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Boss Me Hard

Page 21

by R. R. Banks

  I wrapped my arms around Ciyrs and shut my eyes as he sped from my own personal hell. I’d make sure this building burned. No one would suffer in those cells again. I looked at Gyyx and the woman I had found. She probably knew better than anyone else what is was like to be in their hands. It looked like she had been there for a while. The poor woman was rail thin and sickly looking. But I could tell by the look in the Denynso’s eyes that she was the most beautiful creature to him. It was the way Ciyrs looked at me.

  With my head on his shoulder, I felt the cool rush of air as the wind whipped around us. He ran fast and I was grateful when I opened my eyes to find myself in his house. He kissed me and held me close while I sobbed. There were so many things to talk about, but all I wanted to do was fall apart and clean the Klimnu off of me.

  “I tried finding you, and I failed. Eden tried to use her connection to help. She felt you but couldn’t figure out where you were. The warriors have been searching nonstop. I’m so sorry I failed you.” Ciyrs fell to his knees in front of me.

  I placed my hand on his head. He had his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and he sobbed. I did my best to comfort him. “Oh Ciyrs, you didn’t fail me.”

  He tipped his head up looking at me. I wiped his tears. “It’s not your fault I was taken.”

  “I should have known. We’re mates. Our bond was formed.”

  “Newly mated. Who knows how long it takes for it to really click. I don’t blame you.”

  He nodded, but I could tell he wasn’t convinced. “I need to get cleaned up.”

  Reluctantly he pulled away and gripped my hand like a life line as he led me to his bathroom. Without a word he turned on the shower and then he pulled off my clothes. I shivered when I was naked and didn’t miss the way his eyes glowed.

  “Can I help?”

  I nodded and nibbled my lip. I needed his closeness. No matter how dirty I felt.

  He stripped off his clothes and led me into the shower. The warmth of the water eased the aches and pains and washed away the dirt, but it didn’t wash away the memory of the touch. I closed my eyes and Ciyrs spun me around. In a few moments I felt his hands in my hair lathering in some shampoo and then he tipped my head back rinsing my hair. I let him take care of me. I knew he needed it. He was a care giver. It’s what he did. He healed, and when his large hands stroked my body gently with the sudsy cloth he healed a part of me. I knew his touch. I knew he would never hurt me.

  After all that had happened, I felt the ache between my legs. I couldn’t control the desire building and I turned facing him. He tensed when he scented my arousal and shook his head.

  “I’d love to but I need to take care of you first.”

  “But that is taking care of me.” I picked up his hand and brought it between my legs spreading them, allowing him to feel the wetness. “I need you. And I know you need me.”

  His erection sprung to life and I wrapped my small hand around it. “See, you want me.”

  He groaned when I slid my slick hand down and ran my thumb over the tip. “Of course I do Eliana. I’ve missed you like hell. I’ve nearly gone insane without you.”

  I licked my lip. “Then show me.”

  I needed to get my mind off of it all, and there was no better way than to lose myself in the man I loved—loved, that was the first time I admitted it to myself. I loved Ciyrs.

  Chapter 3

  She was trying to kill him. Ciyrs watched her eyes dilate and scented the musky scent of her arousal. He was trying to behave and take care of her before sinking into her. He didn’t want to push her if she wasn’t ready, but apparently she was. He felt her wetness, saw it in her eyes, and when she touched him he knew he was a goner.

  In a rough move he lifted her and shoved her against the tiled wall. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  She did and then he slid inside of her in one swift movement. She cried out and tightened her legs around him. He groaned when it pushed him deeper inside. She was hot, wet, and her muscles clenched around his cock. His body spasmed and then she kissed him like a starving woman. Her tongue touched his and he held her against the wall making love to her. He went slowly even when his body raged to mark her again. Let the world know she was his. He needed to reestablish his bond with her, but he held back afraid to scare her. Hell he scared himself.

  His new power wasn’t the only new change. There was more to him now. He was more than the loveable healer. He had a dark side now, and Ciyrs wasn’t sure what to do about it. Should he embrace it or run?

