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A Perfect Fit For Three

Page 8

by A Perfect Fit for Three (lit)

  “Oh, dear God, baby, you’re okay.” He rubbed the hand he held and stood to kiss her on the cheek. Turning over his shoulder, he yelled out, “Hey, guys, Lena woke up.” Lena could see dark circles under Wes’s eyes. She’d never seen anybody look so tired and worried in her life.

  “You look terrible, Wes.”

  “I bet I do, sweetheart, but you look beautiful. I was so scared you wouldn’t wake up, even though Brock assured me you were stabilized and just needed to rest some more.”

  “How long have I been here?”

  “You’ve been here since this morning and now it’s a well past midnight.”

  Edie, and what looked to be the entire Stone clan, came into the room.

  Edie walked over and gave Lena a hug. Her eyes and nose were red and her face tear-stained. Edie didn’t cry easily, so Lena knew whatever had been wrong with her was serious.

  “Hey, you,” Edie said while brushing Lena’s hair back from her face. Her eyes welled up again. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again or I’ll be forced to kick your ass.”

  Lena smiled and would’ve laughed if she’d had the energy. “What, with your Tai Chi moves?” Lena managed to squeak out a jab.

  “You know it.” Edie’s lips curled up past her tears and she squeezed Lena’s hand before stepping aside for Brock.

  Brock pulled up a chair across from Wes and sat down beside Lena. He took her hand, held it in his for a moment, and kissed the back of it.

  “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

  Brock also looked exhausted, but still maintained an air of professionalism. He wore scrubs and even in Lena’s weakened state, she felt a hint of arousal. The material was so thin, she could barely make out the curves of his pecs, but she knew they were there. She never could resist a man in uniform. Deciding to save those thoughts for when she was capable of acting on them, she focused on the matter at hand.

  “Brock, what happened?”

  “You went into anaphylactic shock, most likely from the nuts in that pie you and Edie ate.”

  “What? Nuts? But I’ve never been allergic to nuts before.”

  “You may have only had minor reactions before and didn’t realize what was going on. It’s easy to shrug off an itchy throat. But the sheer quantity of nuts and the different varieties put your system into overload and you went into shock.”

  “Oh, God. Could I have died?” Lena looked searchingly into Brock’s eyes to gauge just how serious the situation had been. His eyes turned a little glassy and he paused a moment before replying.

  “Yes.” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat before he went on. “Yes, Lena, you could have. Luckily, Wes and I found you in time. I had an EpiPen in my bag, which bought us some time before we got to the hospital, but if we had found you even a minute later, you might not have made it.”

  A lone tear rolled down Brock’s cheek and Lena reached up to brush it away. Brock gripped her hand as she did and kissed it.

  The rest of the Stones also came over and wished Lena well.

  Margarite hugged her the way a worried mother would and the twins brought her flowers and a little “Get Well” teddy bear holding a couple balloons.

  The flowers included a thoughtful little card that brought her mind back to the strange letter she received. She wanted to tell someone about it, but now didn’t seem to be the best time or place. What was the point in getting her men all worked up over what could be nothing? They worried enough about her as it was.

  “Can I leave the hospital soon?” Lena turned her attention back to Brock. He brushed his fingers through her hair and pecked her lightly on the forehead.

  “Yes, sweetheart, in the morning we can take you home.”

  Home, a comforting word Lena hadn’t been acquainted with for quite a while.

  She felt better already.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure this is absolutely necessary?” Lena asked as Brock and Wes pulled up to their house.

  Even though she still looked a little paler than normal, Brock knew she was strong enough to return to her usual routine. At the hospital, though, he convinced her that she could only be discharged if she remained under the supervision of a medical professional, and who better than him?

  “Yes, I told you already. You may feel fine, but you’re weaker than normal right now and just to be safe, a doctor needs to keep an eye on you. The last twenty-four hours after a trauma are critical.”

  He didn’t really lie, just stretched the truth a little bit, and, besides, it wasn’t a bad idea to keep an eye on her for a while longer. And my oh my, was she ever easy to keep his eyes on.

