Juliette's dream aotr-1

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Juliette's dream aotr-1 Page 19

by Saxon Andrew

  “Well, I think we need to make the effort.”

  “There’s more you should know, especially you, Anglo.”


  “There are automated construction facilities that could update your screens and weapons to those of a Gamma Ship.”

  Scotty sighed, “First, we go see Bleath. Then I need to go visit a certain King. After that, we’ll see if the complex is willing to help us.”


  “Yes, BC?”

  “Your offer means a lot to me. I know the value of your gift. Thanks.”

  “It’s the right thing to do to make us stronger. You’d do the same for me.”

  “I’m glad you know that, Brother.”

  Zreeg flew in toward the center mountain peak and saw that the Zord Flocks were gathered. Scotty asked, “Zreeg, what’s going on?”

  “It appears we are going to go home. Bleath will tell you the rest.”

  Zreeg flew in over the last row of trees and flared his wings as he landed next to Bleath. All the Zord lowered their heads to the ground waiting for him to land. “Please rise, Great Flyers. I am honored by your homage.”

  Bleath rose on his back legs, “Our families on our home world were overjoyed at our return, White Hair. They have not had a royal descendant for more than two thousand cycles and they are still celebrating my visit.”

  “What do you mean Royal Descendant?”

  “You don’t know how our leaders are selected, do you?”

  “No, I just assumed you were elected by the flocks.”

  “Our leaders are chosen by a color on their throat. As you have seen, when we are not shifting colors, Vring and I have a dark green band that runs around our necks. The one with the widest green band is the acknowledged Ruler of our Flocks. Vring and I possess the widest bands in our families, thus, we are the Rulers. When our six ancestors were taken from our home world, our parents were the only Royal Couple on the planet. Our eggs were the only ones they laid. There has not been a green band Zord since we were taken. All of us possess the green band on our throats and will be going home to help lead our brothers. They have struggled since our parents left to be with the Air God.”

  “Congratulations, Bleath. They couldn’t have chosen a wiser or better leader.”

  “White Hair, you and your communities must go with us to our home world.”

  Scotty furrowed his brow, “Why is that?”

  “Because you are our Royal Leader.”

  Scotty was shocked into silence.

  Bleath continued, “When I gave you my oath to follow you, it meant any of those under my care were also bound to that oath. There was great consternation when I told our families that I had given the Oath of Reverence to you. Then I shared with them what you had done to earn that honor. I also showed them how you had removed their attackers from our home. The flocks immediately rejoiced at having such a great leader to follow. Our warriors were the happiest of all. You must bring your communities to our world and join us. You are our Royal Rider and it’s vitally important that you come and take us toward our destiny.”

  “This is not a decision I can make by myself.”

  “Yes it is, White Hair. You are either the Ruler of your communities or they do not honor the oath they gave you. What does this world of the evil Duke hold for you?”

  Scotty thought about that question. Bleath listened to his thoughts and saw him decide. “We will go with you, Great Flyer. I promise to protect the Zord from all enemies; however, I am designating you as the one that will handle all issues of your flocks. That is the only condition that you must accept if I will force my communities to leave this world.”

  Bleath bowed deeply, “I will strive to make you proud of me, Your Majesty.”

  “I’m going to talk with our communities. Be prepared to move quickly.”

  “We will do as you command, White Hair.”

  Scotty hit his com, “Anglo, has Michael arrived at the main cat migration?”

  “He just arrived.”

  “Teleport Vring and me to where he is.”

  Scotty scampered up Vring’s harness and the two disappeared.

  They reappeared about two thousand feet above the edge of the waste lands, and Vring fell five hundred feet before he caught the wind and rose above the giant grey herd below. “Vring, tell Michael to join us now.”

  “He was about to kill that eighth cat but stopped just before he released the new arrow.”

  Michael and Vetah climbed and arrived just as Scotty and Vring passed over the leading edge of the herd.

