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Romancing The Billionaire: The Complete Story

Page 5

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘Don’t do that,’ Amy squeals.


  ‘Put your nice suit jacket on the floor, it'll get ruined!’

  ‘Oh it’s a nice suit jacket is it?’

  ‘Well it looks expensive, which is what I meant,’

  ‘It’s fine, I have another. Sit down, please,’ lowering myself to the ground, I cross my legs and sit on the floor next to my jacket. After a minute she sits on the floor beside me.

  ‘See it’s not that bad. At least we don’t have any of that insufferable lift music playing in the background.’ No sooner have I finished my sentence, than the speakers crackle and music begins to flow out.

  ‘Looks like you spoke too soon,’ she says and we both laugh. ‘So what are we going to do then?’

  ‘I suppose we could talk?’


  ‘Yes, you know, open our mouths, and let the words come out.’

  ‘Ha ha funny.'

  ‘I thought you’d appreciate that. I seem to recall you were quite the comedian when we first met. So how's work?’ I ask.

  ‘Oh you know, so-so,’ she shrugs her shoulders. 'How's business?'

  'So-so,' I say copying her.

  ‘What made you become a businessman?’ She asks.

  ‘What makes anybody do anything?’ I reply.

  ‘I don't know about anything else. But I'd think businessman want to make money, and being in business is a good way of doing that.’

  ‘Maybe,’ I tilt my head against the elevator wall.

  ‘You disagree,’ she turns towards me, interested in my opinion.

  ‘I don't disagree, but it’s not for certain.’

  ‘Maybe not, but it helps stack the odds a bit neater in your favour don’t you think?’ She asks.

  ‘Perhaps,’ I shrug.

  ‘Well what else is there then?’

  ‘Some people are good at business because they love it. They love getting a new project off the ground, making things work, making money as opposed to just having money. Some people are ideas people; they find themselves in business due to ideas they have, and those ideas coming to fruition. Then you have the risk-takers and the pragmatists, two sides of the same coin. Each can do well or not so well depending on the circumstances. Not to mention the dreamers,'

  ‘So which one are you?’ Her head tilts to one side.

  ‘I’m the one who decides where best how best to put the others,’ I give a confident answer.

  'So did you always want to be a businessman?’

  ‘As far back as I can remember and for what it's worth, I'm quite good at it.’

  ‘I don't think I realised that until I came here today and saw your office.’

  ‘Don't let it intimidate you.’

  ‘I won't,’ she snaps back.

  ‘Now Miss Smith, we were doing so well after all,’ we look at each other and laugh again.

  'So tell me about your work. What makes you do what you do,'

  She leans back against the wall and looking away, tries to change the subject. ‘They’re taking their time with these doors aren’t they?'

  ‘I didn't have those dreams when I was little. But for a few years now I've wanted to be...Oh never mind you'll laugh.'

  ‘No I won’t.’

  ‘Yes you will.’

  ‘I promise not to laugh.’

  ‘Okay then, well I have an interest in floriculture.'


  ‘See your laughing.’

  ‘I’m not I'm just interested. I’m laughing now because you're making me.'

  ‘Yes flowers. I wanted to work with flowers, cultivation etc.’

  ‘I see. So as we are getting on so well, what say you agree to spend some more time with me? Outside the confines of a faulty elevator carriage of course. You can tell me more about floriculture.’

  She pauses and her mouth begins to open. ‘Well...’


  The elevator doors open to reveal a crowd of people outside looking in, along with the maintenance man standing by the door.

  ‘Bet your pleased to see us aren’t you, sir?’ he says as Amy springs to her feet.

  ‘Oh yes ecstatic,’ I try not to sound too sarcastic.

  ‘So was that a yes then,’ I call after Amy as she leaves the lift.

  She turns back and shouts ‘Yes,’ before moving into the crowd.

  ‘When, where?’ I call over their heads.

  ‘I'll leave that down to you,’ she calls back then disappears.

  Chapter 12


  ‘What are you doing?’ Laura makes a playful slide across the table to where I’m sitting and rests her chin on her hand. Blowing a long strand of pale-blonde hair from the front of her face as she stares at the screen of my laptop.

