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Swap Meets (Volume 2): A 13 Book Excite Spice Hotwife Erotica MEGA Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 51

by Selena Kitt

  “I what?” She was confused and more importantly wanted to be let in on the joke.

  His hand, the one that was on her pussy, was now on her cheek. He must have wiped it on his pants, for it was dry, but she could smell her arousal on him and it sent a whole new batch of wetness into her panties. “You put my favorite pillowcase on your pillow when you made the bed last night and I went to get the pillowcase back and I saw your Kindle there. Curiosity got to me and you had that darn bugger locked.”

  Now she too began to laugh. “I lock it for the kids, not you. I use the same password I use for everything.”

  “Yeah, I figured that out right away. It was the first one I tried. Then I read a bit of the book you were reading and it made me sad.”


  “Yes, sad that I had been neglecting you so much that you needed this.”

  “That’s not what it is.” He looked at her, and she knew without him opening his mouth that he was not buying it. “Ok, at first it was. You had that craptastic work project and I got lost in them. Then, it just became habit. You have never turned me away.”

  “And I never would.” He bent over and his lips touched hers. First gentle and sweet, but the second she opened up to him he devoured her mouth with lips, tongue, and teeth. She found herself rutting against him. She knew she should be embarrassed, but this was her husband, and if she couldn’t be a wanton freak with him, what was the point? God, how she missed their heat. Why had she let it go untapped for so long? She put her hands on his waist band and was about to let his manhood free when he grabbed her hand and whispered, “But that doesn’t mean I won’t prolong the foreplay.”

  He stepped away from her and walked to his side of the bed. Sarah just stared, trying to figure out what he could possibly be doing. He pulled up the covers and reached over to his bedside lamp. She stood there with her mouth open. He switched the light off before she found her voice. “I thought you said you never would turn me away.” She was heartbroken. He must have been hurt by her Kindle choices after all.

  “And I won’t.”

  “But…but you just…”

  “Oh, don’t worry Sarah, I haven’t turned you away. When this is all over I am going to ravish you like I never have before. I am going to make you come over and over again and just when you think your body can not handle anymore I am going to make you come again. I am going to do things to you that you never even thought to fantasize about. But you need to be patient. The game has just begun and the pregame is going to be drawn out until just the thought of me makes you almost fall apart.”

  Sarah climbed into bed, turned off her light and began to crawl over to her husband. If he wanted to ravish her, she was one hundred percent on board with that plan. He held up his hand and stopped her in her tracks. “Not now. I need to get you ready first.”

  “Not now? I am so ready now.” Sarah was surprised at the thickness of her voice. She knew she sounded desperate, and help her she was.


  That was all he said, and then he rolled over and went to sleep. Sarah just sat there on her hands and knees for a good twenty minutes, waiting for him to let her in on the punch line, but he never did. When his soft snore began, Sarah went to her side of the bed and spent a majority of the evening wide awake, trying to figure out what had just happened.


  Sarah woke up needy and exhausted. What little sleep she got was filled with XXX rated dreams about the man she married. Friday, he had said. She knew it must be early because there were children jumping on her bed asking her for breakfast. She looked over at her clock to see how much time she had to squeeze in some extra z’s and the clock said 7:30.

  “Fuck,” she all but shouted as she bolted from bed. There was no way she could get three kids ready for school and get her own shower in before she had to leave in an hour. How had she over slept so? She ran down the stairs to be hit by the strong aroma of coffee. That was odd. She was the only one who drank coffee in the house. She followed the scent, as all true coffee addicts do, to the kitchen where she was hit by a scene she was sure only existed in fairy tales. Her three kids were sitting at the table, dressed for the day, and eating breakfast. They were amazingly awesome kids, but they were not that self-sufficient. Usually by now she had raised her voice at least three times and one of them was still not dressed.

  She began to walk over to the table when a coffee cup was held in front of her. It was official, she was dreaming. Her kids were happily eating breakfast and ready for school as the coffee fairy made her delicious brew. Only it was not the coffee fairy standing in front of her. It was her husband all dressed up in his work clothes looking hotter than ever.

  “Thank you.”

  Her voice was filled with questions and before she could begin to process them, he replied. “You’re welcome. I figured I would head in a bit late today so I could drop the kids off on the way.”

  “They’re ready for school and you made coffee?” It sounded like a question even though the proof was right in front of her. He was an amazing provider, father, and husband but in many ways they kept traditional roles. Roles that had her getting the kids ready for school.

  He winked at her. “Friday.”

  That was all he said as he walked away, and she knew without a doubt that last night had happened and it was game on. A game she was more than happy to play, even if she had no idea what the rules were or how to participate.

