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A Beauty So Cruel Manuscript (2)

Page 7

by Alone Eagle

  This was my fate now.

  I was being tested and so was he.

  I tried to tell him with my eyes, it’s okay.

  Vlad’s hands lay by his sides. He didn’t move them, so I knew what I had to do. I reached up behind me and unclasped my bra.


  Chapter 8

  Dahlia stood before him, topless.

  He’d tried to avoid this, but his father had put him in an uncomfortable situation.

  He was one second away from telling his father to “Get out,” but he didn’t know how well that would sit with his men. Everyone knew his father, Enzo, was the Don before him. He was still respected and still called King.

  Family always came first.

  That’s what had been drilled into his mind since childhood.

  Since he was ‘made’.

  His eyes met Dahlia’s.

  They seemed to be pleading with him, to go ahead.

  He didn’t want her like this. It was not the way he had imagined her nude before him. And certainly not in front of a crowd to witness.

  He pulled her onto his lap, and she let out a surprised gasp.

  Her hands landed on his shoulders before she dropped them to her sides. It was better now she was on his lap. Maybe he could hide her now from his men’s eyes. He didn’t meet anyone’s gaze.

  Most definitely not his father’s.

  He tried to think of a way to check her tits without actually looking at them. But he knew he had to, so he met her eyes first.

  Her expression was dimmed, like her eyes had lost that fighting spark that he’d seen before, but she seemed to be telling him something. A small, sad smile peeked from her lips. Fuck, she was smiling at him, encouraging him to be the monster he was. There was a vulnerability in her eyes that he couldn’t resist.

  I’m okay, she seemed to say.

  But I’m not okay, he wanted to roar at her.

  He wanted to exhale, to prepare her, but all eyes were on him.

  His father and men were watching, and he knew he had to set an example. He couldn’t show weakness. He wanted to hide her from everyone, but he knew his father could see her.

  Then, he allowed himself to look.

  His ravenous gaze traveled from her eyes to her pale, delicate collarbones, then further to her full tits. He’d been fantasizing about them. Hell, she was the reason he had morning wood every time he woke up. He imagined the weight of them, the feeling of them against his hands, the taste of them.

  Now she sat on his lap. Her tits were fuller and firmer than he imagined. She had a nice rack. No, more like she was lush.

  Without her bra, her tits hung lower and more molded to her form. He met her doe-like eyes again. They looked dazed and watery. He hoped she wasn’t going to cry. She bit her trembling bottom lip. The blood had dried, but her biting it made it bleed again. He wanted to demand that she stop it, but he had lost his voice now.

  He hadn’t said anything when his father had slapped her, even though he had roared inside. His hands were itching to touch her bloody mouth and her bruised cheek, which was now sporting a large red mark. He wanted to check her wounds instead of touching her exposed body.

  He hated that the men in his world had bruised her already when he never once manhandled her. Shaking his head silently, he averted his gaze to her tits again. He rubbed his thumb against her hip, reassuring her.

  He’d done that once before at the breakfast table, and he hoped she would understand the message now too.

  His eyes were filled by the sight of her. His gaze lingering in places he’d fantasized about. Like when he’d seen her in that flimsy black nightgown. He could see the subtle outlines of her then, and he had taken a very cold shower once he’d returned to his room.

  Her nipples were small and rose pink. His mouth watered at the sight of them. He wanted to suck on them so hard that she would writhe under him.

  Fuck, she was so perfect, more than he’d imagined.

  Vlad’s hands reached up and he held them in his hands, checking their weight, incase his father was looking. She stiffened against him, her arms limp by her sides. He roamed the undersides. He glanced at them, checking for scars of surgery while putting on a show for everyone.

  He swiped a thumb across her soft nipple.

  She wasn’t aroused. That surprised him. He’d never had a female in his hands who hadn’t been aroused. Maybe it was time to wake her nipples up. He tugged on her nipple, and it instantly hardened. He hid a smile and wondered how it would feel in his mouth.

