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Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series)

Page 5

by Anderson, Amanda

  “Did you think I would not see to your comfort child? I will always make sure you are well cared for.

  Krisi marveled at him as she ate. She had no way of knowing where the food came from and she didn’t care. It filled her belly and she was grateful.

  They rode for several hours before they decided to stop. Their horses traveled much faster than those of men and they had made good time. The sun was setting when they pulled their cloaks around them and sank to the ground to sleep.


  Krisi felt something tickling her face. She swatted at it and tried to find sleep again, but the tickling continued until she opened her eyes. She froze in fear as she beheld an enormous black tiger with his face almost touching hers.

  Did ye mean to leave me behind love? The question floated through her mind and she felt her anger bubble inside of her anew.

  She placed her small hand between his glowing eyes and pushed hard. She felt his surprise in her mind and she ignored the hurt that she also felt.

  “Yes. I left you behind as you did me. At least I left you a missive. I was left alone in the keep with no way of knowing what was happening. Do you know how frightening that was?”

  Aye. I felt yer fear and yer hurt, but I could not get to ye before ye left me. I did nay ken that you were not informed. I am sorry. They released me to help with the search because I have a keener sense of smell than most. Aside from Henry Stewart I am the best.

  “Did you find her?”

  Of course I did.

  Krisi wanted to laugh. It a tiger could look offended then this one did.

  “Was she alright?”

  He nodded his great head and leaned down to nuzzle her belly hoping against hope that he would find a new scent there. Then he said the ancient words that would allow their child to take root in her womb. He didn’t know if such a thing could happen between them, but he hoped it would. He knew she was his mate, but could they have children together?

  She felt his warmth spread through her belly and his breath on her and felt his mind close off to her. She pushed at the barrier, but she was locked out. She felt panic until she felt his barrier fall and his mind joined with hers again.

  “What did you do?”

  He shook his head and Krisi placed her palms on either side of his face.

  “What did you do just now that you didn’t want me to know about?”

  Something I neglected to do last night. I hope it was nay too late.

  She frowned in confusion and turned to see her father sitting arms crossed against a tree.

  “He has found you and I suspect it will be difficult to lose him again, but I am willing to try if it is your wish Krisi.”

  Euan swung his head toward the angry elf and growled baring his razor sharp teeth.

  “That is alright Father. I think he should come along.”

  Her father huffed and stood to prepare the horses.

  Krisi stroked the soft fur that ran along Euan’s chin. She felt a rumbling purr and smiled into his bright eyes.

  “Do you like that my love.”

  Aye. ‘Tis nice. Why did ye leave me Krisi? Ye promised ye never would.

  “I didn’t leave you for good. I knew you would be coming to Stewart Castle and I would only beat you there by a little. I guess I wanted you to miss me.”

  The tiger snorted.

  Miss ye? I was frantic with worry.

  “I am sorry for your worry, but I am glad to know of it.” She shifted so she could look into his eyes more fully. “Are you well Euan?”

  I am trying.

  “Is it safe for you to be out like this?”

  Aye. I can handle it better in the open and I ken your father will protect you should the need arise.

  She wrapped her arms around him and held on while she let his word sink in.

  “Do the others know where you are?”

  He didn’t answer.


  I left a note.

  She laughed. She couldn’t help it her giggles turned into great loud laughter that bubbled in the air around them.

  It seemed to Euan that the sun shown brighter and the breeze blew sweeter as Krisi’s joy flowed through the air. Euan felt the darkness surge within him and he collapsed in a shivering mass of flesh as he lost his cat and struggled to control his mind.

  Krisi’s father was by his side in a moment. He closed his bright eyes and his lips moved rapidly as he tried to force the darkness to recede. He was breathing hard and a fine sheen of moisture coated his face when he looked up to his worried daughter.

  “He is well again, but it will be difficult to remain in control the closer we get to Stewart Castle. The darkness fears that place. There is something there of greater power than even me and the darkness seeks to devour Euan’s soul before we reach the haven of Stewart.” He took a deep breath. “If we can get him there I think there is a chance that he will be saved from this torment.”

  Krisi nodded and crawled to where Euan lay in the dirt. She stroked his face and crooned softly to him until his eyes flickered open and he smiled. He looked to where Krisi’s father stood regarding him with a mixture of fear and respect.

  “Thank you.”

  “It was my only choice. I fear my daughter would have been angry had I simply killed you.”

  Euan laughed. “Then I am glad she is no longer angry with me then.”

  A grudging smile tugged at the flaxen haired man as he knelt by Euan.

  “I am Faltrionie, Krisi’s father. I fear we have a hard journey before us, but I am certain that your salvation lies at Stewart Castle. The Darkness fears that place and I think it will renew its efforts to claim you. You must be strong and ask for help when the fight becomes hard.”

  “I am in your debt. I will do my best to warn ye, but it is using different tactics of late and I am never certain of what will happen.”

  Faltrionie nodded and stood. “We only have two horses. Would you like to ride with Krisi or would you prefer to let your beast carry you?”

