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Freeing a Tiger's Soul (Tiger Series)

Page 8

by Anderson, Amanda

  Krisi blushed as she sat the basket on the small table in her room. Euan took her in his arms and began kissing her the moment the door was bolted behind them.

  “Krisi, I need ye love. Let the food wait.”

  Krisi welcomed the warmth of his arms. They tore at each other’s clothing until they both stood naked and breathless before the fire.

  Euan’s eyes burned Krisi’s skin as he raked her body with his gaze.

  “Ye are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on.” He said with reverence.

  Krisi couldn’t speak as she took in his muscled body. He was not as thickly muscled as some of the other men, but he was lithely built with well-defined muscles rather than bulk. She felt her body heat with desire and she reached out and ran her hands along his chest. The springy mat of hair tickled her palm as she buried her fingers in its softness.

  “I love you Euan. I love the way you make me feel. I love the way you warm me from the inside out and I love the way you love me too.” She continued to caress his wide chest as she spoke. She was rewarded with the sight of him growing as she let her eyes study his most intimate part.

  “Ye’re killing me lass.” Euan said in a low growl.

  Krisi looked up, surprised by his gravelly voice.

  “I want you Euan.”

  Euan needed no further encouragement. He scooped her up and laid her out on the bed. He didn’t take the time to admire the curtains or the soft bedding. All he wanted to concentrate on was the pale skinned woman before him. He allowed his eyes to travel hungrily over her body as his hands caressed her. He bent to her and allowed his lips to taste and nip every inch of her flesh. He couldn’t get enough of her. The taste of her sweet flesh called to a part of him deep down inside and he was suddenly starving for more of her.

  Krisi pushed into his mind and found no darkness, just an all-encompassing desire that took her breath away. How could he want her so much?”

  “You are my mate.” He said simply as if it explained everything. He placed his hands on Krisi’s knees and pushed them apart. Then he sank to his belly and satisfied his hunger.

  It seemed like hours before Krisi saw his face above her and felt his thick shaft sink into her body. She quivered from his assault on her body and wanted more. He wasn’t gentle with her either. He pounded into her and she screamed in her passion. Pleasure crashed on her as she felt him tunneling into her body. Just as her body began to clamp down on his invading member she felt the first spurts of his seed as he filled her with his life giving essence.

  They spent the entire day in bed. They couldn’t get enough of each other. They tasted and touched until they knew every inch of the other’s body.

  It was hours later when their hunger for anything other than each other began to become apparent. They gathered the food and ate it while propped up in bed.

  “I have never stayed in bed all day.” Krisi said as she licked her fingers.

  “’Twill not be the last time ye do so. If I have my way I will keep you in bed for days at a time.” Euan said as he ran his tongue against her glistening lips. “I think I will start today and maybe I will be done with ye in a few days.”

  Krisi giggled as she was enclosed in his strong arms again. He loved her until she was too exhausted to lift her lids. She fell into a deep sleep with her head pillowed on his warm chest.

  Nothing had seemed so bright in good in all of Euan’s life. He lay in bed with Krisi draped across his chest. The sun was sinking in the sky and the last rays lay across the bed and made Krisi’s hair glisten like silver.

  He sighed with contentment even as he felt the darkness creeping into his mind. He knew he had stolen this day and it was ending with the return of the evil in his mind.

  “Krisi we need to get up.”

  She met his eyes and saw his fear there.

  “How bad is it Euan?”

  He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Not so bad yet. It is getting better.”

  Krisi nodded and quickly climbed from the bed to dress.


  They found Serina with her mother in the sewing room. They were working on an intricate tapestry and Euan just settled down in the corner to watch them. He didn’t need to touch Serina. He just needed to be close to her.

  Krisi sat down at the spinning wheel and got to work. No one spoke. Everyone knew the situation and words were not necessary.

  It was almost an hour before Amelia stood.

  “I think things are getting better. You are able to be apart for much longer now than you were.”

  Euan nodded, but couldn’t find the words to speak. He felt like a failure each time the darkness forced him back to Serina. He should be able to fight it by now.

  Serina stood in front of him when he looked up. She wore a serine smile.

  “This is not your fault Euan. It is a pleasure to help you through this. Do not feel like you are failing. This is more than most men would be able to withstand for a few moments and you have done so for many years. You are a great man Euan.”

  Euan gazed into her blue eyes so much like Krisi’s and remembered that Serina was more than she seemed.

  “How can ye say such a thing. This is taking far longer than I thought it would. We are all suffering because I am too weak to fight this evil.”

  “Nay Euan. There is a reason for all things. We do not have the right to question the will of God. Your strength grows with each day. You are being prepared.”

  Euan frowned. He did not want to be prepared for greater hardships.

  “Nay.” Serina’s laughter tinkled through the air like bells on the breeze. “Why do ye always assume the worst? I think you are being prepared to receive a great reward for your troubles.” She sat on the cold stone floor beside Euan and took his large hand in hers.

