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Outlaw Badjans (Six of Toigan)

Page 19

by D Gemcats Purcell

  Next morning, I was up by 0545 am brushed my teeth and freshened up in the bathroom attached to my room and then went to the kitchen to try to help with breakfast, but Mrs. Wentworth had beaten me to it. She said, “I knew you fellows needed an early start and I knew where everything was already. So I wanted you all to be hassle free.” Jessi walked in on the tail end of her saying that. We both went up to her and gave her a quick hug in my case over the shoulder, but Jessi gave her a good daughter mother deep hug, all enveloping. “Thank you so much Mummy,” she said, “We appreciate you, thank you.” Susan was beaming. Everyone needs a good chunk of appreciation every so often. Then Jessi came to me and I got the sweet little peck on the lips plus a cute little rib punch. “I saw that as usual you beat me to the bathroom too!” I said, “Believe me, if I knew we would be sharing the same bathroom, I would definitely have made sure you got to use it first.” She said, “A more correct answer could not have been said.” We sat down and I enjoyed the assortment of fresh fruits, real meat I was pleased to see, actual bacon, delicious toasted brown bread and many condiments plus real squeezed orange juice. A breakfast to please the soul of my stomach! I excused myself in due course and ran to the loo. Then a quick shower and clothes on for travel, bag with swimwear gathered up.

  I saw Jessi’s door partly open and I knocked. She said come in but sounded distant. I was a bit unsure but I gently entered. She was in her bathroom, door open sitting on the loo obviously doing her business with the vent going. I was more than a little shocked that she told me to come in. She was grinning ear to ear, “Mischievous brat.” I said. She said, “You might as well see me now as an ordinary human and not some artificial doll. This is what you’ve got Daring. I do all the same things as everyone else. You may have to wipe my butt if I get sick or injured out there real soon.” There was a little more concentrated look on her face and a happy sounding moan and she reached for the paper. I turned away to give her a bit more privacy. She said, “I like to do a good evacuation you know. I don’t want to be distracted by bodily functions during these sessions under water.” I said, “I understand, I just took care of my business too and I feel great.” I was getting into the spirit. She had her undies laid out on the bed so I moved them slightly aside and watched as her pert derrière wiggled as she swung off the toilet, opened the shower door for a quickie bath. When she came out stark naked unselfconsciously, I said, “Good grief Jessi you have great tone and a gorgeous shape.” I was doing my best to adopt her tone and be matter of fact, like she was doing. I so appreciated her taking that tone, ‘so down to earth’ as the old folks used to say.

  It took some of the threatening sexual color and heat out of our interaction and made it easier psychologically so that when appropriate I would be able to treat her more like a colleague. Under certain circumstances that would be a real bonus. I admired my baby for being so intuitive and setting the relationship up the right way. In other words I should be desensitized enough to where in the right context I could look at her without getting an uncomfortable hard-on. Like now, I could appreciate her as a gorgeous person physically, albeit one who I was romantically growing closer too, but could still be controlled, calm and have a conversation with her as if she was fully clothed. We looked each other in the eye and acknowledged our admiration for each other and our closeness but since this was not the correct time for it, could be cool and not be overly hot and bothered. Wow. Just by that one little maneuver, she had set our relationship on yet another more mature footing. We would have to work together, change around each other so this was a necessary transition to our way of thinking and behaving. Still in her undies which she had just put on, with me sitting on her bed, she came over and gave me a quick peck. She said, “Sorry to hold you up impatient young man. Give me a moment to put on my slacks and top. No need for make up.” I smiled , “You don’t need it anyway Jessi. Plus we are going into water.” She kept up the banter a little more,

  “You do know that there is smear and water proof make up right.” I said , “Reserve that for when it’s your own equipment. I don’t think Hickman would appreciate make up of any kind on his equipment.” She said, “Righty ho. I agree. Hi Mom” she said and I turned to see Susan bringing a stack of clean looking clothes through the door. She did not bat an eyelid at her daughter in her undies pulling on a pair of pants in front of her fiancé. “I brought up your washing. I didn’t know if you needed anything from it to use today.” She plopped it all gently on the bed. I thanked the Lord Meneer that with Jessi’s diplomatic help I didn’t have an uncomfortable hard-on but was easily, comfortably lounging. Oh wow, I felt so good. No embarrassment to hide here.

