Love Untamed

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Love Untamed Page 6

by Ra'Chael Ohara

  When he sets the glass back down, he gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead. “Go to sleep, honey. We can talk about the rest later.” I expect him to leave the room, but he walks back over to the chair and sits down.

  “You’re still going to sleep in the chair?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I wanna keep an eye on you.” Swoon.

  “Brantley, you don’t have to do that. That cannot be comfortable. I’ll be fine. Go sleep in your bed.”



  “You’re in my bed. At least my childhood bed.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry,” I whisper.

  “Go to sleep, Eva.” He chuckles.

  I try, I really do, but I can’t sleep for more than ten minutes without dreaming about the crash. And whenever I open my eyes, it only takes seconds for my mind to fall into a loop where all I can think about is that kiss.

  I haven’t heard anything from Brantley except for slow, steady breathing, so I assume he’s sleeping, but I try anyway.

  “I can’t,” I murmur.

  Silence. Then, “Can’t what, sweetheart?”

  “I can’t sleep. I keep replaying the accident.”

  I hear movement, so I look over and see Brantley walking over to the side of the bed that I’m lying on. “Move over, babe.”

  “What?” I squeak. I just wanted him to talk with me some more, not crawl into bed with me, although another one of those kisses wouldn’t be so bad.

  “Move over, baby. I like to sleep by the door.” He doesn’t have to tell me a third time. When he climbs in, he slowly turns me to my side so my back is facing him, then wraps his arms around me and pulls me further into his arms.

  I sigh. I haven’t felt this safe or comfortable in I don’t know how long. He gives me a kiss on the back of my head. “Sleep, babe.”

  And I do.

  Chapter Eight



  Two days.

  I have been in this bed for two whole days. Not by my own doing. No, I’ve been in this bed for two days because Brantley insisted. Oh, and Kim, Hal, and James as well.

  The only entertainment I get is when someone comes to visit me. Usually, it’s James, but Gilbert and an older lady who lives a couple of miles from here, Mrs. Cummons, who heard about my accident and was also friends with Robert, has stopped by a few times, bringing her company and amazing pie. I’ve felt more welcome in Alaska in the past two days since my accident than I did the first two weeks I was here.

  One time, Gilbert and Mrs. Cummons both visited at the same time. Within the first half hour, it was obvious that Gilbert was sweet on Mrs. Cummons. I vowed to do more research into that once I’m not being held prisoner in this bed.

  I appreciate them all worrying about me, but I think I’m gonna die of boredom. Either that or combustion. You see, since Brant’s speech the other night, the one that ended with the best kiss of my life¸ there’s been sweeter Brantley, more kisses, and more touches and caresses.

  Brantley has been staying at Kim and Hal’s every night, sleeping right next to me. I told him that it wasn’t necessary, that I was fine, but he insisted.

  Between kisses, we did something that I never thought possible. We had conversations without them ending in a fight. Not just one conversation. Many.

  I learned that Brantley is thirty-three years old. He lives on a small section of land on his parents’ property. He bought it from them when he was only twenty-five and built a cabin on it. I haven’t seen the cabin, but from the way he describes it, it sounds beautiful.

  I also learned that, at thirty, he opened The Tavern, and when he’s not there, he’s working on his parent’s cattle farm.

  His favorite color is blue. His best friend is James. He was born and raised here. He’s been in one serious relationship, but it ended badly. He didn’t tell me himself that it ended badly. I came to that conclusion when he shut down after I asked. In light of the fact that we went a whole two days without fighting, I let the subject drop and didn’t bring it up again.

  I’ve learned a lot about Brantley and told him absolutely nothing about myself. Every time he asks, I avoid and change the subject. I already told him enough when I was drunk. I would really rather not say anymore.

  I don’t want him to know I came from money, or at least Pearl had it. How she got to be wealthy, I don’t know. The woman has never worked a day in her life.

