Love Untamed

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Love Untamed Page 5

by Ra'Chael Ohara

  I groan as I attempt to lift my head again. “Just sit still, baby. James is calling for help. I’ll get you out. Fuck, I’m so sorry,” he whispers. I can hear the pain in his voice. It makes me feel slightly sad for my earlier thoughts.

  “Can you hear me?” I try to respond, but all I can get out is a grunt. “Shit, why the fuck were you going so damn fast?” he snaps. This time, I don’t get upset. I hear something in his voice that I’ve never heard before…fear.

  I use all the strength I can muster to slide my hand across the seat until I find Brantley’s. With the little strength I have left, I give Brantley’s calloused, but warm hand a comforting squeeze.

  “Fuck, I thought I was wrong about you before. I know I was now. You’ve just been in an accident and you’re comforting me? Don’t try to move too much, sweetheart. Help is coming, I promise.”

  I’m holding on to his words as long as I can, but I’m fading and fast. I mumble something incoherent to even my own ears.

  “Stay awake for me, Eva. You gotta stay awake, baby girl.”

  All his begging is no use. The next second, the darkness pulls me back.


  I’m startled awake by the sound of a door closing.

  When I look around, I instantly know I’m not at home. I’m staring at tan walls covered with a bunch of posters of half-naked girls.

  Oh my god, I’ve been kidnapped by a sex freak! I jump out of the very comfortable queen sized bed. As soon as I’m on my feet, the pain comes back with a vengeance. My headache is so bad it feels like someone took an ax to my head.

  Memories of the accident float back to me, and I relax slightly. “Okay, I haven’t been kidnapped by a sex freak, so where the hell am I?”

  I start walking, but each step is such a struggle, it feels like I’m barely moving. I can’t go any faster. My muscles are so sore. It feels like I just ran a 10k. I end up at a long dresser. On top of the dresser are pictures of Brantley throughout different stages of his life.

  Little league soccer. Him and James fishing. Brantley surrounded by high school friends. Apparently, this is his childhood room. Why would they bring me here?

  Recollections of Brantley talking to me after the accident comes to mind. Jesus, he was so sweet. I couldn’t appreciate it then, with my head all smashed and bleeding, but now, when I think about him calling me ‘baby,’ I get all the girly feelings.

  Sadly, I don’t get to enjoy those giddy feelings for long because my bladder is calling for me to empty it. I wonder how long I was out.

  I walk to one of the two doors in Brantley’s bedroom, hoping to see a bathroom. Nope, a closet. “Yes,” I whisper when I open the second one and find a bathroom on the other side.

  After I finish my business, I take slow steps to the sink to wash my hands. When I look up, I gasp. “I look awful,” I whimper to my reflection. I’m not being dramatic. This is me being 100 percent honest. I look awful.

  There’s a white bandage on the corner of my forehead where my head hit the steering wheel. I run my hands over it lightly and shudder when I feel the ridges of the stitches.

  In the corner of both of my eyes, I have little black and purple bruises. Thankfully, they’re not too big. I can cover them up with some concealer.

  My skin, normally tan, is pale and ashen. My whole body hurts. I can’t turn my neck from one side to the other, and I have little, unexplained bruises on my arms and legs. But I’m alive, I remind myself.

  “Wait. Who changed me?” I ask. I was wearing a long sleeved red shirt and a pair of jeans. Now I’m just in a big t-shirt. I don’t have to guess whose shirt it is. I can tell by the musky, woodsy scent. Brantley. God, I love his smell.

  I, however, would not like it if he was the one to change me and saw me in my pink cotton underwear. That would be embarrassing. I haven’t had a chance to do laundry. Much to my dismay, Robert doesn’t have a washer and dryer, which begs the question, how did he ever have clean underwear?

  I don’t have long to dwell on my cotton panties because I hear footsteps stomping closer to Brantley’s door. I try to run, but it hurts like a bitch, so I settle for walking as fast as I can back to Brantley’s bed. I’m not sure who’s coming, but I don’t want them to see me in just a shirt. I’ve flashed enough people already.

