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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

Page 5

by Renee Harless

  “Mrs. Stone, the Vice President Mr. Carter would like you to meet him in the conference room when you are settled,” she says as professionally as a friend can.

  “Is something the matter?” I ask, but I already know. The pictures were released this morning, some including me that weren’t in the pile that Gregory received the night before. I don’t need to imagine what this meeting is regarding.

  “He didn’t say; just asked me to let you know.”

  “Thanks, Bea.”

  “Come see me when you’re done?” she inquires as I head back to my office.

  “Sure,” I mutter in reply.

  Scott continues to follow me to my office and holds the door so that I can slip through. I toss my things in my desk drawer and grab a notebook, not that I think that I need one. I’m pretty positive I’m going to be let go.

  As I turn to exit I can see Scott glancing at me solemnly.

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. Stone.”

  “It’s fine, Scott. It’s not your fault and I can’t say that I blame them. Image is important in this business.”

  He nods in understanding and follows me towards the conference room where I know he’ll wait just outside the door.

  Once inside the brightly lit room, in complete contrast to the turmoil I feel inside, I’m greeted by the Vice President, the head of Human Resources, and another Senior Executive Director that I vaguely remember meeting when I was promoted.

  “Mallory, thank you for joining us this morning,” the Mr. Carter, the Vice President says as he shakes my hand. “We haven’t officially met, but you can call me Jeffrey.”

  “Thanks Jeffrey, it’s good to meet you.”

  Jeffrey introduces the other members in the room and then asks me to sit at one of the available chairs. As I go to the pull the chair out, I can’t help but notice the slight shaking of my hand. I’m so nervous; I’ve never been fired before. I almost feel like I should just put it out there, rip it off like a band-aid.

  “Mrs. Stone, I’m sure you’re wondering why we asked you to come in this morning.”

  “Not really, sir. I’m pretty positive I’m being let go. I understand that my current personal situations are reflecting poorly on the company.”

  The woman from Human Resources, Angela, speaks up. “Mrs. Stone, we’re worried about you; for you. You’ve been with us a long time and this decision isn’t one we’ve come to lightly. Losing you is a huge loss for us. We think it’s in your best interest to let you go.”

  “How is that in my best interest? What am I supposed to do now?” I ask heatedly.

  Jeffrey intercedes the conversation again.

  “Let’s review the severance package and I think you’ll see how this is the best thing for you. Angela, please go over what we’re offering.”

  “Mallory, we are offering you a month’s salary for every year you worked for us, including payment for any remaining vacation and sick time. Also, we’ve decided to disregard the five year no-compete clause. Not just because you’re in a different country than the head quarters, but because we know you have a very long client list that will most likely follow you to your next place of work.”

  I take a deep breath and let the information sink in, but the possibilities are overwhelming.

  “Mallory,” Jeffrey begins, “this is a golden opportunity to move forward with a different company or to freelance; which, I may say, would be a great option for you and your skills. You’re extremely talented and we are truly at a loss for it coming to this. It’s amazing what you’ve accomplished in the short time you were given this new venture. We are sad to part ways.”

  I nod in comprehension. I can see that this decision isn’t one they came to lightly. I shake Jeffrey’s hand and accept the package as they introduce me to my replacement. I’m not even requested to stay onboard to help train; they want me to exit as quickly and quietly as possible.

  To say I’m a bit heartbroken is an understatement. This is a company I have been with since I was twenty-two years old; eight years. I’ll miss all my coworkers and clients, but I know that I’ve been lucky to stay on as long as I have, especially with the situations I’ve endured in the past year.

  I stop by Bea’s desk, using the back hallway, and request her assistance along with mine and Scott’s to pack up my office. It’s strange to think that I haven’t gotten to spend a large amount of time in this room. I don’t have much to pack, just a few pictures and odds-and-ends.

  I left the office with two boxes carrying my items. Scott was smart enough to have the car waiting outside the building so that he didn’t have to wait with them. As he stuffs the packages into the car I ask if we can go get some lunch at the deli up the street and he readily agrees.

