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Stone Mended (The Stone Book 3)

Page 16

by Renee Harless

  "I'm not ready, I need Alex, please."

  "He's being wheeled into a room three doors down, but I need you to focus on the delivery. We have an amazing midwife nearby to help you through it, ok?"

  Clearly not willing to wait for my reply, she hooks the bed and monitors into their sockets along the wall.

  "My name is Elizabeth and I'll be your nurse. You're midwife is prepping for the delivery and her name is Victoria." She leans closer to me as if she plans to tell me a secret. "Victoria is the best. I love working with her." She makes small talk by asking if we picked names and decorated the nursery. Checking the monitors one last time, she gazes at my exposed midriff. "Looks like you're about to have another contraction. When this one is done I'll check you and if you're far enough along we can push, sound good?"

  I grip the bed rails and twist in agony. The pain is overwhelming and steals my breath. This one lasts over a minute and by the time it ends I've lost feeling in my fingers due to their white knuckle grasp.

  The midwife comes in and introduces herself as Elizabeth checks to see if I'm ready to deliver. In agreement, the two women set me up for the big push and I feel like I'm having an out of body experience.

  I don't feel the initial pushing, the pain a constant explosion through my body. The ache so overpowering that I fall in and out of consciousness.

  Blinding light fills the cavernous room as I barely find a second to catch my breath through the searing pain sifting through my body. I don't have a chance to study the faces surrounding me or analyze their frightened and concerned gazes. As my pain is overcome by anxiousness, I close my eyes and lose myself in the moment.

  We're all waiting.

  Waiting for movement, a sound, any form of life.

  Then it happens. A scream. A high pitched, blood curdling scream coming from an offset area of the room.

  Panic fills my chest as the pain ripples through me once more. I clinch my eyes tight and bear down against the stiff mattress.

  A second, different scream from the opposite side of the room quickly follows, jumpstarting a flurry of activity in the shrinking room.

  I release a shuttered breath knowing that those screams seal my fate. Before I have a chance to react further a deep, dark voice filters into the room. A voice that I know belongs to my savior.

  Concern evident in his tone as he utters, "Oh, god."

  "Alex!" I scream as I take in his weary frame. "Alex, are you alright? What's going on?"

  He looks around frantically trying to figure out the situation at hand.

  "You had the baby? I missed it?"

  "I'm sorry, I tried to hold back, but it happened so fast. I'm so sorry," I cry as the nurse puts pressure on my abdomen.

  Alex rushes forward on unstable legs. Tubing hanging from his arm where the IV was inserted.

  "It's fine, beautiful. You're safe and the baby is here, that's all that matters."

  Victoria steps forward with a baby swaddled in a pick blanket, a knit cap with a bow peeks out from the top.

  "Here is little Anabelle. Five pounds two ounces. She's very healthy," she says as she places the tiny bundle in my arms.

  "Alex look, she's so little." I stroke a single finger down her cheek as I freely allow the tears of joy to fall from my eyes. "Hi, Anabelle, I'm your mommy and this is your daddy. We're going to take such good care of you." I glance up at Alex and find that he too has permitted the tears to wet his cheeks. "I love you, Alex."

  "I love you too, Mallory. Thank you, for this," he responds just as Elizabeth comes to stand beside us holding a pile of blue blankets.

  "Mr. Stone, here is your son."

  "My, what?" "His, what?" we question simultaneously.

  Elizabeth chuckles as she hands off the petite baby into Alex's arms.

  "He must have been hiding behind his sister during your ultrasound and you haven't had another since. Even with our monitors their heart beats were so synchronized that we missed it. We had no reason to suspect that you were pregnant with twins. Your little boy here weighed four pounds eight ounces. Your fundal growth was showing a large baby, but I assume it was due to their positioning. Congratulations mum and dad. Let me know when you decide on a name. He looks healthy as well. The car accident didn't cause any trauma to either child."

  She steps away from the bed and Alex and I stare at each other in awe. Twins, a boy and a girl.

