The Protector

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The Protector Page 5

by Jessie G.

  “Will you…” Javier motioned as he kicked away his pants. Ever since they reunited, Saul adamantly refused to let him kneel. Not for any reason, no matter how innocent. It left him at a loss as to how to help Saul finish undressing and he didn’t want to bring it up aloud for fear of ruining the mood. “You have too many clothes on, Saul. I want to see you.”

  Javier focused on Saul’s hands, watching as he removed boots and socks before opening his jeans. He knew Saul was watching him, measuring his reaction, as more and more skin was revealed. It didn’t worry him though; he let all the want and need show. Javier gave a silent prayer of thanks that, after all he’d suffered, his desire for Saul remained. To love and be loved by this man was something to be cherished.

  With their clothes kicked off to the side, Javier just looked his fill. Saul was breathtaking—tall and sculpted with a brutal hand, deeply tanned and dusted with just the right amount of dark hair. He looked up and down, trying to take it all in, before focusing on the real prize. Oh, he knew Saul was proportionately sized, but seeing that long, uncut cock thicken with arousal made his mouth water. It was all he could do not to drop to his knees and take a bite of that delicious foreskin.

  “No tasting until we’ve showered,” Saul warned, grabbing his hand and tugging him under the warm spray.

  He’d long since given up trying to figure out how Saul could read his thoughts, though Javier imagined in this case they were clear on his face. “Tease.”

  “I haven’t even begun to tease,” Saul promised, just before he ducked his head under the water, letting it pour over him. Watching all those rivulets slip slide over Saul’s skin made him jealous. He wanted to be slip sliding over Saul, using his tongue to clean away the work day. “You’re a little far away, aren’t you?”

  “Just enjoying the show.” Javier could imagine Saul grabbing him against that hard, wet body. Those big hands wouldn’t be gentle, leaving marks of desire on his lighter skin, before strong arms banded around him, caging him in. Taking him under until Javier melted into his lover, an eager, willing captive to whatever Saul wanted to do with him. Would Saul slam him up against the shower wall, hold him in place as he rammed that thick, weeping cock into his begging hole? Or would he drag him to the floor, fold him in half and pound down into him until he was screaming wildly? Given free reign, he imagined Saul capable of all that and more. But his ever cautious lover remained a foot away, letting him make all the moves. Would he ever be whole enough to experience Saul in all his raw, uninhibited glory?

  “See something you like?”

  Javier lathered up a loofah and pretended to contemplate the question. “I think I need to get a closer look before I answer that.”

  Saul splayed his arms out to the side. On anyone else it would have been a harmless gesture, but Saul couldn’t look harmless no matter how hard he tried. That dark gaze remained focused on Javier’s face as he closed the distance again and it made him realize Saul hadn’t looked anywhere else. He knew there were marks on his body, scars from his neck to his ankles, though he rarely looked at them himself. Saul had tried to care for every wound he’d suffered once he was put in Saul’s care, but no matter how hard he tried, there was nothing to be done about the scars left behind from his time with Terence. Did Saul find them repulsive? Him repulsive? Would they be constant reminders that he was nothing more than a dirty whore, used in every possible way by men who wanted to cause him as much pain as possible?

  “Hey,” Saul whispered, tipping his chin up. “Don’t go there.”

  “I didn’t…” Javier trailed off, knowing to lie was useless. Saul read him too easily to be fooled, so he went with honesty. “Does my body repulse you? I know I look...that I have marks...if you don’t want to look at them, that’s fine...but, well, does it?”

  “To be completely honest, I don’t see them anymore. Not when I look at you. Do I know they’re there? Yes, of course, just as I remember every person who caused you pain.” Saul leaned in and licked at his bottom lip, whispering, “You’re my angel, beautiful, flawless, so beyond what a man like me deserves. I’m hanging on by a thread, pequeño, and it’s taking all my strength not to lose control. If I look at everything I’ve dreamed of having, this will be over before it starts.”

  Saul might say words were not his thing, but sometimes he got them just right. “Someday, do you think I’ll be strong enough for you to let go of that control?”