  As we stroll along the busy sidewalk I see that Scott is tense as he surveys the crowd around me. I hadn’t been nervous before, but watching him scan the crowd raises my hackles.

  Finally, we approach the deli and Scott ushers me inside quickly. We are fortunate that the small sandwich shop isn’t crowded and I see Scott take a deep cleansing breath.

  “Everything okay, Scott?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I saw a few reporters lurking close by and wanted to make sure they didn’t follow. Apologies.”

  “That’s okay. Let’s eat some lunch then head back. Do you think Alex will be home?”

  “I believe he is with his team right now. They have a charity race coming up.”

  I place my order with the server and turn back to Scott.

  “That’s right, I forgot all about the race coming up.”

  After Scott places his order we grab our sandwiches and take a seat at one of the small tables inside the deli. We don’t speak, just gobble up our meals, but as we stand to leave Scott pulls my attention towards him.

  “Mallory, I’m sorry you lost your job today.”

  “Thanks, Scott. I get where they’re coming from, but I’ve never been fired before. It sucks and it wasn’t even something that I did. That’s the worst part.”

  I grumble to myself as we head back across the street to the awaiting car to head back home.

  When I enter the house behind Scott we end up startling Maria as we walk into the kitchen. She asks why I’m home early and after my explanation she persuades me to head upstairs for some rest.

  I quickly shed my clothes and climb between the cool bedding. The stress of the day takes its toll because as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall into a deep slumber.


  I jolt from the bed when I hear a ringing from across the room. In my sleep-filled haze I don’t recognize Alex’ signature ringtone, but once the melodic tunes registers, I bolt from the bed and rush to answer. Unfortunately I miss the call, but I return it quickly.


  “This is Alex’s secretary, Mrs. Stone, but he asked me to call you to let you know that he will be back late this evening. They are having issues with one of their sponsors.”

  “Oh, okay. Thank you for letting me know,” I say whilst inside I am questioning the spunky voice on the other end.

  “He also wanted me to let you know that he is devastated about your job and he is going to bring you with him tomorrow.”

  “What’s going on tomorrow?” I ask.

  “Tomorrow is the practice run for the charity race this weekend. He thought you may enjoy it. My family enjoys watching it.”

  At the inclusion to her family I release a short breath. Not that I suspect that every female near Alex wants to sink her claws deep into him, but I’m a female and Alex is about as perfect as you can get.

  “Well, now I have something to look forward too. I cannot wait. Thank you for the call… I’m sorry, what did you say your name was?”

  “My apologies, my name is Sophie. I’ve worked with your husband for about four years. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow, Mrs. Stone.”

  “Likewise,” I reply then end the call.

  I’m excited at the prospect of seeing Alex race.
We don’t speak often about his jobs as both a research doctor and a Formula One driver and owner. We’re usually relegated to the topic of his family’s status. But the amount of his talent overwhelms me. Alex is good at pretty much everything, his touch turning it golden. Me? I was just happy to be good at one thing, which has now been stripped from me.

  I think back to my conversation with Abi and I wonder if joining me in our own business is something she would want to pursue. Perhaps I can even steal Bea away. She was more knowledgeable than the company was giving her credit.

  Moving down to the kitchen, I continue to ponder the thought of opening my own business. I'm not sure how to go about doing that, but perhaps Alex can assist me.

  My heart starts to beat rapidly as I envision how the business would work. If Abi and Bea joined me, we could divvy out tasks, but come together for the complete campaign - each of us focusing in the field where our strengths lie. Abi would direct her talents to focusing on brand management and public relations, Bea could use her people-skills to concentrate on target groups, demographics, and social media presence, and I would work on the creative aspects and overall campaigns.

  Elation flowing through my bones, I snatch my phone from my back pocket, where I placed it after speaking with Sophie, and immediately call Abi.