  "Can I see him?" I ask as I allow Anabelle to latch on for a feeding, which she does with gusto.

  Alex places the little man in my arms and his full head of dark hair shocks me. With a high instinct to nurse he burrows into my chest with little fan fare.

  "Will you look at that?" Alex says mesmerized. "It's amazing."

  I stare down at the two little people we created and I instantly know what name I'd like for our son.


  "Noah? Like in the ark?"

  "Yes, everything by twos. Noah."

  "I Like it. Hi, Noah," he says as he slides his hand across the knit cap covering the baby's head.

  After the baby's finish feeding, I'm wheeled into a recovery room where Alex also has the loose IV tubing removed. We stare in awe at the two bundles lying next to each other in the bassinet, resting peacefully.

  Our peacefulness doesn't last long as friends and family visit and express their surprise at the unexpected presence of Noah.

  Gregory picks us up in the morning and helps us secure the babies in their new car seats. Our friends really rallied together to go out and pick up items for Noah last night. I may have cried this morning when I saw the matching car seats and the double stroller.

  As we leave the hospital Alex wastes no time getting down to business with Gregory while we're in the SUV.

  "Was it him?"

  "It was and he was pronounced dead at the scene."

  "Any reason why he targeted us?"

  "He had two sisters and the younger one spilled the beans. The reason you may have vaguely recognized him is because his sister was employed with us for a short time as a cleaning assistant. She worked for the other company we hired before we switched to the current one. "

  Pausing dramatically, Alex adds, "I remember now, but that was years ago."

  "Apparently Nicholas had hired her and they were sleeping together."

  Oh Evie.

  "She found out she was pregnant and threatened to go to the press and tell Evie if he didn't take care of her. So, Nicholas being the bastard that he is had her forcibly removed from her job and she miscarried. Knowing the vile things we do about Nicholas I'm sure he did something to cause the miscarriage as well. After everything, she got mixed in with the wrong crowd and became addicted to drugs and prostituted herself. She died last year and her brother claimed you were the one that killed her all those years ago because she worked or you. I doubt his family ever knew of Nicholas' involvement. He's been seeking vengeance since then."


  Gregory continues, ignoring my gasp from the back seat, "There is more. The younger sister led us to his apartment and it was...disturbing. He had photographs of you and Mrs. Stone all over the walls. He had an entire room covered in her pictures alone and it looked like he may know... gotten off on them. And he was some sort of technological genius; should have been working for the government. He could hack into anything with a camera. The severity of what he was willing to do was alarming. He had plans of arson and kidnapping. He wanted the ultimate payback for something you didn't even cause."

  "What about his sister?" I ask from the back seat.

  In response Alex bellows, "What about her?"

  "How old is she? Is she alone? Is there anyone to care for her?"

  Alex shakes his head in anger, but Gregory smiles at me from the back seat.

  "She's eighteen and in college. I don't think she will be a problem; she came clean without any harassing when she saw the police. The disappointment in her eyes was quite evident. She was actually turning in all her in
formation when I arrived at the police station, before she knew her brother was chasing after you."

  "Will she be ok? I don't want her to struggle through college. Alex, can we set up a trust for her or something? She shouldn't suffer from her families misgivings."

  It's then that a faint smile crosses Alex's lips. "You're completely selfless. Yes, I'll make sure her tuition is covered and that we're appreciative of her help, even though it was a bit too late."

  "Thank you," I beam from the back seat as we pull into our driveway taking in the two sleeping forms beside me. "Welcome home, sweet angels."

  Alex heaves one of the car seats from its base while Gregory grabs the other. I carefully slide from the back seat and make my way into the house with Alex's assistance. After setting both carriers on the kitchen table, I ease Noah from one seat and Alex grasps Anabelle from the other. Though asleep, both infants start rooting against our chests the telltale sign that they're hungry.

  "I should go feed them. Can you help me up the stairs?"

