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The Scandalous Son

Page 3

by Unknown

  But Alice would never know because it was then that Gage ended their kiss and leaned back. His green eyes were glazed as he took in the look of confusion spreading across her features.

  He kissed her hand as he got up and headed towards the door. “You were most unexpected,” he said before he opened the door to leave.

  Chapter Nine

  Alice had arrived back from shopping with her Aunt when she saw the elegant invitation sitting on the entry way table. She picked it up and read it aloud.

  “Dearest Miss Rutledge,

  You are cordially invited to dinner and

  entertainment for this evening, at the residence

  of the Earl of Devonshire.”

  “How wonderful,” Aunt Millie said. “It sounds delightful, plus you can wear one of the dresses we brought home with us.”

  Alice laughed at her Aunt’s enthusiasm. “You sound awfully excited to send me off to dinner,” she said jokingly.

  “Now, I’ve got not a clue as to why you would think that, but it’s not every day that one gets invited to an evening with an Earl,” Aunt Millie said to her. She took Alice’s hand into hers and became very serious. “I know times have been tough, but this match with St. Vincent would be most beneficial.”

  “What makes you think he even fancies me? Maybe he just wants to fill an empty seat at his dining table.”

  Aunt Millie rolled her eyes. “Oh you daft girl! It only takes one look at the pair of you to see that he’s keen on you.”

  “But what about love?” Alice asked. “What If I don’t love him?”

  “And what do you know of love? Has someone stolen your heart?”

  Alice blushed. “No my heart is mine, I assure you.”

  “If you say, dear. Now, back to the question at hand, what dress are you going to wear?”

  Gage watched as Alice arrived at the party. She entered the room in a dark teal colored dress that almost made her eyes seem green instead of the blue he knew them to be. Her hair was artfully pinned up and there was a sparkling necklace dangling from her slender neck. In that moment, Gage wanted nothing more than to feast at the base of her neck to see if she tasted as good as she looked.

  Alice started in his direction, but she hadn’t seen him yet. She stopped to greet a group of people before moving on. Gage could sense the moment in which she realized his presence. Her step slowed and her body tensed, but she continued towards him.

  Gage could feel his body responding to her closeness. He could smell the light floral scent that was uniquely her, and there was an uneasy feeling in his stomach. This was the first time they had seen one another since he’d snuck into her room. Needless to say, he was unsure of how this meeting would go.

  “Mr. Albright,” Alice greeted in a restrained voice.

  Gage took her hand a brought it to his lips, where he placed the lightest of kisses. Alice’s eyes were wide and there was a faint tinge to her cheeks.

  Alice was distracted by the memories of his lips on hers and it took her a moment to realize that he’d said something.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” she asked.

  Gage smirked at her distraction. “I was just commenting on how lovely you look tonight. Most fetching,” he said as his eyes ran over her again.

  Alice was full on blushing now at Albright’s words. “Thank you, you look quite dashing too.”

  Gage cut quite the figure and the way his muscled body filled out his waist coat had Alice’s fingers twitching to touch his bare skin again.

  Just then, the Earl of Devonshire walked in and announced that dinner would be starting.

  “May I?” Gage asked as he offered his arm to Alice.

  “You may,” she answered as she linked her arm through his.

  The dining hall was opulent and extravagant which were two things that Alice was beginning to associate with the overly wealthy.

  They were looking for their seats when St. Vincent spoke up. “Mr. Albright, Miss Rutledge,” the Earl welcomed. “Tonight you two shall be my guests of honor and will have the pleasure of dining next to me. This way,” he gestured.

  Gage led Alice to her seat at the front of the table. He pulled out her chair and helped her before finding his own seat. His father was at the head of the table, with Gage on one side and Alice on the other, which meant that he and Alice were facing one another. How fortunate, he thought.

  Once everyone was seated, wine was poured and the first course was set down in front of them. St. Vincent was talking to a gentleman next to Gage, which was fine by Alice.

  Her mind was busy replaying every moment with Albright the night he so gallingly snuck into her room. The man was scandalous, that was for sure. A part of Alice wished that he hadn’t left, but she knew that it was the right thing to do. Without knowing what she was doing, she put a finger to her lips, wanting to remember how it felt to have his lips pressed against hers.

  She looked over to Gage and realized that he was looking at her and watching her finger run over her lips. His eyes had the same look now as he’d had when he kissed her before, and Alice’s heart beat rapidly at the thought of kissing him again.

  Alice dropped her hand and reached for the glass of wine. She took a large drink and tried to get her mind off the man sitting across from her.

  After the last course had been served, the guests were invited to the entertainment portion of the evening. Gage got up and came around to Alice’s chair. He leaned down so that he was almost whispering.

  “It would give me great pleasure to escort you. One can only hope that there will be a small alcove that we can hide in along the way.”

  At the blatant reminder of their first kiss, Alice instantly blushed and she gave Albright a stern look when she got up. However, judging by the smile on his face, he wasn’t buying it.

  “You should be ashamed of yourself,” Alice said as they walked with the rest of the guests.

  His eyebrows rose at her words. “Whatever for?” Gage asked quizzically.