  As close as they were, Javier could see the desperate want for just that very thing in Saul’s gaze. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be strong enough for that.”

  Javier already knew that Saul would rather die than put a scratch on him. He also knew that reverence was only for him. Given the opportunity, Saul needed a partner that craved the raw, brutal side of him. A man who not only wanted to submit and be controlled, he would also find his pleasure at the end of Saul’s whip. Saul would revere him as well, in his own way.

  Needing to be past the heavy moment, Javier pushed Saul back an inch. Because he didn’t trust himself to say the wrong thing, he maintained his silence as he began washing Saul. Almost immediately it became too much to watch the bubbles cling lovingly to the body he wanted, and he hated having even the flimsy loofah separate his hand from actual touching. Letting it drop to the floor, he lathered up both hands and groaned when he finally had Saul’s skin beneath his palms.

  “Fuck, but your skin is so hot. All the time. I can’t get enough.” Javier crouched—he did not kneel and knew it was a fine line—but he crouched down to clean Saul’s legs. He took his time, dragging his hands up those muscled legs until his palm was overflowing with Saul’s heavy balls. “I love that you're uncut. I just want...fuck, Saul, I want…”

  Unable to resist, Javier leaned in and tugged the delicate foreskin between his lips, making Saul growl. With his free hand sliding up and down the length of Saul’s cock, he wiggled his tongue between the foreskin and glans, working it around until Saul’s fists were clenched tight. Javier was on overload, eager for more, wanting to be grabbed and taken, terrified to be grabbed and taken…

  “Javi, stand up.” When he didn’t move, a hand on his shoulder gave him pause. “Javier, stop, now.”

  He blinked up at Saul and rose to face him. “But, I want...”

  Those dark eyes said Saul wanted too, so Javier was confused. Saul gripped his chin, holding him in place so he couldn’t look away, and searched his gaze. “You’ll get everything you want as long as you do one thing that I want.”

  “Anything…” Again, it wasn’t an empty offer. If it was within his power, even if it tested his boundaries, he would give Saul anything he asked.

  “Comply.” Short and to the point, the word was spoken in a deeper voice than he was used to from Saul. Was this a glimpse at the man he knew Saul once was?

  Javier blinked again, uncertain if he was reading more into Saul’s intent because of his own long dormant desires. “I don’t understand, Saul.”

  Even Saul looked uncertain for a moment. Finally he said, “I won’t grab you, I won’t pin you down and force you to submit, but I need you to do just that. You do it every day either in direct response to my instruction or by reading my cues. This is no different.”

  Javier’s heart sped up at the prospect. Oh yes, he would submit and loved Saul even more for trusting his strength enough to demand it. For a moment he had to close his eyes and just cherish the feeling. Someday the evil, phantom weight around his neck would be replaced by the loving weight of Saul’s collar. No matter what he had to do to convince Saul, that stamp of ownership would be his. Drowning in his own fantasies, he melted against Saul, and let them and those big, strong hands take him over. “Yes, I will submit.”

  Saul washed him from head to toe, leaving no spot unattended. When warm, soapy fingers breached him, he could only widen his stance and moan his encouragement. Saul took his time, arousing him, opening him, and he nearly embarrassed himself right there in the shower. Nearly, until those
fingers stopped moving and those dark eyes narrowed in warning. It was all the instruction he needed and was as effective as a strong hand gripping the base of his cock. The orgasm receded and that only ramped up his need to be done with the shower.

  With desperation dripping from every word, Javier begged, “Are we...can we go to bed now?”

  Saul reached back to turn off the water, then stepped out to grab a towel. When he turned back to dry him, the grin on his face was nothing short of devious. “We can, but you won’t be getting that orgasm anytime soon.”

  “Saul,” he whimpered. “Please…”

  “Ah, pequeño, you beg so nicely, but the answer is no. I promised to eat you up and I always keep my promises.” Sometimes Saul said just the right thing.