  Euan frowned. He had never had his cat referred to in such a way and he was unsure if he liked it. He decided to clarify the matter.

  “My cat is part of me and not a separate beast. I would carry myself if I change the same as if I walk on my feet in this form. I will change though as my cat is faster and longer lasting.”

  “I meant no disrespect I assure you. I simply cannot fathom the sharing of a body in such a way.”

  Euan nodded trying hard to keep his mirth from showing on his face.

  Stop that!

  Krisi insisted in his mind and he looked up to find her blushing. He did laugh then and changed quickly before she could swat him.

  Krisi thought of her father’s words and wished with all that she was that she could feel what Euan felt as he ran in his tiger form.

  Euan gave his cat freedom to run with all the speed that was in him. He felt the freedom of the wild pushing him until he felt a tug and changed direction. He immediately felt the pressure grow as he turned back toward Stewart Castle. Then She was there taking the darkness and sharing it with him. He slowed his pace and allowed her to catch up to him. He had felt her concern, but also her sorrow as she watched him slip further and further away from her. He would need to be careful not to leave her behind when he was caught up in his cat. She would not feel like he did not need her. She was the most important part of him. He would give up anything to make her happy.


  Krisi’s heart ached as she watched Euan run in front of her. He was gaining ground with each enormous stride and he was leaving her behind. She wanted to run with him, to feel the wind in her hair. She wanted to experience that freedom instead of being left behind.

  She felt the darkness seeping into his mind and pushed it away with all her strength. She loved watching him, but at the same time she envied him for the freedom his cat gave him. She would give anything to feel the way it would feel to run with such power and freedom.

; Krisi glanced at her father and saw that he was watching her intently.

  “What is the matter?”

  “It is not wise to risk everything for him. You must keep yourself intact.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She lied.

  “I think you do and you do not understand the choices you will be asked to make. Do not let your loins cloud your thinking.”

  “He is my mate!”

  “Yes and he will live many years by your side, but you are blessed with endless life and he is not. That is the blessing of our people.”

  Krisi felt her heart break. She had not realized that she would lose him and be left alone for eternity. How would she survive it?

  Euan must have felt her hurt because he skidded to a stop and faced her father with a low menacing growl.

  Krisi and Faltrionie stopped their horses with little strain and stood watching Euan approach them.

  At first Krisi thought he had lost control, but then she felt him soothing her mind.

  We will find a way Krisi. Don’t worry about it right now.

  Tears rolled down her pale cheeks as she realized that he was defending her. It was the first time he had done that and she reveled in the feeling of it.

  She couldn’t speak so she allowed her thoughts to flow to him instead.

  Thank you Euan. He doesn’t understand. I would give up my life to be with you and we only just met. How much stronger will our bond be in two hundred years. I don’t think I could stand it if I lost you today, but by then losing you would kill me.

  She felt a warmth that she had never felt before fill her mind and body. Her thighs quivered and she almost moaned out loud as the feeling pulsed in her belly.

  What of me? I would be nothing without you. The darkness would consume me and I would no longer be able to fight it. You are not the only one with fears. We will face them together and find a way to accept them.

  It was then that Krisi realized that Euan had placed himself between her and her father.

  Faltrionie cleared his throat discreetly.

  “I will not harm my own child. I am concerned for her as you will be when your own daughters are born.”

  That got Euan’s attention. His eyes blazed into Faltrionie’s with questions he need not express.

  “Yes cat. She will give you many daughters in your long life together. She will also give you sons. I have seen it.”

  Krisi gasped and looked to her father with shocked eyes.

  “Why did you never tell me?”

  “It was an uncertain future for a while. I had to wait until I knew it would come to pass before I spoke of it. I could not risk you rushing it and putting so many lives in danger.” He paused. “I also had to wait until he was strong enough to withstand the peril that he faces before your lives are to truly begin.”

  The great tiger dropped his head knowing that the trials would be great. He did not want to face anything more. He wanted to live his life with Krisi and hide from the pain that he knew they would face.

  “Tell us!” Krisi demanded suddenly. “I mean it I want you to tell us what you know! I know there is more!”

  Faltrionie dropped his head and shook it.

  “I cannot. It would alter the future and I will not risk it.”

  “Please! I need to know what we face.”

  “It will pass and you will survive. That is all I can tell you.”

  Krisi was shaking so hard that she slipped to the ground. Euan changed and caught her before her feet hit the dusty ground.

  “I have you Krisi. It will be alright, love we’ll figure it all out.”

  She shook her head violently. “Nay! There is a chance we will not or he would tell us.”

  Her bright blue eyes filled with tears and Euan felt rage building inside him because he could not reassure her. Then he heard it. The sound came from behind them and he knew his friends were tracking them. He closed his eyes and tried to remain calm as Liam and the rest of them came into view. He didn’t want to see them, but he knew that they would help him protect Krisi if the need arose and with her father’s cryptic remarks he felt better knowing there was more of them around her.

  Liam leapt into view and snarled at Euan who rolled his eyes completely unconcerned with Liam’s display of anger.