  Jessi said, “Sorry I did forget it in the machine but no I already packed my bag, thank you. I will sort it out when we get back. Love you Mum.”

  Susan said, “You all be safe and watch for sticky regulators under water, especially when you go into the deep blue.” I had quite forgotten that she too as well as Jace had been topside as we called outer space and so she would have known that we would undergo such training. This would teach us how to spatially arrange our limbs, how to work slowly, methodically and to be super careful in an environment that was constantly trying to kill you. One mistake, one slip up and you’re dead and may take others with you. This was true for outer space and deep underwater. Under water you can fizzle to death if you came up too quickly and up topside you can fizzle if you depressurize too, if your suit has a malfunction or a micro meteorite hits you. She slipped out the room and pulled the door shut. I got up and picked up her shirt and held it positioned so all Jessi had to do was slip her arms through the sleeves and then I carefully did the buttons starting from the top to pants high. She looked lovingly up at me and said,

  “Please tuck it into my pants for me Jessi.” I gently did so, concentrating on how I would want it done with no uncomfortable folds to pinch or irritate. My fingers were at one point touching the upper reaches of her coarse pubic hair, but I continued confidently all around to her butt crack and back. She just stood there dutifully. It was as non sexual as I could make it. She gave me a quick hug and a very professional thank you and we got out of her room. I did see her nipples perk up into hard raisins but she hurried us our of there. Sometimes our bodies do betray us a bit. I’m sure that it was as hard for her as it was for me to remain disciplined. I was so grateful to her for helping me to be capable of not going into the sexual mode every time we looked at each other even if our bodies might try to go rouge on us. We’ve got to control it. Being the boss in full control of our heads first was today’s lesson I suppose.

  We went with her little sport sedan after I coiled my way into it with the seat pushed a good way back. It was smooth very modern and ‘suited her to a T’. After strapping in, I tilted my head to look over at her. What did she see in me? She read my thoughts obviously, “I saw your mind Jordan and I couldn’t look anywhere else after that. Your body is great too, don’t get me wrong, but the timer in your mind synced so perfectly with that inside me that I was yours from Day One if you wanted me.” She was driving now, and I took my time to consider what she said thoroughly, “We feel exactly the same about each other Jessi. From the very beginning there was this pull, this greater than ‘yin and yang’ thing that just has kept pulling us together. I am so happy about us in every way....” I let the sentence trail off. I suppose there was no way that I could truly ever, fully express the bond between our minds and our persons I thought spoke to her. She just shook her head too. I looked at her again, now that we had pulled up in the parking lot and she was sliding and part lifting her behind out of the seat with that slender strong waist, pretty bust, her exciting features with her nice mix of chocolate colored skin that was just so smooth. I looked at those big light brown eyes that looked so lovingly at me but which I knew were capable of pinning a person like a butterfly to a board and I was again thrilled to be her chosen one. Okay I said to myself, snap out of it, enough of that.

  We got
sent down to the deep blue hole. It was like a fifteen foot diameter flooded mine shaft that felt like it was two hundred feet down. There was a no lighting down there but for our own lights. Our tutor was Mr. Hickman himself and he personally checked each one of us and made sure that we all understood the use of the ledges spaced every twenty feet. We were drilled on the timing to be spent at each height on the way back up. We had to synchronize timers and depth gauges. This was a very deadly dive especially for novices like us. He would go first and there would be three other assistants in the water at various depths waiting in case of mishaps. There was a decompression chamber on site but if you got the bends basically you space career was over he reiterated. Depending on how we were doing, he said we may be asked to simulate failures. Hand signals were how communication would take place. Of course we were in full body warmed suits.