  As Evan promised, the bouncer took their passes and introduced them to the host as personal friends. Said host, a bear of a man whose job was probably to look intimidating, gushed like a fangirl. “I had the pleasure of seeing you in action many years ago. When Mr. Winston informed us that you’d be visiting our club…”

  The man trailed off, a tinge of embarrassment riding his rugged face. The bear had to be in his mid-thirties and looked like he could crush a man without trying. Clearly he was more of a cuddly bear than the grizzly bear he appeared to be. After another moment of ogling, the bear resumed his full height, wiped the smile off his face, and glanced quickly at Javier. “Forgive me, Sir, but you’ll want to keep an eye on your sub. Thanks to the event happening here tonight it’s a bit like amateur hour in there. Mr. Winston and Master Clay take the safety of our guests very seriously.”

  “Do I look like a threat to the safety of your guests?” When the bear gulped and nodded, Saul just grinned. “My boy doesn’t leave my side. So unless someone physically tries to pry him from my arm, I believe your guests will be safe from me.” Javier chuckled, drawing his gaze, and Saul was struck again by Javier’s appearance. Skinny jeans hugged in all the right places, enhancing Javier’s ass and promising an impressive package, and the top four buttons of his untucked purple dress shirt were open to show off a smooth, toned chest. He completed the look by enhancing his sexy eyes with kohl liner. The overall effect was eye-catching without being flashy or obvious.

  “Welcome to Velvet Ropes.” The man who came through the curtain separating the club from the lobby gave the host a quizzical glance before he turned a warm, welcoming smile their way. “My name is Chase. Evan has asked me to personally see to your evening. If you’ll follow me, I’ll show you to your table.”

  Saul appraised the younger man, putting him in his early twenties. Dressed in various shades of brown that enhanced his blond hair and golden skin, Chase was the picture of modesty in a place where less was more. A single button opened at his throat revealed an intricately weaved collar and Saul only needed a glimpse to know that someone had painstakingly made the piece by hand especially for the boy. If the way he presented and carried himself was any indication, Chase knew the weight of such a unique gift was tremendous.

  “Is your Master here this evening?” Saul asked.

  Chase chuckled and gestured for them to follow him through the curtain. “Master Ty isn’t here tonight. How funny that Master Clay said you would ask that. He said if you did I should tell you that Master Ty could be your brother from another mother.”

  “Ah,” Saul grinned, “so it’s probably safest for the crowd if he isn’t here watching you like a hawk.”

  “Exactly.” Chase’s smile was genuine and infectious. Even Javier chuckled when he would have normally remained quiet in the hopes of going unnoticed. “Master Ty is picking me up this evening, so if you are here that late I’m certain Master Clay will introduce you.”

  They followed Chase through the curtain and found themselves in another reception area. There was a coat check on one side, a changing room on the other, and two bouncers waiting to pat them down at the far end of the space. Chase looked from one to the other and said brusquely, “Timothy, Samuel, this is Master Saul and his partner, Javier.”

  Both men stepped back as Chase turned to explain, “Evan and Master Clay have a zero tolerance policy and a double check catches the more creative guests. However, Master Clay was very clear that you pass through unchecked.”

  It was easy to see that neither man liked the idea of anyone passing through unchecked. As one who was always on guard, always concerned with the security of his home and the people he cared about, Saul recognized that instantly. “I have no problem if they want to check me. Only me.”

  They all looked at Chase when he laughed. “How long have you known Master Clay?”

  “Too long. Why?” Saul wondered just what his old friend had told the boy and why. Clay wasn’t the type of share his past with his employees. That seemingly innocent message about Master Ty was obviously meant to tell Saul that Chase was more than he appeared.

  “He bet Evan fifty bucks that you would offer that, too.” Chase stepped to the side and continued to chuckle as one of the two guards came forward to pat him down.

  Finally the guard stood up and nodded. “You’re good.”

  “You have no idea.” Saul smirked, and gestured for Chase to lead them on. Knowing at least a hundred ways to kill a man with his bare hands made it unnecessary to carry a weapon, but they didn’t need to know that. Both men continued to watch him warily as he guided Javier through the glass door, which was good. It was better if they remained wary and on guard.