  Dahlia let out a soft whimper, and he stared at her eyes.

  They were cloudy now, and her breathing had quickened. Her heart-shaped lips were parted as she gazed at him. She was so beautiful displayed in front of him. Her skin was heated and glistening, warm against his palm. A tongue darted out from her lips before disappearing again. He wanted that same tongue on his cock.

  Vlad wasn’t a good man.

  No one would question him if he made her perform that act here in front of everyone. The thought of suckling her and her going down on him was driving him insane. He had an erection, and he knew she could tell since she was pressed against him. He could easily move against her, but he held himself back. Blood coursed through his veins as he continued his torture.

  He hated that he was seeing her like this for the first time, but fuck, he liked it. Just looking at her, bare in front of him, in his hands, made his blood run hot.

  Dahlia was so soft and warm in his hands. Her tits responsive to his touch. Her breathing was getting heavier. He didn’t want to enjoy this more than he should. She shifted like she was about to arch her back, but he gripped one hand on her waist to steady her, keeping her upright.

  Her surprised gaze stared at him, confused.

  Don’t. They will see you then.

  “They’re real. Show’s over. Everyone can leave,” he said at last.


  Chapter 9

  As I watched the men leaving, I was left confused. Vlad had pressed his hand against my hip, stopping me from moving against him.

  Once his men were gone, only his father still lingered in his seat. He hadn’t moved. I held my breath, and my eyes widened when Enzo stood up, but not to leave, instead he came closer to me. I made a small noise of surprise and tried to inch away.

  Enzo hovered over us.

  I glanced at Vlad to repeat himself again. He had asked everyone to freaking leave. I was annoyed now. Vlad looked at his father with narrow, calculating eyes and arched an eyebrow.

  I was too exposed while Enzo loomed right in front of me. Thankful for small mercies though, Enzo only stared at me with mild interest and boredom. The lust seemed to be missing from his eyes which didn’t make sense, even Vlad was aroused now.

  Enzo was like a giant made of fire, hostility burned in his eyes as he towered over us, scorching me with his venom. His eyes traveled to my breasts and I automatically covered them, until he spoke, “Drop your arms.”

  I jerked my head in Vlad’s direction.

  Stop him please.

  Vlad did no such thing. He only leaned against the chair while staring at his father. He didn’t look at me. A nagging voice at the back of my head said, this was his father. He couldn’t pick me over him. I felt meaningless, and so small caught here between these two men, but I refused to drop my arms.

  Just then, Enzo reached out and pulled my arms away from my breasts. I squealed, my lips parting as I stared at him.

  Then, he leaned in, capturing my breast in his hand.

  My voice seemed to have left my body and I found myself speechless. I blinked slowly trying to calm down my breathing, but my lips were trembling now.

  I could feel the tension in the air. Was Enzo going to force me? I stared at him, horrified, as he pulled at my nipple, twisting it roughly. His touch was nothing like Vlad’s who had touched me gently earlier. I reached out a hand to stop him, but he pushed it away.

  I glanced at the beast, my capto
r, wanting him to end this, but Vlad only stared on, not interfering. His jaw had hardened, and his tense eyes were following Enzo’s movements.

  Enzo tugged at my skin again even harder. It was too painful now, and a scared whimper left my mouth.

  Vlad’s hard eyes met mine, but then they softened.

  I bit my trembling lip tasting metallic warm blood, and I felt my eyes water.

  Then, I felt it again. Vlad’s thumb that was on my waist smoothing back and forth, almost comforting me. I looked at him, surprised and taken aback, blinking back tears.

  I glanced up at Enzo, whose face was expressionless. He didn’t seem to take any pleasure from touching me. I think he just wanted to torment me, mess with my head, or maybe he wanted to assert power over Vlad.

  Wicked sicko.

  “Golden pair of tits, huh?” Enzo said, then turned on his heel abruptly and left. Just like that.

  It was over.

  I returned my gaze to Vlad again.

