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A Beauty So Cruel Manuscript (2)

Page 5

by Alone Eagle

  “What are you thinking?” Vlad’s deep murmur interrupted me.

  I glanced up at him and just shook my head.

  “Nothing.” I lied.

  He seemed to be looking at me curiously, but I didn’t have any words to speak.

  Mrs. Messana was spreading butter on the toast with a knife. Just then, she placed it on the table and left. The knife was right next to me. Was she helping me? I averted my eyes from the knife before Vlad realized what I was staring at. She couldn’t be helping me. She seemed loyal to Vlad, and she hadn’t offered to help me escape. I hadn’t asked her for help because I knew she wouldn’t.

  She probably placed the knife down and had forgotten about it. I tightened my hold slightly on the napkin near me, and I kept my gaze on my food.

  I saw an opening and I took it.

  Just then, I grabbed the knife.

  Vlad was instantly out of his chair and grabbed my wrist.

  I rose from my own chair, knocking it over with a thud.

  I snarled at him and tried to stab him with the knife, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me. He stared at me with disappointment and anger. Wrath emanated from him, and I could feel it in the air around us. He was pissed off. It wasn’t wise to piss off a man who was eating. I’d disturbed his breakfast and his ruined his appetite.

  Had he really not expected me to fight back though?

  He was planning on selling me. His father had drilled that into his brain now.

  His hand gripped my wrist tighter. It was enough to make it hurt but not enough to leave a bruise. His touch wasn’t like Leo’s. This seemed more like a warning, not an attack. I dropped the knife from my hand, and it fell onto my plate with a clang.

  I didn’t pay any attention to it. My eyes narrowing in on Vlad. My breaths came out in heavy puffs. I refused to be sold. I wouldn’t let him.

  “Fuck you,” I lashed out with as much hatred as I could muster.

  I instantly regretted the words that came out of my mouth.

  My voice was loud, and Vlad’s men could hear me. They were suddenly in every corner, surrounding us from a distance, but not interfering yet. I caught their expressions. They looked shocked, and their hands instantly went to their guns, but Vlad held out a hand to stop them.

  I stilled and so did he.

  Damn, my big mouth.

  We both stared at each other although I wasn’t successful at hiding my frustration. I set my mouth tight and my gaze hard. I hated him with every fiber in my body, and I wasn’t afraid to show it.

  “We all know, Dahlia, you’re the one who’s getting fucked.”

  His voice was loud. Loud enough for his men to hear.

  Tears filled my eyes. I didn’t want to cry. I tried blinking them back to avoid them from spilling over. They couldn’t fall so easily. I refused to cry.

  I hated that expression on his face. He was so damn smirky and amused.

  Just then, he moved the knife away from me, hiding it from me. His hold on my arm dropped, and he sat back down in his chair. His eyes demanded me to do the same. I was afraid to disobey so sat in my chair like a scolded, hurt toddler.

  “Maybe by multiple men.”

  He was saying this all casually as he sat down and sipped his morning coffee.

  I hoped he wouldn’t sell me, even if he kept me for himself it would still be better.

  “You would make a nice slave. I could imagine you in a black collar. You bruise nicely.”

  My blood ran cold. What was his deal? He had touched the marks on my neck with distaste on his face, now he was admiring what worse injuries would look like? He was so cold. I exhaled slowly and stared anywhere and everywhere but at him. I had a hard time digesting what he was insinuating.

  “Maybe, they’ll put a new hole in you after they’re done with what you already have.”

  I closed my eyes at his aloof voice.

  His words were no longer just cruel.

  They were vicious. He was vicious.

  The tears in my eyes threatened to overwhelm me, already blurring my vision.

  I felt true fear this time. Vlad was planning on doing what his father wanted all along. I felt defeated now. That fire I had earlier quickly disappeared. I tried not to sniffle and tried to keep my back straight. I could be strong.

  I am strong. I am fearless.

  Well, I was shit scared now, but fake it till you make it, right?

  Vlad lay his hand on top of mine like he was being territorial. Marking his claim.

  Then, he gently rubbed my hand with his thumb.

  It caught me off guard and I froze.

  To everyone’s eyes, it would look like he was being possessive but up close, his touch meant something else. I still didn’t meet his eyes and stared at my plate that was filled with now cold food. Now, I was more confused than ever. Was it all blood and games to him?

  “Don’t you fucking dare talk to me like that again,” he warned, in a deep commanding voice that overwhelmed the room.

  Was he going to hurt me? His touch was gentle. It said something else, but his tone gave another message entirely.

  Then a hushed whisper came.

  “For your sake and mine, don’t force my hand in front of my men.”

  His voice was so low. I was afraid he hadn’t spoken at all.

  It was gentle now.

  His voice matched his touch.

  My surprised eyes met his.

  I was truly terrified and there was no hiding it from him.

  His jaw was set tight, but his eyes were softer.

  His gaze was different.

  Is he acting for his men?

  I studied him, curiosity now replacing my fear. This wasn’t the man I had heard of.