  “Wow, the place is packed!” Javier’s body was vibrating with excitement. It had been a long time since they got dressed up for an evening out like this.

  Chase called back over the music as he led them through the club. “There is a DVD signing here tonight for Tex Harrington’s new movie, so we’re even more packed than usual.”

  “Really? I didn’t know he had a new movie out.” Javier looked around, then caught Saul’s smirk. “Yeah, I watch porn, who doesn’t?”

  “You’ll have to show me sometime.” Javier’s gaze heated at the prospect of them watching porn together and Saul chuckled. Porn wasn’t really of interest to him. Watching other people fuck seemed pointless and unfulfilling. Certainly he didn’t need any fantasy fodder; his own past experiences and the gorgeous man at his side provided plenty. But if Javier was watching, he was interested. Though he never said so aloud, he often wondered if Javier would ever find pleasure in sex, and making love last night had only given him a partial assurance. Physically, Javier responded beautifully, but a few times he caught those sexy eyes getting lost until Javier jerked himself back. So, emotionally, the jury was still out. It was encouraging to know that Javier was watching porn and that his interest in sex wasn’t out of some misguided obligation.

  “This will be your table.” Chase directed them to one along the wall with a good view of the whole club. Evan knew him well enough to know that he would want to be able to see everything. Though he didn’t believe there was any danger lurking among the scantily dressed clientele, he would never let down his guard enough to be caught unaware, especially with Javier at his side. Once they were seated, Chase offered him a keycard. “You’re in private room number twelve, down that hall and on the left. We don’t offer a full dining menu, but there is an appetizer and dessert selection if you’re interested.”

  “Javi?” Saul looked down as Javier nestled under his arm. With his eyes wide as he tried to take everything in, he looked like a kid at Christmas. When Javier just shook his head, Saul grinned at Chase. “I think that’s a no. Just bring us two Bombay Sapphires chilled, no ice.”

  Saul settled back in the booth and watched the room. Javier kept asking if he missed it and he could truthfully say he didn’t. While it was fun to watch for the evening, this just wasn’t him anymore. What did interest him was the way the crowd parted to let Chase pass, something they didn’t do for the other servers. It made him wonder again who the boy really was.

  “That dance floor i
s packed. It’s a wonder any of them can move!” Javier screamed over the music, drawing his gaze to the other side of the club. A flash of white blond hair caught his attention and he followed it as the man made his way onto the dance floor with three others. With his bare back to them, Saul couldn’t be sure it was the guy from the café, but how many men had hair that shade? So he watched, amused as they writhed and grinded on each other. Clearly they weren’t lovers, no matter how much they rubbed up against each other. There was a level of detachment to it; friends or friendly acquaintances feeling brave in the safety of each other. Finally the man turned and threw his head back as one of his friends wrapped around him from behind. What were the odds that their surfer boy from the café would be here tonight?

  Fuck, but he was stunning—golden and bright, a complete contrast to their darker looks. If he stood five foot five it might have been overestimating, but that compact body was jam packed with defined muscles. Add in that golden skin, a few well-placed and brightly colored tattoos, and those white blond locks, and he stood out more than anyone twice his size. In fact, more than half the place was sneaking glances his way, but he wasn’t paying them the slightest bit of attention. Lost in the dance, Saul didn’t think he cared who was plastered against him.

  What would that bright little package look like between them? Was he as strong as he appeared? As confident as the haughty tilt to his head suggested? Saul knew he was interested, had seen the rampant lust in the café the day before, but like all fantasies, would he find the reality as appealing? What would he look like with that delectable mouth wrapped around Javier’s dick while Saul fucked his tight hole?

  Saul continued to watch as a man approached their boy cautiously, looking about as if confirming that he wouldn’t be stopped. If he was going to bill himself as a Dom he definitely needed to work on his approach. If he was betting on their surfer boy taking the top, Saul was willing to lay down his last dollar against it. First, it would be a serious crime not to pound that fine ass just the way it was begging to be taken. Second, all that haughty, golden gorgeousness was badly in need of a firm hand that wasn’t easily sucked in by baby blues.


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