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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

Page 7

by Renee Harless

  “I want you too, Alex. I love the way you grip the wheel and shifter when you drive.”

  He groans deep within his throat, an innate vibration that I can feel far within my core, and closes his eyes. Before I have a moment to comprehend his rumination, Alex jolts from the car and swiftly makes his way to my side, wrenching me from my seat. He removes our helmets and tosses them carelessly into the passenger seat and floorboard.

  I look around the area, particularly for Sophie and Mitch, but they pay us no mind, seemingly engulfed in conversation. Alex tugs my hand as he rapidly marches back to the building where he changed his attire. Being almost a foot shorter than him I have to work hard to keep up with his pace.

  We enter the building and find two mechanics slouched on a sofa watching television.

  “Out, now, or you’re both fired,” Alex shouts to the men, startling them enough that they jump from the couch and run out the door.

  Alex’s speed never waivers; he pulls me along behind him, a plan already brewing in his mind.

  When he gets to the door he was in search of, he yanks me into the room and twists me so that I am pressed up against the adjoining wall. He locks the door then twists, pressing his body against mine.

  “Fuck, I need you, beautiful. I won’t be able to make it until we get home.”

  He doesn’t wait for my reply, not that I would have turned him down. I’ve been ready for him since he strolled out of this building earlier in his race suit.

  In a skill and quickness that I didn’t know I possessed, I direct the tab of the zipper down from Alex’s neck towards the stop at his left thigh. I haphazardly allow my arm to brush along his straining erection and a gasp permeates from Alex’s lungs. Before I’m able to continue my desire to shed him of his racing attire, my head is knocked back against the wall as Alex assails my mouth with his own. His tongue thrusts between my lips and tastes the surroundings of my mouth. During the assault Alex strips the suit away from his body, leaving him in a tight white t-shirt and black boxer briefs.

  His swift fingers make tight work of my shorts and panties; chucking them across the tiny room. One of his hands sneaks under my shirt and glides up my ribcage, under my bra, to rest on my breast. Alex kneads the flesh in a softness I would not have known could exist in his current state.

  His other hand slips down my pelvis and between my legs, sliding against the moist folds at my center. My body trembles when his thumb flicks against my hardened pleasure point.

  Pleased with the progression of my body’s need, Alex’s hands move to grab at my behind, gripping the muscles in his tight clutch. Using his grasp, he slides my body up the wall, aligning my core with his erection, still encased in his boxers. My legs move to wrap around his waist and I wrap my arms around his neck, holding myself close to his body, kissing along his jawline.

  “Hold on,” he murmurs.

  Alex works his underwear down his body then positions his hands back at my waist. His now exposed cock slides through my wetness before settling at my entrance. Without a moment’s hesitation, Alex thrusts his massive manhood into my tightness. I don’t have time to absorb the initial pleasure as Alex works at a frenzying pace, mimicking the velocity of the car on the track.

  Before I have a chance to finish my thought I can feel the tingling in my core.

  “Alex, I’m going to come. Oh, god!” I shout as I come apart in his arms.

  Alex continues his thrusts, pulsing to his own rhythm. His body responds to my contractions because his warmth fills me not long after my own orgasm.

  “Fuck me,” he whispers into his neck.

  I giggle as I say, “I did.”

  Kissing my mouth, Alex says against my lips, “Fucking smart arse.”

  “You love my smart ass,” I reply as I meet his tongue thrust for thrust.

  “Fuck yea I do,” he retorts as he grips my behind tighter, squeezing the surface in his large hands.

  Pulling away from our kiss, Alex sets me back on the ground and reaches for some tissues in a box on a small table in the corner. He kneels before me and wipes away any lingering mess from my legs. He grabs my panties and shorts and helps me to dress. The gesture is both sweet and unexpected. I watch in trance as Alex dresses himself back in the jeans and light blue shirt. He runs his fingers through his hair a few times and folds his racing suit, placing it on the table beside the tissues.