  I really don’t want him to know I just inherited a million dollars from Robert. My fear is that if I tell him, all of those thoughts he first had about me would be confirmed and he would go back to being jackass Brantley.

  I don’t know what’s happening between us. No other man has ever made me lose control with just the slightest touch. Being around Brantley is stirring emotions in me I’ve never felt before. Even though I’m trying not to think about what the future might hold for us, I can’t stop thinking about my impending departure in less than a month.

  Heck, I don’t even know if Brantley wants any kind of long-term relationship. What am I saying?Of course he doesn’t. He knows I’m leaving soon. He probably just wants to have some fun before then. Why does that thought have my heart feeling like someone pierced a knife through it? Could I do that? Could I just be a good time girl? Could I sleep with Brantley, then board a flight and forget he ever happened?

  I want to say yes. I want to act like this won’t inevitably lead to heartbreak, but I know better. Brantley isn’t a man that you just forget about. He’s the kind of man you fall in love with.

  I shake off my thoughts and climb out of bed. It doesn’t matter what anyone says, I am getting out of this bed. Other than a few yellowing bruises, it’s like the accident never happened.

  I need to check the damage of the truck and find my cell phone. I haven’t talked to Charlotte in two days. She’s going to kill me. After throwing on some jeans and a black V-neck t-shirt that Kim was kind enough to bring me, I slip on my coat and boots and head downstairs.

  When I enter the kitchen, I see Kim sitting at the table with Hal. They’re both drinking their morning coffee. “Morning,” I say as I grab myself a cup of coffee.

  “Morning, dear. You look like you’re feeling much better,” Kim responds.

  “I am. Thank you again, for everything.”

  “No need to thank us, girl. Robert was a good friend of ours. Any family of his is family to us,” Hal says with a smile.

  I give him a genuine smile while trying my hardest to keep any signs of sadness off of my face. Over the last couple of days, everyone who has stopped by has shared a story about Robert with me. The more I learn about him, the sadder I get that I never got a chance to meet him. This also makes me angrier at Pearl. She’s my mom, but I don’t know how I’m ever going to get over what she’s done. My life could have been completely different.

  “Is Brant around anywhere?” I ask.

  “Last I seen, he was out in the old barn working on your truck,” Hal answers as he puts his hat on.

  “Hal and I have to fly out to Snowridge to get some supplies for the ranch. Will you let Brantley know when you find him? You’re welcome to stay as long as you need, dear.”

  “Thanks, Kim, but I’m ready to get back home—I mean, back to Robert’s cabin.” Home. Since when did Alaska begin to feel like my home? Kim gives me a knowing smile before saying goodbye.

  After I finish my coffee, I head to the old barn. The smell is the first thing I notice. “Yep, this is definitely a cattle ranch,” I mumble. Definitely don’t have these smells in the suburb of South Carolina.

  The second thing I notice on my trek to the old barn is the horses. I see five of them. Although I know absolutely nothing about horses, and I’m scared spit-less of them, I can’t deny how beautiful they are.

  I stop and walk over the edge of the fence to get a better look. At the same time, a huge, all black horse trots over to me. This one is by far the most stunn
ing of them all.

  I keep my distance at first. I’m not completely convinced she’s not going to trample me. Then she uses her nose to nudge my shoulder, almost like she’s asking me to come over.

  Timidly, I take a step and reach out my hand. “Hey, girl,” I say softly. She sniffs my hand, then I brave an attempt at petting her mane. After a couple minutes, I become convinced that she’s not about to kill me and move closer. I laugh when she once again nudges me with her nose.

  After a few minutes, I feel Brant wrap his arms around my waist from behind. “I see you met Gypsie,” he says softly in my ear. My skin breaks out in goosebumps.

  “Yeah, I did. She’s stunning,” I answer while I nuzzle her face. Brantley’s arms drop from around my waist and he stands next to me to pet Gypsie too.

  “Yeah, she is. She’s my favorite. She was a rescue. Her previous owners starved and abused her. You would think she would be more timid and angry with us after surviving that, but not this girl. She’s the sweetest of the bunch,” he says proudly.

