Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3) Page 11

by Renee Harless

  I laugh out loud, a boisterous laugh that surges happiness through my body.

  “How can you be mean to someone that is going to be doing things near your, um, nether regions. I always figured kindness was my best bet if I wanted them to be gentle.”

  Gregory chuckles and claims that Maria would feel the same way.

  “She will be here in three hours so maybe you could relax in a bath or read on the balcony.”

  “I think I’ll do both. Thank you, Gregory. Now go call your wife and tell her I’m looking forward to their visit.”

  “I will. Please page me if you need anything. You know I can be here in a snap,” he says emphasizing his words with the snap of his finger.

  I follow Gregory’s advice and head into the bathroom to take a bath. Sinking into the hot water I let the tension ease from my muscles and rest my head against the rolled towel.

  When the water begins to chill I move from the tub and wrap myself in the soft cashmere bathrobe hanging from the door. I grab the book and walk out to the balcony. Situating the lounge chair in the sun, I relax back against the teak wood and delve head first into the newest romance novel I picked up in the airport.

  I jump from the seat when a strong hand rests on my shoulder. I shake my head realizing I had fallen asleep on the lounger. Gregory smirks at me and reminds me that my guest will be here soon. And as if summoned the buzzer sounds with Doctor Monroe’s arrival.

  I greet her warmly and introduce her to Gregory while also apologizing for being indisposed. She laughs at my story of falling asleep outside, reminding me that if I am pregnant, then I need all the rest I can get.

  “Do you have a bedroom we can use? First I’ll have you retrieve a sample for me for testing, and if it’s positive I will need to do a pelvic exam and ultrasound. Your concierge was able to have a travel device brought up for our use.”

  “Oh, well that was nice of them, I suppose,” I say as I questioningly glance in Gregory’s direction, silently pleading that this visit stay away from the press. He simply nods in assurance.

  I escort the physician to the guest bedroom; one because it’s convenient and two because it’s far less personal than the master bedroom.

  She opens up her travel case and hands me a sterile cup for collection of a sample. I comply and rush to the hall bath while she continues to set up equipment in the guest bedroom.

  I return and hand her a cup, which she places on a tray covered in a hospital sheet and places a test strip in the center.

  As I wait anxiously for the results she guides me to sit on the bed and asks me about my most recent medical history since moving to Europe.

  She leans away from the chair Gregory had brought in and glances at the test strip.

  “Well, Mrs. Stone, it looks like you are indeed pregnant.”

  “Really? How…how could that happen? I’ve been getting the shot.”

  “Well let’s take a look and see how far along you are and then we can try to figure out how it happened. Not that it matters at this point, since we’re already here. That is unless you don’t want it. Then we can discuss other options.”

  “No way,” I exclaim harshly. “I want this baby more than you can imagine. It just took me by surprise that’s all. You know I’ve always been very regimented about having the shots done.”

  “Sometimes things fail, especially when we go through traumatic experiences, and if I read your medical history correctly, you had something grave happen to you a few months back, is that correct?”

  “Yes, about five months or so.”

  “Ok, well I’ll get you to lie down and we’ll get started.”

  She unties the robe, exposing my lower half as she squirts some jelly onto my stomach.

  “Sorry, it’s cold. I usually have it warmed in the office.”

  I don’t respond just nod and stare at the small screen beside the bed.

  She glides the wand across my stomach, clicking buttons on the screen in rapid movement.

  “I’m just taking some measurements of your uterus and cervix. Oh, there we are.” She holds the wand in place and turns the volume up on the machine; a static noise fills the room followed by a whoosh-whoosh of a heartbeat. “Strong heart.”

  “Oh, wow,” I exclaim as tears stream down my face.

  “This is your baby, Mallory. Looks to be around four months, which coincides with what we talked about earlier.”

  “Is it ok? Did the shot hurt it…the baby I mean?”