  He was no longer looking at my body but at my eyes. Then, his gaze dropped to my bloody mouth. I knew I had blood dripping down my chin. I couldn’t tell what he was feeling. Before his eyes were full of want and desire, now they looked withdrawn and empty. It was like something inside him had switched off.

  “You okay?” he asked after a moment.

  His voice was like a soft caress now.

  It shouldn’t sound that low.

  I didn’t know how to respond to him.

  “F-fine,” I stammered out a lie.

  I didn’t know if I was supposed to leave his lap or stay in it. Now that everyone was gone, I should move, but I felt glued to the spot, to him. I wanted to lean against him, not wanting to leave.

  “Did I hurt you?” Vlad asked me softly.

  My startled eyes met his.

  Your father hurt me.

  His eyes were dimmed, lacking any sparkle, as if he was drained from the internal fight, he had put up today. He leaned back on the couch and dropped his hands from my hips.

  And you didn’t speak up for me.

  Sometimes he made me fear for my life, but then there were times he’d shown me a different side to him. Every night I fell asleep thinking this might be the night he would come and force me, but he always surprised me. It had been two weeks, and I was still untouched. Well, not today, but I knew what I meant.

  “I’m okay,” I replied hoarsely.

  I was a little riled up and breathless, but I was safe now since his father left. Vlad hadn’t hurt me. His touch had been soft and gentle. His hands were rough and calloused, but he had made it good for me. He didn’t have to but surprisingly, he had.

  “You sure?”

  His voice was gruffer now, as if he had trouble speaking.

  Why did he care that I was hurt?

  I nodded at him, fast becoming too tired to speak now.

  Then, he reached out toward me. I thought his hand was going to my chest but instead he cupped my bruised cheek. His hand engulfed it in his palm, touching it softly. The pressure of it gave me relief. Sensation built up inside of me, unsettled by how he was behaving.

  “I don’t have a napkin on me,” he murmured.

  My eyes shot to him, confused. Then, the same hand that was cupping my cheek touched my injured mouth. I winced slightly at the touch, and he lessened the pressure.

  He wiped the blood off my face with his fingers. I stared in awe at him, my body craving his caring touches. When he pulled away, his hand had blood on it.

  Then, he spoke, “I’ll have Natalie send ice and a first aid kit for that.”

  I simply nodded again. I remembered he hated people nodding at him, but it registered this time. He didn’t seem to mind anymore. He hadn’t put me down like he said he would either.

  Then, he sat up closer to me, no longer leaning against the couch.

  I looked at him, surprised, waiting for him to speak.

  “You hurt anywhere else?” he asked.

  His voice was so low, laced with protectiveness. His eyes looked tormented like there was so much he wanted to say but maybe couldn’t. I couldn’t look him in the eye any longer, so I looked down at his soft white shirt instead. I knew what he was asking. My nipple still hurt from his wicked father’s assault.

  “Answer me,” Vlad growled out.

  He was no longer asking but demanding. I refused to answer him or look at him even. He could figure it out for himself.

  Then, something happened that I didn’t expect as if he had read my mind.

  Vlad’s thumb touched my injured nipple.

  My eyes instantly jerked up to him.

  I couldn’t read him well, but I didn’t see lust or arousal in his eyes anymore. He began stroking me softly, and I stared at him wide-eyed.

  His head dipped low to my breast, and I held in a breath.

  Was he going to…?

  Then, those icy eyes stared up at me.

  His eyes held mine, searching, checking for my refusal. Why wasn’t I stopping him? He stayed like this, hovering above my breast but not taking anything.

  Then he spoke at last, “You have three seconds to stop me.”

  I could stop this. I could say no. He would listen.

  My eyes widened at him, but I kept my mouth shut.

  On the fourth second, no sooner or later, he broke off eye contact with me, covering my nipple with his warm mouth.