  “For offering a young girl a kiss for passage and then making sure she had to take you up on your wolfish offer. Poor, young, innocent thing. Probably scared for life now, never able to kiss anyone ever again,” she said in mock horror.

  “Quite right you are. You see, I’ve ruined her for everyone but myself. And how could I possibly be ashamed when her kiss touches my soul?” he countered.

  Alice looked up at Gage’s face, but he was staring straight ahead. Nothing on his face giving any clues to his words.

  Making their way to the great hall, Alice could see a stage set up with a painted backdrop and a wide array of comfortable furniture for guests to sit on.

  Once the guests were seated, a thin man came out on the stage and set the scene for the play. Tonight’s theme was a farce and centered around a cuckold husband and his wondering wife. When he exited the stage, the lights dimmed and the show began.

  They had just finished the first act, where the husband learns of his wife’s adulterous ways, when Gage put an arm behind the back of the divan they were sitting on and leaned in so that only she could hear him.

  “If you were my wife, I would keep you in bed all day so you would never even think to look elsewhere.”

  The play in front of her faded away as Alice was lost in the daydream of being married to Albright. She could only image what it would be like to truly be his wife. Not to mention the idea of spending all day in bed together.

  As if he knew the effect he was having on her, his whole body seem to move closer so that his chest brushed her shoulder and his thigh was against her thigh. The room was so dark that no one would have noticed his closeness, which is probably why he was acting so bold.

  “But alas, those are only pipe dreams. We both know that my fortune isn’t quite up to your standards. So riddle me this: If you married St. Vincent, would you still invite me to your bed?”

  The anger was instant within Alice. “How dare you,” Alice said as she moved apart from him
. “I never invited you to my room.”

  Gage looked into her eyes, “But you never told me to leave either.”

  With that last remark, Alice got up and left without a word to anyone. Who was he to insinuate that she would be unfaithful to her husband once she actually was married?

  Gage felt hollow after Alice’s quick departure. What was wrong with him that he would even think of saying that to her? But he knew what it was.

  The idea of being married to Alice was far too appealing and he could see her glazed expression that she was considering it too. But reality was a cold wind that never stopped blowing. Gage decided then that he would find a way to change the wind’s favor.

  Chapter Nine

  Alice was still seething from Gage’s crass words. Even though it had been a week since the incident, the words were still fresh in her mind. She hadn’t wanted to come out tonight, but Aunt Millie had insisted.

  Alice had chosen a steel gray colored dress, that was cut a bit too low, showing far more cleavage than normal. She’d used a heavy hand when applying her makeup and she pinned up half of her hair and left the other half down. She had a ruby filled choker tied at her neck and she looked wildly stunning.

  When she had entered the ballroom, several heads had turned her way and that was the reaction she was hoping for. She wouldn’t admit it, but she wanted to get back at Gage and so far her plan was working. All she had to do was wait for Gage to show up.

  She was talking to one of her Aunt’s friends when she suddenly felt like she was being watched. She excused herself from the conversation and turned around to see Albright standing there, his eyes drinking in every inch of her.

  Gage’s fiery gaze was starting to leave a slow burn within her and Alice knew that she had to get away from him before she completely forgot about her plan. Percy Graham just happened to walk by and Alice stopped him.

  “Pardon me, Mr. Graham, but would you give me the pleasure of dancing a set?” she asked sweetly.

  Percy was more than thrilled at her fake interest and quickly led her to the dance floor. It wasn’t until they started to dance that Alice remembered what a horrible dance partner Percy was, and she spent the rest of the set getting her foot stepped on.

  Gage watched them go, knowing that Alice was still upset with him. Sometimes he just couldn’t help what came out of his mouth when she was around. Her mere presence caused so many emotions within him, and he didn’t always do the best job of regulating his feelings.

  He grabbed a glass of champagne and gulped it down. He kept his eye on Alice and felt the slightest bit of satisfaction every time Graham landed on her foot. There was no question that she would have bruises later on.

  Someone interrupted the dancing pair and as it always happened to be, it was St. Vincent. The new couple danced and moved gracefully, and there wasn’t one single misplaced foot. Standing there watching them, Gage didn’t feel a single drop of hate, only a strong sense of annoyance at both of them.

  St. Vincent shouldn’t even be with Alice in the first place for two reasons. The first being that she’s was far too young for him and the second being that in Gage’s mind, Alice was already his. Alice was wasting both of their time by ignoring him, as if any good would come out of that.

  Watching her interact with Graham and St. Vincent reminded him of the first time they’d met. Gage had been more than happy to be stuck in that tiny alcove with that beautiful blonde, and after their kiss, he never wanted to leave. That must have been the day that she first stole a piece of his heart.

  St. Vincent led Alice off the dance floor and they walked arm in arm to get a glass of champagne. Alice was baiting her eyelashes and she placed her hand on his arm and left it there for longer than Gage liked. Gage knew Alice’s motive but it was the absolute adoration that he saw in his father’s eyes that made him feel sick.

  Alice clearly had the Earl eating out of her palm and Gage didn’t care to watch anymore. He quietly left the ball and vowed to stop by Aunt Millie’s house tomorrow to atone for his actions.