  “I love you Ciyrs,” she said and moaned when the shock of her words had him driving into her rougher.

  He watched her eyes and knew she was serious. “I love you too Eliana.”

  This time when he kissed her, he let the wild in him out. His body heated and she gasped into his mouth. He pulled back to make sure she was okay.

  “Your skin is so hot.”

  “We have a lot to talk about—after.”

  Then he drove into her taking what was his. She was his and he held her tight against him. She withered and moaned squirming against him and the wall. The more she struggled to move the more aroused he became. “God please don’t fucking stop.”

  Her skin was slick with water and sweat as the shower still poured over them. He rocked into her, and when she screamed his name and yanked his hair pulling his head back he roared as he came inside of her. She quivered and held on to him as he rode out his climax.

  He stood holding her against the wall breathing heavily. His skin had gone back to normal, and she gripped his jaw and kissed him lightly on the lips. “I never knew I could miss someone so much.”

  “Oh baby, I missed you too. Ask anyone; I was sort of nuts knowing you were out there somewhere hurting.”

  She shivered and he pulled out settling her on her feet. Instead of getting out he took the rag and lathered up more soap. With gentle circles he cleaned her body before his own. “Let’s look you over. You were running barefoot. They probably need healed. Then we need to check on Gyyx’s mate.”

  “I want to see if she’s awake.”

  He pulled her out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body before grabbing his own and wrapping it around his waist.

  He was still aroused, and the need to make love to her all week came to mind, but he had other responsibilities. Gyyx needed him and he owed him a great debt. If it weren’t for the royal warrior, he might not have found Eliana.

  She rushed to the room and found her bags. He stood back and watched as she pulled out a pair of yoga pants and a tight T-shirt. He went to get dressed himself. By the time he was dressed she was done and groaned when she lifted her arms and stretched. The smooth pale skin peaked out from her shirt.

  “Let’s go check on them. You can have me again later,” she said and smirked.

  “Sorry. I’ve been told the mating fever is fierce. I think it’s even worse since it got interrupted and you were taken.”

  She looped her arm through his and smiled up at him. “I understand. I’ve never felt like this before. We do need to talk though. There are some things that happened. Something I don’t understand.”

  “I know baby. We will.”

  He led her outside and by the time they made it to the infirmary the news had spread and everyone offered their support and asked if she needed anything. Eliana was family now. It was their way. The moment he knew she was his, he knew everyone would accept her. She was one of them now.

  Eden smiled as soon as she saw them. “Thank god he found you.”

  Eliana recoiled from Eden and her eyes widened. “Why do I love her?” she asked in a whisper.

  “That’s Eden. Apparently you have a connection to her through me. What you feel is all of our emotions.”


  “She was the one who was able to tell me you were alive. You’d shut me out and I panicked.”

  “How’s the woman I found?” She asked, but by the look of sorrow on Gyyx’s face it wasn’t

  Eden sighed. “I’ve healed her body the best I can. She had some nasty bites and such. I don’t know, I don’t think I’m as strong as Ciyrs, and with the baby I don’t have as much energy.” She rubbed her belly smiling.

  Gyyx looked at him pleading. “Please help her.”

  “Just don’t try to rip my arms off when I touch her.”

  “I won’t. I want her to wake up.”

  He kept his hand wrapped around Eliana’s and stood next to Eden. She backed away giving him space, and he took a deep breath before letting go of his mate’s hand. With cautious movements he lowered his hands to the unconscious woman. As soon as his hands made contact an electric shock tore through him. He was thrown back against the wall and landed with a large thump.

  Eliana ran to him and helped him to his feet. “What the hell was that?”

  Gyyx looked at him with wide eyes. “I didn’t touch you I swear.”

  “I know, but she certainly didn’t want me touching her. Eden did you get shocked?”

  “No, but I’m also not as strong as you.”

