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Heart of a Wolf

Page 14

by K. D. Friedrich

  Suddenly, Kian’s entire body tensed at the same time a sharp wave of violent energy struck her. Winter glanced over Kian's shoulder to find Tristan standing in the patio doorway, glaring at Kian's arms wrapped around her waist. His bright-amber gaze burned with enough possessiveness and dominance to make any woman moan in delight and any man tremble with fear.

  Kian stepped back and nodded. With some added space between her and her brother-in-law, Tristan's shoulders loosened and a casual smile graced his face. The thick tension in the room settled.

  "Alpha MacGlenn." Kian narrowed his gaze.


  Summer lifted her brow, glancing back and forth between Winter and Tristan. She bit her lip. "No wonder we couldn't find you, sister. I guess you were…busy."

  Kian approached Tristan, his steps calculated. Fluctuations of power rose off Kian with each inch closer. A strong wind blew in from outside. Summer hurried over and shut the sliding door leading out to the patio.

  "Really, my love, it's cold enough without you flexing your magic muscles." She shivered and came back over. Since Kian had learned of his magic, he'd grown powerful. His ability to control the weather was a rare skill he'd passed on to his children.

  Kian grinned. "Sorry, baby." He pulled Summer in and gave her a short, but passionate kiss. "Let me warm you up."

  Summer smiled. She offered him a playful smack. "You're incorrigible."

  The MacGlenn pack believed that Tristan bound Kian's magic to right a wrong orchestrated against the MacGlenn pack by Kian and his father many years ago, but the binding never happened. Instead, they shared blood to create a bond. The link would let his pack think Kian's magic was contained. Yet, they wouldn't know Kian wasn't locked beneath Tristan's control.

  Thank the Goddess. A bound witch didn't have free reign over his magic. The one they were bound too had the power to lock and abuse the witch's magic whenever they wanted to, a horrible fate for any witch.

  Kian had confessed to those close to him Tristan's decision, although the shifters of Tristan's pack still assumed Kian possessed limited abilities.

  Over the years, Kian trained and honed his skills. His dedication helped him rise to the top ranks of the council as the first half-breed to become a coven leader. In fact, Summer and Kian were the only mated couple equally managing the coven leader position. Two firsts, and Winter couldn't be prouder.

  Tristan and Kian finally bumped fists. "Did you customize that Indian yet? I've got my eye on that sweet ride. You don't find motorcycles like that anymore."

  "I said it's yours for the right price." Kian smirked.

  "No deal for the local alpha?”

  "Hey, a man's gotta make a living. Besides, like you said, you don't find a bike like that every day."

  A tap on Winter's shoulder drew her attention away from the men's talk of machines.

  "So…what were you doing out there all alone with Tristan?" Summer grinned wide. She waggled her brow. "From the scent of it, something naughty."

  "Sister…years of being exposed to Kian's influence have left you scandalous."

  "Maybe, it is I who am the corrupter," Summer said as Kian suddenly pinned her with a knowing grin. "Now, tell me. What is making you blush?"

  Winter displayed her most innocent expression. "We were just talking."

  Summer narrowed her eyes with a simper. "Uh huh, sure…just talking."

  "How are my niece and nephew? I miss the little imps." Winter thought of the one subject sure to veer her sister away from the current topic.

  "Changing the subject, are we? They are well, staying with Mom a few days. So, it appears we have a top guard in the family."

  "I guess the cat's out of the bag," she mumbled. By now, half the coven probably knew of her career choice.

  "It certainly is. I can't believe it. My little sister…a guard. Why did you keep this from me? You know I would have held your confidence." Summer appeared genuinely hurt.

  "I know. I meant to keep it hidden for only a short time and then months turned to years and by then…"

  "I'm shocked you managed to keep it hidden for so long, but I understand the secrecy. Father can be a tad overprotective."

  "A tad? Do you remember his reaction to you and Kian? I'm surprised Kian left his first encounter with Father…intact. If you know what I mean."

  Kian must have overheard, because he cringed and cupped his crotch.