  Vlad Vitalli. He was supposed to be pure evil.

  My shoulders relaxed, but I kept my guard up.

  I couldn’t let my defenses down, I had too much to lose, but I saw something different in him today.

  Something along the lines of mercy.


  After the cold breakfast, Vlad had told me to return to my room.


  I nodded and then obeyed.

  The asshole even appointed one of his men to stand guard outside my room. I guess after my failed attempt to stab him, he didn’t trust me. Good, we were on the same page then. I didn’t trust him either.

  Both lunch and dinner were brought to my room.

  Apparently, Vlad believed I wasn’t safe to be around him.

  Nighttime fell.

  I thought tonight might be the night Vlad would come and take me, but he never did.

  Nor did he the next night.

  Or the next.


  I sat in front of my vanity table.

  I stared at myself in the mirror. My skin was getting paler and dark circles hung around my eyes. My eyes looked sunken, making my eyes appear larger than usual. Doe eyes. That’s what they called me at one of my foster homes. At first, I thought it was an endearing term, but then I realized the hard way, that it was meant another way.

  Trying to forget the past, I focused on myself in the mirror.

  My reflection meant I was alive. It reminded me of my existence.

  I had been kept caged in this room for days now. I didn’t have anything to do. There wasn’t anything in this room that could keep me occupied. There was only so much time I could spend in the jacuzzi or practicing yoga without getting bored.

  I kept track of how many days passed by counting the nights I slept.

  It was the seventh night now, and the isolation was bothering me. I needed to talk to someone. Anyone. Vlad hadn’t come to me, and Mrs. Messana brought breakfast, lunch, and dinner to my room, but she always scurried away when I called out her name.

  The door would always click after her, locking me in.

  I blinked slowly until I heard the doorknob being turned. My head jerked in that direction, waiting for the door to open. It was past dinnertime, and Mrs. Messa
na had already left.

  My heart sped up a little. I hoped it wasn’t Leo. I still hadn’t seen him around. Maybe he was taking time off, recovering. A hysterical giggle erupted through my mouth. Time off, huh? In a life like this, there was no day off. It wasn’t a normal job.

  I stopped laughing when I saw who it was.

  The door was wide open now.

  Vlad leaned against the doorframe.

  He stared at me.

  I wore a flimsy, black satin nightie that ended at my knees. I looked like the queen of death right now. I knew it was see-through, but thankfully I had my underwear on. My arms were bare. I felt too exposed in front of him from the way his eyes traveled from my face to my body. I wrapped the satin, black robe around me, slipping into the soft fabric, letting it caress my skin. I tightened the belt, feeling better knowing that I was fully covered. My attempt to cover up would be futile if he decided to close the distance between us and pull the belt open, then I would be exposed all over again, but it made me feel better.

  I looked up and met Vlad’s cool eyes.

  They were different. I had expected heat or desire, but they looked amused. The familiar expression he had shown me before was back again. He leaned against the doorframe casually and carefree. If there were two words to describe him. It was those. It was hard to detect what he was truly like. He was hard to study.

  He wore a silk navy blue shirt and formal black pants. The top two buttons of his shirt were open, and his cuffs were rolled up. His shirt was half tucked in and half out, as if he couldn’t decide what he wanted. To be formal or not to be formal…

  I waited for him to speak or enter the room, but he remained where he was.

  He didn’t come in.

  Was he waiting for permission?

  Then, I wanted to laugh. It was his mansion. His room.

  “How are you liking isolation?” Vlad asked.

  I met his stare head-on. So, was this my punishment for trying to attack him?

  “It’s cozy,” I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

  His upper lip quirked up. I almost thought it was a soft smile, but then I scoffed. People like him didn’t genuinely smile unless it was to taunt.

  Their hearts and insides were dead.

  “Maybe next time, you will think twice before attacking me, Dahlia.”

  I liked the way he said my name. I couldn’t help but like it. My name sounded like a seductive purr coming out his mouth.

  “You’re getting too pale,” he commented.

  Of course. I was caged here. I didn’t get any sun.

  I kept quiet, not wanting to snap at him.

  “I have nothing to do here,” I confessed in a small voice.

  It’s so lonely.

  Vlad stared at me curiously. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  “What’s going to happen to me? I asked you, but you never replied.”

  I waited for his response. I thought he would answer me but instead he asked me something, “What do you like doing?”

  He’s asking about my interests?

  I stared at him suspiciously.

  “I like gardening,” I began. “But I don’t think I’m allowed outside.”

  I gave him a weak smile with dimmed hope. I tried looking for mercy in his eyes again. Usually, I’m good at reading people, but Vlad was a dark mystery.

  “What else?” he prompted.

  “Literature,” I replied. “I like books.”

  His ears seem to perk up then, and he gave me a lazy smirk.

  “Belle from Beauty and the Beast liked to read to,” he commented.

  I stared up at him, quizzically. “This isn’t a fairytale though.”

  He arched an eyebrow at me. “Perhaps not. You’re a little beauty though.”