  "Absolutely," he responds quietly as he continues to gaze down at little Ana.

  Upstairs I open the door to the nursery we had yet to put together and gasp in surprise. The room that previously only contained one white dresser and a cream colored rocker is now decked out in creams, pale pinks, and pale blues. Two white cribs face each other along the far wall, only separated by a changing table. The design is a creamy elegance and the only color in the room are the mobiles and two mattress sheets.

  "It’s lovely. Who did this?" I ask.

  "My mum. She thought you'd like it. Her and my dad were here most of the night setting it up. They'll be by later to help with the babies."

  "Oh, Alex, it's exactly what I would have chosen."

  Alone in the room I feed the babies and once they're done I place them together in one of the cribs. They're bond is so strong that they sleep together holding hands.

  Alex walks into the room and turns on the video monitor then stands beside me as I gaze into the crib at our two miracles. His arm snakes around my waist and he places a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

  "How do you feel?"

  "I'm alright, just a bit sore. Look at them, Alex. They're so perfect. I never knew I could love something so instantaneously."

  "I did," he responds attracting my gaze in his direction. "I feel in love with you that first moment you ignored me at the bar."

  "Oh, Alex."

  "I've loved you every moment since then and I'll love you every moment until the end of time."

  "I love you too, Alex," I hoarsely respond as I tug his lips to mine and then settle into his embrace. We turn our attention to our two children, our love personified, and I know that this is exactly where I'm meant to be.


  I wake from my nap and stretch against the cool silken sheets. Turning my head, I glance at the video monitor, but find the crib empty and I shake my head not surprised in the slightest.

  Opening the door to the nursery, I find Alex walking back and forth in front of the windows holding Noah in one arm and Anabelle in the other, both children mesmerized by the surroundings. The door squeaks slightly and Alex turns his gaze towards me.

  "My mum will be here soon. Her and my dad want to take the kids for a stroll around the neighborhood, Gregory and Anna agreed to join them just to be precautious," Alex adds knowing how apprehensive I am when taking the kids out while we wait for the media attention to die down.

  When news of the accident and surprise twin came to light it was as if every reporter in the U.K. camped out at our doorstep. Luckily, the attention has been few and far between recently, but I'm always a bit cautious.

  "That would be nice. Did you want to join them?"

  A predatory glimmer shines in Alex's eyes and he stalks towards me, offering for me to take Anabelle. Once she is secure in my arms Alex snakes his hand behind my neck and pulls me close.

  He leans towards my ear and murmurs, "You got the ok from your doctor yesterday to resume sexual activity. I asked my parents to take the kids for an hour and then watch them at Gregory's until their next feeding. So, Mrs. Stone, you have exactly thirty minutes to prepare yourself once my parents leave, understand?"

  I can only bob my head in response as all the blood drains my brain and heads towards my core.

  Forty-five minutes later, I'm sitting in our redesigned dungeon kneeling beside the bed as I was instructed to do at our first meeting. The black silk nightie has since been replaced with a pale purple version that feels luxurious against my skin. The heart attached to my collar rests against my collarbone in its place of permanence.

  Alex strolls into the room, dark athletic shorts hanging dangerously low on his hips, but the rest of him is out of my sight as I keep my head bowed.

  "Lovely, Mrs. Stone. You may stand," he commands and I quickly rise to my feet. "Are you ready?" Noticing my hesitance he continues, "Good girl, you may speak."

  "Yes, sir, I'm ready. I've been ready for you for a long time."

  Alex grasps my chin in his hand and tilts my head back as he presses kisses along my jaw line from one end to the other. Stopping an inch from my lips Alex whispers, "I've been ready for you for my whole life and I'll be ready for you forever."


  With the contract signed, I stand from my seat at the lawyer's desk and shake her hand.

  "Congratulations, Mrs. Stone. Here are the keys," she says as she drops the dangling metal into my palm.

  "Thank you so much for expediting this. We're very excited."

