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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

Page 2

by Renee Harless

  “How do you want this, love? What do you need?”

  With my need to erase the past two days I say the only thing that comes to mind.

  “I want you to break me in two.”

  With a fiery glint in his eyes Alex places a punishing kiss on my lips before rocking back to the end of the bed. Placing his hands on either side of my hips he slides his cock through my wetness one more time before slamming himself to the hilt within my body. My cries of pleasure and pain echo through the vast room when Alex begins to thoroughly pound against my body. With his hold on my hips I meet his every thrust at a punishing rhythm, but the pleasure I feel rising within my core is remarkable. Alex takes all the pain away and all I’m left with is us. Me and him in this one intimate act of possession. He owns me and he will protect me. This I know.

  Amazingly Alex keeps up his unremitting pace through two of my orgasms. When he senses my third climax approaching, he finally unloads and times his release with my own. Gently untying my hands and knees from the restraints, he places them back down on the bed and rests his body on top of mine, burrowing his face in my neck.

  With a soft peck to my at the sweat drenched skin Alex wraps his strong muscular arms around me and I find myself slipping into a deep slumber.

  Chapter 2

  Opening my eyes I glance around my surroundings and realize I’m in our bedroom. Alex is missing, but I can hear his movements downstairs.

  Taking the sheet from the bed I wrap it around my naked body and exit the room. As I descend the stairs I hear Alex speaking with two other men, one I can make out is Gregory.

  “I want her safe and protected at all times. She has already been through more than any one person should ever have to endure and it’s all because of me. I can’t let anything else happen to her. Even if it isn’t physical. She’ll leave me if this goes any further.”

  I don’t want to hear anymore. I can’t believe Alex is blaming himself, like he has any control over the actions of those monsters. Walking into the room I’m surprised to find Scott and Bea both sitting at our table along with Gregory and Alex. Scott is Gregory’s second hand and Bea is the receptionist at my office.

  Bea, noticing me first, jumps from her chair and rushes to my side.

  “Mallory, how are you doing sweetie?”

  “I’m fine Bea. It’s good to see you,” I gush as I one-arm hug her, making sure to keep the sheet closed with my other.

  As red stain dots my cheeks I stutter, “If you all don’t mind, I’ll be right back. I didn’t realize we had company,” and I make a mad dash back up the stairs.

  After throwing on some black yoga pants and a purple t-shirt I make my way back down to the impromptu party.

  “Mrs. Stone, it’s good to see you,” Scott says as he stands to shake my hand as I approach the table.

  “You too, Scott,” I reply with a knowing smirk as I glance at Bea whose gaze is stuck onto Scott’s suit clad backside.

  After shaking Scott’s hand I approach Alex and come to stand beside where he sits. His arm that had been resting along the table comes to wrap around my waist, pulling me close.

  Looking down so that Alex knows I’m speaking directly to him I say, “So, I need a babysitter?”

  “No, you don’t, beautiful, but I would feel…”

  Cutting him off I declare, “It’s fine. I understand.”

  “You’re not going to fight me on this?”


  Seemingly satisfied with my reaction, Alex returns his attention to the group surrounding us. He dictates who should be where and what to look out for, all while gently stroking his fingers along the bare skin at the waistband of my pants. His gentle touch always puts me at ease and Alex always seems to find a way to touch me. The electric charge from just his finger tips is enough to power me for days.

  Making their way to leave I give Bea one last hug, I can tell she’s over the moon happy and I can’t wait to return to work on Monday to get the details about her being here with Scott. Once everyone has left, I make my way back over to where Alex remains sitting. I move my leg over him and straddle him on the chair. This way I can see his eyes and I can gauge his emotions.

  My fingers itch to stroke through his hair and I feed their desire. To feel the soft strands slipping through my touch.

  “I heard what you said earlier. You know I can’t leave you right? You’re it for me. I love you.”