  "Mal? Everything okay?" she immediately asks when she answers the call.

  "Yes, perfect. Can you meet me for dinner?"

  "Dinner sounds good. When and where?"

  "Well, I kind of feel like celebrating so maybe we could eat here?"

  "We're celebrating? I am definitely on board. Want me to come by around six?"

  "That would be great. I'll order in. I can't wait!"

  "See you then."

  I hang up with Abi, immediately call Bea at her desk, and replay the same conversation that I had with Abi. Bea agrees to dinner and offers to bring some Chinese on her way. Excellent! One less thing I need to do.

  Eager to get started I skip down the hall to Alex's office and sit down in his leather chair, spinning in a circle a few times in my excitement. Once I stop twirling and the nausea subsides I open a pad of yellow paper and grab one of Alex's fancy ink pens.

  That's when my imagination runs wild. At the top of the page I write the words BAM! Marketing and Advertising. I immediately came up with BAM! as a play on our initials. Underneath the company name I write our names next to co-founders. Of course I plan to fund all the start-up money, I need something that can use the ridiculous allowance Alex gives me.

  I start listing all the clients that I'd like to contact. I know which ones are nearing the end of their contracts with my previous company and which ones I know will break their contracts just to work with me.

  Completely lost in my work, page after page of drafts, I miss hearing the knock on the door. I scream when I feel a soft hand on my shoulder.

  I turn quickly, bracing my hand against my chest.

  "Abi, you scared the crap out of me!"

  "I'm sorry," she cries, "I thought you heard me."

  She grabs the papers from the table and examines them.

  "You've been busy. What's all this?"

  "This is what we're celebrating," I exclaim.

  "BAM! Marketing?" Abi asks.

  "I'll explain when Bea gets here. Want to go pick out a wine that will go well with sodium covered Chinese take-out?"

  Abi nods her head and moves towards the wine cellar while I straighten up the mess I made in the office.

  Bea joins our party shortly after Abi returns with the wine and Scott follows her into the home. He tells us that he is simply there for safety and does not plan on interrupting our girl's night; Gregory needed to go pick up Alex and couldn't monitor the home. Strangely enough I feel a sense of comfort knowing someone is there watching over us.

  The girls spread out the wide-array of food on the kitchen counter and we each fill our plates full of the delicious smelling food. Bea fills a plate for Scott and takes it to him in the office where he set up shop for the evening. Abi overfills our wine glasses with a rich red wine and we all rest in a chair around the kitchen table.

  We eat in companionable silence until Abi can't hold herself back any longer.

  "I can't take it any longer. Not that I don't love you, but why are we here?"

  I smirk, giggling inwardly.

  "Go grab a bottle of Champagne, Abi, and I'll tell you why you're here."

  Chapter 6

  I wait for Abi to finish filling the intricate glass goblets before expelling my news.

  “It probably sounds crazy, but I’ve decided to start my own business,” I rush out, “and I’d like both of you to join me.”

  The shrieks and squeals of excitement lead me to believe that they are as ecstatic about the venture as I am.

  “I don’t know what to say, Mallory. Thank you for thinking of me,” Abi says as she wraps her arms around me in a tight embrace. “What’s the plan? How do we do this?”

  “That’s why I wanted you guys to come by; I’ve been working on it all afternoon. I didn’t want you to accept without seeing my plan.”

  I take their hands and bring them back to the kitchen table and spread out the numerous pages of ideas that fluttered from my head to the pages this afternoon.

  “So I’m hoping you both end up joining me because I want to use out first initials in the company name. Obviously we can choose something else if you don’t like it, but this is what I came up with,” I elaborate as I show them the drawing.

  BAM! is shadowed and outlined in a three-dimensional effect to make the viewer think of the sound rather than the word while the words Marketing and Advertising uses the same shadowing effect but in a smaller fashion.

  The girls grab the paper from the table and stare in awe and rapture at the paper. They are so quiet I have a hard time reading their thoughts.