  “Stop snarling at me Liam. I do not fear ye and ye know it.”

  Liam’s cat seemed to deflate and he changed.

  “Why did ye leave?” Liam asked gruffly.

  “My mate left. I had to make sure she was safe and I feel a need to visit The Stewart. I think my answers lie there.”

  “Aye. I ken it. I have heard a voice bidding me to bring ye there.”

  “Who calls ye?” Euan asked eager to know who had been in his mind.

  “I don’t ken who it was. I thought it was Lady Charlotte, but it is different. We will travel with ye and help ye if we may.”

  Euan smiled. “I would welcome the company and the help.” He looked to where Faltrionie sat on his shining horse.

  “I have been told there are some hard times ahead for me. I feel better knowing ye’re here to help me through them.”

  Liam’s eyes studied the tall elfin man and knew that he was not telling Euan all that he knew.

  “Why are ye keeping secrets? Would we not have a better chance of surviving if we knew what we were to face?”

  Sadness seemed to envelope Faltrionie. His shoulders drooped and his face suddenly looked haggard.

  “I cannot speak it. I have been forbidden to do so. I will do all I can, but I cannot speak of the future. It would mean the death of all those I love. In attempting to prevent disaster they would find a much worse fate than even I can predict.”

  Krisi’s quiet sob drew everyone’s attention.

  “You are suffering too. Why must this happen to us?”

  “It is said that this trial will strengthen you and make you the warrior your people need you to be. It will also bring the bond between our people strength that will not be broken. I believe all will be well in the end daughter or I would never have allowed you to come here. I have fought against it for many years. I would not allow the mating until I was convinced that you were strong enough to deal with the trial you would face. I believe you are.”

  As he spoke his demeanor changed. The pride and confidence he had in his daughter shined in his ethereal eyes. He straightened and seemed to gather his courage and resolve to see to whatever they were to face. Euan felt his apprehension melt away in the face of Faltrionie’s assurance. He held Krisi tightly and kissed her silver hair.

  “It will nay matter what happens Krisi. You are my mate and I will love ye until I am laid to rest in the dust.”


  Krisi felt the breath rush from her lungs.

  “What did you say?”

  “I love ye lass. There is naught in life or in death that can change it.”

  Krisi wrapped her arms around Euan and buried her face in his neck.

  “I love you. I have for so long. I couldn’t even speak to you, but I watched sometimes. I watched from my window for hours just for a glimpse of you. I never dreamed that we would be the way Liam is with Cara or Darren with Eva, but I wanted it.”

  Euan closed his eyes and let his feelings flow through the link they shared. He felt Krisi tremble and knew that she felt what he had sent to her.

  “Enough of this.” Evan spoke up. “We need to move. There is no time for any lovin’ so ye might as well forget about that.”

  Euan felt his brother in his mind and wanted to rejoice. The link they had always shared had seemed to be severed when the darkness invaded Euan’s mind, but now it was as if it had never been absent. It felt right and good to have his brother in his head and he allowed his own mind to drift to Evan as well. He felt the joy there that mirrored his own and knew that his brother had missed their special link as well.

  Euan had to clear his throat before he spoke.

  “Aye Evan. We should be on our
way. The sooner we arrive the sooner I can figure out how to be free of this insanity.”

  Euan gave one more kiss to Krisi and helped her mount her horse. Then he and the others changed and they were once again on their way. This time Euan stayed with Krisi. He had hated her desolate feelings earlier when he had outpaced her and he wanted to make sure she knew that he would not leave her behind.

  Krisi stirred in his mind and he felt her love heating his thoughts. He would do anything to protect her and make her happy. He didn’t understand why he had been given a mate of Fair birth, but he was thankful. He looked up and found her staring at him from her lofty seat. He allowed a low rumble to escape his chest and she laughed with delight at the sound.

  It was then that the darkness hit him with the force of a timber. His stepps faltered and he fell to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs. He writhed in agony as the darkness attacked everything he was. He felt his chest constricting and couldn’t breathe. The pain in his skull made him feel as if his head would split open. He couldn’t focus on his surroundings. All he could do was try to take in enough air to survive.

  He felt the presence of the others as they gathered around him, but they kept their distance. He didn’t understand why they wouldn’t help him. He couldn’t do this on his own.

  He heard a scream as if from a distance and he heard Krisi’s voice speaking in the language of her people and he was pretty sure she was cursing. That was his last thought before he lost himself to the darkness and drifted away from the joy he had known with his mate.

  Euan awoke to the enraged snarls of his brother and his friends. Cool hands pressed against his chest urgently.

  “Wake Euan. You must wake now. We are under attack and I need you.”

  Euan’s eyes snapped open at the fearful voice of his mate and he let a fierce growl escape his throat.

  “Oh, thank God! Can you change Euan? We must flee!”

  He shook his head to try to clear it and understand what was happening. He looked into Krisi’s eyes and saw absolute terror darkening their blue depths. He inhaled sharply and recognized the foul stench of evil in the air and something more familiar. He heard the snarls and growls, but his mind would not identify the source.


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