The Protector

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The Protector Page 12

by Jessie G.

  Javier gripped Saul’s cock at the base and licked slowly. “Do you want a taste, surfer boy?”

  Kyle didn’t verbally answer; instead he jerked forward despite the restraining hand and followed Javier’s tongue up and down that impressive length. Long and thick, it throbbed between their tongues in warning. “Oh damn, he’s uncut.”

  “I know,” Javier whispered. “Isn’t it gorgeous?”

  Somewhere above them he heard Saul curse again and grinned. “Oh, fuck yeah, I want a taste.”

  As if they’d done it a hundred times before, they worked Saul over. Licking and sucking his cock and balls while he showered them with moaned curses. More than one word had been completely foreign to him, especially during the Great Foreskin Fight. There Javier was, teasing and tugging, all innocent like and Kyle just couldn’t take it. Couldn’t. He needed it and he needed it from Javier’s mouth. The ensuing kiss...well, Saul was either damning him to hell or thanking god for his existence, and in that moment, sucking contently on his prize, he was okay with either. Javier retreated briefly, working his way up and down that hard length before coming to wrestle his prize away.

  With his sights set on a new prize, Kyle let him have it and blazed a wet path over those heavy balls, continuing down until Saul’s hips shot up off the bed. They both looked at Javier who scurried back and watched him. “Haven’t you ever touched him here?”

  “No, and don’t ask him to.” Saul’s voice was hard and it wasn’t all in warning. Had he found a way to snap Saul’s control? Kissing, playing with his nipples, even sucking his cock and balls never quite snapped that hard earned control. Was this the way? Kyle didn’t know whether to back off or push forward. What if he was putting too much stock in his own opinion that Javier could be pushed a little bit at a time? It’d be reckless to think that he knew more about what Javier needed than Saul.

  The awkward moment, courtesy of him, was cooling the mood down fast and he really didn’t know how to fix it. Torn between just easing away or offering up an apology he wasn’t sure would be heartfelt, he was kind of stuck until Javier came closer. “I think he liked what you were doing.”

  “Uh...yeah, I mean, who doesn’t love a good rim job, right?” As moronic as that sounded, he could only wonder again how he’d become a porn star. If his fans could only see him now!

  “Saul’s really good at that, too, you know.” Of course he was, and didn’t Javier just look perfectly evil offering up that bit of information? “Are you good at it?”

  “Well, uh, hmmm, you know, no one’s ever complained.” Was that really the smoothest thing he could say? And was he blushing? Why was anyone giving him money to fuck?

  “Seriously?” Saul laughed humorlessly. “How much longer will this conversation last? Do I have time to put the coffee on?”

  Javier chuckled and leaned in to rub their noses together. “I like doing that.”

  Filing that information away for later, Kyle asked, “Where were we?”

  “I was here,” Javier murmured, taking Saul’s cock in hand again. “And you were there,” he continued with an encouraging smile. “Let’s make him scream our names, baby.”

  Shocked by the encouragement, Kyle could only watch as Javier took Saul’s cock deep in his mouth. Once more Kyle looked up and caught the promise of retribution in Saul’s dark gaze. He would learn soon enough that it would only spur Kyle on. Forcing those muscular thighs apart, he resumed his path, licking his way down until he found that tight, throbbing hole. Saul’s whole body tensed, but didn’t pull away as he wiggled his tongue inside, thrusting and licking until Saul’s hips were rocking in tandem.

  Javier grabbed Kyle’s hand, holding it tight, as Saul bucked beneath them. Kyle hoped it was enough assurance because he wanted to keep pushing, wanted to find the moment that would push Saul over. Kyle sucked two fingers, soaking them, before pushing one inside that tight opening. He continued licking, easing his way inside and heard Javier choke. The hand holding his tightened, but Javier didn’t scurry away. When Saul relaxed, Kyle snaked a second finger inside and sought the sweet spot that would send Saul flying.

  Somehow Saul maintained a semblance of control and it pissed Kyle off. The man deserved to lose himself in this moment, needed to. That control would only hold for so long and the longer Saul held it, the bigger the eruption would be. He’d take it however it came, and prove to Javier that Saul would never hurt either of them. Lifting his head, Kyle looked over and let Javier see his frustration. “Your man is fighting me. He’s holding on to that control like a fucking security blanket. It pisses me off. He needs you to tell him it’s okay to let go.”

