Cohen to CBL, Dec. 14, 1960, SCP.

  14. CBL to Cohen, n.d., but probably early Jan. 1961, SCP.

  15. Ibid., Apr. 2, 1962, SCP.

  16. Cohen to CBL, Apr. 18, 1961, SCP.

  17. CBL to Cohen, n.d., and perhaps unsent. CBLP.

  18. Ibid.

  19. Ibid.

  20. Ibid. CBL asked Cohen to advise her—for a fee—on the character of a psychiatrist in her play Love Is a Verb. He agreed and was sent a copy. Dorothy Farmer to Dr. Cohen, Apr. 9, 1962, SCP. The play never made it to Broadway.

  21. Copy of Cohen’s book in CBLP.

  22. Although CBL complained about her loss of creative writing ability, in early 1961 she published two substantial articles: “Italy After One Hundred Years,” Foreign Affairs (Jan. 1961), and “America’s Image Abroad,” Modern Age 5, no. 1 (Winter 1960–1961).

  23. CBL interview, Jan. 6, 1982. CBL to Letitia Baldrige, May 20, 1963, quotes Johnson saying to her and HRL, “hand on heart” before the 1960 convention, “I wouldn’t be on his team if he got down on his knees.” At JFK’s Inaugural Ball, the Luces sat in a box with Joseph and Rose Kennedy.

  24. CBL to “Dr. Thompkins,” Mar. 17, 1961, CBLP; CBL to Murray, Dec. 26, 1961, CBLP.

  25. CBL to Thompkins, Mar. 17, 1961, CBLP; Cohen to CBL, Apr. 18, 1961, SCP; Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988.

  26. CBL to Thompkins, Mar. 17, 1961, CBLP.

  27. Dr. Michael Rosenbluth interview, May 7, 1984; CBL to Dr. Thompkins, Mar. 17, 1961, CBLP.

  28. Jeanne Campbell had the impression that HRL had her under surveillance, because after telephoning her some five times a day previously, he now stopped altogether. Jeanne Campbell interview, Apr. 18, 1988.

  29. CBL to Cohen, Apr. 25, 1961, SCP.

  30. CBL to Stan Swinton, Jan. 27, 1961, CBLP.

  31. CBL to HRL, ca. mid-Dec. 1961, CBLP; CBL to Murray, Dec. 26, 1961, CBLP.

  32. Ibid.; Henry Luce III interview, Sept. 6, 1983; Dorothy Farmer to CBL, July 27, 1983, CBLP; Shirley Clurman in Vanity Fair, Oct. 28, 1987. In 1961, Dorothy Farmer overheard HRL asking CBL what she wanted for Christmas. She replied, “Why don’t you put the things you’ve already given me in my name?” Ann Charnley interview, Feb. 13, 1990. Friends variously recalled the cost of the pearl necklace as being between $150,000 and $300,000.

  33. Arizona Republic, Jan. 30, 1962.

  34. New York Herald Tribune, Jan. 23, 1962.

  35. JFK to CBL, Mar. 28, 1962; CBL to JFK, Apr. 10, 1962, CBLP. The cultural center opened after the President’s death and was named after him.

  36. Dorothy Farmer to Rosemary Wood, Apr. 2, 1962, CBLP. Six Crises became a bestseller, earning Nixon $250,000 and burnishing his credentials for another presidential run.

  37. Chávez to CBL, May 12, 1962, CCP; Murray to CBL, July 8, 1962, CBLP.

  38. Ibid.; Chávez to CBL, Oct. 30, 1957, CCP.

  39. CBL to Murray, July 16, 1962, CBLP; Murray to CBL, July 8 and Aug. 1, 1962, CBLP.

  40. Murray to CBL, July 8 and Aug. 1, 1962, CBLP.

  41. William Harlan Hale, Hannibal Hooker (New York, 1939), 104ff.

  42. William Harlan Hale to CBL, Dec. 3, 1962, CBLP. Morris, Rage for Fame, 200–02.

  43. Hale to CBL, June 24, 1962, CBLP. His visit to Ridgefield appears to have been on June 14, 1962.

  44. CBL, “A Balearic Breakfast,” New York Post-Gazette, Nov. 21, 1934.

  45. CBL to Ilse and Sidney Cohen, July 21, 1962, SCP.

  46. CBL to Murray, July 16, 1962, CBLP.

  47. Ibid.; CBL Majorca calendar, July–Sept. 1962, CBLP.

  48. CBL 1962 scrapbook, CBLP; CBL, “Christmas in August,” McCall’s, Dec. 1962.

  49. Letitia Baldrige interview, Apr. 4, 1988. Her friend reportedly “ended up later in a bad way in North Africa somewhere.”

  50. Hale to CBL, Oct. 2, 1963, and Oct. 29, 1962, CBLP. He told his wife he was going to Majorca, then wrote CBL, “This lifts the burden of subterfuge that I haven’t liked.” Aug. 7, 1962, CBLP.

  51. Gerald Heard to Dr. Cohen, Aug. 16, 1962, SCP.

  52. Journal of the American Medical Association 181 (July 14, 1962).

  53. CBL, “Eisenhower Administ
ration,” 87. For annoyance in the Kennedy White House at Time’s perceived bias, see, e.g., Theodore Sorenson memo to JFK, Aug. 3, 1961, HRL to JFK, Sept. 21, 1962, and JFK to HRL, Oct.1, 1962, Special Correspondence Series, JFKP.

  54. The main source for this account of CBL’s meeting with JFK is CBL, memorandum of conversation, Sept. 26, 1962, CBLP. Years later, she recalled JFK as being “sexy as a goat,” with “his hand on the charm spigot.” CBL to Wilfrid Sheed, May 30, 1973, and June 15, 1982, CBLP. To SJM she remarked, “Jack couldn’t keep his hands off women, and once made a pass at me.” CBL interview, June 12, 1982.

  55. Hugh Sidey interview, Feb, 15, 1983.

  56. CBL to JFK, Oct. 4, 1962, draft copy in CBLP.

  57. CBL draft article on JFK, and letter of rejection from John N. Wheeler of the North American Newspaper Alliance to CBL, Oct. 16, 1962, SJMP.

  58. At a reunion of crisis participants on March 5, 1987, Robert McNamara admitted that the White House never had hard evidence of the presence of nuclear warheads in Cuba, “but it was prudent for us to act as if they were.”

  59. “Nuclear Files: Key Issues … Cuban Missile Crisis: Timeline,” http://​www.​nuclearfiles.​org.

  60. CBL to Betty Beale, The Washington Post, Nov. 16, 1975, CBLP. Allen Dulles had been succeeded at this time as Director of the CIA by John McCone, but remained clandestinely active in agency affairs. According to Gaeton Fonzi in “The Last Investigation,” Cuban Information Archives, http://​www.​cuban-​exile.​com, CBL gave anti-Castro Cubans $600.

  61. Ibid.; The Washington Post, Nov. 16, 1975.

  62. See, e.g., CBL’s Cuba-related articles in the New York Herald Tribune, Sept. 30, 1962, Life, Oct. 5, 1962, and a series for the Chicago American published in the fall of 1962; also Washington Star, Feb. 3, 1963, Buffalo News, Feb. 12, 1963, and Los Angeles Times, Feb. 17, 1963.

  63. Speech typescript, Jan. 1963, CBLP.

  64. The New York Times, Jan. 2, 1963; CBL, “De Gaulle Upheld on Nuclear Stand,” Washington Star, Feb. 3, 1963.

  65. Congressional Record, Feb. 4, 1963.


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