  As she got ready for work in silence, a luxury she had forgotten even existed, all she could think about was Friday. What did he have planned? Was he as hot and bothered as she was? Would he do all he said he would? She laughed aloud. Of course he would. Her husband always followed through on his promises, which was part of the reason she married him. Stable and hot was a very difficult combination to find and she hit the jackpot on both.

  Just as she was grabbing her keys to leave for work, she heard a text alert on her phone.


  To anyone who saw her text, it would seem innocent, but it was anything but. It was a promise. A promise of naughtiness to come. Her nipples were instantly at attention and painfully rubbing at her bra. Flustered beyond belief, she texted him back:

  Darn you, husband mine. What are you doing to me?

  Within seconds her phone rang. She saw his handsome face on her screen and answered, “Hello. Did you call to frustrate me further?”

  “Actually,” he began, the humor so clearly evident in his voice, “I had planned to do just that.”


  “You love it. You know you do.” He paused and she was sure he could hear her rapid breathing. He was right. She did love it and hate it and love it. “You don’t have to answer me because I know you do. Just wait until Friday. You’ve seen nothing yet.” She just about came as he hung up. It was going to be a long day.


  Sarah wasn’t sure she could take much more. She was already ready to burst and if he was telling it like it was, she had to wait until Friday for relief. She had tried to persuade him that Monday was just as good as Friday the night before and he shut her down as quickly as she began. She was so desperate that she even went to bed in her lingerie. Lingerie that in the past would have been removed nano seconds after she walked in. The man was committed; she had to give him that.

  Unlike yesterday morning, Tuesday began as most other days, with kids bouncing on the bed. Well, it was good while it lasted. She had hoped to wake the way she had on Monday. Not because she didn’t want to make her own coffee or feed the kids, but because it meant that he was still in the game. She may have wanted to jump his bones last night and end his extended foreplay, but she wanted, no, needed it to end after the ravaging he promised and not a second earlier.

  She was pleasantly surprised when she saw that he left a fresh pot of coffee for her. She felt a huge relief. As much as she whined and claimed to hate his little game, she was beyond loving it. On that he was right. Sh
e quickly got dressed and made the kids breakfast. As they got dressed and ready for school, she poured herself a cup of coffee.

  She looked out her kitchen window as she took the first sip of the delicious brew and her breath hitched. No, this man she was lucky enough to call hers wasn’t close to done. In her back yard she saw the most amazing thing. He had not only run a load of laundry, but he had hung the pillow cases up to dry. He remembered how she like her pillow cases, not the sheets, just the cases hung to dry. There was something about the smell of a fresh and crisp air dried pillowcase that filled her with the happy.

  She pulled out her phone and sent a quick text.


  Two could play at this game. If he was going to drive her crazy, she was going to give it right back. After all, turn around was fair play.

  Not today, beautiful.

  She had not been expecting that.

  Lunch. I’m feeling very hungry today. ;) I will come to you.

  Sarah was sure that would do it. Her not so subtle hint at a blow job would make any man cave. What man doesn’t love to see his woman on her knees with her lips wrapped around him? None. The answer was none. They all love it, which is why it made her and so many woman feel so very powerful. This would break him. Of that she had no doubt.

  While I would love nothing more, it is not Friday. ;)

  Well, fuck. Sarah had no idea how to respond to that. He just turned down a blow job and the Friday comment left no fuzziness around whether or not he understood her offer. He knew what was on the table and she was denied.

  Don’t pout.

  And now he saw her without even being there. This man was infuriating in both the best and worst possible ways. Before she could even reply, the kids were back and ready to get to school. This would have to wait until later.

  After she dropped the kids off at school, Sarah decided to grab a coffee and do a little bit of “shopping”. Her job was part time and today was one of her days off. By all accounts, she should be home, making the house all shiny, or at the gym trying to regain some of her pre-mama fitness, but she had other things on her mind. Well, one thing actually. Friday. It amazed her to no end how that one word had become so important in such a short period of time.

  While Sarah was pretty free and open about a lot of things, she still felt the need to do her “shopping” a few towns over. She could tell herself all she wanted that it was because they had a bigger adult store in the bigger city, but the fact was that as comfortable as she was with her sexuality, she had kids, and it was best to keep this kind of thing a bit more private. Being in a smaller town, the local store could have led to a PTA mama sighting and the gossip would be rampant. Normally, she just browsed for things like this on Amazon. They seriously had everything, but today she wanted to ask questions, try things on, and not worry about if the items were available for two day shipping.