  Ciyrs rubbed his head and eyed the new stranger. She was certainly alive. They had no idea who she was, how long she was with the Klimnu. He could sense she was human so he knew she wasn’t actually one of their enemies. It was strange. It was almost as if she knew he wasn’t her mate. She didn’t want his touch.

  “Touch her Gyyx,” he said trying to test his theory.


  He sighed. “Work with me here. Touch her.”

  Gyyx ran his finger over the bare skin of her arm. He wasn’t slammed around and in the silence they heard a small gasp. She didn’t wake up, but there was movement behind her closed lids.

  “She knows you. Somehow she knows you’re the one meant to touch her. Now I’m going to touch her again and see what happens.”

  Clenching his jaw he did the same thing Gyyx did and before he finished his move pain tore through his body and he was again thrown back. This time it felt like the electric shock had been powered up a notch. “Holy fucking shit, that hurt.”

  “I think you’re theory is correct, Ciyrs, please stop the pain hurts me too,” said Eden and her face was pale.

  He rushed to her side. “Oh baby doll, I’m sorry. I just wanted to see if this woman was aware. Part of her is.” He pulled her into a hug and froze when he heard a gasp.

  He pulled away from Eden only to turn to see his mate running out of the infirmary. Shit. He winced and ran after her. He couldn’t leave her alone. Not so soon after getting her back, but he had a feeling he was in trouble.

  Chapter 4

  I couldn’t take it. I knew they had a bond, but his cute little pet name for her, and the way they hugged. Something inside of me snapped and I had to get out. Rationally I knew I had nothing to worry about. She was mated to Pyra, and me and Ciyrs’s bond was growing stronger by the hour. I’d never felt this type of jealously before, and I didn’t like it.

  I grew up alone, always being second best. I wouldn’t do it again. I was either his number one or nothing. Too many years of being shoved off had hardened my heart. The part of me that craved love also feared it as much.

  I ran faster than I ever had before, and when I came to a rock that looked over a huge lake I sat down. The sun glistened on the water and it sparkled. It was beautiful, and I found myself falling in love with the land even more.

  I felt a presence and tensed. It was Pyra—last time I saw him I was kidnapped. I opened my mouth to scream, but there was something real about him. I eyed him weary ready to defend myself.

  “It’s really you right?”

  “Yes, I’m so sorry that you were kidnapped. I hate that it was my face they stole. Those fuckers are going to pay—one day. As soon as we can figure out how to get the upper hand.”

  His temper, yep it was certainly Pyra. “They feed off of your temper.”

  “How do you know?”

  “The one who took me, he told me. He also said they need the king. Something about his power is important to their kind. But you guys are good. Those nasty pricks haven’t been able to get to him.”

  Pyra paced. “They will not take my father. I’ll kill them all first.” He eyed me curiously. “So why are you out here alone after you just got back?”

  I shook my head feeling stupid. He was right. I shouldn’t have been running off alone. Tears spilled before I could stop them. “Their bond, how do you deal with it?”

  He nodded in understanding and sat on the ground. “Ah, the bond between my mate and yours. It sucks, I won’t lie. They have a connection that is unbreakable, and it’s annoying as shit. No matter how much I love my brother, I don’t like that he knows things I don’t, or before I do. Eden keeps us in line. It’s not easy, but I promise you’ll adjust. It’s just something you live with for the other. You love Ciyrs?”

  I nodded.

  “Then you love Eden?”

  “Apparently so, meeting her was strange. I’d never had such feelings for a woman before. It was quite off putting especially because I didn’t understand it. He said they had a bond, but I didn’t realize it would affect me too. I guess I’m just jealous and scared all at once.”

  “It will get better with time. Soon it will be like a bee buzzing in your ear. You swat it away, but it keeps coming back for more until eventually you just ignore it and let it buzz in your ear. I’ll admit I’ve destroyed a lot of things dealing with it.”

  “Maybe I need to. No offense against your mate, but I don’t feel comfortable with it at all. I don’t want to be second. I’ve spent my whole life that way. Always the second choice. Always the second in line. I promised myself to be first even if I had to spend my life alone to achieve it.”