  His compliment seemed genuine, and it lacked any leeriness behind it. I didn’t smile as I looked up at him. “You know, the original name of Belle is actually Beauty.”

  “Should I start calling you that then?”

  “Should I call you Beast?” Then, I grimaced at how I sounded. I shouldn’t be provoking this monster. I tried before, and I ended up being on lockdown. “Beauty sounds… kinda cheesy.”

  He gave me another one of his small smirks.

  I didn’t know what he wanted. He had made no attempt to touch me nor moved any closer to me. He still lingered by the door, not moving closer.

  “I’ll have Natalie bring you books.”

  I looked at him in confusion.

  “Mrs. Messana,” he clarified.

  Then I nodded. Of course, that’s who it would be.

  Then, he turned around to leave.

  My breath hitched, not wanting him to leave.

  He was the first human contact I’d had in days. I realized, I wanted more of it. I wondered if this was a calculating tactic he was using. Cage me up. Lock me in. Deprive me of everything. Isolate me, then slowly visit me until I began to crave him and throw myself at him. It was a smart plan. A classic case of Stockholm Syndrome. But I didn’t know why Vlad needed to manipulate me. He didn’t need to play mind games with me when his word was law here.

  Maybe, he doesn’t want me to hate him.

  “Wait,” I called out, withing thinking.

  Stupid. I was so stupid. I should have kept my mouth shut.

  Vlad’s back stiffened and he stopped walking. Then, he turned back toward me, arching an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to speak.

  “Will you…come back?” I asked.

  I cringed when I realized how pathetic I sounded. The easiest way to control someone in captivity was through isolation. It was basic psychology. But I didn’t want to be alone. For the past week, I had been left confined to my room.

  I missed it.

  The human contact.

  I don’t know what was more dangerous.

  Vlad raping me.

  Or Vlad not raping me and using isolation to make me go mad.

  Then, his expression turned amused, and his lip lifted in a smirk. “Do you want me to come back?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Yes,” I replied softly with no hesitation in my voice.

  He was the enemy, yet I wanted him around.


  Chapter 6

  Vlad had been avoiding his father, Enzo.

  His father didn’t live with him and had his own estate in the Hamptons, even though his father often tried to convince Vlad to come live with him. He refused every time. He knew why his father wanted him to live there.

  Vlad had been made Don five years ago after his father had stepped down.

  He knew his father still craved the power. If he hung around his father, his father would try to have the upper hand and interfere in his decisions, like he was doing with Dahlia.

  She wasn’t a lamb that was meant to be slaughtered.

  When he took her, he wanted to keep her for himself.

  He knew what happened to women who worked in the whorehouses. They became hollow after some time. They lived better though… than the ones who were sold.

  The women at the brothel had warm food, money, and lived in luxuries. Vlad made sure they weren’t abused. He had rules in the brothels. He placed limits. There were supposed to be no marks or bruises on the women. He had explained to his father it was because the clients complained about getting “used, battered women” and didn’t think it was worth their money. He never told his father the real reason why.

  The sex workers were compensated for their time and services whereas… the slaves were treated like property.

  He could look the women at the brothel in the eye.

  Hell, he even slept with some of them.

  But he had a hard time meeting the eyes of the sex slaves.

  When shipments of the sex slaves came, he avoided looking at them. He could hear their pleading and their voices. He could hear their banging. He knew they could see him through the metal cages, but he had always turned a blind eye and his back to them. Their voices haunted him

  He couldn’t help them, no matter how much he wanted to.

  He wanted to end sex slavery, but he had to tread carefully because his father had made that rule, and to end it meant defiance and disrespect to his father. Vlad was Don. He could do whatever he wanted, but even he knew in some situations, when it came to family, he was bound.

  He wasn’t a pawn like those around him, but he wasn’t free either.

  He was born into this life, and there was no escaping it.

  A sinner and far from a saint.

  He’d killed innocent people. Innocent witnesses who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  Vlad’s thoughts returned to Dahlia.

  He’d told her he would return and visit her again. She was still locked in her room, had been for more than a week. He didn’t know if the little cunning beauty was smart or stupid to attack him in front of his men.

  Vlad had picked out two books for her and he approached Natalie to give them to her but changed his mind last minute.

  I’ll give them to her myself.

  He headed toward Dahlia’s room.

  He had run a background check on her, and it had come back clean. She was raised in foster homes. So, she had been telling the truth. She had attended a local college and graduated from there.

  His men had checked out her apartment. It was small, but they didn’t find much in it besides her clothing, laptop, and books. She was a freelance editor and waitressed part time. She didn’t have any family. No relatives. It was like she was a nobody. On the news, he hadn’t seen her picture nor was there any news of a “missing girl.” It seemed like he’d picked the right person to take.

  He dismissed the guards outside the room, and they walked away.

  Vlad unlocked the door, not bothering to knock. It wasn’t like she was doing anything anyway. He was alert though in case she tried to attack him again.

  He opened the door slowly and gazed around.

  She lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, doing absolutely nothing.


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