  With a deep breath Alex utters, “I love you too, Mallory. I don’t even want to imagine you no longer in my life. But the rational part of me knows that this is just the tip of the iceberg and it would be selfish of me to not hide you away. Protect you from all of this. I have brought nothing but chaos into your life.”

  “That’s so not true, Alex. You brought me happiness and love and a strength that I didn’t know that I had. If it wasn’t for you I don’t even know if I would have survived the kidnapping or attack. It’s you that makes my life worth living. Now stop being ridiculous and realize that you can’t get rid of me. I really like being Mrs. Stone.”

  A small smile graces my husband’s face and I can’t help but return it. It’s moments like these my heart grows with more love.

  Using my hands that have continued their ministrations, I take his gorgeous face in my hands and place a tender but intense kiss on his lips and he slowly returns the motion. After a few more swipes against his mouth I make to break away. Yet, like a switch has been flipped, Alex pulls me closer and releases a pent up passionate assault on my mouth.

  I rock my hips against his hardening member and Alex releases a deep growl before lifting me from his lap and setting me on the table. A giggle escapes me as I rest back onto the table at the ferocity of Alex’s gaze. He is reminding me of a caged animal set free.

  “Make love to me, Alex. Please.”

  Without a word spoken he reaches forward and grips my pants in his hand, yanking them down my legs before tossing them somewhere behind where he stands. I assist him in removing my shirt so that I am lying in only a pair of blush pink lace bra and panty set.

  Groaning Alex says, “You look so delectable like this, Mrs. Stone,” as he traces his fingers along the waist band of my panties.

  I can feel the heated moisture collecting in the soft lace as he continues to tease my skin.

  “You’re a fantasy come to life, Mallory. Spread out like this on our kitchen table. Ready for me to devour you.”

  His soft-spoken sexy words cause another rush of moisture to cascade from my core, further lubricating my folds.

  “Please, Alex. I need…” I moan as Alex glides his fingers under the delicate lace, stroking my sex.

  “I know what you need, beautiful. I always know what you need.”

  Without any further discussion, Alex peels away my panties while instructing me to remove my bra. As my hands return from removing the flimsy straps I find myself gripping the edge of the table as Alex’s mouth descends onto my swollen nub. I release a startled cry as he licks my pussy, paying close attention to my sensitive bundle of nerves. When he can feel an orgasm approaching he inserts his tongue into my hot core, thrusting as his finger rubs my clit. When my climax hits I let out a guttural scream of ecstasy.

  As I float back to earth I feel myself flipped over onto the table, feet now firmly placed on the ground, chest on the cold wood. Alex’s hand takes a firm grasp of my hair and pushes his massive cock into my still quivering sex. At some point in my unconsciousness Alex must have removed his clothes because I can feel the heat from his thighs pressed against my own. He pulls out, almost to the tip and wildly plunges back in to the base. He repeats this slowly twice more, causing my body to yearn for more aggressiveness.

  Before I’m able to voice my needs Alex’s hand sends a shocking slap across my behind and I find myself screaming out, “YES!”

  Unleashing his pent up passion, Alex begins to plunge more rapidly, alternating with pleasure filled smacks on my reddening ass cheeks. My nipples skim ac
ross the table due to Alex’s powerful movements and sends shivers all over my body.

  “Come for me, beautiful. I need you with me.”

  Reaching around to find my clitoris once more, Alex forces my orgasm to the forefront and I accept my fate to the waves of desire. His hot seed spills inside me and I can feel its force against the wall of my sex, eliciting another wave of bliss to escape my body.

  Breathing heavily, Alex kisses between my shoulder blades and helps me to stand from the table.

  “That was…I don’t even have words.”

  “I know, beautiful. It was much needed, I think,” he says as he tucks a loose hair behind my ear.


  We fix a quick meal in companionable silence, reflecting on our limited time together before I return to work.

  Noticing my lack of appetite Alex questions, “Are you nervous about going back tomorrow?”