  Hickman went in first. Then I insisted through our secret mind talking that I would be next. Mader then Jessi, Cherese, Dillion and Matt. We would all gather at the bottom anyway. We had on some good weights but it seemed so slow as we gently eased on down with only the faint glow from our depth pressure gauges strapped to our wrists. We kept all manner of backups elsewhere festooned to our belts. We did have flood lights only for use at specific times. Silhouetted against the faint blue tinge I could see Hickman’s spreadeagled shape down below me as if he was moving at all. Up above me were the same faint glows. No red flashing lights to indicate a distress situation. Finally after almost ten minutes it felt like I was falling into Hickman. He had stopped and with some slow gentle maneuvering I landed on a sandy bottom and stopped upright. There was a bit of an overhang so we could move to the edge and not have folks rain down onto our heads while still giving them a glow. When all seven of us were down and standing the signal came to go dark. Dark it was. This was a blackness where you eyeball felt like it was wanted to walk out of your head to try to find a little streak of light. In the real ocean one might have a chance of seeing a streak of phosphorescence maybe. Not here in this man made fresh water hole in the ground. We chose to keep silent in every way to truly experience the fullness of this darkness with authenticity. Finally Hickman gave the light signal and oh there was a faint glow. He gave the signal for distress and Jessi played her role as prepared. We had to take turns sharing air while troubleshooting her equipment. Then that done we had to do the injured man drill and start to lift Matt up while doing all the stops and ensuring his regulators were safe. We had to spend the requisite amount of time at various depths as we ascended and it was tedious. We all made it back to the surface safely under the hawk eyes of Hickman floating just below us and his assistants just above us. We still got a bit cold and we certainly were tired from the physical and mental effort. We were given pass grades at the excellent level. Tomorrow will be more of the same. No one got the bends.

  The rest of the week went by with more challenges but we survived. Jessi grabbed my dirty clothing and laundered them so I had all excuses taken away about going home mid week. Truth be told, there really was not any pressing reason to make the drive. We went to a movie by ourselves just to get away despite the fact that there was an excellent home theater a few feet away in Jessi’s home. We went walking in a shopping mall to give ourselves room to walk and hold hands. We laid out by the pool and we even went on a 5k run with the rest of Six one afternoon. It was during that run, that we noticed at the end, Cherese being picked up by Arthur who is one of Team Five. They tried to make it seem like it was just a routine thing, but there was clearly a whole lot of sparks there. It was also Cherese who let the literal ‘cat out of the bag,’ it seems to take some of the heat off herself, that Dillion has been seeing Mejia my neighbor who lives three houses down a mere 3/4 mile away. So another blissful day in paradise for us folks. Jessi and I were in love and just loving to hang out with each other. Most importantly we made plans to hang out some more in two weeks. It was so good to see other members of Six and even Five taking time to explore their romantic options too.

  Flight training with our instructors again was taken care of by Securinet. All we had to do was show up and there were three trainer aircraft with instructors ready for us. We used part of those two weeks to bone up on the basics of engines, the aircraft themselves and the regulations governing flying activities. There were stacks of information to go through. Then we had two hours of ground school and a test which we passed easily. Then came the time for the first flight. Three would go up with instructors for an hour and then three more would get the same treatment after a debriefing in between. Then the first three could head on out. We would do this until good enough to do our first solo flights. We did also get a flight doctor to visit us on the field and certify our good health.

  23. Moog and Juliana gets hitched

  In the meantime most of our weekends were ours and the big day had arrived for Moog and Juliana. They had been dating for a couple of years and just decided to forgo the engagement and just go straight for a wedding. They sensibly decided to have it fairly low key with family on both sides plus friends all to be done right at our farmhouse. So a few days after they did the civil signing at the local government office with just two witnesses and therefore official, the fun ceremony was held on the Saturday at 4pm.

  They did splurge on the rental for a huge tent with seating, portable restrooms and a DJ to provide for sound and music. With a good weather forecast to boot, the day arrived. The dress code was spiffy casual to formal and a dais with ornate floral arrangements with an arch was set up. The weather was deep into fall with beautiful foliage colors as a background. Six was definitely invited as was Adrianna to accompany Mader. Cooking was by Juliana’s and our family, meaning Mum. A few other families, all close by neighbors were harnessed for particular dishes that they were famous for. Officiating were Juliana’s grand father who was a senior member of the Meneer faith.

