Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3) Page 9

by Renee Harless

  As I continue to whisper gentle and soothing words into Zach’s little ear, I lose myself in in the unexpected contentment of holding a small child. For one small second everything calm and then all hell breaks loose.

  Alex yells, “Get down!” as he jerks my head towards the floor, thus, in turn, thrusting Zach’s small head into his own lap.

  Gunfire rings out and I can barely hear the screams over the sound of shattered glass falling around me. The car jolts forward, Gregory no longer caring about the people blocking his path, he’s determined to get us to safety.

  Another round of shots fire, echoing within the confines of the car, and the window from the back of the car splinters into tiny shards of glass.

  The police escort arrives and drives us safely to the local station so that we can safely evacuate the vehicle.

  Poor Zach shakes in my arms and I can’t help but smooth my hands through his hair.

  “It’s ok, sweet boy. Did you get hurt?” I ask softly.

  He shakes his head no and I release a sigh of relief.

  I sit up when we come to a stop and glance at the scene around me. Glass lines the floor of the car and crunches under my feet. I turn in my seat and instinctively check over Zach making sure no glass or bullets penetrated his pint-sized body. Thankfully he leaves the scene without a scratch.

  When Alex leans over to take my hand, it’s then that I feel the searing pain in my arm.

  “It’s ok, beautiful. It just nicked your arm, nothing major. Gregory is going to put a butterfly bandage on it. It’s not deep enough to need stitches. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  I shake my head and look over his body, verifying that he isn’t hurt himself.

  “Is everyone ok? Did anyone get injured?”

  “No, beautiful. Everyone is fine. The police will escort us home once the crowd dies down.”

  “Oh my gosh, was anyone in the crowd shot?”

  “I honestly, don’t know. Let’s get out of the car and talk to the police. Perhaps they have an update.”

  I allow Alex to lift me into his arms, saving me from having to stumble through the glassy chards covering the seat. He carries me a grouping where a couple of police officers stand with an extremely agitated Gregory. I can see the think vein in Gregory’s neck pulsating in fury. I glance back towards the car once more and my heart jolts when I see Scott standing against the car, his back turned towards me, and Zach wrapped in his arms. I can’t begin to imagine how scary the situation was from Scott’s standpoint.

  Alex gently removes me from his arms, standing me on my own feet.

  In an eerie calmness that masks the rage burning inside, Alex simply says to the officers, “Explain.”

  The officer doesn’t cower to Alex’s or Gregory’s irritation, he simply clarifies that they were called to a non-existent emergency. They received a message that someone had found a suspicious bag with a bomb, but when they arrived there was no person or bag to be found.

  “This was a set-up,” Gregory clarifies.

  In agreement Alex nods his head and says, “Seems that way.”

  “We need to get you and the missus on the plane to Maryland. You’ll both be safer there while we investigate.”

  “Alex,” I whisper as I rest my head on his bicep, “do you think your wreck was directly related to this?”

  He leans down and kisses the top of my head, “I do now, love. I do now.”

  Startling us all, a large unmarked van pulls into the secluded spot. My heart races in fear but I exhale a quick breath when I see another officer step out of the vehicle.

  “This would be our ride,” Gregory announces, ushering us all to the discrete vehicle.

  The ride back to our home is quiet, everyone obviously contemplating the happenings of the day.

  In a dire need to fill the silence I turn to the seat next to me where Alex is perched, staring out of his window in deep thought.

  “So, are you going to have any free time while we’re in Maryland?”

  He flashes a wicked smile and replies, “I’m sure I can come up with something. What did you have in mind?”

  Being around Zach today brought forth one of my childhood wishes and I couldn’t help but to voice my desire out loud.

  “Well, I’ve always wanted to go to Disney World…,” I declare with a nervous chuckle, knowing that the other passengers will think I’m silly. “We never had a chance to go when I was little. My mom wanted to wait until I was ten or so, but when that time came around my brothers made their appearance. We just never had a chance.”