  ‘I'm trying to do something online. But the internet's not letting me,’ my face screws up in frustration and my fingers drum on the table as I stare at the spinning icon on screen.

  The door to the back room swings open as Richard pushes through dragging the shop bins behind him.

  ‘Why don’t you talk to him?’ I say noticing Laura's pale blue eyes following every move he makes.

  ‘Who?’ Laura doesn’t move her head. Her eyes are still fixed on Richard while he tips and shakes rubbish bins outside the window. I think it’s fair to say she’s got it bad.

  ‘Oh I don’t know, perhaps the person you can’t seem to take your eyes off. Richard of course,’ I laugh.

  ‘Richard?’ Looking shocked, she turns to face me.

  ‘Yes Richard. The one you’re acting all gaga over. Why right now you’re watching him handle rubbish like it’s the most interesting thing in the world.’

  ‘I am?’ Her eyes widen.

  ‘You are.’

  ‘Well I never noticed. Besides, Richard doesn't talk remember? He’s one of these intellectual types,’ forgetting her words. Laura’s eyes drift back to the window.

  ‘What’s is it he’s studying for again?’

  ‘A PHD I think, I’m not sure in what subject. Someone told me once but I don’t recall. He doesn’t need to work here, he’s well qualified and his family’s wealthy. I’m not sure why he’s here,’ Laura shrugs her shoulders and purses her lips.

  She has a point; nobody knows why Richard works here. He knew Gloria somehow, and turned up last year to do her a favour when she had several staff quit at once in one of our busiest periods. After that, he just stayed.

  ‘Do you think he thinks we’re beneath him? Perhaps that’s why he doesn’t talk,’ Laura says

  ‘No I don’t think that at all. Though I do think he could be shy.’

  ‘Funny, he doesn’t strike me as the shy type. Quiet yes, reserved maybe, but shy? No not shy, there’s a sort of calm confidence about him,’ her eyes begin to mist over.

  Have you tried talking to him? You know make the first move.’

  ‘No why would I?’ Her tone changes again as her eyes dart towards me.

  ‘Because you fancy him,’ I lean my elbows onto the table beside her.

  ‘I do not!’ Laura sits upright in protest.

  ‘You do,’ I laugh.

  ‘Well, maybe just a little,’ a smile touches the corner of her lips as her back relaxes and arches back down to her previous position. ‘Besides I wouldn't know what to say to him.’

  ‘Well you've worked together for almost a year now by my estimation, I’m sure you could find something to talk about.’

  ‘Look, I’m not like you Amy, I don't just get all the guys.’

  ‘Like me? I get all the guys. Excuse me, but whatever are you talking about?’

  ‘Oh don’t play the innocent Amy. What about all the gifts you’ve been getting? And that hot guy in the suit falling over himself to catch you in the rain?’

  ‘Right, firstly, I doubt he was “falling over himself,” he just offered help in a slippery situation. Second, I hasten to add in the circumstances but here goes, the gifts were from that same

  ‘No way!’ Laura’s mouth falls open.

  ‘See I knew you would react like this, that’s why I didn’t say anything sooner.’

  ‘The rich guy in the suit?’

  ‘Well I’m not sure if he’s rich or not…’

  ‘I bet he is,’ Laura interrupts.

  ‘But yes, him. So you see I don’t have suitors a plenty. I just have one guy showing an interest in me. Why? I’m not sure right now, but he is. So there you go.’

  ‘Are you interested in him?’ Her eyes are on stalks now.

  ‘How did this get from you to me?’

  Stop trying to change the subject, Amy. Come on, do you like him or not?’

  ‘Phone call Amy!’ Gloria calls in through the tearoom door.

  ‘Aha, saved by the bell,’ Laura adds.

  ‘Who is it?’ I call back.

  ‘I don't know, perhaps it's your mystery man,’ Gloria replies causing Laura to smirk.

  I stand up from the table, sighing as I look at the error screen on my laptop. Folding the top down, I step away from the table and reach out to touch Laura’s arm. ‘Talk to him,’ I glance in Richard’s direction before making my way to the door.