  A tiny noise of ecstasy left my mouth, and I wrapped my arms around him, my hands in his hair, pressing myself closer. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to touch him or to hold him. His hands stayed at my waist, not touching me elsewhere. He was careful to not use teeth or pull on me with his mouth. He just sucked my nipple for a few moments, easing the pain.

  Then, I felt him peck it. Was that a kiss?

  I was baffled at his affection. No one was around anymore for the show. It was just me and him. This was all for me now.

  I glanced down at him but then he pulled away, exposing my warm nipple to the cold air. It was over before it could begin. He leaned against the couch, his arms dropping to his sides and simply stared at me for a few moments. I didn’t how long we sat like this, maybe seconds, maybe minutes.

  I looked at him bewildered and confused at what had just happened.

  Had he just comforted me?

  My gaze dropped down to his full lips and I flushed pink.

  I was in his mouth.

  Vlad seemed to be waiting.

  I wasn’t sure for what.

  Then, he arched an eyebrow at me.

  “Are you planning on staying on my lap?”

  My mouth dropped open at his words before I clamped it shut again, I stared at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

  Amusement flickered in his eyes before a smile played on his lips. It wasn’t one of his smirks but a different, teasing smile now. His eyes were lit up in mischief, and his words were playful.

  “I’m getting off,” I muttered.

  I cringed. That came out wrong too.

  I was sure my face was the color of red roses now. My cheeks were on fire. I had made a fool out of myself and he had noticed. I should have jumped off the moment Enzo had left. I was embarrassed that I had been still sitting on his lap for way too long. Nor had I reached for my discarded shirt. For a moment, I had forgotten I was bare in front of him.

  I hated that I’d let myself get too comfortable with the enemy. The monster. I couldn’t let my guard down again.

  I avoided his gaze and my body moved, but something poked me under my thigh, and I paused. He was still hard under me. My face flamed further, and I exhaled slowly. I was mortified that he could see my cheeks burning crimson now. I was still exposed, and my breasts jiggled when I moved. A curse of big boobs.

  I climbed off him and snatched my bra from the floor.

  Turning, my back to him, I shoved my arms through my bra, and I tried to fasten it behind me, but my trembling hands kept fiddling with the clasp. My attempts were futile. A sense of desperation and f
rustration hit me. It was hard getting dressed in his presence. Feelings of guilt and embarrassment hit me further. I knew Vlad was behind me. He still sat there, perhaps watching me being clumsy as hell. It made me a nervous wreck.

  There was a movement behind me.

  He had risen. My breath caught in my throat and I paused.

  “Let me?” Vlad asked softly.

  He was so close to me. I didn’t realize that he was up that close. His breath landed on my ear, making me shiver. I could smell his cologne. The masculine cedar and woodsmoke smell of him. Without thinking, I turned my face to the right and gazed up at him.

  He was staring right at me, as if waiting for an answer.

  I nodded, feeling confused now.

  He parted my hair to the side, slowly exposing my neck and bare back to him.

  Heat seemed to radiate from him, warming my numbed body.

  He pulled on the back of the bra, jostling me, making me hit his back. My hands reflexively went to my breasts. I let out a surprise gasp before my eyes met his again. His gaze held mine, before he averted it and clasped the bra.

  Then, he stepped back from me.

  Was I supposed to say thank you?

  I should really pick up my shirt, but something was bothering me.

  I shouldn’t ask him, but it made me curious.

  “Why did you ask my permission?”

  Both times you asked.

  I waited for his answer, but it never came.

  “You didn’t need to,” I added. My voice hitched at my words. I knew what he was capable of.

  “Maybe not,” he murmured. “But I don’t like to take.”

  I blinked slowly at his words and turned, wrapping my arms around my chest before I fully faced him, looking at him in surprise. A part of me thought I was being stupid when he’d seen me bare already, but another part of me wanted to feel safe, less exposed.

  “But you took me?” I asked him in a low voice.

  You kidnapped me.

  His eyes were no longer teasing. He became that same brooding man, I’d often seen before. He was scarier like this, especially when I had no idea what he was thinking.


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