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Depravicus Page 4

by Ray Gordon

  "Goodness me, Reverend Mother. I really don't think..."

  "You don't have to think, Bishop. You just leave it to me. A novice nun arrived yesterday. She's extremely attractive and completely stupid. Ideal for my plan, wouldn't you say?"

  "Well, yes. But to have a girl..."

  "Once Entercock sets eyes on her he'll do his utmost to... Well, you know. He'll crave her and succumb to his disgusting male desires. You don't have disgusting male desires do you, Bishop?"

  "Er... no," he stammered, mopping his brow with his handkerchief.

  "I'm pleased to hear it. I'll ring Entercock now."

  "Now? Isn't it rather late?"

  "There's no time like the present, Bishop. Particularly when it comes to nailing the ex-Reverend William Entercock. Give me half an hour and then go to the police station and bring PC Bridlington here."

  "Is that wise, Reverend Mother? I mean, he arrested you for..."

  "Point taken," she murmured, scratching her ample breasts. "OK, give me half an hour and then bring another police officer here. I'll have Entercock caught in a compromising position with the new nun. We can't fail, Bishop. We can't fail."

  "I hope not. The problem is, Entercock has dark and evil forces on his side."

  "So do we, Bishop," she giggled wickedly. "So do we."


  "Indeed we do. We have me on our side."

  Walking along the lane to the convent, Will couldn't believe that a nun had phoned him and invited him to a private party in her room. Sister Uterinus? He'd never heard of her. There again, there must have been several new nuns who'd taken up residence at the convent in the six months since his grossly unfair defrocking. This was some kind of trick, he was sure. Young nuns don't ring priests out of the blue and invite them to their rooms for private parties. Well, some do. Reckoning that the Reverend Mother was behind a wicked and evil scam, he decided to ere on the side of caution. Invited to a private party shortly after the hag-bag's threats? There was coincidence, and a setup. At least the bar was being erected in his dining room by two burly fuckers.

  Creeping through the grounds of the convent, he slipped into the building through the side door. The nun had asked him to meet her in the chapel, and would take him to her room from there. Apparently, she'd heard of his Casanova-like reputation and was dying to meet him. That was fair enough. He wasn't at all surprised that a teenage girl was desperate for his magnificent cock. But she'd never met him. And where did she get his phone number from?

  Things were too quiet in the convent for Will's liking. During his visits in the good old days, the place had been bustling with nuns and heaving with fresh pussy. In fact, the air had been heavy with the aphrodisiacal perfume of panties. It was a rat he was smelling now, not fresh cunny juice. Where were the shrieks of female laughter? Where were the distant cries of rampant masturbation and orgasm? Where was the soft buzzing of vibrators? Wandering into the chapel, half expecting to be confronted by the mother of all hag-bags, he walked down the aisle to the altar.

  "Over here," a girl whispered, emerging from the shadows.

  "Sister Uterinus, I presume," Will smiled, eyeing her pretty face.

  "That's right. I'm glad you came."

  "And I'm sure I will be," he grinned, focusing on the hugging material of her habit rising over her breasts. "So, what's all this about?"

  "I'm having a party. A private party, just you and me."

  "Alice went to a private party and almost got laid by a dormouse."

  "Did she?"

  "So rumour has it."

  "That must have been nice for her. I'll take you to my room."

  "Before you do that, would you mind showing me the laundry room?" Will asked, a wicked and most deviously cunning plan coming to mind.

  "The laundry room?" she echoed, her eyelids fluttering alluringly. "Why do you want to go to the laundry room?"

  "My mother worked there in the mid-eighteen hundreds," he enlightened the pretty cumslut. "She's gone now, God rest her. Passed away last month beneath a cloud of accusations of indecent behaviour in the public toilets."

  "Oh, I am sorry."

  "So was the judge. I'd like to see where she worked, where she toiled relentlessly to feed her sixteen illegitimate children."

  "Yes, of course. Follow me."

  So far so good, Will mused, following the girl out of the chapel and up a winding staircase. He knew his way around the convent well, and this was a short cut avoiding the main stairs. If this was a setup, the Reverend Mother would be hovering close to the girl's room, which was on the far side of the building. He'd be safe enough here, he knew as he crossed a corridor and followed the girl into the laundry room.