  “Come on, love. I have one more surprise for you.”

  “For me? Today was about you, Alex.” I pronounce as I follow him out of the building.

  I squint as the bright sunlight momentarily blinds me. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust and I gasp when I see the NSX with a large bow attached to her hood.

  “What is this?”

  “Well, I thought today was deserving of a gift. It’s an anniversary of sorts.”

  “What do you mean ‘anniversary of sorts’?”

  Alex turns in my direction and takes my hand, stroking his fingers along my engagement ring and wedding band. Shyly he replies, “We met a year ago today. I didn’t know then that you would be everything to me, but I knew the first moment I saw you that you would mend me. You make me whole.”

  The tears well in my eyes at his statement. He makes me feel whole too. I’m no longer a shattered version of myself; he melded all the broken shards into one.

  “I love you, Alex. But it’s a car,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Of course it’s a car,” he chuckles. “When have I ever given a standard gift?”

  “That’s true.”

  I look around and see Sophie’s smiling face trying to hide behind her clipboard, I snicker at her expression.

  “This is the best day. I love this car! Thank you so much. Can I drive it home?”

  “Absolutely. Gregory left earlier so I’m riding with you, babe. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  We situate ourselves in the car. Alex tugging at my belt to make sure it’s latched properly.

  “Don’t forget we drive on the opposite side than you’re used to.”

  “I know; I’ll be careful. It may take me a while to get used to. I think I did ok driving though.”

  “You did. You’ll be great. Let’s go, beautiful.”

  I put the vehicle in first gear and ease it out of the racing arena. My hands tighten around the steering wheel as I anticipate my turn onto traffic. The open road beckons me forward and I maneuver myself onto the double lane road.

  I take a deep breath after I launch the car forward, bringing her up to the speed limit in the blink of an eye. Alex chuckles alongside me and I glare at him before turning my attention back to the road.

  It is a beautiful warm day outside and the sun is shining brightly beyond my window, urging me to lower the glass and feel the warmth and wind on my skin. Alex follows suit and lowers his window as well, letting the elbow of his left arm to rest on the sill.

  We don't talk during the drive, Alex confident in my ability to get us back to our home and operate the London traffic, me wanting to get home and show Alex how much I appreciate his gift.

  Gregory, Maria, and Anna are waiting for us on the porch of our charming Victorian when we arrive home. Gregory stays on the porch, having already known about the car, but Maria and Anna rush forward to admire the sleek metal. The girls oooo and aahh over her exterior and interior design and I can't say that I blame them; I did the same thing back at the track.

  "I take it you like it, Mrs. Stone?"

  "Gregory, I love it. I was so surprised, I didn't have any idea this knucklehead had a car waiting for me," I joke gesturing to Alex standing off to the side leaning against the porch railing.

  "No trouble driving her home?"

  "None at all, she is a dream to drive. She grumbles and grunts, but glides like she's ice skating."

  Gregory and Alex both chuckle at my description, but it's the honest truth.

  "Uncle Alex! Uncle Alex!" Anna shouts from the driver's seat of the NS
X. "Can you take my picture, please?"

  We all walk back over to the car and watch as Alex uses his cell phone to take Anna's picture and email it to Maria.

  Gregory and Maria crouch down beside the car door as Anna pretends to drive. Alex and I scoot over to the side, admiring the family before us.

  "I want that with you," Alex begins. "I want to come home to you and a little girl that is a spitting image of her mother."

  "And I want a little boy that inherits all of his father's handsome looks. We'll get there Alex. We have to be patient, but we'll get our family." Turning to face him and wrapping my arms around his waist I continue, "We haven't even known each other that long, babe. And most doctors make you try for a year or two before they consider intervening. We have plenty of time to work on making a baby. Practicing is the fun part anyway."

  I return his smile as my words light up his face.

  "I want to practice now," he growls into my ear.