  “Darling, I would love to take you wherever you’d like to go and if that’s Disney World I will schedule us a week to travel to Florida. I promised I’d give you anything you desire, don’t be afraid to ask.”

  “Really? EEK! I’m so excited!” I exclaim as I throw my arms around his neck.

  “I’m glad. It will be nice to do something like that before we have kids,” he says as he smiles cheekily at me.

  “Most definitely,” I agree and hug him once more.

  Finally, the van pulls up in front of our house and Gregory helps us to exit the vehicle. He also informs us that a replacement vehicle has already been ordered and should be arriving shortly to take us to the airport.

  Alex and I work through the closet, packing up our suitcases full of the items we need for our extended stay. He suggested bringing enough for three weeks, anything more we can purchase while we are there.

  True to Gregory’s word, a new white SUV waits to carry us away to the airport. I can’t help but check out all the bells and whistles, silently thinking to myself how this would be a great vehicle for kids. The third row seat is much roomier than I had expected.

  Without delay Gregory folds down the third row seat and stores our luggage, then takes his place in the driver’s seat.

  We make it to the airport in record time and board Alex’s private jet. Both Alex and Gregory walk around the plane, inspecting all the nooks and crannies. They both want to be extra careful with our safety after the incident today.

  As Gregory loads our bags into the luggage area I pull him aside.

  “Do you think Maria and Anna would like to come to the states? I’d love to take Anna to Disney World.”

  “You don’t need to do that, miss. They’ll be fine here while I’m gone. Scott will keep an eye out for them.”

  “I’m sure he will, but I would really like it if they came, Scott and Zach too. Everyone needs a vacation now and then.”

  “Alright, Mrs. Stone, I’ll work on getting them here,” he says as he flashes a shy grin.

  “Excellent!” I reply mirroring his smile.

  After the thorough inspection Alex and I board the plane and take our seats, both of us intending to head to the bedroom once we reach altitude. Soon the plane taxis down the runway and we’re airborne, taking me to a place I wanted to badly to run from, but am eager to return.

  I can only hope that this time Alex can keep the nightmares at bay.

  Chapter 10

  Nine hours later we touch down in Washington DC in the early morning hours. DC is one of those constantly bustling cities so, other than the lack of daylight, no one would be able to tell that it was a early morning.

  Once the plane finishes its descent, we’re escorted from the plane to an awaiting town car. The drive to Baltimore is shorter than expected, barely an hour, and before I know it we pull up in front of The Braxton, the luxurious building that houses Alex’s apartment. I smile wistfully remembering our past escapades in this place.

  I follow Alex and Gregory to the bank of elevators and wait for the lift to arrive, anxiously scanning the cavernous lobby for my old friend Nancy. She is a concierge in the building that became my close friend after Alex and I parted ways. I can’t imagine what she’ll say when she finds out that Alex and I are now married.

  We take the lift to the upper floor where it stops directly on Alex’s floor. As I walk through the opening doors a n
ew sense of discovery takes over my mind; the last time I was here I was only enlisted as Alex’s submissive, today I am his wife. It’s a surreal realization. I reach out and grasp Alex’s hand, entwining our fingers together. He offers me an all-knowingly sexy smile – I love this smile, it reeks of promises to come.

  Gregory and another concierge trail behind us carrying our luggage and take it into the master bedroom.

  “I’m sure you’re jet lagged, but the best way to remedy that is to stay awake.”

  I nod my head in understanding as I move slowly through the open living room inspecting for any changes, but instinctively Alex knows what I’m searching for.

  “I haven’t had anyone here since you, Mallory.”

  “Really?” I ask disbelieving.

  “I couldn’t bring anyone here; you’re all I ever saw when I was in this space. I couldn’t bear to bring another woman into a place that reminded me so much of you.”

  “Oh, Alex.”

  The other men acknowledge that they have finished moving the luggage and they both exit, Gregory going to his own space a few floors down.