  I’m just pulling the covers over me when the door opens and in walks the biggest man I have ever seen. No, I’m not exaggerating. This man is a beast!

  He’s seven foot, at least, with salt and pepper hair cut short on top of his head and a beard so big and bushy, his lips have disappeared somewhere in it. His eyes, though, are brown and…soft. The wrinkles around them give him a kind look and makes it easier to accept that he’s probably not here to kill me, which is good because his arms look like they swallowed bowling balls, they’re so big. If he did want to kill me, it wouldn’t be hard.

  When the stranger looks at me, he gives me a wide smile. “You’re awake.”

  “That I am,” I croak. Okay, so maybe I’m not 100 percent convinced he won’t kill me yet.

  “Brantley’s gonna be pissed he wasn’t here when you woke up. Barely left your side since they brought you here last night.” My whole body melts at this news. He’s been with me this whole time? I don’t bother to hide the smile on my face.

  “How are you feeling, Eva?” The man asks me. I still don’t know who he is, but I answer his question with brutal honesty.

  “Like someone took an ax to my head then punched and kicked every inch of my body. My neck is killing me too.”

  The stranger gives me a sympathetic look. “That’s to be expected and will probably be the case for a while. The doc came and stitched your head up and left some mild painkillers on the bedside table.”

  I look at the bedside table to see a small orange pill bottle sitting there. “Thank you, but who are you?” I ask hesitantly.

  To this question, I receive a chuckle. “Excuses my manners. The name is Hal. I’m Brant and James’s dad. You’re at me and Kim’s house.”

  I nod to indicate that I heard him, but say nothing.

  Then I ask, “Why aren’t I in a hospital?”

  I didn’t get a chuckle this time. This time I got a full out roaring laugh.

  “Honey, you’re in Alaska. The nearest hospital is a plane ride away. You’ll be fine, though. We have a doctor here in town. He said you should be good as new in a few days.”

  Kim walks in holding a tray of food. “I thought I heard talking. It’s good to see you awake, Eva. You had us all worried there for a little while. How are you feeling?” she asks me as she walks over the sit the tray on top of the dresser.

  “Like crap.”

  Kim gives me a sympathetic smile and sits on the edge of the bed. “The doctor said you should be okay to go home in a couple of days. In the meantime, I think you should stay here with us, so I can keep an eye on you. We’re expecting a snowstorm and I hate to think what would happen if you were trapped in your cabin and needed help.”

  “That’s not necessary, Kim. I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “Shut it, girl, you’re staying. I won’t take no for answer.” In Kim’s eyes, I see the same stubborn look Brantley’s given me on more than one occasion, so I know there is no point in arguing. Instead, I give her a small smile.

  “Thank you. Both of you. I don’t know what I would have done without you guys or Brantley.”

  It just hit me how close I came to actually losing my life. I could have died, without ever really living. I could have left this world without ever knowing who I truly am and where I came from.

  Kim and Hal must see the sadness on my face because Kim rests her warm hand on top of mine. She doesn’t say anything and I’m thankful because honestly I don’t think I can handle anymore kindness.

  After a few minutes of silence, Kim stands up. “How about you get some food into you and then rest. I know you’ve got to be tired. It’s safe to take another pill, but to warn you, the doc said they would
make you drowsy.”

  “Thank you again, Kim.”

  “No problem, honey. Eat up. I’ll let Brantley know you’re awake. He’s gonna be upset he wasn’t here.” With that, she and Hal make their exit.

  I try not dwell on the fact that that’s the second time someone said Brant would be upset he wasn’t here to greet me, but it’s to no avail. Why would he care? Maybe he’s just worried about me or feels guilty because of our fight.

  A stupid little part of me hopes there’s more to his feelings, that maybe there’s a chance he has the same feelings I try to ignore that I have for him. Then I remind myself that he has a girlfriend. I can settle for being his friend.

  I fall asleep, thinking about how torturous it’s going to be having to see that man strictly as a friend. Every time I’m around him, fighting or not, all I can think about is what it would be like to be loved by him.

  Chapter Seven


  I jump awake when my truck slams into the tree.