  “It’s perfect,” Bea whispers almost hesitantly to herself. “It’s absolutely perfect,” she says again, much louder than before. “I want in. I totally want in.”

  “Me too!” Abi shouts in agreement, bouncing enthusiastically, like a small child, in her chair.

  “Really? Don’t you want to know more about it?”

  “Of course we’re in. We’d be stupid not to jump on board. It’s not like you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re beyond talented at what you do,” Bea explains as Abi nods her head in agreement.

  “Ok, wow. I didn’t think it would be this easy. Bea you’re ok leaving your job? I mean I’ll make sure you all are paid, I’m going to front the startup money, but it’s a lot to ask someone to quit their job.”

  “Heck yea I’m going to quit. I don’t have a prestigious position or anything and it’s not like they let me do anything other than answer the phone. You’re the only one that let me work on side projects.”

  “Awesome.” Turning my attention to Abi I ask, “Abi, do you have any hesitations about working with me?”

  “Don’t be a fucking wanker,” she proclaims in an over-the-top British accent. “I’ve been asking you for months to quit your job and do this. I can’t wait. Now tell us everything you envision.”

  So I do. I’m unable to contain my enthusiasm as I show them page after page of my potential client lists and future campaigns for each one and then where I see each of us focusing our talents. When I’m through I release a deep breath and look at the girls faces – wide smiles plastered from ear to ear across their faces.

  “So? What do you think?”

  “You’re a genius and absolute genius,” Abi says.

  Bea follows up by asking, “So, when do we start?”

  “I was thinking two weeks? That way you had time to leave your job.”

  “EEK! I am so excited!” Abi shouts, grabbing both myself and Bea in her slim arms.

  With the jubilation emanating in the room we grab our goblets of Champagne, Abi smartly grabbing the bottle as well, and move the party into the den. Flicking on the television we settl
e on a reality dating show and lose ourselves in the mixture of alcohol and laughter.

  We don’t hear the knock on the door, but I don’t find myself surprised at all to find Alex leaning against the wall watching our commentary of the show. Scott rests on the opposite wall from Alex, eyes focused solely on Bea.

  “Alex, baby, you’re home!” I exclaim as I rush towards him and jump in his awaiting arms.

  “Well, this is a surprise. I was afraid I’d come home to you upset. I’m glad to see you’re well,” Alex says gently as he runs his fingers tenderly through my hair before pressing his lips to my forehead. “What have you been up to?”

  “We’re going to open a business together. Isn’t that great? It’s going to be perfect, and it’s going to be BAM!, and the girls are excited, and we’re going to steal my old clients, and…” I answer in one strong breath before Alex reaches up and clamps my lips together between his fingers.

  “Take a breath. So you’re starting your own business? That’s wonderful, Mallory. I have no doubt it will be successful.”

  I reply, by snuggling my face into his chest and wrapping my arms tightly around his waist while saying “Thank you, baby.”

  I continue to lean into Alex’s strong frame while Scott informs us that he is taking Bea home.

  “I think we all need to get to bed, you have an early morning, beautiful. Abi, your room is ready for you as always.”

  “Thanks, Alex. I’ll give Kyle a call now,” Abi says as she heads off towards one of the first level guest rooms.

  Sweeping me up into his arms, Alex carries me up the stairs and into the bedroom. He places me gently on top of the covers and begins to peel away my clothing. In the blink of an eye he has me naked and resting on the bed while he works to remove his own clothing. I lean up onto my elbows so that I can watch him uncover himself.

  “Hey, Alex,” I say as I think back to our conversation earlier in the week. “Do you want to start practicing for that baby?”

  He speaks no words, but a growl vibrates deep within his chest as he springs forward and crashes his lips on mine. His fingers tweak and tug at my nipples, erecting them to taut points. Kisses rain down from my mouth to my breasts, a warm tongue snaking out to lave at the rigid points on my chest. Satisfying moans ripple from my throat as pleasure heats my skin.


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