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The Millionaire's Mystery (A Carriage Cove Cozy Mystery Book 3)

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by Ella White

  Susan clicked the file using her mouse. “Okay then.”

  “Hello Mrs. Samson, this is Officer Ashley Brown from the Carriage Cove Police Department.” Ashley’s voice sounded very professional. “I’m calling to give you an update about your husband’s case.”

  “I’m sorry, my husband’s case?”

  “Yes, the missing person’s case you reported a few days ago?”

  “I’m sorry, officer, but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Vickie and Susan immediately looked at each other, realization on both their faces. This voice was not the one from the original report.

  “Your…Your husband was reported missing in the Carriage Cove area.” Ashley’s voice resumed. “You really don’t know about this?”

  “Gerard is out of town, yes, but he went to a convention in New York. What’s he doing in Carriage Cove?”

  Susan stopped the recording, and folded her hands under her chin. “That second voice is certainly not the person who reported Dr. Samson missing. She sounded much older.”

  “Then who was the person who made the report?” Ashley asked.

  “That’s what we need to find out.” Susan gave her a pat on the back. “Good work, Officer Brown. That’s the attention to detail I want to see around here.”

  “Thank you, Chief,” Ashley replied a bit shyly.

  “Is it possible Gerard Samson knows someone in town?” Vickie hypothesized. “A sister or a good friend?”

  “Well, we can’t ask Ms. Radcliffe,” Susan concluded. “She said she hadn’t noticed him with anyone.”

  “I think this is something you can leave to your undercover agents!” Vickie declared playfully, jumping up from her seat. “I’ll go join Rachel in her search for any information about Dr. Samson’s whereabouts.”

  “Undercover agents?” Ashley repeated, giving the Chief a good-humored look.

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Dr. Matheson.” Susan stood as she protested, and crossed her arms over her chest. “Please understand, I have to do things by the book.”

  “That’s all fine and dandy,” Vickie approved. “But just because you do doesn’t mean I have to.”

  Chief Miles shook her head slowly and sighed. “All right, fine. Just promise me you won’t break the law in the process?”

  “Have I ever done that?”

  “Not for as long as I’ve known you, but that’s not very long.” Susan lowered her arms. “Just be careful, and call me if you find out anything helpful.”

  “Don’t worry, Chief. I always do.”

  Vickie showed herself out of the office and to the front lobby, where a line was starting to form at the front desk. Sarah was sitting in her chair, looking down at Tyler as she stroked his belly. Tyler was laying in her lap, upside down, purring so loudly Vickie could hear him at the back of the station.

  Once Vickie arrived at the lobby and saw the scene for herself, she put her hands on her hips and stared at her cat. Tyler looked up at her and continued to purr as he gave her a look as if asking what was wrong.

  “You silly kitty,” Vickie teased. “Sarah, I think you might need to get back to work.”

  Sarah looked up and saw the people, all waiting for her. She gasped and immediately put Tyler down on the ground.

  “I’m so sorry! What can I help you with?”

  Vickie bent to grab Tyler, who meowed in protest. He had lost his very comfy bed and the person who had been petting him! This was so unfair!

  Chapter 4

  Vickie held her phone up to her ear as she walked into the Sip and Read Café. It was during one of the slower times of the day, so there weren’t many customers there when she arrived. Tyler slinked through the door behind her, and Vickie paused to look around her shop.

  She was starting to wonder if she should redecorate. Some of the chairs were becoming worn at their seat cushions, and a few tables had become chipped at the corners and stained from cups of coffee. Why didn’t everyone use the coasters provided for them instead of sticking the cups directly on the table? On the other side of the store, a few of the beanbags she provided for regular readers were getting flat and uncomfortable, which always happens after beanbags have been used for too long.

  Vickie was also relatively successful at selling mystery books she kept on the shelves, but some of them had been read enough time that the pages were bent and torn and the covers were coming apart in a few places. She always welcomed her patrons to read the books while they were there, but some people had purchased the books after reading them if they enjoyed them a lot. Now her bookshelves were becoming more and more bare. Maybe she should ask Amy about restocking.