  Breathing heavily, I quickly scan Brantley’s room. “It was just a dream,” I say. It was all just a dream. I didn’t think the accident would affect me this badly.

  Something in the corner of the room catches my eye, and I see Brantley asleep in a chair by the window. I’m once again flabbergasted by how amazing he looks. I can’t believe it’s possible for one man to be that sexy.

  He’s only wearing a pair of black sweatpants, leaving his chiseled chest bare for me to ogle. This is the first time I’ve seen him shirtless. I notice the tribal tattoo that’s on his arms extends all the way up and covers his entire right peck.

  Once my thoughts start to trail toward what else Brantley could be hiding underneath his clothes, I shut them down and attempt to go back to sleep.

  Sleep does not come. I’m not sure how long I toss and turn, but it’s about the time my stomach growls when I accept that sleeping isn’t on the agenda right now.

  “You’re awake.” I hold my breath when I hear Brantley’s scratchy just-waking-up voice. How is it that even that’s sexy? My morning voice sounds like an eighty year old woman who’s smoked a pack a day since she was two. I was trying to be quiet. I didn’t want to wake him up. Apparently, I failed.

  I don’t have the energy or strength to deal with whatever emotions I know will overcome me when I talk to Brantley. He’s either going to be pissed off or he’s going to be sweet, and I can’t handle Brantley being sweet. I’m in too much pain, I’m tired, and I’m starving. I don’t move. I don’t even breathe in an attempt to convince him I’m still asleep.

  “I know you’re awake. You can breathe now.” Crap. I turn my head to look at him, but don’t say anything. “Why aren’t you sleeping?” he asks softly. So soft, in fact, that my stomach tightens. I still don’t answer. I don’t trust my voice. I just shrug my shoulders.

  “Are you in any pain?”

  “Kind of. I’m mostly hungry.”

  “I see you didn’t eat anything. Do you want me to go get you something?” Why is he sitting there, talking to me like it’s the most natural thing in the world?

  Before this accident, he could hardly stand to be in the same room as me. Now, because I careened my truck into a tree, he feels guilty and is trying to make up for it by being nice?

  It’s gotta be the amount of pain I’m in that causes me to snap or the fact that it’s only when I’m vulnerable that he shows me this sweet side of him, a side I’m sure he shows his girlfriend all the time.

  Which reminds me, why is he sleeping in a chair in my room when he should be with her? I should be grateful to him. I should thank him for helping me.

  But I don’t because I’m mad. I’m mad at him for treating me like complete crap since the moment I arrived here in Alaska. I’m mad that, instead of getting to know me, he judged me right away, and I’m mad that, even through all of that, I’m attracted to him. That? That’s the worst of it.

  “Why are you here?” My question comes out much harsher than I intended, and I know I’ve shocked him when his eyes widen.

  “Umm, where else would I be?”

  Seriously? I can think of about twenty other places he should be besides here. So, I name one of them. “Oh, I don’t know. How about with your girlfriend?”

  The look on his face would be comical if I wasn’t so offended that this handsome man is taken. “Uh, I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  I snort a very unladylike snort. That’s what they all say. “Oh really? Then who was the pixie I saw you with outside of your bar?”

  “You sound jealous, Eva.” His smirk irritates me.

  “I am not jealous. I’m just saying, I don’t think your girlfriend would appreciate you being here with me right now.”

  His smirk morphs into a smile. “Yeah, you’re jealous. I don’t have a girlfriend. Karen was just a…friend, but that’s over. As for your earlier question, I care.”

  I don’t think before I speak. “Yeah right. I’m surprised you didn’t leave me there to die. You hate me enough.”

  Brantley’s whole body goes rigid, and his beautiful smile disappears from his face. He’s clenching his jaw so tight I’m surprised I don’t hear it cracking from across the room.

  One second he’s sitting in his chair and the next he’s up and storming across the room, heading straight for me. This isn’t good. Now it’s my turn for my eyes to widen.