  “No, I just feel like they’ve given me this amazing opportunity and I haven’t even been around that much, you know?”

  “I’m sure they understand, Mallory. You’ve had a lot happen the past few weeks.”

  “I know. I just don’t want to let them down. They’ve invested a lot in me. And now that Stephen’s gone back to Maryland I’ll be on my own.”

  “You’ll do fine, love. I have the utter most faith in you.”

  “Thank you, Alex. I guess I should try to get some actual rest so that I’m alert in the morning. I feel like I haven’t had any decent sleep in a while. Are you coming to bed?”

  “I’ll come up with you, but I need to work on a few things. Do you mind if I do that in our room?”

  “Not at all, Alex. I’m just happy to be anywhere near you.”

  With his sexy smirk Alex replies, “Same here, beautiful. Same here.”

  Scott escorts me through the throngs of reporters waiting outside my building’s front doors. They continue to shout horrible and defiling things about me and Alex. They even go so far as to bring up his past fake pregnancy with Samantha, all hoping to get a reaction from me. It’s a shame that I have such a long walk, and with them bunched all around me, it takes three times longer than usual.

  As I finally make my way to the front door I find myself making my first fatal mistake. Tugging on the lobby door with my left hand, an overzealous ray of sunshine blasts down on my third finger, bringing all the reporters full attention to my shining diamond and newly acquired wedding band. I had thought that their shouts were already over the top, but this new development sends them into a feeding frenzy.

  I glance at Scott as he tries to help me open the door quickly and he shakes his head. He knows we weren’t planning on keeping the marriage a secret, but we definitely weren’t ready to come forward yet.

  As we slip through the door, security helps to usher me to the service elevator in hopes to avoid the same flurry from my fellow employees. Thankfully Bea is waiting for me just outside the elevators with a hot cup of coffee and a bagel and she hurriedly escorts me to my private office.

  “Are you ok?” she asks, looks of sympathy swimming in her eyes.

  “I’m fine, just overwhelmed. I wasn’t expecting it to be like this. I’m no celebrity.”

  “But you are, Mallory. You snagged one of the hottest bachelors in the world and were kidnapped by said bachelor’s brother. Believe me, your life is a thing of tall tales.”

  Shrugging my shoulders I boot up my computer and flick on the internet to do some research on a client. Of course the first thing I see on my homepage is an entertainment section announcing my love affair. A close up of my ring finger splits the portrait with the infamous magazine cover.

  “Well that didn’t take long,” I mumble.

  Bea glances over my shoulder and shakes her head.

  “I guess it’s good to get it out of the way. Maybe it will take the heat off the other photos.”

  Reading through the article it seems to do the opposite. The author speculates that the only reason there is a wedding band on my finger is Alex’s need to save me from embarrassment. That he felt obligated to marry me since the pictures leaked. I find myself laughing as I finish up the article.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “We’ve been married over a week; before anything was leaked. So at least myself, Alex and our close friends and family know the truth, but man they are trying awfully hard to paint us in a bad light. I can’t help but find it humorous.”

  “You have a weird sense of humor, Mallory,” she says as she turns to leave.

  As she makes her way to through the door she runs smack into the hard muscled chest of Scott and blushes as she rushes past him. A smile graces his hardened face as he stares after her before bringing his attention back to me.

  “Mrs. Stone, I think we need to discuss with Mr. Stone some options regarding the press. I believe it is only going to get worse until we figure out who is behind all of this.”

  I let go of a deep seated groan as I take in what he says.

  “Won’t they get bored and go away?”

  “I wish it were that easy, but now that the marriage has gone public they are going to scrounge high and low for dirt on the both of you and wedding photos. Don’t forget the allegations.”

  “What allegations?”

  “They’ll come up with anything, Mrs. Stone. Affairs, fights, living arrangements. You name it they’ll say it. You’ll have to learn to turn a blind eye at it. Gossip will eat you alive.”

  Smacking my head face down on my desk I grumble, “Ugh, why can’t we go back to being normal?”