  “So you haven’t found anything about him so far?” Vickie asked Rachel over her phone as she approached the front counter.

  “Nothing that anyone wants to tell me,” Rachel replied. “I bet they think I’ll go to the paper with it, even if its just rumors. It’s not really common knowledge that I quit The Chronicle.”

  “That makes sense, but it doesn’t help us find out where Gerard has been.” Vickie headed to Tyler’s water bowl and, after noticing it was empty, filled it with fresh water. She then headed for her office. “Any word from James?”

  “He’s busy writing a report, but he has tried to look into it a little,” Rachel informed. “He hasn’t found out anything yet, but he said he’d call me if he does.”

  “That’s better than nothing.” Vickie dropped her bag off in her chair before returning to the front of the store. “I’m going to ask customers as they come in. Someone’s got to know something about what Gerard Samson’s been doing here.”

  “I’ll keep digging around too. Good luck.”

  The two women said their goodbyes and Vickie hung up her phone. She put on the apron uniform she always wore when she was at work and went up to the front cash register. She had to wait quite a while before anyone came up to order anything, but each time she made sure she asked about the missing millionaire.

  “I don’t mean to gossip, but do you know anything about Gerard Samson being in town?”

  Jennifer Holston, the Spanish major and friend of Rachel’s, didn’t know him. “I’ve never even heard of this man. He’s supposed to be pretty famous?”

  Monty Liberts, a banker Vickie’s husband, Thomas, worked with, had a little something to say, but it wasn’t much. “I heard Gerard Samson was seen at the florist, but not what he was doing there. Buying flowers I suppose, but who knows why?”

  Sadie, the hairdresser, hadn’t heard very much from the people she styled. “A couple of women have mentioned him, sure, but it’s usually just seeing him in passing at the grocery store or something like that.”

  Amy, the bookseller, wasn’t much more helpful than she was earlier. “I only know what I told you today. He’s staying at the Lazy Owl B&B, and I think he might be giving lectures at the university.”

  Berating herself for having not thought of it before, Vickie took this information and called the president of the school, and old friend of hers, Charles Rutledge.

  “Sorry Vickie, but I haven’t heard anything from his in a few months,” Charles notified her. “I asked if he would be willing to give special lectures for our science majors but he never got back to me.”

  “Okay. Thanks anyway, Charles.”

  That left her back at square one. But Vickie learned long ago how to be patient. It was a few hours, but she did eventually come across some customers who were willing to share what they had seen.

  “He brought a bouquet of flowers to a restaurant in the middle of town. I don’t remember the name.”

  “He went to dinner with some woman the other night. I wasn’t paying attention where.”

  “I wouldn’t say she was half his age, but I’d guess pretty close.”

  “I don’t remember his wife looking so young during interviews on TV.”

  “Maybe it was his sister? She looked too young to be an aunt.”

e was somewhere in her mid-thirties, but I’m horrible at guessing ages.”

  So Gerard Samson has been seen around town with a younger woman, Vickie thought as she finished giving the order to her last customer. But no one remembers where they ate. There’s always a missing puzzle piece.

  Eventually the day ended, and it was time for the Sip and Read Café to close. They stopped accepting new customers, although Vickie insisted on letting the patrons still at the tables finish their drinks and pastries. Tyler went around to each unoccupied table and licked up any crumbs he could find. Vickie shook her head at his antics.

  “I really need to put you on a diet, chubby kitty.” Tyler glanced up at her before continuing to lick the table. “Note to self: disinfect the table surfaces.”

  “Again?” Kimberly asked from behind her. She walked up and saw Tyler’s behavior. “Aw, I just did it yesterday!”

  Vickie laughed. “I’ll do it this time, Kim. It’s my turn anyway.”