  “Euan, I don’t believe you understand what has happened to you. When the darkness was forced into Krisi’s body, by the blood of the dark one, it threatened to take her very soul into eternal darkness. Eva and Cara joined together with their unborn children to bring her back to the light, but a small portion of the darkness remained for her to fight. It would remain with her as a reminder of what she had escaped from. For one of the Fairborn it would have been a death sentence. Her kind is pure and the taint of the darkness would have shriveled her soul and killed her.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “I believe that part of you knew this to be true even if your conscience self did not. I believe that your spirit took that darkness from her soul and you fought it for her because you knew in your spirit that if you did not your mate would die and suffer greatly.”

  Euan looked up when he heard a gasp escape Krisi’s lips. Tears streamed down her pale face as she stared at him in disbelief.

  Euan opened his arms to his mate and she tumbled into their comforting warmth.

  “None of this would have listened if I had listened to Karic and come to the keep. I was so young and I thought I could fight as well as the others.” Krisi sobbed.

  “Krisi. It is my understanding that you killed the evil that infected the land. It was an act that no other could accomplish. Do not regret your actions.” Serina spoke in a soothing tone that spoke of power she was not supposed to have.

  Euan looked to Serina. “There is still much evil in this land. What she killed was only a portion.”

  Serina nodded.

  Ramsey McKenzie carries evil within him. He must be stopped as well.”

  “Yes Euan and he will be stopped, but that is not your battle. There is another that must rid the land of that taint. There are many who carry the dark blood inside of them though. You will know them now. Your spirit will speak to you of the character of the people surrounding you. It will be a useful gift. You will retain the ability to sense illness and the ability to know how to heal it. This will serve as a gift once the darkness is conquered. It will serve you instead of try to rule you.”

  Euan shook his head. “Nay! I
do not want to rule the darkness! I want it gone.” His eyes were huge with horror when he spoke.

  Serina only smiled. “You will have a strength unsurpassed by any other man. No evil will threaten you or those of your blood. Through you God will create an army that will be unaffected by the dark stain that is spreading across the land. Through you we have hope.”

  Euan sat stunned on the hard floor as he tried to understand and accept the revelations Serina was sharing with him. Why would God entrust him with the fate of the world?

  Because you are good. He created you for this purpose and He knows you are strong enough to withstand the trials.

  Serina’s words floated through Euan’s mind and warmed it. He felt her faith in him and the absolute belief that God had sent him to cleanse the world of evil. He met her bright blue eyes and tightened his hold on Krisi.

  His mind swam with possibilities, but it settled on one thing, through him there would be made and army.

  “How many children are we expected to have?” He said in a strangled tone.

  Serina laughed. The musical sound made his heart swell with love and made him feel a peace that had eluded him for so many years. He felt the darkness weaken further and shrink from the lilting notes of her laughter. He felt the darkness shiver in his mind and he knew, with a certainty he thought to never achieve, that he could conquer this evil that had invaded his mind.

  Euan allowed his eyes to fall to the silvery head of his mate who he held in his arms. He would do nothing differently. He would walk through Hell if it meant sparing Krisi the pain and torment. He dropped a kiss to the top of her head.

  “Krisi, my love, do not cry. This is the will of God. Nothing can change that and we would not want to if we could. You are worth it to me. I would choose it again, fully knowing the consequences. I do not regret this.”

  Her moist eyes probed his own as she searched for the truth in his words. Her smile told him she had found what she sought.

  “I love you Euan, with all that I am I love you.”

  “Aye lass.” Euan dropped his face to Krisi’s neck and inhaled deeply. He caught the faintest hint of a new life and wanted to roar with joy. Neither of them noticed when Serina slipped from the room and neither of them saw the secret smile she wore.

  “I love ye too lass, both of ye.”

  “What do ye mean both…”

  Euan silenced her with a finger to her lips.

  “Ye carry my child Krisi. Our first little warrior is on the way.”

  Krisi gasped. “How do you know this?”

  “It is part of my gift. I can smell the new life. Most can smell their own though. I can smell the life of any new creature.”

  “Can you tell me if it will be a boy of a girl?”

  “Aye I can. Do ye want to know?”

  Krisi pushed to her knees so she could look into his eyes.

  “Yes! I want to know!”

  “’Tis a boy. Ye’ll give me a son Krisi.”

  Krisi threw her arms around Euan’s neck and kissed his face. Euan felt his heart swell as Krisi’s love flowed through him. He felt joy rise inside him and he began to shake with laughter. He pulled Krisi into his arms and stood with her clutched against his chest.

  “Euan? Where are we going?”

  “To share the news!”


  The Hall was filled with men and women when Euan carried Krisi inside. All eyes turned to them when they walked to the head table.

  “Krisi is having my bairn!” Euan said loudly and the room erupted into joyful chaos.

  Krisi’s father made his way to the couple wearing a bright smile. He enveloped Krisi in his arms and kissed her cheek.

  “I am happy for you daughter.”

  “Thank you.” Krisi breathed. She remembered that her father knew more about the future than she did and she searched his face for a sign of what he knew.

  Faltrionie’s face blanked. “I cannot tell you anything child.”

  “I know. I would just like to know if I will be able to carry the child and give Euan a healthy son.”

  Faltrionie smiled brightly. “That I can confirm. There will be trials, but in the end I do see a son in your arms.”