  “You’ll always be first baby.” I hadn’t heard Ciyrs and I cringed knowing he’d heard my little break down.

  I didn’t turn towards him, and I smiled down at Pyra when he patted my leg before leaving us alone.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t think to explain things better. I also shouldn’t have put my hands on her in front of you. Not this soon after fully completing the bond again. I just—it’s so hard to explain.”

  “I understand,” I said, but I didn’t. Maybe one day I would, but until then I wouldn’t ever be okay with his emotions for her. “I feel your love for her. It’s not something I’m okay with, but I suppose I don’t have a choice. No matter how much I want you to myself, it will never happen.”

  I stood and faced him but I couldn’t meet his eye. Seemed fate hated me just as I always thought.

  “It’s not even like that, sweetheart. I love her like a sister. Denynso are close by nature anyways. We love strong, but the love I feel for her is certainly different than the love I feel for you. You’re always going to be my number one, but she will always be important to me.”

  I nodded. It wasn’t rational, but I wanted to be alone, away from them all. I wouldn’t lie, I felt like throwing a tantrum like a child, but I was almost 30, I was an adult, even if I didn’t want to be at the moment. “Please take me somewhere so I can be alone.”

  He sighed and tried to grab my hand. I yanked it back and did my best to ignore the hurt.

  “I can’t, not right now okay. Please I just need to find a way to deal with this in my own way.”

  He nodded and walked in front of me keeping his pace slow. I felt the tension and I felt how upset he was, but I couldn’t do anything about it when I couldn’t even deal with myself. “It’s not your fault I know. It’s going to take some adjusting.” I kept my voice low, but I knew he heard me. He didn’t turn around or respond, and I felt my heartbreak. It was my own damn fault. I’d hurt him, but things inside of me were different now. After being locked away in a cage I realized something. I deserved to have everything I ever wanted. All the loathing and self-hate that was ingrained into me my whole life suddenly hadn’t mattered.

  I fought to take my life back, and this was just another step. If he knew me he’d
understand. One day I’d tell him. Until then things were going to be tense.

  He led me to the huge house I had started in and the queen opened the door. She smiled at him but then her smile fell when she saw the distance between us. My face was streaked with tears.

  “Oh my dears, what’s wrong?”

  Ciyrs went rigid. “Can she stay with you guys for a while? She needs some time.” His tone was low and controlled, but I heard the catch.

  “Time? For what?”

  “She realized the depth of the bond between me and Eden. She’s struggling.” Then he ran away. There was no goodbye or anything. He didn’t even look at me.

  The tears came in a flood and I fell to the ground sobbing. I felt the queen’s arm around me as she lifted me from the ground. “Oh my dear, Shh. It will be okay. One day you’ll understand. Eden isn’t a threat to your bond. She’s your sister.”

  I nodded as she led me inside. “I know that, but it’s hard. He doesn’t understand what my life was like. People like me weren’t loved. We were chosen when what the person wanted wasn’t available. My past is haunting me.”

  Before I knew it I was sitting at a table with food in front of me.

  “Eat, and talk. I’m here to listen.”

  And I did. For the first time in my life I talked about all the things I held locked up inside. All the things that haunted my dreams. All the things that made me who I was. She listened patiently asking questions here and there, but mostly she listened. I’d never talked about any of this. By the time I had finished eating, a heavy weight had been lifted off of my shoulder. I was free from all the demons of my past.

  Chapter 5

  Ciyrs sat on the porch only feeling slightly guilty for eavesdropping. He didn’t get it. He felt her shut down completely. When she pulled back from his touch, he nearly fell apart. She’d been gone for a week, and that whole time he went crazy. He just got her back, and already she was pushing him away.

  Now though after hearing her story he understood. The bond with Eden was strong, but for his mate he would do anything. If he needed to put some space between them he would. But he wouldn’t leave Eliana alone again. She needed him to show her that she was important. He could do that.


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