  Tyler finished at one table and meowed at them. Didn’t they understand he was already cleaning the tables? He huffed a little and went over to the last table with a young man sitting at it. He jumped onto the table and crouched down, ready to spring at any moment. The young man grabbed his coffee cup to finish it off, but this left the remains of his cinnamon donut open. Tyler pounced, grabbed the donut and took off the to back of the store.

  “Tyler! No!” Vickie protested, chasing him. “Come back here!”

  Kimberly cracked up laughing, holding her sides as her stomach started to hurt from the hilarity. The young man watched the scene for a second before laughing as well.

  After dealing with her mischievous cat and closing up shop, Vickie headed home. Her husband, Thomas, was already there, having left work at the bank a few hours earlier. Vickie felt very blessed to have a husband like him. He was kind, great with the kids, a hard worker, and best of all, his cooking wasn’t half bad. Vickie still did a majority of it over the years of their marriage, but Thomas was not against doing it too.

  That being said, Vickie was pleased to find dinner almost ready in the kitchen. She let Tyler out of his cat carrier when she reached the living room, and the two sniffed the air almost simultaneously.

  “Smells great, Tom!”

  “Hope it tastes as good!”

  Tyler went into the kitchen and began meowing for his own dinner. Vickie put down her bag and him to the kitchen. Thomas was pulling a dish out of the oven, and she could immediately tell it was the chicken, cooked to perfection with tasty herbs. A plate of steamed asparagus was already on the nearby dining room table, and a pot of mashed sweet potatoes still sat on the stove to keep them warm. Tyler meowed again, sitting next to his food bowl and looking at his humans eagerly.

  “Okay, silly kitty,” Vickie acquiesced. “I’ll get you your dinner.”

  After making sure Tyler was adequately fed (which according to him, was rarely ever), Vickie and Thomas sat down for dinner. Thyme and rosemary burst onto her tongue as she took a bite of the chicken, and the potatoes were the perfect mix of creamy and spicy. She lifted her wine glass to Thomas, and they clinked their drinks together before taking a sip.

  “Did you have any luck with passing out those flyers?” Thomas asked after he swallowed a bite of food.

  “I did. Lots of people were happy to help with it.” Vickie crunched on a piece of asparagus. “But something else has come up. I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier. Have you heard Gerard Samson is in town?”

  Thomas nearly spat out his wine in surprise, but he was able to keep it in his mouth and took a hard swallow. “He is?”

  “I heard he was in town, and he was staying at Gwen’s B&B,” Vickie explained. “But then Chief Miles came by and she said he was reported missing.”

  Thomas’ eyebrows furrowed. “Missing? How can a millionaire scientist like him just disappear?”

  “Or scientist millionaire, but that’s the question.” Vickie drank a little more wine. “Chief Miles thinks something might have happened to him, and is starting an investigation.”

  “Well, I can’t say there might not be a reason something happened to him,” Thomas agreed. “Not to say he’s a bad guy or anything, but someone with that kind of notoriety and money is bound to be a target sometime.”

  “I hate to admit it, but you’re right. Anyway, Chief Miles, Rachel and I have been looking into it all day.”

  “Are you sure you’re not a detective now and just don’t want to tell me about it?” Thomas teased her, but he turned serious seconds later. “Have you found anything?”

  “Apparently Dr. Samson was seen with a young woman at a restaurant somewhere, but no one remembers which one.” Thomas gave her a pointed look. “What?”

  “A young woman?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Who isn’t his wife or daughter?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You know what that means, right Vickie?” Thomas asked. She just stared at him, and he sighed. “He might be having an affair.”

  “We can’t just to conclusions like that,” Vickie debated. “We don’t know that for sure.”

  “I’m just saying, it’s a possibility.”

  Before Vickie had a chance to argue the point further, her cell phone began ringing. She excused herself from the table to retrieve it from her purse in the living room. She checked the caller ID before answering.

  “Hi Rachel. What’s new?”

  “Hi Mom. You won’t believe what I’ve found!” Rachel declared. “Well, James actually found it. He just called me with some info on Gerard Samson.”