  Javier’s eyes widened and he looked up at Saul. “Saul, I trust you. Kyle trusts you. Let go…just let go.” As Javier crooned softly, Kyle fucked Saul with his fingers relentlessly, working that sweet spot with every thrust.

  “Come back here and suck his cock.” Kyle didn’t want Javier anywhere near those hands if he succeeded. Javier was on it in a flash, taking Saul in one smooth move right down to the root. Simultaneously Kyle added a third finger, driving them deep as he licked up, taking Saul’s balls in his mouth and tugging. Saul reared up with a guttural cry and pulled Kyle away. Determinedly, he ignored the pain in his scalp and held on for as long as possible before Saul dragged him across the bed. Javier threw a leg over Saul, pinning him down as he quickly slicked some lube over that throbbing cock.

  With a string of foreign curses directed at both of them, Saul dragged Kyle away from the sight of Javier impaling himself. Before he could beg to watch, Saul had his mouth and all that well-heeled control poured out of him. No doubt his lips would be swollen and bruised when it was all over, but he’d take it happily. Saul had earned this moment of uninhibited pleasure and he was thrilled to be the one who brought him to that point.

  Suddenly Saul released him and Kyle almost fell forward without the grip in his hair. “Straddle my chest.”

  Saul’s eyes were clear, distant and Kyle realized he already reined himself in. It was frustrating as hell. “No, Saul, I don’t want…”

  The words stuttered and died when Saul’s eyes blazed hot and deadly, and that voice dropped to an octave only he would hear. “You don’t want what, Kyle? Me?”

  It was a shocking question. Hadn’t he just proved that he wanted them both? “You know I do, Saul, it’s should be able to let go...”

  “I will with you...alone. You’ll have to accept both sides, Kyle. Will you?” He nodded, unable to speak past the sudden lump in his throat. The relief in Saul’s eyes was more poignant than he expected. “Now, Kyle, right now. Javi is close and his ability to hold back is iffy at best.”

  Javier was indeed riding Saul like a bronco bull, his narrow hips whipping around so fast and hard it was a wonder he didn’t hurt himself. How had Saul held a conversation with him, without succumbing to Javier? Kyle had never met anyone who could compartmentalize themselves so thoroughly.

  “You ready to fly, Pup?” That was his only warning before Saul gripped his cock and jerked him forward, feeding it into his mouth one tortuous inch at a time. He fell forward, barely catching the headboard for balance, and groaned. God that mouth felt good. Hot and wet, with an excruciating amount of suction. Kyle felt his balls tighten as a tingle of electricity shot up his spine. Saul’s strong hands gripped his ass, parting his firm cheeks. Then he felt Javier’s slender fingers gliding over his hole, teasing and stroking. Another groan escaped him as one slim finger wiggled its way inside. He wanted to scream at Javier to focus on Saul, but the words wouldn’t come. He wanted to rail at Javier that he shouldn’t do for him what he couldn’t do for Saul, but the words wouldn’t come. A second finger joined the first and Javier zeroed in, finding his target and rubbing until Kyle’s eyes crossed.

  “Kyle, please, baby, please...I’m so close,” Javier whimpered and Kyle looked over his shoulder. The sight pushed him right over the edge. Someone screamed, maybe it was him, and then the tidal wave
took him under. Distantly he heard Javier cry out and those fingers slipped from his body. Some part of him knew he should scramble back, but Saul held him firm, sucking every last drop from him.

  Javier fell across his back as Saul eased him down and Kyle was powerless to do more than nuzzle his face against that corded neck and ask, “Did you come?”

  “Yes, of course I did.” The calm, controlled answer was frustrating. He and Javier were barely able to drag in a full breath and Saul didn’t seem the least bit fazed.

  “Promise me something.” Saul just lifted an eyebrow so he continued, “When you’re balls deep in my ass and I’m screaming your name, you’ll let go of all that control.”

  A slow grin transformed Saul face. “I promise that your ass won’t thank you for asking.”



  “Is that the blond I’m not supposed to hit on?”