  I shake my head in silent laughter. "We just practiced and I'm a bit tired from all the excitement today."

  Stroking his fingers through my hair, he nods and tells Gregory that he, Maria, and Anna can check out the car as long as they like but need to move it into the garage when they're done, and then tosses Gregory the keys. He slides a hand down my arm and he links his hand with mine and steers me towards the house.

  Upstairs I make myself comfortable for a nap by shedding my clothes and sinking deep into the silken sheets. Alex presses a soft, loving kiss on my lips before closing the curtains, turning off the lights, and closing the door. When I hear the door click I turn onto my side, grab Alex's pillow and take a deep breath, filling my lungs with Alex's scent; only then am I able to fall asleep, cocooned in the flavor of my love.

  Chapter 8

  I wake from my nap disoriented. The room is draped in black, light no longer streaming through the curtains, and the alarm clock showcases the time as 5:30pm. The day must have really taken a toll on me; a three-hour nap is a bit long.

  Sitting up in bed, I wipe the sleep from my eyes with the back of my hand. I remove myself from the tangle of sheets and stand beside the bed. My arms reach above my head, tightly stretching my body. A dull ache in my lower back twinges and I gently rub the area. Grabbing my yoga pants and a shirt from the closet, I leave the bedroom in search of Alex and food.

  The scent of garlic wafts through the air as my foot leaves the final step on the staircase. Down the hall, I turn in the direction of the kitchen and I gasp to find Alex at the stove. Alex is not an apt chef - he can occasionally whip up breakfast, but that is the extent of his skills.

  "That smells so good, please don't burn it," I say continuing to stray into the room.

  Alex chuckles and turns in my direction, letting his eyes travel up my body starting at my toes and finally resting on my face. His gaze devouring my casually clad body.

  "Don't worry, Maria had this ready to go, I'm only stirring the sauce. Are you feeling alright? You don't usually sleep that long and you look a little flush," Alex asks, concern marring his features.

  "I feel good, don't worry. The excitement of the day must have taken its toll. What are we having, it smells amazing?"

  "Grilled chicken in a garlic-parmesan sauce. It's incredible."

  “It certainly looks it. Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Why don’t you take a seat and I’ll bring it out for us? Maria left some homemade bread as well.”

  I follow Alex’s instructions and seat myself at the table located in the kitchen so that I can watch as he puts the final preparations in our meal. His strong muscular back ripples beneath the snugness of his t-shirt, hinting at the glorious landscape beneath.

  He sits a healthy plate in front of me and I inhale deeply allowing the aroma of the garlic and cheese to waft through my sinuses. Alex pairs a small glass of red wine with the meal and we chat idly about the charity race on Saturday and his practice today.

  The comfort of the conversation isn’t lost on me when I mentally lapse back to when Alex first proposition me. I was a sack of nerves. The anticipation of not knowing what to expect and the nervousness of being in his presence alone was enough to rattle my conscious.

  A smile softly grows on my face thinking about the night Alex ate sushi off my body. That was the first night we made love. Because I know now that that’s what it was; his entire demeanor during our session changed.

  “Remember that time you ate sushi off me?” I ask Alex.

  He replies with a wicked grin and then quickly masks it with a veil of shame.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I knew I loved you that night, but I was too wrapped up in myself to act on it. I don’t like to think that I almost lost you forever to that crazy man, all because I was a coward.”

  “Don’t think like that, Alex. You didn’t lose me; I’m here now, with you, forever.”

  I take his hand from the table, encasing it between my two smaller ones. I let the warmth of my skin spread across to his. Bringing his hand towards my lips, I place a gentle kiss on each of his fingertips. Setting his hand back on the table I pick up my fork and finish eating the delectable meal Maria prepared.

  “I love you so much, Mallory. I hate to think of what a fool I was. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Everything I knew before you was simply hollow.”

  A phone rings in a far room, breaking the spell we’ve swathed ourselves in. Alex frowns as he leaves the table to retrieve the device. I can hear him talking in the other room, excitement lacing through his voice.

