Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3) Page 10

by Renee Harless

  When he starts to work the area around my lower back I can’t hold make the content moan.

  “That feels so good,” I mumble.

  “You’re very tense. I’m sorry, that is my fault.”

  “It’s not your fault, Alex,” I reply as I try to turn on the bed.

  “Shh. Stay put, I’m not done.”

  I turn back to my position on the bed, wiggling my body to gain the most comfort. Alex growls from above me, resting his hands firmly on my hips halting my movements.

  “Stop, beautiful. I won’t be able to control myself.”

  I can’t hold back the small grin at his discomfort, but I oblige and stop my twisting.

  He continues his massage, moving his attention to my arms and then my legs. He spreads my legs on the bed, offering more room to maneuver his hands on my thighs. I bite my lip in anticipation as his fingers brush just out of reach of my center when they work the tight muscles of my inner thighs.

  I mentally chastise myself at my need; Alex is simply trying to relax me and here I am, mentally persuading him to touch me more intimately. I try to let go of my wayward thoughts and relax as he continues the massage, but it’s no use, all I want is his hands on me.

  Finally, Alex’s fingers brush against my ripe folds and I have to work to control the jerking of my body in response. Alex slides his hands up my behind and rests them on my waist, where he promptly flips me to my back.

  He moves from the bed and comes to stand on the opposite side above my head. He begins by massaging my scalp, then moving to my arms, paying close attention to my collar bone area. I close my eyes at the feeling of his hands on my skin, my need for him ever growing.

  As I take a deep inhale I’m assaulted by his masculine scent. I let the aroma swirl in my lungs before I release my exhale. When I breath out the final puff of air Alex leans forward and brushes his lips against mine, beckoning for a response. I don’t disappoint. I let my lust for him control my movements. I reach upward with one arm, resting my hand in his thick mane. Using his free hand he feels for my breast, growling deep in his throat when he finds the soft flesh.

  Alex’s need overpowers and he rests back slightly, shucking his towel away from his body; the damp fabric landing in a heap on the floor. He grabs a hold of my knee and swirls me around on the bed, stopping my movements when he comes to lie on top of my body.

  He dips his hand to see if I’m ready for him and he smirks when he comes in contact with my soaking wet heat. Alex leans forward, brushing his tongue against my folds, spreading the liquid around my tight bundle of nerves. As I moan in pleasure he rears back and then sinks deep into my core.

  Pleasure ricochets through my body and I moan deep in my throat. Alex’s movements are slow and measured, taking his time to spread the desire through our forms, melding our sensations into one unhurried shift. The closeness of our bodies is unlike the erotic trust in his dungeon; now this intimacy is…comforting.

  Alex continues to keep his thrusts steady, though I can see the strain on his face from holding back.

  “Let go, Alex,” I whisper into his neck.

  He shifts slightly, his hand sliding between our bodies, drawing circles on my swollen nub.

  I explode at the overwhelming pleasure and Alex releases himself simultaneously.

  Wrapping his arms around my neck he turns to lay on his back, pulling me with him, my head now resting on his chest.

  “I love you so much, beautiful,” he whispers into my hair, a hint of uncertainty lacing his voice.

  “I love you too, Alex.”

  I fall asleep on his chest, weary of the sudden emotion plaguing my husband.

  Chapter 11

  I wake in the morning wrapped up in the sheets, but completely alone. I reach out my hand and find Alex’s spot cold. He must have left hours ago. I rub my eyes and glance at the alarm clock on Alex’s tidy nightstand…9:30am. I sit up and stretch then leave the bedroom, hoping to find some sustenance in the kitchen.

  Propped up beside a covered plate is a note from Alex.

  Good morning, beautiful. I needed to be at the research center at 7. You were sleeping so hard I couldn’t wake you. I know you need your rest, especially after everything that’s going on. I had the concierge bring up an order of French toast, it should still be warm.

  I love you, Mrs. Stone. I do believe you have a best friend awaiting a visit from you today. Gregory will escort you.