  The all too familiar aroma of stained knickers filling his nostrils, he almost creamed his cassock. Closing the door and sliding the bolt across, he eyed the pretty girl's succulent lips. Wondering whether she was a virgin, he imagined slipping his knob between her pretty lips and fucking her wet mouth.

  "Well, this is it," she said.

  "Indeed, it is," Will smiled, his penis stiffening, his balls spasming in anticipation.

  "So, your poor mother worked in this very room around one-hundred and fifty years ago?"

  "Sadly, this is the very place where she toiled and toiled to feed her bastard fledglings."

  "It must have been hard."


  "Shall we go to my room now?"

  "No, not yet," he replied, taking a pair of convent knickers from a laundry basket and sniffing the crotch. "I'm wondering whether or not you're bait."

  "Bait?" she frowned.

  "Mmm," he breathed. "Bait for a trap, a trap set by the Reverend Mother."

  "I... I don't know what you mean," she returned shakily.

  "Take your habit off."

  "No," she gasped, her eyes widening as she stared at him in apparent amazement.

  "I suggest you do as you're told, my child."

  "We... we have to go to my room."

  "The door's locked, so we're safe enough here. Take your habit off."


  "Or would you rather I took it off?"

  Removing her wimple, her long auburn hair tumbling over her shoulders, she tugged her habit over her head. She was slender, the violin curves of her body beautifully formed. Will eyed the small indent of her navel adorning the gentle rise of her stomach.

  Will wondered why she hardly protested when he'd ordered her to remove her habit. He knew from experience that girls didn't immediately strip off at the request of a pervy priest. Not without a little coaxing, anyway. Or blackmail. He reckoned it was as if she'd been expecting him to ask her to strip. Part of a plan? He eyed her pink panties hugging the contours of her love lips. What was the Pope's involvement in this? Sure that the Reverend Fucker was hovering close to the girl's room, Will reckoned the plan was for the girl to scream accusations.

  Standing before Entercock in her bra and tight panties, her dark eyes mirroring fear, her hands trembling, she waited for his next inevitable instruction. But she knew damned well what his next inevitable instruction was. Didn't she?

  "Take your bra off," he inevitably ordered her.

  "We must go to my room," she sighed.

  "And get caught by the Reverend Mother?"

  "She told me to..."

  "She told you to what?" Will grinned.

  "Er... Nothing."

  "Did you receive your orders directly from the Pope, or from the top? From the CIA?"

  "Orders?" she murmured. "I..."

  "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to punish you most severely, my child. God has given me the authority to punish girls who act as bait to hook priests."

  "But I'm not bait."

  "I'm sorry, but I have no choice in the matter. God has spoken, and ordered me to give you a damned good spanking. I suggest you remove your bra and panties before you further rouse the wrath of God."


  "And Satan."


  Unhooking her bra, the girl peeled the silk cups away from her breasts. Her nipples standing proud she slipped her thumbs between the tight elastic of her panties and her shapely hips. Will watched with bated breath, his cock rock-hard, his full balls heaving. The pink material slipping down over the mound of her mons, she hesitated. Was her hesitancy part of the act? A perfunctory move to add credence to her feigned plight?

  Eager to focus on her pussy, Will eyed the black fleece of her pubes, licking his lips as he imagined tonguing her there. Further she pulled her panties down, exposing the creamy slit of her vulva, the pink wings of her suckable lips protruding invitingly from her valley of desire.

  "Go on," he urged, his penis twitching beneath his cassock. Lowering her panties, she allowed them to fall down her thighs and tumble around her ankles. Her pubic hair doing little to veil her pussy, she slipped her shoes and panties off her feet and clasped her hands to veil the most intimate part of her curvaceous body. Ordering her to stand with her feet wide apart and bend over the laundry basket, Will could hardly believe his luck. Josie had only left that morning, and already he'd been sucked to orgasm by a sexy beauty and now had another standing naked before him. If this was a taste of what the next two months held, then he wasn't going to complain.