  I grasp the keys tightly and leave the law office ducking inside the vehicle waiting for me curbside. We arrive at the Victorian duplex a few streets over and I enter the empty apartment.

  I glance at my delicate wristwatch and sigh. It's getting late.

  Rushing to get ready, I quickly disrobe and exchange my business suit for a familiar shimmering bronze dress. I giggle in amazement that the item still fits, of course my personal trainer works me to the grind so I should not have doubted.

  In the bathroom, I reapply my makeup, taking special care to cover the dark circles under my eyes. My hair tumbles in soft waves down my back as I release the pins holding it in a sleek French twist.

  Scrutinizing myself in the mirror, I find no faults in the reflected image and I smile.

  "Mrs. Stone, are you ready to leave?" a deep voice beckons from beyond the door.

  "Yes, sorry. I'm coming."

  Opening the door Asher, my new security, winks at me as he escorts me back into the vehicle. He and his boyfriend have joined my new band of security.

  The car ride is quick and I'm dropped off outside of Lucky 21 where Asher's boyfriend, Ted, escorts me the remainder of the way. The line for the club is scarce and for the hottest club in Maryland it is a bit surprising. Ted ushers me past the bouncer and into the club. We head back towards the elegant area of the bar that is far too familiar.

  "Surprise!" shouts the grouping of friends and family as I enter the room.

  Madison had asked me to meet her for a girl's night while I was in town so the scattering of known faces is quite the shock.

  "Oh my! What's going on?"

  Madison springs forward holding her newborn son, Thomas, and she is flanked by Mika and Annie, my assistant from my previous advertising agency and now my new employee.

  "We wanted to congratulate you on expanding your business here in Maryland and we all know you're also celebrating another very special day."

  At the mention of my anniversary, I search the people gathered around the food at the far end of the room and find my sexy as sin husband surrounded by Gregory and his family, my mother and father-in-law, each holding the hands of our four year olds, Anabelle and Noah, and my parents. My mother holds our two and a half year old son, Liam, while cradled in Alex's arms is our five month old daughter Calliope, who we affectionately call Callie. Abi speaks animatedly to Kyle, her fiancé, as his sister and co-designer Lily shares a table ne
arby with Bea, Scott, and his son Zach.

  Alex finds my gaze and smiles enticingly at me. I wink at him then turn my attention back to my friends, whom I see far too infrequently, all the while awaiting the moment to be alone with him.

  Today is our five-year anniversary and though I have seen him off and on today, we haven't had a moment to be alone, but that ends tonight. My parents are staying at our apartment to watch the kids while Alex and I stay at the local Four Seasons for the night.

  "Thank you, Mika, for getting your firm to help speed up the closing process. I can’t wait to help Annie set up the new office. Annie, you're going to do such a great job."

  They both thank me and they all move aside as I step towards the bar.

  I take a stool and order a Sprite.

  "She'll have a kamikaze shot as well. Actually, make that two," a familiar voice says from beside me.

  I twist to find Alex sitting on the stool next to me, the same stools we occupied all those years ago. The bartender smiles and places the shots in front of us. With a toast, we toss back the cool liquid, letting the warming sensation slide down my throat.

  After finishing the drink we face each other. Alex leans forward and presses his full lips against mine and I have to control the need for him building inside. My want for him has only increased over the years and seeing him as a father to our children has placed him on a completely new level of sexiness. My need is almost too hard to control sometimes.

  "Happy anniversary, beautiful."

  "Alex, that kiss...I'm having a hard time staying in control. I don't know how you're able to do it so well when we play."

  "Darling, don't you know?"

  "Know what?"

  "That you've always been the one in control."

  "Since when?"

  "Ever since you let me take this seat next to you all those years ago. You're control of me is so strong; even then, I would have done anything to have you. I would have followed you to the ends of the Earth."

  "Oh, Alex."

  "So, thank you, love, for piecing me together and giving me a chance to love you."

  "Thank you for allowing me, Alex."


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