  As she pulled into the store parking lot, she was amazed by how crowded it was for a Tuesday morning. Cars were everywhere. Looking at the clock, she realized that it might very well be a lunch time rush. She had stopped for a cup of coffee on her way over and got lost in her latest Kindle read. Her latest one was a Big Beautiful Woman shifter book with an older heroine. She loved reading about woman her age and there was nothing hotter than a shifter. She hadn’t realized how late it was until just now. She only had an hour and a half to look around and make her purchases if she was going to get back to town in time to collect the kiddos.

  The store was large and had a back room with live peep shows on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday, so it felt surprisingly empty when she walked in.

  “Hello, please let us know if there is anything we can help you find or if you have any questions,” the young woman behind the counter said in greeting.

  “Thanks, I will. I’m mostly here to find an outfit or two and possibly browse your toys.” It had been so long since Sarah had even thought about sex in real life and not on pages, and it felt good.

  “Oh, we just got in some new deliveries. Are you looking for lingerie or for dress-up clothes?”

  Before she could answer the voice came from behind her. “Both.” Victor was here. She felt deflated. Her element of surprise was gone. Then that deflation moved to anger and she clenched her fists. He had turned down a blow job to come here on Peep Show Tuesday. Fuck. She had been turned down for a peep show.

  She felt her husband’s hot breath on her neck. “Unclench your fists, honey. I was here for the same reason you are, to buy some clothes for my hot wife. Whatever is in your head, let it go.”

  She let out a breath and realized that not only had she jumped to an over the top conclusion, but she missed everything the sales girl had been saying. The girl had just finished speaking and was still pointing to the back corner when Sarah heard her husband thank the sales clerk. He grabbed Sarah’s hand and led her to the back of the store where the girl had been pointing.

  “So what were you thinking of getting?” His voice was husky and deep and Sarah wanted to jump him right then and there.

  Feeling frisky she stood on her tippy toes and leaned in close. “Well, I wanted a blow job for dessert with my lunch today, but apparently it wasn’t on the menu.”

  Victor’s rich laughter filled the store. “Yes, I do believe I heard that was on back order until at least Friday.”

  Her laughter joined his and they perused the costume rack.

  “You know, Victor, I’m not really loving any of these outfits. They all feel so...I don’t know...they just feel—“


  “Yes, they feel Halloween. If I want to dress up, I would want something a little more real? What about you? Any of these do it for you? Because about now I would put on any damn thing to get you to lose control and think of it as Friday.” She said it as a joke, but she wasn’t fooling even herself. She was in that much of a sexual frenzy. Months. For months she had been fine with waiting weeks between encounters, and now she couldn’t even wait a few days.

  “Don’t think it is taking any less than one hundred percent of my will power to wait until Friday.” He moved in behind her and she felt the truth of his words pressed into her ass. “Now to answer your question, no. None of these are working for me because they really do look all costumish. That being said, my beautiful wife, I would love to someday find a costume for you. Would you like to be my slave for the night like in one of your books? We could have a corset and panty set made for you and we could even get you a collar.”

  Sarah now knew what she had been afraid to ask. He not only opened her kindle and read some of the books, but he pulled up her highlights. She highlighted so many slave outfits it was embarrassing. She had no desire to be an actual slave, but the idea of a corset pulling in her flab and showing the twins loud and proud as he bent her over and took her from behind all while pulling her collar to make her look forward, into a mirror and watch...well that had her panties instantly soaked. Her face now burned red, of that she was certain. She was in a sex shop, with her husband who she now knew had read at least one of her fantasies.

  “From the look on your face, I will assume that is a yes?”

  She nodded. “But,” she barely let out, “that doesn’t mean that I want to, you know.”

  He leaned in close so only she could here, “It doesn’t mean you what? Want me to get so undone by my sexy wife proudly displaying her amazing rack that I bend her over the arm of the couch, push her soaking wet thong aside and slam into her repeatedly until we are both about to burst as I use your collar to force you to watch the amazing display in the mirror? I think it means exactly that.”

  Crap, now her panties were soaked, her nipples were peaked, and her breath was rapid.

  “I can smell your amazing arousal so I know I am right. I am right, aren’t I?”

  She nodded.

  “Use your words.” His voice was forceful, but also gave her a safe feeling. She had not heard him use that tone in months and she missed it so. />
  “Yes, to what you said, but not to it being real. Does that make sense?”

  He leaned in again. She loved how he wanted to respect her privacy, even in a sex shop. “You mean yes, you want us to play that scene, but no you don’t want to be a slave or really be into BDSM. Am I right?”

  “Yes,” she replied and she could hear the relief in her voice.

  “Well then, since the costumes here are not quite what we had in mind, let’s take a look-see at the lingerie.”

  They spent the next half hour looking at all the various items in the basic lingerie section. Before she knew it, Victor was handing three very sexy, very expensive sets to the woman to wrap up and they were off to look in the toy section or “sextion” as they had it labelled.


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