  “Everything looks normal, a little on the small side which is why you’re not quite showing yet, but you’re also carrying farther back than most. I don’t see anything to be worried about. See that little flutter on the screen?” She asks as she points. “That’s the heart and it’s beating perfectly.”

  Suddenly we’re both startled as a worried Alex storms into the room and an exasperated Gregory trails him. Gregory mouths Sorry to me then turns to exit the room.

  Alex looks around and comes to rest beside the bed, grasping my hand.

  “What’s wrong, beautiful? Gregory only said you had sent for a doctor.”

  “Everything is fine, Alex, wonderful even. This is Doctor Monroe. She is an OB/GYN.”

  “An OB/G…wait…you’re pregnant? We’re having a baby?” Alex asks as he turns his attention to Doctor Monroe.

  “Mr. Stone, pleasure to meet you. You and your wife can expect a bundle of joy in about five months. Congratulations.”

  “How did this happen? I mean I know we talked about it, but we just agreed to go off the shot.”

  Doctor Monroe chimes in after seeing my blissful face staring at Alex in love and indulgence.

  “Mr. Stone. Mallory endured a very traumatic experience roughly five months ago. The medicine she was given along with the shock her body went through may have triggered the ineffectiveness of the shot. And the shot she has had since then won’t hurt the baby. Everything is measuring fine.”

  “Smashing! This is…such wonderful news. I love you so much, Mallory.”

  “I love you too, Alex.”

  He presses a quick kiss to my lips and turns back to the doctor.

  “I still need to do a quick pelvic exam, Mr. and Mrs. Stone, but would you like to know what you’re having? Usually we can’t tell just yet, but your little one is positioned just right.”

  I look at Alex and smile, nodding my head.

  “Yes, please. I want to know.”

  “Congratulations, it looks like you’re having a girl,” Dr. Monroe recalls with a smile.

  “Oh, Alex, a girl. I can’t believe we’re going to have a baby,” I exclaim, fighting back the tears of happiness welling in my eyes.

  “She’ll be beautiful just like her mum.”

  Alex strokes my cheek with his finger then presses a soft kiss to my lips before stepping out of the room so Doctor Monroe can perform the pelvic exam.

  Ten minutes later I am escorting Doctor Monroe to the door as she gives me a prescription for some prenatal vitamins and advises me to follow up with my OB/GYN in London.

  Gregory escorts the doctor down to the lobby, leaving me and Alex in the expansive den contemplating our next move. His head full of thick dark hair is angled over his phone, his fingers typing furiously.

  “I guess we should call our parents.”

  Alex doesn’t respond so I inch closer to him on the couch and rest my head on his shoulder.


  “What? Oh, darling, I’m sorry. I was messaging someone at work. Trying to see how long I need to stay here. I’d like to get us back to London as soon as possible.”

  “Baby, we don’t need to leave. I still have plenty of time before this baby comes. It’s nothing to worry about; we can stay and finish your project.”

  “Are you sure? What if something happens or goes wrong?”

  “Then we’ll figure it out. Everything will be fine, you’ll see. But right now I’d like to go to a bookstore and pick up a copy of What To Expect When Yo
u’re Expecting.”

  “There is a store around the corner. Let me call Gregory and we can go find whatever your heart desires.”

  “Thank you, Alex,” I say as I peck a kiss on his cheek, “for not freaking out and for giving me this wonderful gift.”

  “No, thank you, beautiful. I never imagined I would find you in my life. You are what centers me, drives away my need to control everything. I never knew what my life was missing until you. And I hope that I can be the father our child deserves.”

  “You’ll be an amazing father, Alex. Just as you’re an incredible husband and friend.”

  Gregory arrives at the apartment and we all head down the street to the chain bookstore. Alex is like a kid in a candy store, loading the basket full of every baby book on the shelf.

  “Alex, I can’t read all of these.”

  “Only some are for you, some are for me.”