  Chapter Ten

  Gage was trying to figure out the best apology for Alice. He knew that it needed to be heartfelt so that she would be able to see the depth of his feelings for her. He was certain that this apology would be the catalyst on which their relationship shifted to a more serious nature.

  He had decided to walk to Aunt Millie’s house, knowing that the exercise would help him ease his nerves. Gage was almost to the home when none other than his father came walking out of the front door, looking far too happy for Gage’s liking.

  Buggard! Gage thought. This is not what he needed right now. But he plastered a friendly smile on his face, not wanting to blow his cover with St. Vincent.

  “Mr. Albright,” St. Vincent greeted. “What a lovely day it is, is it not?” he said cheerily.

  “I suppose so,” Gage said tersely. “What brings you out this afternoon?”

  “The lovely Miss Rutledge,” he answered. “You see, she is soon to be the Countess of Devonshire.”

  Gage wanted to kill the man in front of him. What more could he possibly take from him? First his mother and now Alice, when would it be enough? But he remained stoic, locking his feelings away for now. “What great news,” he managed to get out.

  “Indeed, indeed. Now if you will excuse me I must be on my way. Good day, Albright.”

  Gage remained standing where he was, trying to school his features before he went inside.

  After he had collected himself, Gage knocked on the door to the town house and it was quickly opened for him. He was ushered into the sitting room, where Alice was standing looking out a window. Aunt Millie was pouring a cup of tea and welcomed Gage as he came in.

  Alice had yet to turn around to see him. But there was no question that she had heard her Aunt greet him.

  “Would you look at that,” Aunt Millie said, almost to herself. “If you will excuse me for a moment, I need to talk to Greta about the tea service.” And with that she left the room, leaving Gage and Alice alone.

  Gage continued to stand, resting both of his hands on the back of the sofa in front of him.

  “Funny thing,” he started, “I ran into St. Vincent outside and he said that you had agreed to marry him. Which shouldn’t surprise me,” he sighed, “but I just need to hear it from you though.”

  Alice continued to stare out the window. “Yes, it’s true,” she said softly, her words flooding the silent room.

  Gage’s head fell in defeat at her admission. There was a heavy weight in his stomach and a sharp ache piercing his chest. He’d already known what she would say but hearing it from those beautiful lips was like a dagger straight to his heart.

  “Gage” Alice said as she turned around.

  Gage put his hand up to stop her. He couldn’t handle hearing her apology right now. “Don’t,” he said as he shook his head. “Don’t you dare try to apologize to me!” The anger was clear in his voice now. “I opened my heart to you; I let you in and look where that has gotten me. Shoved to the side for something more favorable!” he huffed. “Tell me, did you even care for me or was that just for fun too?” he mocked.

  “You have no right” Alice started, only to be cut off again.

  “No, you have no right to play with my emotions like this. This is your doing and let me tell you, I hope you feel horrible in your choice. I hope that when you’re in his arms you can do nothing but think of me. I hope that when he kisses you, it’s my lips you feel on your skin.”

  Alice looked at the floor, her hands shaking as she waited for him to finish.

  “I bet your parent’s will be very proud when they hear that you’ve landed an Earl.”

  Alice grimaced and closed her eyes. He was being so cruel, but Alice didn’t know what hurt the most, his words or the truth behind them.

  “I think it would be best if you left,” she managed.

  Gage nodded in agreement, “Good day, Miss Rutledge,” he said formally, the
words cold on his lips.

  Alice waited until the he was gone to let the tears fall. And fall they did, until she had no more to give.

  Chapter Eleven

  Gage arrived at his father’s home and pounded on the door. The night was late and most of the house was probably asleep but Gage didn’t care. There was a sense of recklessness to him and his heart was pounding wildly in his chest as he knocked again. Alice was set to marry the Earl tomorrow, so tonight had to be the night where everything became known.

  This was the moment he had been waiting for, but now he was starting to question his need for revenge. Would the pain caused be worth it, when all he really truly wanted was Alice? It suddenly occurred to Gage that maybe he could leverage something else from his father.

  Gage was getting ready to knock again when the door opened to a tired looking butler.

  “I’m sorry to wake you, kind man, but it is of utmost importance that I see the Earl tonight.”

  “And what would your business be at this time of night?” the old man questioned.

  “It’s of a private nature, but you can tell him that I’m a friend of Corrine Baxbury.”

  “Wait here,” he said as he closed the door.

  Gage waited impatiently on the door step. He’d drank three fingers of scotch before coming, knowing that he would need the encouragement and now he wished he would have drank more.

  It wasn’t long before the butler came back and told him that the Earl would see him now. He led Gage through the house, before stopping just outside the study’s doorway. Gage thanked the man and then turned to see his father standing next to the fire, holding a decanter and two glasses.

  “Something about this meeting makes me think a drink might be needed. Would you like one?” St. Vincent said by way of greeting.

  Gage nodded in agreement and quietly watched as his father poured two glasses of scotch and handed him one. His father sat down in a chair and motioned for Gage to sit in the chair across from him.


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