  “My apologies, Mrs. Stone, but Mr. Stone was never normal. He’s been a target for the press since he was born and it has only escalated as he has become notorious with his racing team and research. But I assure you that we will do all we can to protect you and your private life.”

  “I just don’t want to go through it all again. I’ve worked so hard to push past the incidents with Seth and Nicholas. I don’t want to keep reliving it. That’s why I jumped at the chance to get married. I could finally start a new life.”

  “I am truly sorry for all that is happening. Please let me know if you need anything to help take your mind off of things. I think diving head first into your work will help.”

  I nod my head in agreement, trying my best to shake away the turmoil of the morning.

  Scott turns to leave after saying, “I’ll be outside your office so please don’t hesitate to get me if you need anything.”

  “Thank you, Scott. I appreciate it. How is your son by the way?”

  At the mention of his son his smile widens.

  “He’s great. Thank you for asking. He really likes Bea. Almost as much as I do.”

  “That’s fantastic news,” I exclaim before my phone begins to ring and I start a call with new potential clients.

  The rest of the day isn’t as nearly as eventful as the morning. We only had three reporters try to sneak into the building. One even claimed he was my long lost brother. Of course these incidents caused Scott to work with the buildings security to issue new photo IDs to all staff. I guess it never hurts to add another level of protection.

  To my surprise Alex is waiting for me when I exit the building to head back home for the day. The swarm of predators behind him, but he ignores them and graces me with a sexy smile at my arrival into his arms. I hadn’t spoken with Alex today, but he is dressed in a grey tailored suit that showcases his trim and taut figure. I can only imagine that he meet with some very important people.

  Taking me in his arms he whispers how much he missed me today while showing an enormous amount of affection for the cameras. Seizing my face between his hands he positions his lips over mine in a kiss that should surely put to rest any doubts people have about our love for each other. Knowing how his kiss affects me he ends it far too quickly for my liking and then Alex brushes a stray hair away from my face, all in front of the prying eyes of the press.

  “I’m taking you out to dinner tonight

  “Is there a special occasion?” I inquire smiling up at my remarkably handsome husband as he guides me to the waiting vehicle behind Scott and Gregory.

  “Do I need a reason to take my wife out?”

  “No, sir,” I say as I shake my head, “I just wanted to make sure I was dressed appropriately.”

  Flashing his signature sexy smirk, “You always look beautiful, Mallory. You take my breath away, truly.”

  I can’t reply to him since his words leave me speechless so I tuck my chin to hide my blush from the flashing cameras.

  Gregory holds the door open for me and Alex as Scott tucks himself into the vehicle we utilized this morning. As we settle back into the luxurious leather seats of the town car I turn my attention towards Alex as he unbuttons his suit jacket, making himself more comfortable. His light gray button-down shirt is pulled tight across his chest and I can make out the planes of muscles across his abdomen. Sensing my perusal Alex turns his attention towards me and chuckles softly. Reaching forward he brushes his thumb along the corner of my mouth, which has unknowingly opened during my inspection, and wipes away a smidge of moisture from the corner.

  “Oh my goodness, how embarrassing. I was actually drooling looking at you,” I say bringing my hands upward and resting my face in them.

  As Alex pulls my face from my hands he chuckles again, “Don’t be embarrassed. I find it extremely sexy that you find me so attractive. “

  Rolling my eyes I try to turn my interest to the passing buildings, but Alex grabs my hand and places it on his trouser covered cock. His extremely hard trouser covered cock.

  “Believe me now?”

  Unable to form any words I only nod in reply.

  “Baby, if you keep staring at my cock like that I won’t hesitate to have them stop this car so that I can fuck you so hard that you can’t walk tomorrow.”

  With an alarming gulp of air and a squeeze of my thighs I say, “Wow, I thought everyone said the heat dies when you get married. Boy were they wrong.”

  “Since when do we ever do anything like everyone else?”


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