  Yours always,


  I open the covered dish and smile as the scent of cinnamon and vanilla assault my senses. I don’t waste any time admiring the meal, I quickly dive into the dish and devour it quickly. Not quite satisfied I look around the kitchen until deciding to fix some eggs, hoping the protein will cure my hunger.

  Ten minutes later I am thoroughly satisfied and decide to clean up and make my way downtown to visit my best friend since elementary school.

  Gregory escorts me five blocks down our street to Pratt Street, where Madi’s bakery sits along the harbor. I notice that the passersby aren’t staring at me like they had after the kidnapping scandal broke out almost a year ago. The anonymity is quite comforting.

  Spotting Madi’s shop I wave to Gregory and make my way through the door. A bell chimes at my arrival and a young girl at the register asks if I need any help. I shake my head as I make my way down the glass cabinet admiring Madi’s creations. Cupcakes, scones, cake pops, small cakes, and other desserts lay awaiting a purchase in their refrigerated chamber.

  I hadn’t seen Madi’s work in a while, but I remember her creations being works of art. She’s one of the most talented bakers I know.

  I turn the corner to head back to the kitchen. The cashier speaks up declaring that the area was for employees only. I smile just as Madi moves from the kitchen to the front of her store asking the cashier what was going on. It’s then that she spots me and comes rushing around the counter, wrapping her slender arms around my waist.

  “You’re really here. Mal it’s so good to see you!”

  “I missed you,” I cry as I return her hug.

  Speaking of misunderstandings I break away from our embrace and ask her about the constant elephant of our relationship.

  “How are things with Mika?”

  “Things are…interesting. Come sit with me and I’ll explain everything I know.”

  I follow her back to the kitchen where she has a small pub table propped up in the corner of the room. She’s told me once before that she holds her wedding cake tastings in the kitchen. She likes giving the potential clients an idea of what goes into making a cake.

  As I sit down she advises her three other employees to take a short break and then finish up the anniversary cake for a party tomorrow.

  She makes her way to the other seat and sits her petite figure in the high chair.

  “So, Mika. That has ended up being an interesting story.”

  “I can’t say that we’ve kept in touch much, just an occasional text. She knows she hurt me with the lying and accusations.”

  “She knows she did too. She really is very sorry. We didn’t know it at the time, but she was being ‘courted’ you could say by one of the other partners at her practice, a married man to say the least. When she wouldn’t give him the time of day he started blackmailing her and messing with her work. I think the stress of it all was getting to her, the practice was about to fire her when she finally caught the guy in the act. Luckily everything is settled now and she doesn’t have to deal with all the manipulation anymore. It’s like she’s back to her old self. Not this cocky bitch she had become.”

  “Wow, I can’t imagine.”

  “I know. I wish she had said something. It would have been easier to help her. Instead she let the stress turn her into this jealous monster. She couldn’t understand why someone who wasn’t looking for love, i.e. you, wound up with the perfect guy in your lap, while she’s been searching for her dream guy for years and ends up with nut job.”

  I take a deep breath, knowing Madi meant nothing by her comment, but the sting from Seth’s betrayal still vibrates through my blood.

  “Well sometimes you never know what people are capable of,” I say quietly trying to mask my emotions with a smirk.

  “Oh, Mallory, I’m sorry. I wasn’t even thinking.”

  “I know, its ok. I’m doing better, really. We’ve just had a lot going on.”

  I tell Madison about the photos and theory about Alex’s crash. She shakes her head in admonishment.

  “It’s like you meet Alex and all these terrible things happen. I wonder why that is.”

  “He’s a notable figure. People want what he has. It’s an everyday story for celebrities.”

  “Yes, but this is you. You’re like the nicest person ever. Why do people want to hurt you?”

  “Gregory says it’s because they think I’m an easy target. That I’m weak.”

  “You’re far from weak. Damn, I don’t know if I’d be able to go through any of what you have.”

  “Thanks for saying that. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Not even on the people that hurt me.”

