Juliette's dream aotr-1

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Juliette's dream aotr-1 Page 20

by Saxon Andrew

  Scotty said, “Vring, show me his mind.” Suddenly Scotty was assaulted by a depth of misery that was overwhelming. Scotty fell to his knees. No one should endure that much pain.

  Vring said, “We have looked at your communities’ memories. One of you named Timmy has a memory of one that reminds us of Grang.”

  Scotty looked up at Vring and said, “Who?”

  “He was one named Dorg-Ross.”

  Scotty bowed his head and looked at the ground. Grang watched him for an hour. Scotty’s tears fell to the ground as he wept for the mother he had lost too soon. A cat stuck its head out of the woods. Grang snatched his bowgun up and the cat withdrew. “White Hair, are you all right?”

  “Yes, I am Vring. For the first time in many cycles, I’m all right.” Scotty stood and said, “You’re coming with me back to my community. You will be given your sentence there.”

  Grang stood and said, “Thank you for this mercy. I don’t deserve it.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  Grang gave a shout and the giant Torg came running over the hill. It rushed up to Grang and licked his face. “I worry about my friend. If I’m not here…”

  Scotty punched his com, “Anglo, can you take this Torg to a place where he will be safe?”

  “I’ll move him to a herd on the southern continent. The hot tropical band will keep the cats in the northern continent. They won’t tolerate that much heat.”

  Grang rubbed the giant Torg behind the ears and hugged his neck. He stepped back and the Torg disappeared.

  It reappeared in the middle of a huge herd of Torg on a broad grassy plain. The lead male came charging up to challenge the newcomer and saw Bravo’s immense size. It skidded to a halt and quickly lowered its head. Bravo turned and kicked dust at the creature and it scurried away in submission. The giant Torg looked up at the sky and roared its sorrow. It was many years before it found happiness again.

  “It looks like you’ve got a teleportation device.”

  “We do. It was on the Searcher that destroyed the planet.”

  “He was right to do it.”

  “Anglo, send us to the community.”

  Scotty climbed up Vring and Grang said, “I’m not worthy to ride this noble creature.”

  “Hand me your bowgun and quiver, and mount!”

  Grang handed Scotty the bowgun and quiver and climbed the giant Zord. “All right, Anglo.”

  They disappeared and Vring caught the air currents and screamed. Julie looked up and wondered what was going on. She watched the Zord get closer. It had turned off its color shifting and she caught her breath. “Grang! Oh, no!”

  Scotty and Vring landed in the clearing, and Grang climbed down to a rapidly growing crowd that showed its anger toward him.

  Julie ran up and asked, “What are you doing?”

  Scotty looked in her eyes and she didn’t know what she saw. Something was different. That’s when Jing and Samuel showed up and stared at the big Magrum. Jing looked at Scotty, “Is he here for a reason?”

  “Yes. Be patient.”

  Jing stared at Scotty and then nodded to Samuel. They turned and moved to the front row of the gathering communities and sat down in silence. Those that had arrived watched their former leaders and decided they should also be quiet. After half an hour, the three communities had gathered, and all sat in silence.

  Grang stood the entire time with his head bowed in silence. Scotty looked around the gathering and said, “Vring, I want you to share Grang’s thoughts with our communities.”

  Vring sent the big Magrums thoughts to everyone present for ten seconds. Scotty looked around and saw most of the women were crying. Even Jing and Samuel were shaken by what they saw. Everyone saw that Grang was praying that Scotty would end his suffering with an arrow. Samuel said, “No one should suffer like this!”

  Scotty looked at Julie, who refused to wipe away her tears, and he said to the gathering, “I know.” Scotty walked up to Grang and said, “You’re right.”

  Grang looked up, “You’re going to end my suffering?”

  “No, Grang. To end your suffering would be a dishonor to the one who valued all life. I’m going to give you the opportunity to atone for your crime.”

  Grang lowered his head, “There is no possible atonement for what I’ve done.”

  Scotty looked at him and said, “You aren’t the first to say those very same words.”

  Grang looked up with a puzzled expression.

  “Before the Holy Realm was started, my home world was in a life and death struggle with 800 planets. The Cainth were a vicious warlike species, and they were given the honor of attacking us with more than 2,000 starships. The Admiral of the Cainth sent two hundred ships to a small Human colony planet in advance of the main invasion. Following his orders, the Cainth Warriors rounded up the colonists in all of their communities, pulled twenty percent of them out, and herded them into the center square of each town. The Cainth troops then fired heavy blasters and killed them all.”

  The gathering listened in silence. “Later, after their fleet was defeated and the Humans invaded their home system, the two species found peace between them. The Admiral that ordered the executions placed himself into the Human’s hands so that justice could be done. The leader of the Humans, