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The Daemon Within

Page 11

by Jeremy Croston

  “Your body wasn’t meant to hold the full power of the Warg.” He was getting pretty pale. “I think we need to call it a night to give you some rest.”

  He was going to argue, but I slung him over my shoulders and trekked down to the first cave we’d found. I got Vic out of the rain and by the time he was situated, he was out of it. I was still feeling good after my quick snack off of The Defender, so I decided to keep watch.

  “Nothing on Sinai will hurt you, Izabella.”

  Just when I thought my dealings with him were done, “One last ditch effort to convince us to hand back the stone?”

  The Teacher’s gaze found Vic and both a blue and yellow light illuminated him. “Oh no, those are not my concerns.” He was never one to lie. “I am here to hope that you see the path you’re about to walk down is the wrong one.”

  I hated that he knew so much and gave so little. “We all walk the path that we feel the most comfortable on, don’t we?”

  “It does not have to be that way.” He kneeled down and touched Vic on the forehead. “Do you think he will follow you once he sees clearly?”

  “When two people love each other, they’ll follow no matter!”

  He whispered something into Vic’s ear before standing. “You may feel love, but you still do not understand it.”

  My anger was rising. “What did you say to him?”

  “Nothing more than a passing prayer,” he told me. “Izabella, soon will you be at the crossroads. One path will bring you happiness and the other power. They do not walk the same line.”

  I turned my back on him, which was childish. Still, “I can make my own happiness.”

  When I turned around to hear his rebuttal, he was gone. “I’ll show you I can make this work,” I said to no one in particular.

  Chapter 20

  Bye bye Mount Sinai and hello radiation. I’d never been so happy to smell that pungent odor of nuclear waste in my life. As I walked out of the door and back into the power plant, I almost kissed the ground. Almost.

  Isa was just as relieved as I was to get out of there. The moment she stepped on to the power plant’s broken and chipped floor, she slammed the door closed. “Just in case anything tried to follow us,” she said, noticing my bemused look.

  There were two artifacts on my necklace now. The rocks were pretty dang heavy, but until Isa and I could figure out a more permanent solution, I just kept my mouth shut and looped it on. As I was thinking about the Heart of the Daemon, “I don’t know that it’s a good idea to give this to the Chernybog.”

  She stopped. “If we don’t, Vic, he’ll kill the pack,” she said sourly. “It’s not like we have a bunch of other choices.”

  Maybe it was the high of knowing we’d been successful in challenging an angel or maybe it was the toll of the adventure? Who knows, but I offered my craziest idea to date. “Let’s kick his ass!”

  “Are you sure you want to go down this road?”

  No, I wasn’t. I just didn’t like the idea of something as vile as the Chernybog having access to the rest of the world. If The Defender thought we were worthy, then why the hell couldn’t we smack the Chernybog around? “My minds made up, Isa. We’re keeping this.”

  She squeezed my arm. “Then I shall stand with you.”

  It turned out we didn’t have to wait too long to stand up for ourselves. The moment we entered the main area of the power plant, I could tell there was some serious voodoo at work. The hairs on my arm shot up on end, like I’d been hit with a dose of static. The source of it came into view – a pale man in dark robes with exceedingly long hair. His, black soulless eyes were another warming feature. Yeah, this was going to be fantastic.

  “Excellent,” he spoke clearly. This wasn’t the same over the top carnival barker from the cabin. “The Heart of the Daemon is so close. My freedom is at hand.”

  “I really hate to be that guy, Cherny-dude.”

  How he moved in such a way was still beyond my comprehension. He was right up in my mug, breathing hard. “Be careful with your words, wolf.”

  Without seeing her, Isa tensed up something fierce. I was counting on her being the wild card here. Hopefully the Warg wasn’t too mad at me where he’d come if I needed him, too.

  I swallowed and took a step back. “You asked for this,” I pulled out the necklace with the yellow and blue artifacts securely attached, the Heart of the Daemon in my hand. “Yet we had to overcome a lot of obstacles just to get this. I’m starting to think with it, we don’t really need you.” I took the chain off and tossed it to Isa, who clearly wasn’t expecting that play. “We can use its powers to destroy you.”

  As far as I knew, that Heart of the Daemon didn’t have any destruction properties. It was a bluff, but he didn’t pick up on it. “How dare you speak to me in such ways. I am Chernybog, the Dark God.”

  “No, you’re a fallen angel. I learned quite a bit about the world up on that mountain.”

  “The Heart was on Mount Sinai,” Isa said frankly. “The shroud of mystery has begun to lift.”

  I was one hundred and fifty percent sure that the vein throbbing in his head was going to blow all over me. The Chernybog looked as if he was about to have a coronary or something. “And you, vampire – are you going to talk some sense into your pet?”

  Words couldn’t explain how sick and tired I was of everything we came across talking to me like I was some sort of pet or dog in Isa’s care. Instead of giving Isa a chance to talk to this creature, which it looked like she wanted to, I pulled out Roscoe and put a slug right where the kneecap should’ve been. I had no real insight that this plan would work, but the Chernybog dropped, howling in pain.

  Isa’s powerful hand grabbed the back of my rain soaked jacket and pulled me away. “That wasn’t your smartest play, Vic.”

  “Why, it seemed to have worked.”

  “Look.” Isa was pointing at the growing figure, the man turning into the black Dark God right before our eyes. In her most serious tone, “I need you to leave. I will handle him.”

  Not that I needed to be told twice, but I started booking towards the door. The little bit of light that was helping us see was going away, and fast. The Chernybog wasn’t playing, that was the truth. And I had no idea what Isa was planning to do. Some chivalrous guy you are, Vic. Leaving her behind to deal with this.

  “STOP!” the daemon commanded. Against my best wishes, my body froze. “I will have what was promised to me, Izabella. The cost is up to you.”

  Darkness slammed into me, like being tackled. I wasn’t sent packing or something, but the blow put me to one knee and I knew that I was going to feel it in the morning. I tried to stand back up, but the force pressed down again harder. “It’s his life for the Heart.”

  “Don’t make the deal!” I squeaked out. “Use the power of the Heart!” That was an out and out lie in an effort to break his concentration or something.

  He didn’t budge. Even with the impressive force pinning me in one spot, the man version of the Chernybog formed again. He was inches away from my vampire lady friend. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she yanked the chain away from his outstretched hand. He was getting angry and pointed over to where I was trapped. Isa’s resolve hardened even more and she slapped him hard across the face. Ouch!

  The Chernybog spit blood and ran his thumb across his neck. He focused back on me and the darkness began to squeeze in even more. I didn’t know how much more I could take before my bones started to snap. My head was turned where I could see Isa. The Chernybog took his focus off of her for one minute and she pulled on his long hair, bringing him to the ground. The blackness around me let go, I was free.

  Isa wasn’t done. She went full vampire mode on him and latched on to his neck. The screaming and crying out that echoed through the building were horrifying. I turned away, not really wanting to see the end of this daemon, one that had terrorized the Wormwood for so long, in such a fashion. Minutes passed and the screams turned to sobs and even
tually silence.

  The only evidence Isa was beside me was hearing her footsteps as she approached. “I never wanted you to witness something so horrible,” she told me.

  “Is he dead?”

  “Yes. He let his guard down for the slightest of moments and once I was latched on, there was no way for him to return to his menacing, dark form.” She almost looked back to where the corpse was lying, but thought better of it. “He threatened you and I couldn’t allow that.”

  I wasn’t sad, but for the story of the Chernybog to end that way was something else. Isa handed me back the chain which I returned around my neck. Knowing that staying here wasn’t good for either of us, I ushered her back out towards the front and to the wolves, and Gregory, patiently awaiting us.

  Chapter 21

  “Victor, Izabella – you survived the ordeal.”

  If there was ever an understatement, it was what Gregory greeted us with as we made it into camp, exhausted. “You don’t even know the half of it.” Before getting into those gritty details, “How long were we gone?” I asked. “It feels like days.”

  “Maybe twenty-four hours, at most,” he replied. “As I am sure you do, we have much to discuss on this end.”

  Oh yeah, there was much to talk about. What happened on our adventure involved more than just us, so Isa wisely suggested that we rally Dmitri and the wolf council so we could get it over with in one sitting. That didn’t take long. The moment everyone caught wind we had survived going into the reactor, a large group started to settle around us. It was only when Dmitri called for order and for only the council to remain did things calm down again.

  Dmitri gave us the spotlight, something I wasn’t all that comfortable with, so Isa took over. In her most diplomatic voice, “The first thing you all need to know is that the Chernybog is dead.”

  A buzz erupted all around us as soon as the last words exited her mouth. Even though three quarters of them couldn’t speak English, they didn’t need to. The words Chernybog and dead were pretty self-sufficient. Dmitri nearly fell over and when he stood back up, “Isa, are you sure? This is not a joke, da?”

  “Seeing as I’m the one who killed him, yes, I am sure.”

  “I was a witness,” I added. “There’s no way that thing’s going to bother you again.”

  The Alpha just didn’t know how to react. “Isa,” was the only word he muttered for a moment or two. Then, “Not that I question such feat, it just overvhelming.”

  “Dmitri, we have a saying in the Southwest – don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  He had no idea what I was talking about, but it did cause him to laugh. The joy of the Chernybog’s death picked back up and who were we to spoil it for this pack of wolves that endured his torment for years. Even their non-radioactive ancestors had to live in fear of the Chernybog. Who knew just how long Heaven had him locked up in this place.

  While the wolves were celebrating, Gregory tugged on my sleeve and motioned for me to follow him. Out of everyone’s hearing, “Liz and the Silver pack are going to be attacking us tomorrow. Reno informed me,” he added, seeing my questioning face on how he got such valuable intel.

  It was bound to happen, one way or the other. “I guess there’s no point in hiding anymore. If they want to bring the fight to us, I say let’s turn it around on them.”

  “Are you suggesting that we ambush them first?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m suggesting,” I said with a bit more bite in my voice than intended. “Nature’s first law, man – survival of the fittest. Look at these wolves,” I gestured back to the happy canines, “they wouldn’t stand much chance against the might of the Silver pack.”

  “But if a small contingent infiltrates their camp, we could do major damage and set back their plans.”

  I snapped my fingers and gave him a thumbs up. “Exactly; I knew you were a tactical genius, Gregory.”

  He pushed back. “No, this is your plan, Vic.” Then he brought up a good point. “Just who are we taking along? I assume that Isa, myself, and, of course, you will be part of the team.”

  Hmmm, he made a decent point. I couldn’t ask the Alpha to risk his life again. This pack needed Dmitri alive much more than it needed him to go off into a hostile situation. Isa was standing off to the side, giving Gregory and I curious glances. I finally waved her over; she knew this pack really well from what I gathered.

  “What are the two of you up to?” she asked upon joining us.

  With little time to get this organized, I immediately jumped into my plan with Gregory providing the reasoning behind such a drastic left turn. Granted, the two of us were pretty bushwhacked after the ordeal on the mountain, but this was the reason we were brought to Chernobyl.

  “This is why we came, Isa.”

  “I know, Vic.”

  Just like knowing that facing down the Chernybog was the right move, I knew in my heart this is what we had to do. “Of these wolves, Isa, which ones can fight?”

  “Defend themselves if needed, sure.” That’s not what I meant and she picked up on it right away. “Join us on a romp into Silver territory, I don’t know. I said it before, in all the years I’ve known this pack, before and after the disaster, they’ve mostly been hunters and farmers. These people aren’t warriors.”

  She’d been half way through her answer when Dmitri broke away to join us. He figured it out pretty quickly what we were planning. “Assault on Silvers is risky proposition.” I wasn’t sure if that was all he was going to add, but he didn’t disappoint. “You need volves that are fearless, strong.”