  After five minutes have passed I take our plates to the sink, rinse them, and stack them in the dishwasher. Heading towards the office I find Alex leaning over his desk, piles of manila folders scattered over the usually pristine wood.

  “I have all my data here and I’ll make sure to bring it with me. This is such great news and I can’t wait to get things started,” Alex says into the phone before ending the call.

  When he notices my arrival in the study his already gleaming smile widens. He rushes towards me, taking me in his arms, and spins me wildly around the room. I can’t help but to giggle at his action.

  “Love, I just received the most remarkable news. The research grant I applied for at The Johns Hopkins Research Institute was approved. I’ll be able to use my data to study and develop treatments for Prader-Willi. I swear, you must be my lucky charm because I applied for that grant five years ago.”

  “That’s wonderful, Alex. I know how much your research means to you. So what does this all mean? Are you leaving?” I ask, smiling hesitantly.

  “I’ll be going back to Baltimore. Say you’ll come with me. I know you miss your family and Madison.”

  “I can’t just leave, Alex. I have my job and…”

  Alex cuts me off with his sexy smirk, “Your job isn’t an issue any longer. I need to leave on Sunday, after the charity race, and you can work from home if we’re there long.”

  “You’re right. I hadn’t even considered the fact that I don’t have an actual nine to five job right now. Oh-my-gosh I get to go home and see my parents!” I shout, joining in Alex’s mirth. “I need to call my mom.”

  “Here, darling, use my phone,” Alex insists as laughs while dialing my parent’s number.

  My mom answers on the first ring and shouts to my father when I give her the news of our visit. My heart saddens when I think about how much I miss my family. Alex and I agreed that we’d travel back and forth, but with my previous job I knew that it was a false hope, now, with my own venture, we can travel as much as we want.

  I stay on the phone with my parents letting them catch me up on what they and my twin brothers have been doing. Apparently Ethan has a girlfriend that he actually brought home to meet my parents and they absolutely love her.

  After hanging up with my parents I use the phone to dial a ten digit number I’ve had memorized since middle school. A popular song plays in the background and I have to force myself
to keep from humming along – damn catchy Taylor Swift tune.

  “Hello?” the tired voice answers.

  “Madi? It’s Mal, how are you?” I ask excitedly.

  “Mallory, oh my goodness, it’s so good to hear from you. I miss you so much. What are you up to? How are things? I have so much to tell you,” She bombards before inhaling one deep breath.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t called in a while, I’ve been a bit distracted, but things are good. I’m starting my own business,” I reply distracted by the rustling in the background of Madison’s call. “Are you busy? I can call you back later?”

  “No it’s fine, that, um… was actually Bradley, he’s sort of moved in.”

  I smile at the odd turn of events. Bradley was the doctor that treated me after my kidnapping; we had tried to date, but realized we were much better at friends, plus Madison was harboring a crush on him the entire time. Truly, it worked out for the best.

  “And Stephanie moved out, she is dating her therapist. Well, I guess he isn’t her therapist any longer, patient rules and all that, but she seems really happy,” Madison concludes.

  Stephanie was the other victim in Seth’s kidnapping endeavor – she was also his girlfriend at the time.

  “That’s such good news. I’m glad things are going well with Bradley.”

  “Don’t say anything, but I think he may propose soon. He’s been acting really strange, and Mika said she saw him leaving a jewelry store last week.”

  Mika was our other roommate. I’ve known Madison since childhood, but we met Mika at college when she entwined herself into our tight-knit coupling.

  “That’s exciting, Madison. Hopefully he’ll wait long enough for me to visit next week.”

  “You’re coming home!” she shouts exuberantly into the phone. “This is such great news; you’ll be here for my bakery opening. I finally found a space that I loved and it was already set up as a bakery. I just have to move in and go.”

  “Wow, I can’t wait to see it. When is the grand opening?”


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