  "You must be skilled to land a position under Magnus." Summer offered a warm smile. "I am so proud of you." The praise surprised Winter. She figured Summer would pull her scared-for-your-safety card and fold with "she's too small to do the job." Instead, true pride reflected back from her sister's eyes. The support warmed her.

  Winter grinned. "Thanks, Summer. Your support means a lot."

  Summer gave Winter a playful bump on the hip. "So, what are you wearing to the cotillion?"

  "What cotillion?"

  "The cotillion. It’s tomorrow night. Magnus is attending, plus all of the leaders on the East Coast—human and supernatural. It's in New York City."

  Why hadn’t Magnus told her? If anything, she'd be working the protection detail for her lord. "It's tomorrow night? Are you sure?"

  Summer nodded. "Yes, it's one of the biggest social events of the year for our kind. It's mainly to increase relations between the species, but it's also to raise money for several charities." Summer grabbed the newspaper on the table. "Look, sister. It's front-page news. I'm usually not one for noisy parties. I prefer my quiet forest, but the donations we get from the event will help support the charity Kian and I started for witches suffering from affliction."

  Kian had lost his beloved mother to affliction, a horrible disease that sucked the magic out of witches until finally taking their life force. Since her death, he and Summer had become strong advocates for its cure.

  Summer showed Winter the picture taking up the entire front page and her heart sank.

  "Those rotten son of bitches," Winter growled.

  Tristan hurried to her side. "What's wrong, Win?"

  "That's him. Them. They're the ones." She stabbed the paper with her pointer finger.

  Tristan glanced at the photo. His growl started low and grew louder, deeper. "The fucking vamp."

  "That's the witch who took me and his partner." Fury rose within her. She owed both men a serious beatdown.

  "You mean, Lex Baxter." Summer looked confused. "He's a prominent member of the old-world aristocrat sector of witches. He mainly works the city area. Keeps to himself most of the time."

  "Prominent member, my ass," Winter snapped. "He stole me, held me captive in his cellar. And then his buddy there"—she stabbed the picture again at the man standing beside him—"sold me to some human mad scientist to be a damn breeding experiment."

  Magnus appeared at the door followed by Jax, Dash, and Grayson.

  "What's wrong?" Magnus hurried over to Winter.

  With their shared blood he no doubt sensed her fury. She cast a glance at Tristan, expecting to be hit with possessiveness, but his anger was still directed at the photo.

  "This is him, Magnus, the man who kidnapped me." She showed the paper to Magnus.

  "Lex Baxter." She couldn't miss Magnus's shock. "Are you positive?"

  "Absolutely," she said.

  Magnus frowned. "This is not good. He's secured the support of many in power, human and witch."

  Dash tensed. "I know of him. His name is often flung around at the meetings. He rarely attends, but many witches are in business with him."

  Jax growled. "The last thing I remember when I was taken was the stink of a vamp. I'll never forget it." He eyed the vampire in the photo. "When I was helping Cassie settle in, she talked about when she and her mate arrived on the island. There were several women and a half dozen cubs being herded off the boats. She said that there was a vampire there counting them like cattle. Her husband had told her what he was and to stay away from him. I'll bet my life it was this prick. I don'
t even need to scent him. I know it's the bastard that took me too."

  Magnus frowned. "This won't be an easy takedown. Lex is protected on every level and if he's protected…you can bet the vampire is as well."

  Jax stepped up. "I say we show up at the ball, arrest the witch's ass, throw him in prison and then leave the vampire to me. I'll take care of him real quick." His fingernails lengthened into claws.

  Magnus crossed his arms over his chest. "It isn't that simple."

  Jax snarled. "I want his fucking blood. He took me and sold me like a damn piece of furniture. Passed around women and children like merchandise. He deserves a stake through the heart, and I deserve the right to put it there."

  "This man has political power, not just magic on his side. If we are going to take him down, we need undisputable proof and lots of it."

  "I'm not one for a political correctness vamp." Jax's eyes began to glow gold.

  "My word isn't proof enough." Winter felt her anger rise as well. "And why didn't you tell me about the party you were going to?” She wanted to march up to that damn party tomorrow with her Glock and hit the bastard with a well-aimed shot right between the eyes.