  “What’s wrong, Your Majesty?”

  “I don’t want you to stop the cat migration. Why were you going to fire on that cat?”

  “It arrived and ran up to a giant cat. It was even bigger than the leader of the eight scouts. I think it communicated that we killed the other seven and that giant cat stopped the advance. The one that delivered the news kept turning and running back to the south. I sensed it wanted them to continue the advance. I decided that if I killed that cat, the others would stop the migration.”

  “You’re probably right. Vring, can you communicate with those creatures?”

  “Their thoughts are simple, but higher than the Torg. I can probably get them to understand some of what you want to communicate.”

  “Tell them we’re sorry we killed their scouts. While you’re doing that, I want you and Vetah to turn off your color shifting. Michael, you and I will also turn off our Zeckas.”

  The Giant Leader of the cats looked up and saw the two flying creatures overhead. Vring said, “I’ve told him.”

  The Giant cat looked up in the sky and issued a huge roar. Now tell him that we are leaving the lands in front of him and he may continue his advance.”

  Michael said, “What?!?”

  “Tell him.”

  The giant grey cat moved out in front of the herd and walked back and forth as it looked up in the sky at the two circling Zord and their riders. Finally, it turned to the herd and snarled. Seven huge cats emerged from their ranks and joined the survivor. The eight looked at the leader, turned, and ran toward the south. After ten minutes, the huge herd began moving forward.

  “Anglo, take us back to the communities.”

  The four appeared high over the community clearing as they fell and then caught the air in the Zord’s wings. Vring screeched and Scotty heard the three horns start sounding off. They circled until the majority of the communities had arrived. Julie and Jingo pulled their visors down and saw Scotty and Michael circling high above. “What’s going on?”

  “I have no idea, Jingo, but that isn’t Zreeg that’s Scotty is riding. It’s Vring.”

  “They’re back. Something’s happened.”

  “We’ll find out momentarily.” They saw the two Zord and riders start their descent.

  Chapter Eleven

  Scotty dismounted Vring and the gathered communities bowed. “Please rise.”

  Julie waited with the others wondering what was going on. Scotty looked at her and motioned her forward. He also waved Jingo to join him. Michael dismounted and started moving toward the gathering and Scotty said, “Michael, I want you here with us.”

  He looked at Jingo, who shrugged, and then turned and joined Scotty in the center of the clearing. “I’ve wondered if you really trust me to make the best decisions for you when you selected me as your ruler. I think I’ll find out now if you do. We are leaving El Prado and moving to the Zord’s home world with them.”

  There was a moment of shocked silence, then the crowd erupted in bedlam. It was clear they did not like the idea at all. Scotty waited as the noise grew louder, when suddenly the crowd was shocked by a reverberating scream from Vring. The Zord flared its huge wings and the communities grew quiet.

  “Thanks, Vring.” Scotty turned to the gathering and they saw his anger. “It’s easy to say you’ll follow the decisions of your leader when you agree with them. Quite frankly, you should choose an
other to lead you right now. However, my family and I will be leaving with the Zord.”

  The seven hundred archers from the Night of the Torg stood and moved into the center, joining Scotty. It was clear what they were going to do. The communities saw their best defenders saying they were leaving.

  Kess stood and asked, “Why must we leave our homes and go to a new world?”

  Scotty looked at her and everyone saw his anger melt. They knew how much he loved Kess. “We are going to need a place where we can be safe. Here on this planet, there are just too many predators that kill us. Now we have a new predator that is more dangerous than any we have faced. I’ve also had it demonstrated to me that the cats are developing rudimentary intelligence. If left alone, they will one day be the rulers of this planet. Our ideals prevent us from wholesale destruction of any life, much less one that is developing intelligence.”