  Madi reaches across the table and rests her small hand on top of mine, offering a sense of comfort in her touch.

  “You know what you need? You need to bake. Come on, I’m putting you to work.”

  I smile at her suggestion. We used to bake together all the time growing up. It’s how we knew she was so talented.

  “I think that sounds great. What can I do?”

  “I’m about to ice some cupcakes that are done cooling. Oh! Why don’t you make your rum butter icing? After all these years I still cannot get it right. Yours is so much better.”

  She sets me up with a mixing bowl and the ingredients to make the icing and I get to work. Madi is working on seventy-two cupcakes so I go ahead and make two batches of icing.

  I pour the sugar in the bowl with the butter and set the bowl under the mixer. I add the milk and vanilla while letting the mixer get to the right consistency. The part that makes my icing different is the amount of rum and my splash of nutmeg and cinnamon. I don’t measure them out, but eyeball the levels. I know it by heart. The recipe has been taught to every female in my family.

  Twenty minutes later, after the icing has chilled a bit, I help Madi ice the cupcakes. Then we move to help her team make some chocolates for the grand opening.

  Madi and I make conversation about our families and she tells me about her relationship with Bradley. She says things have progressed fast and that she would normally be extremely nervous, but that everything is so completely right that she can’t imagine not having him in her life. The notion makes me happy. She knows Bradley and I went out a few times at first, but it wasn’t in the cards for us. Alex was always going to be the person I am meant to be with.

  I continue working through the chiming bell over the door, so much so that I don’t notice when a shadow crosses over my setting at the stainless steel counter. I startle when I feel a warm tongue brush against my cheek.

  “You have chocolate right here,” he whispers as he binds his arms around me, bracing his hands on the table.

  “Alex! You scared me. What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you. I had a break and I missed you.”

  “Aw, I missed you too,” I reply as I wrap my arms around his trim waist.

  “I don’t think you did. I think you found a replacement in chocolate. Can’t say I’m upset about that; it has possibilities.”

  “Oh goodness, am I a mess?”

  “No, darling. You look beautiful as always. I was hoping to take you and Madison out for lunch.”

  “Oh that sounds great. Let me see if she can step away.”

  I leave Alex in the kitchen with the staff blatantly staring at his godly beauty – I mean jaws dropped, batter dropping on the floor staring.

  I find Madi in her office going through some invoices. When I invite her to join us for lunch she forwards the invite to Bradley as well. We all agree to meet at the pub two doors down.

  Alex, Madi, and I walk with Gregory trailing behind us a few feet. When we arrive at the pub, Bradley is seated at a booth in the corner. He stands to greet Madi in a tight embrace and presses a heated kiss on her lips. I blush remembering that Bradley and I had intimate once before. Madi introduces everyone and I give Bradley a hug.

  “It’s not going to be awkward, right?” he asks.

  “Absolutely not. I’m really happy for you and Madison. She’s a good one Bradley.”

  “I know she is,” he replies as he looks back at Madison with a silly look of love on his face.

  We sit down and order some sandwiches while Bradley and Alex discuss racing and medicine. A strange conversation to sit in on; Madison and I glance at each other and shrug our shoulders in a what can you do? mannerism.

  When the food arrives all conversation dies down while we indulge our appetites in the sandwiches. I finish my plate before any of the others, so I start snatching fries from Alex’s plate. He looks at me indulgingly, but turns his plate so that I have better access to the fried perfection.

  “I’m on call today and tomorrow,” Bradley states, “but would you all like to join us for dinner later this week?”

  “I think that sounds nice. What do you think Alex?” I ask.

  “Of course, love. Most of my project is just a waiting game at this point.”

  My stomach rolls as I shove another fry in my mouth and I have to bite back the urge to run from the table. I place my hand on my stomach, hoping that a few deep breaths settle the rollercoaster going on in my intestines.

  “Are you alright, Mallory?” Madison questions.

  “Yea, I think I ate too much fried food. We eat pretty healthy back home.”