  Krisi felt that her father was still holding something back, but she was happy with his words. She let her eyes drift to Euan and found him watching her. He smiled when she met his eyes and Kris felt the warmth of his love in his gaze.

  Euan slowly made his way back to Krisi’s side and saw the worry in her eyes.

  “Why are ye so worried lass?”

  “I am afraid I won’t be able to do this for you.”

  Euan smiled. “Lass, ye do not know what I am capable of. I will ken if ye are having trouble. It is something I will smell.”

  “Knowing will not save us though.”

  Euan pulled her into his chest and kissed her head. “I will be able to. It is what I do. It is my gift.”

  Krisi smiled up into his beloved face and knew he spoke the truth. She allowed her fear to melt away.

  The horn blew in the bailey letting everyone know riders approached. Amelia stood and ran for the door letting everyone know that The Stewart had returned after being delayed far longer than he had planned.

  Henry Stewart made his way into the hall with a beaming Lady Amelia in his arms. He smiled as he took in the crowd in his home.

  “I am pleased to see you all gathered for my return.” He said with a smile that told everyone that he knew they were not there for that reason.

  Liam stepped forward. His family had joined him shortly after he had arrived along with the other women.

  “I am glad to see ye home safely Henry.”

  “Ah Liam.” Henry allowed his eyes to fall to the people gathered in his home. He saw Colin with his mate as well as several others who had long ago lost hope for finding a mate to share life with. He saw others that still existed alone and in despair. He wanted to see his people happy and filled with hope. He wanted an assurance for the future, but things were getting better. He had hope and he saw it in the faces that surrounded him. That was enough for now.

  “I am glad to see you again old friend.” Henry said to Liam.

  “’Tis good to be back.” Liam turned to look at the crowd. “Things have changed a bit since your Serina and Colin came into the world.”

  “I think they have brought us hope. They have certainly brightened my life.”

  Liam chuckled. “I think all our lives have improved in the years since ye found Amelia. She breathed new life into our people.”

  Henry beamed. “That she has. Will it be enough do ye think? There are still so many without their mates.”

  Liam’s eyes fell on Evan and Balor. His heart ached at the looks of desolation on their faces. Balor had loved and lost the woman he had believed to be his mate and Evan had never found his. Would the years ahead bring happiness to them or would they continue to suffer?

  “Did ye hear the news?”

  Henry shook his head.

  “Euan and Krisi are having a bairn. From what Euan tells us it will be a boy.”

  Henry smiled as he let his mind drift to those around him. He found Euan and felt the darkness that threatened him. Henry pushed into Euans consciousness and strengthened his will. Henry felt Euan’s thanks flow through the connection and his happiness.

  Henry let his mind drift to Euan’s brother, Evan and found his mind a jumble of confusion. Henry tried to reassure him, but Evan shut him out. Henry shook his head and vowed to watch over the young man. Serina joined him and he lost all thought for the others when he smelled her awakening nearing. He frowned and growled at Owen who was on her arm.

  “Da! I have missed you!” Serina threw herself into her father’s waiting arms innocent to the turmoil that rolled within him.

  Henry kissed her hair and held her close as he let his thoughts settle. He met Owens gaze and entered the young man’s mind. He found nothing that would indicate his daughter had been comp
romised, but he saw the raw need and the desire that he did not like.

  Ye must send me away to protect her virtue.

  Henry was surprised by the vehemence in Owen’s thoughts as they were pushed into his mind.

  He studied Owen for another moment before he nodded slightly. He did not wish to hurt his child in this way, but he knew it was for the best.

  “Owen it is good to see ye have kept my daughter safe in my absence.” Henry reached out and clasped Owen’s forearm.

  Serina spoke up. “It has been rather a trying time. Ye ken the situation with Euan?”

  “Aye. I approve of your methods. I know it was not easy for any of you.”

  “Nay, ‘twas not.” Owen grumbled sullenly.

  Henry laughed loudly and clapped Owen on the shoulder. “Owen my lad it would seem you have a lot to learn about many things. I am afraid I have a situation that will prove to educate you greatly.”

  Serina stopped in her tracks. “Ye mean to send him away?”

  Henry smiled down into her beloved face and wanted to deny her nothing, but he knew it would be for the best.

  “Aye lass. He will go and become a better man for it. It will not be for long and when he returns he will be able to care for ye better.”

  Serina started to protest, but Henry silenced her with a shake of his head.

  “It is decided.”

  A great hunt was to take place that evening in honor of Henry’s safe return. All of the men and women who could shift met in the Baily in their tiger form. Euan was excited to hunt. He hadn’t done so since before they arrived at Stewart Castle. He was so eager to be on his way that he missed the tears in Krisi’s eyes as she watched him bound through the heavy gates. She kept her mind shielded so he would not feel her sorrow at watching him go and knowing she would never be able to follow.

  Karic’s warm arm wrapped around her shoulders.

  “Why are you so sad Krisi?”

  “My heart breaks every time I have to watch him leave me behind.”

  Karic looked at her and smiled. “Do you want to go with him? To shift with him?”


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