  Scotty looked around and continued, “But there’s more to it than just our safety from the cats. This planet was a former capital of a Province. That makes it a prime target for any starships that are raiding for bounty. Every planet that rediscovers star drives will automatically choose this planet as one to be visited. We’ve lost thousands to their attacks since the Realm departed, and they will continue to come. I need a central location where I can defend all of us together. The Zord’s home world looks very much like our forests here, but without the wastelands. It was listed in the Realm’s old charts as having no technology. It won’t be a target for raiders. There are no Torg, Northern Mountain Cats, or any other major predators to endanger us. We will have a time of peace where we can grow and prosper without the ever present fear of invasion.”

  Kess looked at Scotty, “I will go with you. I just hate to leave my home.”

  “You won’t. We’ll move it with you.”


  “We can teleport it to our new location. All you have to do is just be inside when we move it.”

  Jing stepped forward and looked at the communities, “The next one to show disrespect to our King’s decisions will deal with my swords. Is that clear?”

  Scotty looked out at the gathering, “I say this with love in my heart for all of you. If we are to survive in this dangerous universe we live in, I cannot have you second guessing my choices. If you cannot follow me with unquestioning loyalty, then you should remain here and fight it out with the Torg and the Cats to see who ultimately wins. I must know you will follow me even when you doubt me.”

  Melissa Withers stepped out of the crowd and said where everyone could hear, “My son was killed for his pride and hate. Jing took his head, but I knew in my heart he deserved it.” She turned toward the gathering and said, “Do you doubt in any measure that King Robbins would not adhere to those principles no matter what the situation? If you do, then you should stay behind. You are no better than my son.” She turned and joined the archers in the center. “I follow the King.”

  The entire community bowed and knelt. Scotty allowed them to remain for a full two minutes before he said, “Rise.” The gathering stood and Scotty said, “I am naming two Generals of our archers. Jingo will take half of our flyers and Michael Blake the other half. They will learn how to use the new arrows and be responsible for teaching our communities how to use the bowgun and ride the Zord. We have thousands of them crying for a rider and we’ve been remiss in making that happen. However!! You will not don the Zecka or ride the Zord unless you vow to uphold our beliefs. Once we are in our new home, those who desire to join our Flyers may tell Jingo and Michael if you want to be a rider. They will test you to see if you are worthy to join us. It will be the Riders that defend us and uphold our beliefs. Do not even think about joining us unless your heart is pure and your bravery is as strong as those before you. We are also going to name our new association the Bristone Empire. Bristone is the name of the Zord’s planet and will be the center of our new civilization. Now we can begin to develop modern cities for our citizens.”

  Scotty turned to Jing and Samuel and said, “Gather the things your communities want to take and put them beside your homes. You will have two days to make that happen. Once you’ve completed that task, go and gather as much food as you can carry. Bring seed pods to plant on our new world. We will be joining the Zord seven days from now.”

  Jing faced the communities and said, “We will obey and follow our new Emperor without question.”

  The community scattered in silence. thinking about leaving the world they knew.

  Julie looked at Scotty, “If you had explained why you made the decision, you wouldn’t have had the dissention.”

  “Julie, I am not going to be able to explain every decision I make. Most of the time there won’t be enough time to explain my rationale. I must be able to know if I issue orders, they will be followed.”

  Julie looked up at Scotty and nodded, “You’re right, of course. I didn’t think it through.” She smiled, “I need to go prepare our home. Pick a good spot with a view of the stars.”

  Scotty felt his love reaffirmed, “I’ll go help you, love. Vring, I’m sending you back to the three mountains. You need to assist your people in getting ready to leave. Tell Bleath we will start them moving in four days.”

  “Thank you, White Hair. I’ll see you then. And thank you for the honor of using our name.”

  Vring disappeared. Julie looked up at Scotty, “Boy, Anglo really keeps his scanners on you.”

  “Thank the Creator he does.” They walked hand in hand to their home.