  Eyeing the rounded globes of her naked buttocks as she turned, he watched her bend over the laundry basket. The cushions of her fleshy pussy lips bulging between her parted thighs, her pubic curls dripping with the milky fluid of lust, she jumped as Will ran his fingertips over the firm moons of her bottom. Wondering whether she finger-fucked her rectum as she massaged her ripe clitoris to orgasm, he cast his eyes over the deep ravine of her anal valley. He'd have liked to have changed her nappy, he mused, imagining her wetting herself. He'd have liked to have sprinkled talcum powder over her genitals, licked her bottom clean and taken her out in a pram. Memories, he thought, recalling the time he'd been arrested for changing a girl's nappy in the park. It was a fair cop, he chuckled inwardly. She was eighteen.

  "You have a nice body," he praised her.

  "What are you going to do to me?" she asked softly.

  "Spank you."

  "Please, not too hard," she whimpered.

  "I have no choice," Will said solemnly, raising his arm and bringing the palm of his hand down across the taut flesh of her bottom.

  "Oh! Please..." she cried, her knuckles whitening as she gripped the sides of the laundry basket.

  Ignoring her pleas for mercy, Will spanked the toned cheeks until her pale flesh crimsoned. She shook as he again swept his hand down across the burning flesh of her pert bottom, continuing the beautifully gruelling spanking. Once she was warmed up he'd part the eatable cheeks of her bum and examine the entrance to her anal sheath. For her sins, he might even have to ease the globe of his cock deep into her tight rear passage.

  "Please, no more," she sobbed as he repeatedly smacked the burning spheres of her tensed buttocks. "You can't do this to me."

  "You set me up," he returned, dropping to his knees and parting the glowing moons.

  "No! I don't want you to look at my bottom."

  "I intend to do far more than just look at your bottom," he chuckled, running his tongue over her small rear hole.

  "Please, no one's ever seen my bottom. I don't want you licking me there."

  "Have you ever fingered your anus?" he asked, slurping at her private hole.

  "No, I... I'm a virgin."

  "And I'm the Pope's knob."

  Protesting wildly, she shuddered as he pushed the tip of his tongue into her anal aperture and licked the dank walls of her rectal sheath. The bittersweet taste sending delightful palpitations through his rolling balls, he pushed his tongue deeper into the heat of her anal canal. She squirmed and writhed, gasping in her enforced pleasure as Will tongue-fucked her tight bottom. The Reverend Mother's plan had gone pitifully wrong, he mused, pressing his lips against the girl's ring and sucking. As would all her plans to spoil his fun.

  Groping between the not-so-innocent nun's parted thighs, he ran his fingertip up and down the crack of her most fuckable pussy. Her juices lubricating his finger, he thrust into the hot sheath of her vagina and massaged the creamy walls. She was hot and wet enough for a damned good rogering, he decided, slipping his wet finger out of her contracting love tube. Standing and raising his cassock, he slipped the purple bulb of his erect cock between the pouting lips of her pussy and thrust his veined staff deep into her quivering body.

  "No," she gasped, the swollen cushions of her fleshy vaginal lips encompassing the root of his organ. "No, please..."

  "Yes," Will breathed. "This is your punishment for attempting to entrap an innocent man of the cloth."


  "As pure as driven lust."

  "Please, I'm a virgin."

  "You were a virgin," he chuckled. "And it came to pass that I came in your pussy."

  "You're an evil, despicable man," she hissed, trying to escape the lewd coupling as he grabbed her hips.

  "Forgive her, Lord, for she knows not what she is saying."

  "I know very well what I'm saying," she returned. "You're an evil man."

  "Forgive me, Satan," Will chuckled. "For I know damn well what I am doing."

  Withdrawing his wet cock, he rammed his knob-end deep into her tight pussy as she gasped and squirmed over the laundry basket. His lower belly slapping the glowing orbs of her spanked buttocks, his swinging balls pummelling the fleshy rise of her mons, he took her with gusto. She was tight, hot and very wet; taking Will back to the good old days. It had been one thing leaving the priesthood, but another setting up home with Josie and remaining faithful to her. Well, almost faithful. To allow girls' pussies to go unfucked was a crime, he reflected. To allow the tight sheaths of their bottoms to remain virginal was sacrilege, tantamount to criminal negligence. But the good old days were here again, and he wasn't going to let them slip through his pussy-wet fingers.