  Jessi and I played as much of a role as we could in food preparation, much to the relief of Mum. We were like her secret weapon. With our incredible speed she was done within hours and could hardly believe it all went so easily. We had spent the time with her to precisely organize the lists of dishes to be made and ingredients and had everything precisely ready at the correct time. We were like super caterers. Mum actually could relax for the wedding and Jessi and I had footed the bill for servers and their equipment so that all would flow smoothly. Everything was fully choreographed down to parking with signs, utilizing the area where harvesting equipment usually staged. Golf carts were available to bring folks back and forth from that parking area. We were proud of ourselves to have all so ready.

  The bride in her long train looked splendid as she arrived to soft music with the groom already standing at the alter with Mum and Dad slightly off to the side. She was escorted up the center of the tent by her proud Dad. There were four cute little bridesmaids each carrying tiny bouquets. The whole ceremony looked picture book. They would have nice photos. After the ‘I do’s’, there was excited babbling among the two hundred participants and the bride and groom went to take photos for thirty minutes and thence change. Then there was socializing and followed by dancing. Finally by 8 pm now dark, the crowd started a slow dispersal. The couple retired to their room upstairs from where we saw them quickly emerge to thank us all within a few short minutes. Moog was holding the envelope Mum and I had left on his bed which we had set up with the best bedding and ornate comforters. His hands were trembling and his voice was deeply emotional when he said thank you with a hug as did his now wife Juliana. They had just discovered that they had 200,000 credits to deposit into their accounts, more than they’d be able to accumulate in maybe ten years of saving. It was life changing to them. We were so blessed to be in a position, Mum, Dad and I to do that for Moog and his new bride.

  It had been a tiring day and after helping with a little clean up duties, since we had paid the caterers to do the majority, Jessi and I left Mum and Dad downstairs to retire to our rooms upstairs. We went to shower an
d although Jessi had her own bathroom, I looked up suddenly because as soon as I started to empty my bladder in my bathroom, she walked past me into my shower and stood under the water, motioning me to come in. Oh dear, I couldn’t run so I went in dangling and forced myself to be clinical. Another of her mental immunizations I figured. She splashed water on me and handed me my wash rag with soap on it. She was soaping herself without a care in the world and I tried to do the same without banging elbows into her. She handed me her loofah to rub her back and I did. Oh dear bumping up against her rear in the tight space was not nice on my constitution to be honest but we got through it, rinsed and got toweled dry. That wedding date needed to be moved up!

  So far I had managed to keep up a good disconnect between my two brains- the disciplined one and the devil down below that just wanted to make all kinds of trouble. I, no we, were overcomer type folks and this torture too will pass. We hugged briefly in our sleep ware and she took off to her bed.

  The next day we went on a hike around the farm to blow off steam and keep fit. Getting rid of tensions was essential. She informed me that she was preparing to get shots to boost her egg production to allow for harvesting as many as twelve little pre Jessi Jonahs. She told me of the side effects on mood and everything else as a warning. I promised to go with her on the day of her minor surgery if it could be arranged along with her Mum and she said that I’d be informed.

  One week later we all managed to do the first solo flight of our lives and carried out the tradition of having the back of our jersey ‘cut.’ We each had less than fifteen hours of actual flight training under our belts. Two months later we each had our private pilot licenses and then came Instrument ratings double engine retractable and commercial pilot ratings. Then a month thereafter, we were in the big leagues learning to fly jets and big transports with multi engine certification under our belt. Time flew by as all of the males in Six got the dubious pleasure of ejaculating into a cup several times until we felt dried up and both Cherese and Jessi we knew had had their eggs harvested and hopefully safely stored away. We were racking through our syllabus in record time basically. Jongi, Breecher and Buenafe all told us that we were a true anomaly that comes along rarely, but that they were happy to have us in the fold. However we pointed out that Five wasn’t far behind, even though they did not seem to express the same single minded interest in outer space service. Now that we all were over eighteen and drawing a salary with a few millions invested, there was a lot of business issues to be considered in our lives too.


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