  “Come with me,” Alex commands as he guides us towards the balcony in the master bedroom.

  We step out onto the harbor facing veranda and watch as the sky turns from shades of blue to incandescent pinks and purples. The coloring and warmth encircle us in its magic and luster captivating us in its fantasy. Words aren’t needed; Alex and I can convey what’s in our hearts with a gleam in our eyes. We stay sheathed in the enchanted dream until the sky bathes itself in a light blanket of sparseness.

  Caging me in against the railing of the terrace Alex whispers in my ear, “Are you sure you’re ok? I know today didn’t go as we had planned.”

  “I’m fine, Alex. I’m more worried about you. You don’t always have to be so calm.”

  “As long as you’re safe I’ll be fine. You’re my priority. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. I’ve already had to live through the possibility twice; I don’t want to have to go through it again.”

  Reaching up I place my hands on his handsome face, smoothing my thumbs along his jawline.

  “I love you. I was scared today.”

  “I love you so much, Mallory. I wish you didn’t have to be scared. I hope that once they figure out who is threatening us that all this madness will end.”

  “Me too,” I utter as I slither my hands around his neck and pull his head down to mine, sealing our night with a kiss.

  We spend the first day back in Baltimore lounging around the apartment and unpacking. In the warmth of the summer air, making love on the balcony is a must.

  The next morning I awaken with a new energy. Alex lies slumbering on the pillow next to me and I inch out of the bed in hopes not to wake him. Grabbing his gray undershirt off the floor, I yank it over my head where it rests mid-thigh. I make my way to the kitchen, releasing a sigh of relief when I see that it has been stocked with our favorite foods. Placing a skillet on the oven, I work to cook up some bacon and scrambled eggs.

  Just as I’m done buttering some toast, Alex steps from the bedroom to join me.

  “That smells great, but there is something far more delectable I’d like to eat right now,” he says as he takes me in his arms and inches the fingers on one of his hands up my thigh, under the borrowed shirt.

  He kisses me powerfully, snaking his hand from my thigh to my behind, gripping the bare skin in his large hand. It takes all my strength to break away from his hold.

  “Baby, let’s eat breakfast before its cold. You’re going to need your strength,” I direct with a sly wink.

  He groans as I move away from his grasp and fill our plates with the edibles. Alex begins scarfing down his meal before I even raise the first forkful to my mouth.

  “Eat, faster,” he commands with a domineering gleam in his eye and I instinctively know what he plans for after breakfast.

  Wanting to press Alex’s buttons I slowly enjoy my meal; savoring each morsel until my plate is clear. Once I sit my fork back onto the now empty plate Alex casts me a sinister look before collecting the dishes and tossing them into the sink. I shudder at the sound of the porcelain clanging against the steel.

  “I wanted to play, why would you tease me?”

  “I wasn’t teasing, I was enjoying my breakfast.”

  “Yes, well, I’m impatient. Come with me,” he declares, not wasting any time to move to the media room that seconds as his dungeon. I halt at the door as Alex moves to the large medallion attached to the open wall. He removes the shackles and places them in a new position then grabs a paddle from the armoire.

  “Alex, I don’t want to be punished,” I say trying to sound strong, mustering what little strength I have. The vision of the paddle sends shivers down my spine.

  “But you should be punished. You knew what I wanted and you teased me. You know the rules,” Alex replies as he sets the paddle on the leather ottoman and strokes his hands erratically through his hair.

  I step into the room, closer to Alex.

  “Baby, I don’t want you to punish me. I’m saying no.”

  When the word “no” passes through my lips I see Alex deflate, his shoulders hunch forward and he hangs his head. He is utterly lost at what to do with his need for ramification.

  “Look at me,” I direct and surprisingly Alex responds.

  “I want to play, but I will never punish you if you tell me no. We have a different relationship. A different and wonderful relationship that I never expected, but I will never treat it like before, I promise you this."