  I’m in awe of the way he speaks about Gypsie. I can see the passion he has for these animals, and it makes me fall for him a little more.

  When I look back at Gypsie, my thoughts sadden. How anyone could treat such a beautiful creature in such a horrible way is heartbreaking. “Poor girl,” I murmur quietly. “I hope the previous owner paid for what they did to her,” I tell Brantley. I’m not able to keep the heat out of my voice.

  Brantley’s features soften. He doesn’t say anything, but he walks over to stand in front of me. When he reaches up to cup my face, I open my mouth to ask him what he’s doing. I don’t get the chance. Brantley leans in and gives me a soft kiss.

  It’s too brief, and before I know it he’s pulling away. He doesn’t go far. “I’m taking you out on a date,” he informs me, his lips still against mine.

  I can’t deny the butterflies that take flight in my stomach at the prospect of a date with Brantley Smith, but I can’t pass the opportunity to push his buttons.

  “You might try asking me first.” To this, I receive a snort.

  “I don’t need to ask. You know you want this.” He smiles and waves his hands down his carved body.

  My eyes thin. “You know what? I think I’m busy tonight.” I dodge when his hands try to grab me and begin backing away with a smile of my own. “I gotta wash my hair…” I turn and run when Brantley lunges for me.

  I make it ten feet before I’m up in the air and over Brantley’s shoulder. “Brantley, put me down! You’re gonna drop me!” I laugh. I gasp when he slaps me across my ass.

  “I’m not going to drop you.”

  After spinning me around and threatening to drop me in the cow pasture, he finally moves me slowly down his body until I wrap my legs around his waist.

  The same bright smile I have on my face is reflected on his. I take his big smile and his soft eyes in and realize that I’ve never seen Brantley look as attractive as he does now.

  This is the Brant that I’ve gotten to know over the last two days. Brooding Brantley is sexy too, but this side is the part of him that’s making me fall in love.

  “So, city girl, you going to go on a date with me?” He grins. I don’t trust my voice, so I nod. His grin morphs into a smile, and he leans in for another kiss.

  Right before our lips connect, we hear, “Okay you two, enough of that. I have no interest in seeing my brother getting it on with his girl. Unless he’s willing to share, that is.”

  I look over at James. He’s walking toward us with a teasing smile on his face.

  “Say something like that again and I’ll beat your ass.” Brantley scowls.

  “Calm your tits, it was just a joke. I don’t share. I’m just waiting for Eva to come to her senses and see she chose the wrong brother.”

  I laugh. Brant growls and starts for James, still holding me in his arms.

  “I’m kidding.” He laughs, not at all scared of Brantley.

  “Hardy har har. I laughed. Now leave. I was in the middle of something.” Brantley gives me a look that makes me swallow hard and my girly parts quiver.

  “Fine. I’ll leave. I guess Eva just won’t get what I brought her.” That got my attention. James pulls the hand I never even noticed was behind his back out, revealing the pup I picked out two days ago.

  “My puppy!” I squeal and move around until Brantley lets me down. I run over to James and practically wrench the puppy from his hands. As soon as my puppy is in my arms, he’s licking my face.

  “Looks like he remembers you,” James says.

  “Of course he does.” I laugh. “Let me go get my purse so I can pay you.” I start walking away when James grabs my arm and pulls me back.

  “No need for the wallet, darling. He’s a get better present.”

  “James, you don’t have to do that.”

  “I know I don’t have to, but I want to.” He smiles warmly.

  I give him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you,” I say sincerely.

  “All right, we’re thankful. Now get your lips away from my brother.” Brant pulls me back into his arms. He gives me a kiss on my cheek, then rests his chin on my shoulder.

  I’m slightly taken aback by his affection in front of James. It was one thing when it was just us at night in his bedroom. I figured, as badly as it would suck, that there was a high possibility things would go back to the way they were before between us after I recovered from the accident and went back to Robert’s cabin.