  "Your word is always good enough for me, but I'm not who needs to be convinced. Your word against his word won't cut it here, Winter. You've been in the game long enough to know we need hard evidence to bring down the bad guys." He frowned. "And I didn't tell you about the party, because I know you've been through a trial these last few days. You need time—"

  "Like hell, I need time. Would you have done the same for Isaac or Samuel?"

  Magnus scowled. "Yes, I would."

  She knew the insinuation angered Magnus, she felt his irritation through their link. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean… It's just I have to go to this party. The man… His partner sold me like merchandise. I need them caught so it doesn't happen again. So another woman or child won’t fall under his mercy."

  Magnus snarled. "I would kill him myself if I could, but his connections make it difficult, if not impossible, without sufficient proof of his crimes. The vampire, however, is unknown to me. Maybe, he'll slip up and give us the proof we need."

  "The bastard is mine." Tristan looked feral. "Both of them. No one touches them but me. I will take care of our friend Mr. Baxter and the vamp."

  Kian had remained quietly at Summer's side. However, a sudden echo of thunder outside had everyone in the room turn to him. "Son of a bitch." He grabbed the paper from Summer's hand. He glared at the paper before crumpling it in his fist. "I can't fucking believe it. It can't be him."

  "What is it, my love?" Summer cupped his shoulder.

  "The bastard standing next to Lex…it…it's my father. It has to be or he has some long-lost younger twin I know nothing about."

  "Are you sure?" Summer eyed the photo. She narrowed her brow. "Your father should be in his late sixties by now. This man is in his early to mid-thirties."

  Magnus frowned. "Vampires can revert back to prime physical condition when turned. It happens if a human is brought over by a very old, powerful vampire."

  "I thought he was in prison." Grayson approached his alpha.

  Tristan frowned. "Last I heard, he was serving twenty-five years to life with little chance of parole. Now, he's walking around attending parties and sipping champagne. What the fuck?"

  Magnus walked over to his oversize sectional and took a seat. "I told you, Lex is not a witch to take lightly. He has great power. Getting a man out of prison would be as easy as picking up the phone. I doubt the witch had anything to do with his turning. Witches aren't in the habit of making more vampires. They barely tolerate us to begin with."

  "Yeah, there are enough of you around already." Grayson frowned.

  Magnus ignored the jab and continued, "I'll have to do some investigating at the prison and see what vampires are serving time there."

  "If he's running circles with my father, you can bet that he's involved in a lot more shit than we know. My father may be a crook, but he's fucking smart and a genius at business."

  "Well, I better dust off my dancing shoes. Looks like I'm going to the ball." Winter glared at each male, daring any of them to challenge her.

  No one did.

  Chapter 17

  "I hate wearing dresses." Winter scowled at her reflection in the mirror. "I can't even arm myself in this thing." She twisted and turned in the red atrocity her sister picked for her to try on. It had a sleeveless corset-type bodice that ended with a fat puffy skirt that brushed the floor. She looked like a damn cowbell.

  As a child she had worn skirts and dresses often, but never cared for them. It was to satisfy her mother's need to keep traditions alive. Once she left home, however, her wardrobe became jeans, tanks, and the standard uniform.

  Her sister giggled. "It is a bit much."

  Jane bit her lip as she peeked out of the dressing room. "You look like a ripe berry about to burst." She closed the door and laughed.

  "Thanks." She hurried in the dressing room, shimmied out of the crimson mess, and tried on the next one.

  She exited to find Jane standing in front of the mirror in a beautiful yellow gown that hugged her curves. The woman complained about her round hips and large breasts all the time, but Winter found her beautiful. In the formfitting dress, Jane resembled a fifties starlet.

  Winter whistled. "That is the dress for you. You'll be fighting them off all night."

  She twisted with a frown. "It makes me look like a whale. God, am I really this hippy?"

  "You're hotter than the damn sun." The male voice startled them. They turned to find Levi, the Peyton pack's tracker leaning against the doorframe. "In fact, I was going to ask you if you would allow me to escort you to the ball. With you on my arm, I'll be the envy of every man."

  Jane blushed. She offered an exaggerated curtsy. "I would be delighted, dear sir." She hurried off into the dressing room with a huge grin.