  Thousands of the Zord had left for their home world. Scotty watched as parents carried their young hatchlings with them through the teleport screen. The remainder would be gone within another day. Vring was standing beside Scotty and watched the exodus with him. “White Hair?”

  “Yes, Vring?”

  “I believe there is one you should visit before we leave.”

  Scotty looked up at Vring, and Vring said, “Grang.”

  Scotty’s brow grew tight and he felt his rage start, “Give me one good reason why.”

  “You need to see what happens when you make decisions. You’ve never gone to see him. I think you should.”

  “There’s not enough time to get there before you leave.”

  “Are you really going to stand here and say that? You can go wherever it suits you instantly.”

  Scotty thought, then hit his com, “Anglo, send Vring and me to the Magrum’s bunker.”

  Scotty climbed the giant Zord, then they found themselves high over the blasted bunker. Vring had become quite adept at coming out of a teleport field, and he instantly caught the air in his wings and began circling. Scotty looked below and saw the huge Magrum sitting in the field, pulling weeds out of a small clearing. He looked and also saw one of the biggest Torg he had ever seen sitting next to Grang.

  Vring said, “Grang saved that Torg when it was a few hours old. It appears to have adopted Grang.”

  Scotty looked and saw hundreds of decayed carcasses of Torg scattered around the giant field. Suddenly, a giant grey cat charged out of the woods. Scotty looked at Grang, who lifted his bowgun and fired it before the cat had moved more than fifty yards into the field. The arrow struck the cat in its nose, killing it instantly when it penetrated to its brainstem and severed it. Scotty was amazed at the speed the Magrum exhibited. Vring said, “You and Jingo are slightly faster. No others can match his speed.”

  They continued to watch as Grang walked to the cat and placed his hand on its head.

  “What’s he saying, Vring?”

  “Great Grey Warrior, I am sorry for your death. I pray that in the life after this one we may be friends. Forgive me for taking your life.”

  Scotty watched as three grey cats walked out of the woods and stared at Grang. Grang knelt and bowed as the three cats pulled the one killed into the woods.

  “Vring, what’s going on with the cats?”

  “They have decided to kill Grang, but only in a fair fight. They recognize him as a
worthy opponent. It seems they may only send one of their number after him once every seven rotations.”

  “How long has this been going on?”

  “About six months.”

  “Take me down.”

  “We need to let that Torg see us, White Hair.”

  Grang looked up and saw the circling Zord. Bravo stood, roared, and started pawing the ground. “Settle down, Bravo. Go home.” The giant Torg stared at Grang, then looked up in the sky. It turned and walked over the hill of the former bunker.

  Scotty shook his head at a Torg that followed instructions. Scotty dismounted Vring and held his bowgun in his left hand. Grang placed his bowgun on the ground, along with his quiver. He stepped back and assumed a kneeling position with his head bowed.

  Scotty just didn’t know what to make of him. Grang said, “Have you come to end my misery?”

  Scotty could not stop the rage he felt. He thought this Magrum would be long dead by now, yet here he was. Grang said, “You had every right to have killed me two cycles ago. My crime was unforgiveable, and you should have ended my life.”

  Scotty stared at Grang and said through clenched teeth, “What do you mean, unforgiveable?”

  Grang looked up, and Scotty saw misery on his face, “Your flying friends put the images of my crime in my mind. They also shared the memories that all of you had of your mother. They filled me with the suffering and horror I caused our slaves by killing their loved ones. Those memories haunt me every night. Madeline was the closest thing to the Creator on El Prado, and I ended her life. My misery knows no bounds, and I suffer for my crimes.”

  Scotty looked at Grang and said, “You could always walk into the forest.”

  Grang looked at Scotty with a look that was unfathomable, “To end my life quickly would be a dishonor to the ones I killed. I should suffer, and to shorten it would not be the just thing to do. Only you can end my pain. You have the right to take your vengeance on me and remove some of your suffering. That is something Madeline would allow me. Anything else would be a dishonor to her memory.”


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