  She silently nods her head and hands me a glass of water; the chilled beverage calming my stomach.


  “Yes, thank you. I will probably go home, just in case my stomach acts up again.”

  The waiter comes with the check and we all settle the bill. Alex flags down Gregory and we exit the booth, Alex and I saying a warm goodbye to Madison and Bradley. We agree to make plans to meet up at Madison and Bradley’s favorite restaurant on Thursday evening.

  We follow behind the couple as they exit the restaurant, Alex’s arm protectively wrapped around my waist.

  “Are you sure you’re ok? You look a little pale.”

  I chuckle and reply, “Paler than usual? I’d be a ghost.”

  “Ha ha, you’re funny,” he responds sarcastically. “You just don’t look yourself. Go relax back at the apartment and I’ll be home soon. I’ll have the concierge bring you some ginger tea to help your stomach settle.”

  “That sounds lovely. Thank you, Alex.”

  “My pleasure. I wish I could go back with you, but I just got started collecting samples. At least after tomorrow I will just be monitoring the data.” He turns his attention to Gregory after placing a soft kiss on the top of my head. “Gregory, please make sure she gets home safely, I’ll be fine going back to the research center.” He then moves closer, whispering unsuccessfully into Gregory’s ear. “Keep an eye on her. I’m worried.”

  “Yes, sir. If you don’t mind, we’ll wait here until I see you arrive at your building.”

  Alex bobs his head and bends to kiss me once more before strolling off towards the glass structure three blocks up the road.

  When Gregory is satisfied with Alex’s entrance into the building he turns to usher me back towards the apartment.

  As promised, a steaming cup of ginger tea is waiting for me on the kitchen counter, along with a box of extra tea bags. I take a small sip of the tea and I release the tension in my shoulders when I feel the instant relief in my stomach.

  “Oh good, you have found the tea.”

  “Yes, thank you. I feel much better already.”

  Gregory shakes his head and then leans against the kitchen counter in a friendly manner

  “May I take a moment to speak to you as a friend?”

  “Of course, Gregory. You can always speak to me as a friend.”

  “I recommend calling a doctor to come here and check your vitals.”

  “What?” I ask alarmed, almost dropping the cup from my hands. “Do you think something is wrong?”

  “No, I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just remember Maria when she was pregnant and you both have the same symptoms.”

  “You think I might be pregnant? We’ve only been trying for a week.”

  “That’s true, but maybe your birth control was less effective towards the end. It happens.”

  “Ok, wow. Pregnant, really? You think so?”

  “It’s just a hunch. I can go buy you a test, but I think seeing a physician may be better. I can even have them come here.”

  “Yea, um, can you call Doctor Monroe? She’s in my contacts. That was the physician I used while I lived here.”

  “Absolutely. You have a seat and drink your tea. I’ll make the call. Hopefully one of her nurses can get here today or tomorrow.”

  I sit in the deep cushions of the couch and stare at the blackened television screen while sipping my tea. I’m equally nervous and excited. We most definitely wanted to start a family soon; we just didn’t anticipate it being this quickly. Of course that is if I’m pregnant at all.

  I rest one hand on my still flat stomach, wondering if there is a small life forming beneath the skin and muscle.

  “Great,” Gregory says as he walks back into the room.

  I startle at his voice and drop the cup from my hands, spilling the tea on Alex’s glistening hardwood floors.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. You surprised me,” I voice as Gregory rushes to my side with paper towels. “I can do this. I’m sorry I spilt it to begin with.”

  “You just sick back, Mrs. Stone. I can clean up a little spill. This is nothing compared to the times Anna tried to pour herself milk,” Gregory adds with a chuckle, lightening the mood. “Anyway, Doctor Monroe will be here shortly. You lucked out, her last appointment cancelled and she lives in the building next door. I explained to her due to your ‘status’,” he air quotes with hands full of wet towels, “you would need some initial privacy. She was more than happy to help. She said you were always one of her nicest patients.”


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