  "What are you doing here, Levi?" Winter lifted her brow. She often wondered if he had a crush on Jane, even though he only claimed a brotherly devotion to their human friend. "Magnus and Tristan want you all protected. I made first detail. The threat is still out there, you know, and they need to make sure you're all safe. I can't blame them."

  "I can take care of myself. We both went through the same training."

  Levi walked around Winter, shaking his head as he eyed her gown. "This is not your color."

  Winter narrowed her gaze. Summer stepped up and looked her up and down. "You are right, Levi. What do you suggest?"

  "Hmm, I see gold or a chestnut."

  Summer's grin widened. "You're a genius. I know just the dress. I saw it when we first walked in." Summer hurried out into the showroom.

  Winter crossed her arms over her chest. "What are you…a fashion designer now?"

  Summer ran back in and dropped a dress on the chair beside her. "I saw another one out there that just might be perfect. Be right back."

  "Goddess help me, my sister is going to drive me crazy." She sighed. "Hey, if Tristan's so worried than why didn't he just come here himself?"

  "He did."

  Winter spun so fast, she had to clutch the wall to stay standing. There Tristan stood in all his sexy animalistic glory. His guard Grayson was beside him in his usual stance, arms crossed tightly over his wide chest.

  "I don't need a security detail. I'm usually assigned to a security detail."

  Tristan lifted a brow. "Are you packing?"

  "Of course."

  Tristan's gaze traveled the length of her. "I'd love to know where you're hiding it."

  Jane entered and stopped short when she noticed Tristan and his top guard. "Oh, I didn't know you were here." Her gaze stayed locked on Grayson as a blush rose on her cheeks.

  "It's my job." Grayson said, his tone harsh.

  Winter didn't mistake the disappointment in Jane's gaze or her sudden frown. Neither did Levi. He scowled at the cat. "Tonight's going to be great. I can't wait to see you
in that dress, sweetheart." Levi came up behind her and wrapped his arm around Jane's waist, drawing her close. He kissed the top of her head.

  Winter noticed Grayson tense. His ice-blue eyes zeroed in on Levi. His lip lifted the slightest as if he was going to hiss, but then it fell flat. He glared at Jane. "You're going?"

  Jane nodded. "Sure am. See us humans love to dance and I'm hoping Levi here will oblige."

  "Of course, I will. Wolves are born dancers. We got the moves." He stepped away, swiveled his hips, and offered a few sharp pumps.

  "We do?" Tristan asked.

  "When it's with the right woman, absolutely." He winked at Jane.

  She giggled.

  Tristan glanced at Winter. He smiled. "I suppose you're right."

  "I'll save a dance for you, too, if you want." Jane smiled sweetly at Grayson.

  "I don't dance." Grayson glanced at Tristan. "We don't need any other distractions, Alpha. Bringing a human is not a good idea. We'll have enough on our plate protecting Winter and Summer, not to mention Magnus, you, and Kian. She'll be the greatest weakness."

  Jane's entire body sagged. She shrugged out of Levi's embrace. Winter wanted nothing more than to smack the crap out of the guard, but today Jane had another hero.

  Levi patted Grayson's shoulder. "Don't worry, big guy. I may be going in a nonprofessional manner, but I’ll protect Jane with my life. It's the easiest job I've ever had. Not to mention the best. Come on, sweetheart, let's find you the perfect pair of shoes to go with that sexy dress." He winked at her before leading her back into the showroom.

  Grayson's eyes followed them until they disappeared. "I don't like him." He flashed a fang.

  "I'm sure the feeling’s mutual." Winter frowned.

  A breathless Summer came back with a half dozen dresses draped over her arm. "One of these is the one. I feel it in my bones." She handed them to Winter.

  Winter rolled her eyes. "I swear no matter what, I'm buying one of these. I'm done trying on dresses." She marched into the dressing room one last time.


  Winter thought trying on dresses grated her last nerve, until the moment she stepped foot in the beauty salon. For the last two hours, she sat in the chair having her hair prepped and primed by a beautician named Deek. The half-breed witch used a combination of magic and human techniques to give her a dazzling artistic masterpiece, as he called it. She just called it a fancy bun.


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