  Vickie immediately became more interested. “What is it?”

  “A few days ago, he was seen having dinner with a young blonde woman at the Italian restaurant called Delizioso,” she reported. “I’m heading over there now. Thought you should know.”

  “Okay. I’ll meet you there. See you soon.”

  She quickly hung up the phone and grabbed her bag and jacket. Thomas watched her from the dining room doorway, a perplexed expression on his face.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “Rachel got a lead on Gerard Samson. I’m going to meet her now.”

  Vickie was out the door in an instant, and just barely heard her husband speak before she was gone.

  “But…who am I going to eat with now?”

  Vickie had been to Delizioso multiple times. It was a fancy and fairly expensive Italian restaurant, and she and Thomas only justified going for something special like their anniversary, but she did know how to get there in a snap. She recognized the giant sign in the shape of spaghetti and meatballs next to pizza, and she smiled.

  Expensive place, but still has basic food as an option, Vickie thought. The best of both worlds.

  She parked her car in the lot, right next to the smaller vehicle she recognized as Rachel’s, and rushed to the entrance. Hopefully Rachel didn’t start any questioning without her.

  Rachel seemingly already thought of that, since Vickie found her standing next to a young waitress. They both looked like they were waiting for her.

  “Hi Mom. You’re just in time.” Rachel smiled and looked over at the server. “Bianca, tell her what you were just telling me?”

  Bianca smiled shyly. “Promise me neither of you will go to the press about this?”

  “Cross our hearts,” Rachel replied.

  “We promise,” Vickie added.

  “Okay. Dr. Samson was here four nights ago, with a friend,” Bianca described. “Well, he called her a friend, but I think she was more.”

  Thinking Thomas might have been right after all, Vickie wanted clarification. “What makes you say that?”

  “Just the way they acted,” the young waitress elaborated. “The way their hands would touch, the kisses on cheeks they shared, how they shared their food with each other…I’d bet next month’s tips they’re involved.”

  “Maybe Dr. Samson was having an affair,” Rachel theorized
. “Maybe something went wrong, like his wife found out or this woman decided she didn’t want to share anymore?”

  “I don’t know, but if he’s missing I wouldn’t be surprised,” Bianca agreed.

  “What was this woman’s name?” Vickie inquired.

  Bianca looked down. “Sorry. I don’t know. Dr. Samson paid for dinner…Wait! I think he might have called her Bridgette.”

  Rachel grabbed a pen and wrote the name on her hand. “No last name?”

  “Not that I can remember. Sorry.”

  “No, thank you. It’s something,” Vickie responded. “Thank you for your help, Bianca.”

  The young woman nodded and smiled before getting back to work. Vickie and Rachel left the restaurant before they became too suspicious, and they stopped at their cars.

  “Do you think she’s right?” Rachel wondered out loud. “Do you think Gerard Samson was having an affair?”

  “Your father mentioned it earlier. I didn’t want to believe it, but I guess it’s possible,” Vickie conceded. “It certainly would make him a target, whether it’s his wife after all, this mysterious girl, or someone else.”

  “What do you want to do now?” the younger woman inquired. “Should we look for this Bridgette?”

  “No, we probably won’t be very good at it.” Vickie took out her phone again. “but Chief Miles has the resources to search for someone. I’ll call her right now.”

  Chapter 5

  “Will you just swallow this darn pill!” Vickie woke in surprise. “Darn cat!”

  Vickie recognized the sound of Thomas shouting at Tyler, and decided she better intervene before something bad happened. She got up from bed, threw on her robe, and headed for the living room. She laughed at the sight before her.

  Thomas was waving a fist at the highest bookshelf in their living room. Tyler glanced at him from his perch, where none of the humans could reach him. As the cat heard Vickie enter the room he turned to look at her and leapt off the shelf, landed delicately on his feet and walked over to her. Tyler rubbed his body against her legs and purred, all the while Thomas glared at him.


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