  “Wes, is your brother for real?” Lena looked skeptical. She sat with her arms crossed over her chest and eyed each brother suspiciously.

  “I’ve got a lot of work to do at the B&B and can’t afford to be gone so long if this is just some silly ploy of yours.”

  “Lena, Brock is a trained medical professional. He knows what’s best for you and wouldn’t tell you otherwise.”

  Brock nearly laughed when he saw Wes pat Lena on the hand and look at her with a level of disingenuous sincerity only matched by hardened con artists. If his brother wasn’t so interested in pottery, Brock would’ve convinced him to go into acting.

  “Also, we talked to Edie and she said she could handle the B&B by herself for a day or two and just wants to make sure you get better.”

  “Wait, a day or two? You said this would just be for one night. And Edie and I do completely different things there. She doesn’t do any of the paperwork, pay the bills—”

  “Shh, Lena, you’re working yourself up for nothing. It’ll just be a day for sure, but we’ll see how things go and you may stay an extra day, but that will be entirely up to you. Today, however, is mandatory. Doctor’s orders and what the doctor says goes.” Wes looked proud of his explanation.

  “See, Lena. We have nothing but your best interest at heart, so stop arguing about it and just let us take care of you.”

  Brock parked his truck and Wes got out, but instead of moving aside to let Lena out, he opened his arms to her. Lena scoffed.

  “You’re kidding me, right? I am not letting you carry me to the door. It’s not like I hurt my legs or anything.” She cocked an eyebrow and glared challengingly at Wes and then at Brock.

  “Brock, is this or is this not for her own damn good?” Wes turned to his brother with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. Brock hid a grin and cleared his throat.

  “I’m sorry, Lena, but Wes is right. It would be best if you saved up as much of your energy as possible while you recuperate.”

  Lena continued to stare back and forth between the two brothers until she grudgingly gave in. She pouted and held out her arms while Wes scooped her up like a doll. Lena’s head tucked into his shoulder and Wes looked over at Brock flashing an appreciative grin.

  When he saw Wes carrying Lena over the threshold, a pang of jealousy stabbed him but with a hint of excitement. He knew when it really counted that, as the oldest, he would be the one to carry her over the threshold as his and Wes’s wife.

  Wes sat Lena down on the couch and he and Brock started getting dinner ready. Soon the house filled with the smell of grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, corn on the cob, and buttery rolls.

  “Wow, do you guys always cook like this?” Lena waited at the table, and she looked hungry.

  “Only when we have special company.” Wes winked at her and began handing her a plate of food when he seemed to realize something was amiss. She sat in the wrong place.

  “Why are you sitting there?”

  Lena looked puzzled.

  “You should be at the head of the table.”

  Brock pulled out the chair and waited for her to move to her proper seat.

  “Okay, but it really doesn’t matter to me where I sit, guys.”

  “Well, it matters to us. That’s your rightful spot. The woman is always at the head of the table. She’s the cornerstone of an
y family.”

  Brock repeated what he heard his fathers say a million times growing up and waited patiently for her to move. Then Wes set her plate down before her. He thought she would’ve started eating right away, but instead she looked troubled.

  “But we’re not a family.” Lena avoided looking either men in the eye and she pushed her food around with her fork. “We’re just…seeing each other.”

  Her words hit him like a baseball bat to the knees and Brock knew he again said too much, pushed too hard. He just wanted his family to start already and couldn’t understand why Lena fought against it. Wasn’t that what she wanted, too? A family of her own? Something to belong to? They could provide that for her, if only she’d let them.

  * * * *

  Lena eyed her men warily, not knowing what to say next. She cared about these guys and finally had the fun Edie always told her to allow herself to enjoy, but Brock moved much too quickly for her. It scared her more than anything in her life ever had, including being alone. She ate a few bites of food, but the room felt heavy with unspoken words. Then Brock shattered the silence.