  I know I’m not the only one surprised by Brantley’s affection when James moves his eyes between us with a curious look on his face. After a moment, he just shrugs. “Well, I’m heading out to check on the cattle. Then I have a date tonight. Don’t wait up.” James wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, earning another laugh from me.

  Once he’s out of sight, I set the pup on the ground, where Brantley and I play with him. “What are you going to name him?” Brantley asks.

  “I was thinking Apollo.”

  “I like it.” He smiles.

  Chapter Nine



  “For future reference, Brantley, taking a woman hunting is not a date!” I whisper furiously to him for the hundredth time since we climbed up into this godforsaken tree stand

  After we played with Apollo, I helped Brantley finish the work on my truck—by helped, I mean I handed him the tools he asked for. Then we parted ways so we could get ready for our ‘date.’

  I should have known that he would take me to do something like this. After all, the last thing he said to me before I left was to ‘wear something comfortable.’

  I mean, I knew our options were limited, what with us being in the middle of nowhere and the only attraction around here being The Tavern, but still…hunting, really?

  “Honey, this is Alaska. Believe it or not, around here, this is a very romantic first date,” Brantley says with a smart-ass smirk. Oh, I see what he’s trying to do. He’s messing with me. Thinks the ‘city girl’ can’t handle sitting out in the big tree stand staring at the woods in the freezing cold, does he? I’ll show him.

  After what seems like two hours, but really has only been thirty minutes, Brantley reaches over and places his hand over my legs to stop me from moving. I glance over at him and notice his eyes are narrowed at me.

  “Sorry,” I mumble. I see the corner of his lip curve like he’s fighting a grin before he turns his attention back to the woods.

  Another thirty minutes pass before I hear Brantley growl, “Eva.”

  “I can’t help it. My nose is running, and I need something to wipe it,” I whisper-yell back. I mean, come on, dude, it’s like a million degrees below freezing. What does he expect me to do?

  “Use your coat sleeve.” He laughs at the expression of utter disgust I make.

  “Ewww! That’s disgusting. I’m not doing that,” I say, appalled he would even suggest it. Definitely not in South Ca
rolina any more. Brantley chuckles and goes back to watching the woods.

  Only ten more minutes pass before a huge brown blur in my peripheral vision catches my eyes. Both of our eyes dart in the direction of the blur. As soon as my gaze lands on the brown blur, I see it’s a moose with big ass antlers.

  The noise from Brantley rustling around draws my attention away from the moose and toward him. My eyes widen in horror when I see him lift his gun and aim it towards the moose.

  “You’re not going to kill it, are you?” I whisper frantically.

  “Eva, babe, why the fuck would we be sitting out here if I wasn’t going to shoot it?” he asks in a ‘duh’ tone.

  “Well, I don’t know, I didn’t think that far ahead,” I answer. It’s the truth.

  By the time the first five minutes passed and we didn’t see anything, I was certain Brantley just brought me out here as some sick joke.

  “Why kill it? What are you going to do with it?”

  “Eat it. Cover your ears, Eva.”

  Before I can stop it, a loud gasp of outrage escapes my mouth.

  I messed up. I realize this when Brantley’s eyes dart over my shoulder in the direction of the moose and widens out of sadness. I almost laugh. Poor guy looks like someone stole his puppy.

  I turn my head toward the moose just in time to see it dart back into the woods. I cringe and count to ten, praying it’s enough time for Brantley to not want to kill me, before I brave another look at him.

  Nope. Wasn’t enough time. He definitely still wants to kill me. “Oops,” I murmur, then muster a ‘what can ya do?’ smile. His face turns a brighter shade of red. “I doubt he’s coming back. We should head in.”

  Brantley’s already shaking his head. “We’re not going anywhere.” He turns to face away from me.

  All righty, then. I might as well settle in. I may not know a whole a lot about hunting, but I know enough to know that buck isn’t coming back.


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