  Walking around the back off the counter, I lift the receiver to my ear and say ‘Hello?’

  ‘Hello,’ I hear his smooth, velvety tone and know it’s him straightaway.

  ‘Oh so I see you've taken to hounding me at work now have you?’

  ‘Hounding you? Oh I’m sorry. I’ll go and stop bothering you if that’s how you feel.’

  ‘Don't you dare!’

  He laughs, ‘So how are we going to go about this then?’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘Meeting up. You agreed to see me remember?’

  ‘I remember. But I’m a busy person you know, with a busy schedule you see. I don’t have much time free at all,’ I wrap the cord of the handset around my middle finger.

  ‘Hmmmn, I gathered that. What time do you finish work today?’

  ‘At about five o’clock, but I’ll be heading straight home after though as I have things to do.’

  ‘Perfect, I’ll give you a lift.’

  ‘A lift?’

  ‘Yes a lift.’

  ‘Through the city?’

  ‘Well yes, unless you want me to pick you up somewhere else.’

  ‘No it’s not that, I just didn’t think you’d want to drive through the city, plus there’s the congestion charge etc.’

  ‘Don’t you worry about any of that; I’ll see you at five OK?’

  ‘OK,’ I say and hang up. I don’t know why as it’s a bit rude, but I do it anyway.

  Chapter 13


  ‘Hello, anybody home?’ my voice echoes out through the hall of my father’s home.

  ‘Crawford, is that you?’ Seraphina’s voice calls down the stairs.

  ‘Seraphina, where are you?’ I call, taking hold of the wooden banister to begin my ascent on the winding staircase.

  ‘I’m in the back guest room; I can’t come down as I’m painting.’

  Painting? I’m guessing watercolour. But in the guest room? Why would she be painting in the guest room?

  I enter the guest room to find Seraphina, complete with overalls, halfway up a ladder. A pot of paint in one hand and a large roller in the other.

  ‘Whatever are you doing Seraphina?’

  ‘Now let me see,’ she looks down at her overalls, then at the paint and roller in her hand. ‘What could I be doing?’

  ‘Alright, I mean why are you doing this yourself when you could have just got somebody in?’

  ‘You sound like your father.’

  ‘On this occasion he happens to be right, we can afford it,’ I hold the ladder steady for her as she begins to climb down it.

  ‘I know, but we wouldn’t be able to afford things for long if we paid for everything we could do ourselves. I’m sure your father would also agree with that; he says it often enough that’s for sure.’

  ‘You might be right, but I’m sure we’re good for a few paint jobs,’ I laugh.

  ‘Oh I don’t mind; in fact, I quite enjoy it.’

  ‘Each to their own I guess. Why are you sprucing the guest room up anyway, you expecting visitors?’

  ‘Err, yes.’

  ‘Seraphina what's going on?’ I ask sensing the apprehension in her voice.

  ‘Hello, anyone home?’ I hear a familiar female voice calling up the stairs as Seraphina looks to the floor.

  ‘Oh there you are. The doorman's wondering where he should put my cases,’ my mother enters the room

  ‘Mother?’ I cast an eye in Seraphina’s direction as she tries her best to avoid my gaze.

  ‘Crawford darling, I thought that was your convertible on the drive,’ my mother approaches to allow me to kiss her on the cheek. ‘Ooh careful,’ she says as I lean down, and I notice what likes like a large ball of cotton wool in her arms.

  ‘Mother, who is that?’ I notice the ball of fluff appears to be breathing, and has two large, black, beadlike eyes.

  ‘Ah this is Penelope, my new Pomeranian puppy. Isn’t she just adorable,’ she holds her up in front of my face, and I have to admit that she’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

  ‘Marcella, we weren't expecting you for a couple of days. I must apologise. As you can see, your rooms not quite ready,’ Seraphina's flustered by my mother’s early arrival.

  ‘Oh it’s not a problem; I’ll just take the couch,’ mother replies, and I’m almost certain she doesn’t mean it at all.