  “Lena, why are you fighting us so Goddamn hard?” He pounded his fist on the table, shaking all the plates as well as rattling Lena’s nerves. When they made love, his passion surprised her, but this was something else entirely. He had never seemed so angry, so hurt.

  “Can’t you see we love you and care about you? We would do anything for you.” A vein in Brock’s neck bulged as he fumed.

  “You’d do anything, anything except give me some fucking space.” Immediately after she said it, she wished she could take the words back. Not necessarily because she didn’t mean them, but because she could have at least phrased it better.

  Brock just stared at her in silence. She didn’t want to know what thoughts ran through his head and couldn’t tell if he felt angry or heartbroken or both.

  “Whoa, you two.” Wes raised both hands up in a defensive position, trying to stop the impending argument. “That’s enough, okay. This has been a really tough couple days for all of us, and I think we’re just feeling a little overwhelmed. Brock, that’s common right? For people who’ve experienced trauma to get overly stressed out and overreact to things, say things we don’t mean?” He obviously fished for a response, and Lena rolled her eyes.

  “Yes, Wes, that’s true.” Brock replied grudgingly, though he refused to make eye contact with Lena. After a pause, Brock looked up and Lena could tell he was staring at her, but this time it was she who refused to make eye contact.

  “But sometimes, people are just naturally stubborn,” Brock walked toward her and stood so close she could feel the heat radiating from his body, “too stubborn to see and accept a good thing when it’s right in front of her goddamn face.”

  Lena whipped her head around at his accusation and stared daggers into him. “Oh, no you don’t, Brock. I’m not the stubborn one. It’s you who’s a pig-headed control freak.”

  Lena got up to storm out of the room, but realized this was her first time in their house and didn’t know which way to go. She balled up her fists, squeezed her eyes tightly, and yelled in exasperation while she paced around the dining room.

  “I need some fucking space, room to breathe. I’m not like you guys, I wasn’t raised like you with your wonderful mother and two dads. I didn’t even have one dad. And siblings, too. Edie’s the closest person in my life, but when we were kids it’s not like her parents could really raise me as their own when they already had another kid. It was just me and my horrible great aunt who despised having a child around. Being with you guys, your family, it makes me realize even more what I didn’t have growing up. And now you have me trapped in your house, and I need to get out of here!”

  Lena started sobbing uncontrollably. She only ever knew of loneliness and these men changed that. But if it didn’t last, she didn’t know whether she could handle that disappointment, of getting something back that she lost only to have it taken away again.

  She sighed as a soothing warmth surrounded her. Each brother embraced her from either side. She looked up, expecting to see Brock’s angry face, but it softened, and now he just looked sad. Wes’s countenance reflected the same emotion.

  “Shh, babe. It’s okay. You are free to leave whenever you want, but that’s not what you need. What you need is us to be with you always, to take care of you, forever,” Brock whispered into her ear as he brushed her hair with his hand. “I promise.”

  “That’s not a promise you can make. There’s no such thing as forever.”

  “Lena, everything Brock said is true, but I can understand your wanting to take things a little more slowly. You know what I think we need? Let’s finish dinner, and then for dessert I have a nice, relaxing surprise.” Wes held Lena’s face in his hands as he spoke, wiping her tears away with the smooth pads of his thumbs. “How’s that sound?”

  It actually sounded really good. Lena felt too exhausted to go on fighting and hadn’t eaten anything during her hospital stay.

  For the time being, she forced herself to let her worries go and just enjoy a meal with these two men, savoring whatever time they had together.

  * * * *

  Brock cleared the table as Wes led Lena upstairs to a bedroom with the biggest bed she’d ever seen.

  “That can’t even be a king,” Lena exclaimed. The only reason for a bed that big was so a person and at least two friends could do naughty things all night long. Very naughty things.

  “Yeah, we had it custom built to comfortably fit three people.”

  “And then some,” Lena said. “So, whose room is this?”

  “Actually, it’s the room that Brock and I will share with our wife. Currently, we have separate bedrooms, but soon we’ll all move in here.”