  The squelching of the quivering girl's vaginal juices mingling with her cries of protest and ecstasy, she clung to the laundry basket for dear life as her naked body rocked with the fucking. Again and again, Will rammed his length deep into the tight duct of her rhythmically contracting pussy to the accompaniment of her whimpers of imminent orgasm. There was nothing he liked more than a gush of female orgasmic fluid flooding his swinging balls, spurting from a teenage girl's spasming fanny hole and splattering his inner thighs. For what I am receiving, may the Lord make me truly come.

  "Oh, oh," the girl whimpered, her vaginal muscles gripping the defrocked priest's penis as the birth of her orgasm welled within her. "Coming, coming, coming, coming..." she gasped with every impalement of her pussy. Will could feel her erect clitoris rubbing against his veined shaft as he repeatedly thrust into her. Parting her buttocks he pressed his thumb into her, massaging the sensitive walls of her rectum.

  "Let there be sperm," he gasped, his orgasmic liquid pumping from his throbbing knob, bathing her. The girl crying out as her pleasure erupted within the pulsating crown of her clitoris, Will repeatedly rammed his cockhead deep into her tight cunt, filling her with his male seed until she overflowed. Her cries growing louder as her orgasm peaked, Will pressed his thumb deeper into her anal canal, sustaining her pleasure as his balls drained. Finally slowing his fucking rhythm, he stilled his cock deep within her spasming cunt. Her taut love lips gripping the root of his deflating organ, his knob absorbing the inner heat of her body, he panted for breath as his pleasure waned.

  "Who's in there?" came a familiar voice, accompanied by urgent and frenzied hammering on the locked door. "Sister Uterinus, are you in there?" Sliding his wet cock out of the trembling girl's vaginal sheath, Will lowered his cassock and look about the room for means of escape. The girl hauling herself upright and reeling on her sagging legs, she grabbed her habit and clutched the garment to her breast as the Reverend Mother again hammered on the door.

  "I'm here," the girl replied
, slipping her habit over her head.

  "Why is the door locked? Who's in there with you?"

  "No one, Reverend Mother," she said, opening the door as Will dived into the laundry basket and covered himself with soiled knickers.

  "What is going on?" the hag-bag asked, flouncing into the room. "Where's Entercock?"

  "He... he didn't turn up," the girl stammered. "I brought my laundry in here and the door got stuck. I couldn't get out."

  "He didn't turn up?" the woman frowned.

  "I waited in the chapel, as planned, but he didn't arrive."

  "I've a feeling he's in the building," the hag-bag murmured suspiciously. "There's a police officer waiting in my study. I shall lock all the doors and have him search every square inch of the convent. Right, follow me."

  "But, Reverend Mother..."

  "I shall start by locking this door from the outside."

  Fuck, Will thought, wondering how he was going to escape as the door slammed shut and the key clicked in the lock. A police officer? He should have known the Reverend Slutter would pull a stroke like this. But he hadn't done anything illegal, had he? Illegal or not, if he was caught in the laundry room with a girl's fanny juice dripping from his knob...

  Chapter Three

  Entercock stood on his soapbox in the village square. "Incest!" he yelled. "Incest was rife. Jacobite begat Mellors, Mellors begat Chatterley, Chatterley begat Kathy, Kathy begat Heathcliffe... Descendants from Adam and Eve, they were all brothers and sisters. Brothers and sister fornicating with each other. Fertilizing each other and producing rugrats. Inbreeding, incest, sins of the flesh with their own flesh and blood. Incest!"

  "Someone ought to put a stop to this," Father Kosher muttered, scratching his bald head through his skullcap. "It's blasphemy, that's what it is."

  "I couldn't agree more," the Mother Superior snapped, watching the crowd gathering at Entercock's feet. "This is exactly the way he behaved when he was Priest of Cumsdale Church. By the way, he had the audacity to visit the convent the other day."


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