  Kyle looked up from his coffee as Saul made a sound of agreement. Through eyes bleary from too much alcohol, too little sleep and the best orgasm of his life, he looked at the new man who entered the kitchen and asked, “Is that how you’re going to introduce me?”

  Saul’s smirk widened to a full grin. “Which would you prefer, pup or surfer boy?”

  “That isn’t what you were screaming earlier.” The man put in conversationally as he pulled up a chair. “Fucking Kyle is what I heard. There were other foreign and, no doubt, inventive adjectives, but that one sticks in my head. I’m Jacky.” The man laughed and offered his hand. “I guess I’ll just call you Kyle unless you want to make me scream like that.”

  “Don’t tease, Jacky, it only makes my man surly.” Javier laughed at the deliberately surly glare Saul gave Jacky.

  “That’s how I like your man, Javi, surly and mean.” Jacky rocked back on the legs of his chair and grunted.

  Kyle watched them curiously. There appeared to be no personal space in this house. Thirty minutes ago Chris ambled into the kitchen, rubbed his shoulder against Saul’s, kissed the top of Jacky’s head and then came to stare down at him. After Saul made a quick introduction, Chris kissed him on the top of his head and walked out the side door without speaking a word. Now Jacky was here, sitting so close to Saul’s left they were almost touching, and appeared as if he were huddling at Saul’s side. It was a weird impression of a tall man who was otherwise sitting comfortably on the awkwardly perched chair.

  “You said you looked around last night. Were you armed? Why didn’t you get me first?”

  “Of course I went out.” Saul rolled his shoulders at Jacky’s questions. It was obvious to Kyle that Saul wasn’t a man who was used to being questioned. “I was armed and I had Billy.”

  “The man that brings a knife to a gunfight.”

  “Jacky, enough.” Kyle wasn’t sure if that censure was for Javier’s benefit or his. Jacky looked at both of them and grimaced. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask because he damn sure didn’t like being in the dark. Last night he’d gotten the vibe that there was a big, deep, dark secret he wasn’t supposed to know. Seeing Javier’s body covered in scars earlier…it had taken everything in his power not to react when Javier stood and realized they‘d been seen. There had been a tense moment when Javier looked like he was going to cry and Kyle did the only thing he could do. Pretend. Bide his time until Saul explained and there was no doubt it was going to be part of the argument Saul would use to send him away.

  “We’re all perfectly capable of defending this house.” Jacky argued.

  “Blake should push his move up. I like him, but he can’t fight worth a damn.” Saul’s annoyance hung heavily in the air. “I’d rather have Owen in the house. Chris and Liam are a solid pair, and Billy and Owen have had each other’s backs a long time. He may not look like Bull, but Owen’s a scrappy fighter. And you...well you’ll just blow something up.”

  “Yeah, I like blowing things up. But not this house. It’s the nicest place I’ve ever lived.” When Jacky ducked his head as if he regretted the admission, Saul gripped his chin and forced him back up. No words were exchanged; they just looked at one another until Jacky finally nodded. “I know.”

  “Good.” Saul dropped his hand, but continued to look at Jacky for another minute before he was satisfied with...well, whatever just happened. Then those dark eyes were focused on him and Saul shrugged as if to say you wanted to know what life as our third would be like. Kyle returned that cocky stare with a what the fuck was that look of his own that seemed to amuse Saul. Why wasn’t he asking more questions? More importantly, why wasn’t he afraid? He knew nothing and what he just heard should have had him running out the door, so where exactly had his sense of self-preservation gone? Was he really going to wait until Monday to get his answers?

  Javier stood and grabbed the coffee pot, refilling all their mugs. “I’m making pancakes. You hungry?”

  “No, I promised Marie I’d drive up to see Tommy’s little league game today.” Jacky stood with his mug and looked at the three of them. Whatever he saw softened his expression and he offered up a rueful smile. “It’s nice meeting you, Kyle. I really hope I didn’t scare you away.”

  With that, and a quick kiss on Javier’s forehead, Jacky was gone. When Javier started rummaging around in the fridge, Kyle admitted, “No pancakes for me either, Javi.”

  Javier turned with a concerned frown. “Why not?”