  Lena cocked an eyebrow. “We meaning you and Brock, right?”

  Wes sighed. “I think you know what I mean when I say ‘we,’ Lena. But ‘soon’ doesn’t mean ‘now.’ It means when you’re ready, whenever that may be.”

  He looked at her tenderly and Lena could tell he didn’t want to push her. Lena definitely related to Wes more easily, especially now when she felt so unsure about their relationship and her future with them. He had a gentle way about him that Lena found endlessly comforting. Where Brock was like solid shelter in a storm, Wes was the warm blanket or steaming cup of rich cocoa.

  “Thanks for not pushing me, Wes.” Lena rose up on her toes and kissed him.

  “I know you’ll come around some day and I don’t mind waiting. It’s Brock who’s having problems being patient.”

  He laced his fingers with hers and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips, pushing her toward the bed with his body. “Anyway, let’s not think about it anymore right now. Let’s just focus on you and getting all that tension out of your sweet little body.”

  The back of her calves hit the bed, making her lose her balance, but Wes held on to her hand and caught her shoulder. He gently laid her on her back.

  “You ready for a little massage, sweetheart?” Wes drawled. He bent down and gently nipped her bottom lip.

  Lena’s clit throbbed at just the mere thought of Wes’s hands all over her body, and she ached to reach down and relieve herself of the building agony. Despite Wes’s plan to release her tension, Lena found herself tensing up even more in anticipation.

  “I’m glad to see you haven’t started without me,” Brock’s voice boomed from the doorway.

  He walked over and sat beside her on the edge of the bed. They locked eyes for a moment, as if silently promising each other to let their previous argument go. He picked up her hand and held it to his face with his eyes closed as if savoring its presence against his skin. Then he kissed the tip of every finger and moved his lips up her arm, scraping her sensitive skin with the bristles on his chiseled face.

  Brock lifted her up and pulled her shirt over her head. With one hand, he unclasped her bra. As Lena’s breasts were liberated, her nipples peaked and became even harder
as Brock put his mouth over each one, gently sucking. The sensation of his tongue rolling over each nipple caused Lena to arch her back and moan appreciatively. She reached her arm around him to pull his body closer, but Brock pushed her away back onto the bed. Lena couldn’t keep herself from pouting, which evidently made Brock smirk.

  As Brock began to stand, Lena felt her skirt being pulled from her body. Only her panties remained. Wes kissed her crotch through the thin cotton and looked up at her with a wide grin.

  “Later, sugar. Now flip over.” Lena did as he told her and flipped onto her stomach. The room filled with a sweet, earthy odor. As Wes rubbed a slick substance all over her back, she realized it was lavender-scented massage oil. He worked it into her stiff muscles and Lena could feel herself relaxing.

  “Oh, Wes, that feels incredible.”

  “He’s working you like a ball of clay, Lena,” Brock drawled.

  “More like putty in his hands,” Lena said, moaning. She felt the bed dip as Wes climbed on top and straddled her ass. He pressed even more firmly against her muscles, but his thick shaft pressing innocently against her butt cheeks distracted her too much. She hadn’t noticed him getting undressed, that sly fox.

  “Wes Stone, are you naked?” Lena giggled as she asked her question.

  “Yes, ma’am, but I assure you I have the noblest of intentions. My cock is firmly resting above your panties, not underneath, and I promise to keep it that way…for the time being.” Even though she couldn’t see his face, she could tell he smiled like the little devil he was.

  * * * *

  Lena awoke alone in the gigantic bed, her body still slick with massage oil. She looked over at the alarm clock on the bedside table and saw it was ten o’clock at night. She had napped for about two hours and felt completely refreshed.

  “Hello?” she called out. She got up and headed for the door when it swung open and Brock and Wes both stood there.

  “Have a nice nap, sunshine?” Wes asked.

  “Yeah, I did.” Lena smiled at them and continued walking toward the door before Brock blocked her exit.


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