  I nod my head in admonishment, but I let him continue loading the basket. Gregory smirks at my attempts to throw in some romance novels into the stack. Alex places them back almost immediately.

  “Alex, stop. I want some of these too.”

  “You don’t need to read that filth.”

  “Um, it is not filth. The stories are really compelling, it’s not like the ones I’m sure your mom read back in the day,” I respond with a giggle.

  “Mallory, please do not put that thought in my head. My mum is an angel.”

  “Of course she is, darling. I surely didn’t see her reading one of these on the beach during our wedding.”

  “Seriously, Mallory, stop it. I don’t want to think of my mother like that.”

  More giggling erupts from my body.

  “How do you think you and your siblings got here? Immaculate conception?”

  “Yes,” he exclaims before shoving more books into his basket.

  “Can we go get some dinner when you’re done? I’m starving.”

  “Most definitely, beautiful. What would you like?”

  I ponder for a moment, tapping my finger on my chin.

  “Oh, I know. Roast beef. I want a big oversized roast beef sandwich from Arby’s. Oh and a cherry turnover and curly fries and a large iced tea.”

  Alex and Gregory pass a look between each other and laugh boisterously out loud, turning glances from those standing close.

  “What is so funny?”

  “It’s just that you find out you’re pregnant and the cravings start.”

  “Oh, yea; you’re right. It is kind of funny,” I add with the chuckle. “I am hungry though.”

  “Come with me, Mrs. Stone. We’ll wait for your husband to ring out his purchase.”

  Two-hundred dollars later Alex joins us with the large bag carrying his items. Gregory offers to carry the bag, but Alex shakes his head. He reaches into the bag and pulls out a small pink blanket and a copy of Goodnight Moon.

  “I, uh, thought the blanket would be nice for the baby and I remember this book being very popular with the kids during my pediatric rotation.”

  “Alex, the blanket is beautiful. She’ll love it. And this is a great book. Thank you for thinking of it.”

  I reach up and kiss my nervous husband, hoping that my affection assures him of the great father he will be.

  We stick the blanket and book back in the bag and walk across the street to feed my insatiable hunger.

  I eat the two sandwiches, large curly fry, and cherry turnover, all to the amazement of Alex and Gregory.

  “Maybe we should call my parents when we get home. We can call yours later when it’s morning over there.”

  Alex agrees and we head back to the apartment to call my family. My mom expectantly bursts in excitement, already searching the internet for plane tickets around my due date. My dad was slightly more reserved, thrilled yes, but knowingly apprehensive thinking about his little girl having a baby.

  Alex and I rest on the couch, each reading one of the baby books he selected. Before I know it my lids begin to droop and fall asleep curled into Alex’s side.

  Chapter 12

  I’m standing in front of the large mirror in the walk in closet staring at my now too snug dress. The red fabric that ruches to the side are now stretched taut. It seems that the baby was waiting for her acknowledgement in test before decided to make her presence known.

  “Darling, you look beautiful as always,” Alex says as he walks past and presses a kiss to the top of my shoulder.

  “I look like I drank too much beer,” I huff. “Why is it that once I learn I’m pregnant none of my clothes fit?”

  “It does not look like you’ve been drinking too much beer. No one will notice anything except me and you. And I promise, once we tell Madison about the baby, I will take you shopping; she can even tag along.

  I roll my eyes at his admission. “Gee, thanks, sweetheart. A day shopping with Madison is what I’ve always dreamed of.”

  Alex chuckles at my sarcasm. I turn back to the mirror and tug at my dress some more, hoping to camouflage the small bump protruding at my waist.

  “Mallory, you look beautiful. Stop fighting with the dress. Are you really too embarrassed to show off your pregnancy?”

  I turn quickly to face Alex and reassure him.

  “That’s not it at all, Alex. I love our baby and I’m grateful and proud to show off this little peanut. It’s just…I’m worried a photographer will notice and then it will be tabloid fervor for another few months and with the stalker still out there I don’t want to add more fuel to the fire.”