  “I’ve lived the last ten years in front of a camera. It’s very unforgiving.” Kyle hated admitting that because it sounded so vain. He had his daily routines and he’d be the first to admit they were probably excessive. Workout routines, skin regimens, a healthy all went toward the commodity that was his body. His ‘brand’ as his agent liked to call it.

  “That’s ridiculous. You’re gorgeous. A pancake isn’t going to change that.” Javier’s quick defense of his looks warmed him and only made him regret turning down breakfast even more. With a huff of frustration, Javier asked, “So what do you eat?”

  “Healthy shit. Egg whites, no refined carbs, lots of proteins and salads.” It was like being in some alternate reality. A look to the left and it’s all dark clouds and lightning bolts, a look to the right and its rainbows and unicorns, and there he was, smack dab in the middle, more concerned about his breakfast options than his sanity.

  “Yeah, sounds like shit.” Javier shook his head, but went back to the fridge and pulled out a few deli bags. “Ham and egg white omelet?”

  Unused to anyone cooking him anything, Kyle could only nod. The few relationships he’d tried, and the fewer men he’d allowed to spend the night, had never once gone to the trouble of making a meal for him. One or two might have paid the occasional tab, but cook for him? No, he didn’t get home cooked meals unless he took the time to prepare one himself.

  “You get lost up there a lot, don’t you, Pup?”

  “Huh?” Kyle looked over at Saul in confusion. “Lost up where?”

  “In that head of yours. It’s a wonder you found your orgasm this morning, what with the way your mind was racing in every direction. Ever give yourself a headache?” Though his smile was softly amused, Saul was clearly trying to understand him. Had he given the impression that he wasn’t present in bed that morning? Was Saul disappointed in his performance? “Pup!”

  “Sorry, yeah, I guess I get lost in my own head sometimes.”

  Javier snickered from his spot at the stove. “Sometimes? I was getting a headache trying to keep up with your moods. You’re a complicated one, that’s for sure.”

  He was the complicated one? “I...I’m observant and curious. So yeah, I got a lot of questions running around up there.”

  “How could you not?” Javier looked back cautiously. “Two strange men, me looking the way I look, Saul being Saul, guns on the nightstand, strangers trying to break in, Jacky getting all needy and shit...yeah, we’ve really put our best foot forward, huh? Makes me wonder if you’re still staying the weekend?”

  The answer seemed obvious. Than
ks for a good time, but I gots to go! Maybe grab a little going away kiss on his way out the door. So what did he do? Kyle looked at Saul for the answer and Javier turned to the stove to let them discuss it.

  Saul’s face didn’t give away anything when he responded, “That was our deal, unless you’ve changed your mind?”

  It was an out, plain and simple. There was a long, long list of reasons to run. A smart man would. Then he remembered waking up in the safety of Saul’s arms and Javier’s gentle, and unquestionably unique, way of initiating intimacy and knew he wasn’t a smart man. “No, I haven’t. I just need to get my bags from the apartment.”

  “Your apartment?”

  The only sign that Saul approved of his decision was the darkening of those dangerous eyes. It was a brief glimpse into the promise he’d seen last night. As much as he liked them both, Kyle really hoped he got a few minutes alone with Saul to experience the full effect of that darkness before he left. “No, I don’t have an apartment. I’m staying at the company place with the other guys.”

  Saul tilted his head thoughtfully. Had they even considered the possibility that he wasn’t a local? It didn’t look like it. “Where do you live?”

  “Out of a suitcase. I’m usually on the road more often than not, and when I’m not, I crash with friends.” Out of the corner of his eye, Kyle saw Javier look back at them in concern. What must his life sound like to them? It was the stark truth; he was a man without a home and had been for almost a decade. Some might consider his life exciting—traveling, photo shoots in exotic places, sex with gorgeous men—when in truth it was lonely and unfulfilling.

  “Where do you keep your things?” The question was both curious and cautious. Was Saul reconsidering? He didn’t live in Miami, and for the foreseeable future he wouldn’t be available to either of them. The few relationships he tried in the past didn’t suffer from location issues. He often gravitated to New York between assignments and his boyfriends got to see him in between. More importantly, they got to see that it was just a job and that he was committed to coming home to them when it was over. There was no room in his upcoming schedule to come back to Miami in between assignments, no way to prove to Saul and Javier that he was still Kyle even when he was being Kip.


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