  “I do.”

  “Victor, if you vill not allow me to come then it is time to travel south, meet Alexi and triplets.”

  My mind wouldn’t be changed on allowing Dmitri to come. The pack Alpha was just too important to die in a needless battle. However, if this Alexi and the triplets could help, I was all for it. Isa, she seemed shocked that Dmitri offered us this plan. “Are you sure that they can be reasoned with?”

  “You make crazy plan, I give crazy solution.”

  “Can either of you give us more insight into this?” Gregory asked.

  “Go on, Dmitri,” Isa shot back, “tell them all about the triplets.”

  He settled himself into a seated position. We joined him as it seemed like this could take a bit. “When reactor blew, Alexi and his young brothers were playing inside plant. Alexi, God shined on him. The triplets, not so fortunate.”

  “What happened?” The story had just started and I was already on pins and needles.

  “The triplets, they permanently became volves. No change back, no more human form.”

  “What Dmitri is failing to leave out, gentlemen, is that the triplet wolves are basically feral. They will attack anything, kill without hesitation, and pretty much run rampant. They are best left alone,” Isa concluded. “Those were your words when I arrived the first time, when you asked me for help.”

  I wasn’t willing to toss this idea out, just yet. “You wouldn’t be telling me all of this if there wasn’t some way to control these wolves, am I right?”

  “Alexi, the brother.” Someone walked up to the circle and started handing us shocks of vodka. I guess the party was in full swing. After downing his in one gulp, “Convince Alexi to accompany, he vill be their voice.”

  Gregory raised his hand. Why he kept doing that was really anyone’s guess. “Would this Alexi not feel the need to defend the pack?”

  “Alexi is Omega volf.” Oh great, I knew exactly what that meant. “Victor, I believe there is personal experience?”

  The funny thing about wolf culture is that being marked an Omega lingers for life. Even though I wasn’t the Red pack’s Omega anymore back in Full Moon, any Alpha worth his salt would be able to pick up on the subtle signs that I’d spent a good deal of time as low man on the totem pole.

  “Yeah, I was once my pack’s Omega, Dmitri.” There wasn’t any point in lying. “I’m not today, but I know what stigmas A
lexi’s dealing with.”

  Dmitri said nothing, just nodded a bit as he took in what I just admitted to being. Seeing the silence, I took the opportunity to ask the hard question. “Why is he the Omega?”

  “Chernobyl pack operates differently than other packs.” That was the God’s honest truth. “Strength not important here, survival skills are vhat ve are judged on. Alexi – strong volf but terrible provider to village.”

  Who was I to say anything? I was the Omega just because I couldn’t transform. In each environment, there has to be a reason I reckoned. “Does he, or the triplets for that matter, have anything to do with the rest of the village?”

  Isa scoffed. Dmitri gave her a look that said mind your business and answered me. “He trades based on skill. Alexi, vhile not good hunter, is good carpenter and blacksmith.” A blacksmith, huh? That got me thinking about the situation around my neck. “He vill listen to you, Victor. He vill see you as equal.”

  The sun was high in the sky by this time. It had to be past noon, getting into the afternoon hours. We’d have to hurry if I was going to convince an Omega and his three wild brothers to help me invade Silver territory. “Dmitri,” I said standing up. “Thank you for the information.”

  He took my hand as he stood up. “Last time, are you sure I cannot join?”

  “I’d love your help, Dmitri.” I almost said yes come, then I thought about this pack without him. “These wolves, they need you. Stay, defend your home if it comes to it.”

  “As you vish.” He hadn’t let go of my hand. “I believe in you, Victor. No, more than that – you vill succeed. You are a man touched by God himself.”

  Neither vampire said anything to that, just exchanged looks. Then, kinda randomly, Gregory reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. “Dmitri, is there any way you can get this letter sent?”

  “Is that a love letter for Rissa?” I teased him.

  “Be quiet, Vic.” But he was blushing something fierce. “It is just a letter telling her about Ukraine and that I am okay.”


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