  Alex nods his head in comprehension.

  “I understand what you’re saying, Mallory. I’ll protect you and this baby with my life. You don’t ever have to question that.”

  “I know. I just worry. I want all this trouble to go away so we can live out our lives in peace,” I say as I tuck myself into Alex’s waiting hold, letting his comforting touch calm me.

  Alex runs his fingers through my hair and then pulls back when he senses that I’ve calmed down.

  “So, peanut?”

  “Yea,” I giggle. “I thought she looked like a peanut shell in the ultrasound.”

  “I can see that. Alright, are you ready to go?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  We walk into the dark restaurant and the hostess’ eyes skim up and down my husband’s muscular frame before recognizing his hand wrapped around my waist. Her eyes narrow slightly in my direction then Alex’s deep voice draws her attention.

  “We’re meeting another couple here this evening,” he says, his naturally husky voice rendering the young hostess speechless. “Miss?”

  “Oh, yes. Right this way, please.”

  We follow her to a table in the far corner, a private area without many other customers nearby. The hostess scurries off when Madison glares at her from her seat before standing to greet me and Alex.

  Dinner is as enjoyable as lunch the other day. Madison and I pass humorous tales of antics growing up, which the men seem to enjoy. When dessert rolls around I glance at Alex and he winks at me, supporting me as I work to tell Madison about the pregnancy. We turn our attention back to the other couple to find that Bradley beat us to the announcement of exciting news.

  He is kneeling on one knee beside Madison’s chair as she gazes at him with loving tears in her eyes, a delicate hand pressed to her mouth. I grab for Alex’s hand as Bradley begins to speak.

  “Madison Leigh Hunt, I can’t imagine my life without you by my side. I want to watch you grow and I want to help you achieve every one of your dreams. Let me be the man you turn to for love and comfort and let my heart be the place you call home. I want nothing more than to be your husband and you my wife. Will you marry me?”

  Madison shakily reaches her hand forward. At first I think she is reaching to touch the ring, but she surprises us all by gliding her hand through Bradley’s hair and resting it on his cheek. Bradley blinks up at her, comforted by her loving touch.

  “You’re everything I have ever drea
med of and I would love nothing more than to be your wife, Bradley.”

  Ignoring the eruption of applause from the other patrons of the restaurant, Bradley glides a large pink diamond onto Madison’s finger and then pulls her into a tight embrace. Alex and I patiently wait to congratulate our friends as we smile at each other expressing the love we feel for each other.

  As the couple finally pulls away from each other we offer warm wishes for their engagement. Madison shows me her pink princess cut diamond and she completely fawns over it.

  “I’m so happy for you, Madison. Bradley is such a great guy and I know you’re perfect for one another.”

  “Thank you. I’m so glad he included you in this tonight. It’s not weird right? I mean I know you and him dated and…,” she begins, but I silence her quickly.

  “I am one hundred percent completely ok with this. Bradley and I were never meant to be a couple and if he was to be with anyone I would have chosen you myself. I really am so happy for you.”

  “Thank you so much. I can’t wait to start planning the wedding,” she giggles as a glass of champagne magically appears in her hand.

  Bradley stands with the bottle offering to pour me a glass and I haltingly shake my head.

  “I, um, can’t,” I stutter.

  “Are you ok,” Madison asks.

  “Yes, it’s just that…well now I don’t want to overshadow your night.”

  Bradley smiles, already assuming what I’m going to say, but Madison stares at me with tears in her eyes as if I’m going to tell her I’m dying.

  “What’s wrong, Mallory?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. Everything is perfect actually. Absolutely perfect. We’re pregnant. We’re having a little girl.”

  Shouting from her seat, Madison exclaims, “Holy cow, really? This is so great! You must be pretty far along to already know the gender.”

  “I am; we’re about four months. I’m due on September 29.”

  “Four months? That’s a long time to keep something that major a secret.”


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