  ‘The couch? Of course not, I wouldn’t hear of it. We can put you in other rooms. If none of those are to your satisfaction, you can always take our room. Max is away for a couple of days so I can slip in somewhere else if needs be. Albert, please put Mrs Montgomery’s bags in our room for now won’t you.’

  ‘As you say Madame,’ Albert bows his head and trudges off with the first lot of mother’s bags.

  ‘It’s always nice to see you Mother, but what are you doing here?’

  ‘Oh, I couldn't stay in that stuffy hotel a moment longer. Not when I could be here spending time with my family.’

  ‘Hotel,’ I glare at Seraphina again who is still managing to avoid my gaze.

  ‘And what is wrong with the apartment I bought you?’

  ‘Crawford, darling, I’ve had a few cash-flow problems. Look, let’s not get bogged down with the depressing details.’

  ‘Have you had a chance to eat yet Marcella?’ Seraphina asks.

  ‘No I haven't come to think of it.’

  ‘Why don’t you head down to the kitchen; cook is there preparing dinner. I’m sure she won’t mind rustling up another place. Just let her know your dietary requirements, and I’m sure we can get little Penelope seen to as well,’ Seraphina offers.

  ‘Thank you Seraphina, I’ll do that now. Are you coming darling?’ Mother turns to me.

  ‘No Mother it’s fine, I already have plans for dinner.’

  ‘Anyone we know?’

  ‘No Mother.’

  ‘Oh I was just wondering, as I hear Evangeline Neville’s still single.’

  ‘It’s not her Mother,’ I sigh.

  ‘OK well I’ll see you both in a bit,’ my mother heads off to talk to cook as I prepare to grill Seraphina for information.

  ‘Seraphina, what is my mother doing here?’

  ‘It seems she’s in need of some temporary living arrangements and we thought it might be best if she stays here with us. I'm sure she'll speak to you more about it when she’s settled.’

  ‘Dad didn’t tell me about this?’

  ‘Well he doesn’t know yet.’

  ‘What? Oh I don’t envy you breaking the news to him. Where is he anyway? He didn’t tell me he was going away.’

  ‘It’s just for a couple of days. He didn’t want to bother you; he’s left Ashby Talbot in charge of couple of projects until he gets back.

  I cannot help but think this s
ituation with my mother has something to do with the confrontation I had with her male friend the other day. I knew he was up to something and have a feeling this is all connected. I have poor little Penelope on my conscience as well now. As for my Father leaving deals in the hands of Ashby Talbot. Our argument must have bothered him much more than I’d realised. I must talk to him about that when he gets back.

  ‘Seraphina do you have another set of overalls?’

  ‘Yes, why?’

  ‘Because, I’ll get my mother and little Penelope settled in a new apartment as soon as possible. But for now I think this room will get finished faster with two sets of hands.’ I say loosening my tie.

  Chapter 14



  How long can ten minutes take to pass?

  I’ve had my eye on the clock since half-passed-four. For what's felt like at least three quarters of an hour, but not twenty minutes have passed. It will take all day to get to five o’clock at this rate, not that I’m eager at all you understand.

  ‘Are you OK Amy?’ Gloria asks as I look at the clock for what must be the second time this minute.

  ‘What? Yes, sorry. Just keeping an eye on the time.’

  ‘Have you got to be somewhere?’

  ‘No, I just like to know what time it is.’

  ‘OK,’ she gives me a curious look.

  ‘Amy’s got a fella.’ Laura chimes in, causing both Gloria and her husband Ken to stare at me.

  ‘I do not have a fella.’

  ‘Perhaps not yet, but your well on your way to getting one. Is that why you’re in a rush this evening, you’re going off to meet him?’ Laura teases.

  I say nothing, but give Laura an annoyed look for letting the cat out of the bag.

  ‘You are! You’re going off to meet him. I’m sorry Amy I was joking when I said that, I didn't mean to put you on the spot.’

  ‘That’s OK, and for the record I’m just getting a lift home. That’s all.’

  ‘Who is he?’ Gloria asks.

  ‘It’s that hot rich guy from the other week, you know the suit model,’ Laura is straight in before I can even get the words out.


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