  I let loose a deep sigh and my shoulders dissipate the stillness that had enveloped them.

  "Maybe we can take a shower. It may help you calm down."

  "I agree with a shower, but perhaps for a different reason," Alex leers deviously.

  I follow him into the master bathroom and into the already steaming shower. The spacious glass enclosure fills with vapor and I position my skin under the blistering water. The heat feels opulent against my skin, washing away the threat and unease of yesterday and replacing it with the cleanliness of a new day.

  I feel the heat shift as Alex steps into the space. My body lights up with a longing I've come to recognize as want and desire. I don't even need to turn around and view his magnificently glorious body to find my core soaking with a different wetness. Alex's presence has the ability to do it on its own.

  Hands rest on my hips and his lips caress the juncture of my neck and shoulder. His hardening length rests against the crease of my backside. I rock back against his body, letting his erection slide across my skin and turn my head so that our lips reunite. One of his hands slides upwards to fondle one of my breasts while the other hand roams downward towards my pussy, stroking the wet folds.

  He rocks his hand slowly, one hand kneading the soft skin, the other spreading the growing heat along my center. I relax my head onto his shoulder, slowly tilting my body to meet the gentle sway of his hands.

  "I should be washing my hair," I say pressing my lips against his strong jaw.

  "Hmm," he mumbles in return. "I don't think your body objects."

  With a chuckle I reply, "It never does."

  Alex moves his hand from my lower region and rests it against my waist; his other hand reaches up for my cheek and tilts my head so my lips meet his. The kiss is gentle, but full of uninhibited want. We stand in the warm spray, the steam swirling around us as we lose ourselves in the passion of our love.

  Alex ends the kiss and turns me in his arms, gesturing for me to tilt my head into the mist. He glides his fingers through my long tresses, combing them through wet sections. Without missing a beat, Alex pours a dollop of shampoo into his palm and works it into my locks, massaging my scalp as he does so, then repeats the process with the conditioner once the shampoo is rinsed clean.

  I moan as he continues to rub my scalp, allowing his hands to move slowly down my shoulders, working the muscles that had tightened during the fli
ght. His fingers work in tiny circles down my arms, spreading the tenseness out through the tips of my hands.

  Turning me from the spray, he rests my languid body against the tiled wall and stands under the spray, lathering his hair as he does so. He makes quick work of rinsing his hair clean and soaping up his body. I’m mesmerized by the bubbly suds as they slide down his taut skin.

  The jerking of the water nuzzle brings me back to the present and I meet Alex’s soft gaze from across the shower. He reaches out and grabs a large warm towel, urging me forward, and wrapping up my wet body in its cocoon. Alex follows suit, wrapping a towel around his defined waist after drying off his chest and arms.

  He silently takes my hand and leads me from the bathroom into the bedroom. He lifts me into his arms and disposes me gently onto the dark silken bed set, not caring that my wet hair is soaking through the unforgiving material. He perches himself onto the bed, one knee positioned at each side of my hips. Alex leans forward and captures my mouth with his, gently massaging my plump lips with his passionate ones.

  “Flip over, love,” Alex whispers against my mouth as he pulls aside the towel wrapped around my body.

  I leisurely follow his command, twisting my body under the weight of his legs, resting my chest against the bed, turning my head to the side to gaze out the floor to ceiling windows at the far end of the room. Alex clasps my hair in his hands, removing it from where it rests on my back, and places it on the bed beside my head.

  His powerful fingers trace the contours of my shoulders and back, the sensation causing my body to shiver. Alex chuckles at my reaction, but continues to delicately stroke his fingers up and down my back. When he feels my body relax completely, he begins to mold my muscles with his deft hands. I groan in pleasure as he works the tired and tense muscles at my neckline.

  Adjusting his focus, Alex uses his thumbs to work the knots at my lower shoulder blades and down my spine. His movements are both gentle and hard, a true reflection of the man holding me down.


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