  I’ve done it. I’ve gotten on his last nerve. Brantley Smith is going to kill me. When he reaches my side of the bed, I expect him to stop. He doesn’t. He leans down, and I sink back, trying to keep some distance between us. Once I’m flat on my back with the back of my head pressed into my pillow, he places his fists on either side of my head and brings his face so close that the tips of our noses are touching.

  “Don’t ever let me hear you fucking say something like that again. You understand me?” I don’t trust my voice so I settle for a nod. “I was a dick to you. I admit it. At first it was because I thought you were someone you clearly are not. I had my reasons for thinking that, and once you’re better we’ll talk about them, but reason or not, it was no excuse to treat you the way I have been.

  “What you don’t understand is all that shit changed the night you showed me who you really were at the bar, right before you barfed on my boots.” He smirks. Will I ever live that down?

  “Now, I want you. No, that’s not true. I wanted you the moment you walked your classy ass into my rundown bar. I took one look at your long, beautiful brown hair and wanted to wrap it around my fist, just to see if it felt as soft and silky as it looks.” He pauses and runs a finger through my hair. “It is.

  “When you looked at me with those chocolate brown eyes of yours, I swear to Christ, baby, I thought I was drowning. So beautiful.” He whispers that last part and I feel it shoot through me. The words he’s saying to me and his close proximity is causing my head to fog. My breathing is heavy and my heart is pounding. I want to push him away and pull him closer all at the same time. I don’t know what urge is stronger.

  “I love your curves, baby. And every time you walk away and I get a glimpse of your nice tight ass, I swear I want to fall to my knees. Then that fucking attitude. When you stormed over to me and threatened to thunder punch me, babe, I wanted to spank that ass and kiss the shit out of you.

  “You’re feisty, you’re sweet, and you’re cute as shit when you’re drunk, but what really got me, what sealed your fate, was when you looked up at me with your big, round, beautiful eyes, and told me you just wanted to belong. I’m a dick.”

  “That’s putting it mildly,” I mumble. Brantley laughs.

  “Which you’ve clearly seen firsthand. I’ve been through a shitty relationship before and honestly I have some shit going on now that needs my focus. Those are the reasons I continuously told myself to stay away from you.

  “I fought it. Every time you were around, I fought my urge to go to you and kiss the fuck out of you. I fought my instinct to make you mine. That�
�s why I was such a dick to you. Not that I’m not a dick to everyone else.

  “Those reasons are bullshit, baby, because that night at the bar, I realized it didn’t matter what was going on in my life, or quite frankly, what you feel about it. I want you. I want us to explore what this is between us. Do you want that?”

  I’m at a loss for words. I want so badly to throw caution to the wind and explore these feelings, feelings so strong they almost consume me, but I’m not here for this. Not to mention I don’t even know how long I’m going to be here in Alaska.

  “Wait a second.” I narrow my eyes at Brantley. “If you figured all this out at the bar, why did you treat me like shit when you saw me yesterday at James’s?”

  “I’m a possessive man, which you’ll learn. I walked in the barn and seen you two together and I lost it. I thought you had a thing for him. You don’t, do you?” Now it’s his turn to narrow his eyes.

  “I don’t know. He is cute—” I don’t get to finish my teasing because Brantley swallows my words when he crashes his lips down on mine.

  Drowning in sensation and longing, I release a soft moan and get a lust-filled growl in return as he cups each side of my face with his big hands.

  Brantley uses his tongue to part my lips, then dives his tongue inside. Best kiss I’ve ever shared with any man. And, just when I think it can’t get any better, he sucks on my tongue, sending white-hot need pooling between my thighs, soaking my cotton panties.

  I feel Brantley slowly lowering his body on top of my mine as he snakes his arm around my waist, pulling us closer together. When he tries to flip us so I’m on top of him, a sharp pain shoots up my back and I gasp.

  Brantley pulls away and looks at me with wide, panicked eyes. “Shit, babe, I’m sorry. I forgot.”

  “It’s okay. It’s fine. The pain is subsiding. I forgot too that I was just in an accident.” Heck yes, I forgot about the accident. That kiss was amazing!

  “Let me get you some more pain pills,” Brantley says as he gets up. He shakes out two pills and hands them and the glass of water that was sitting on the nightstand to me.


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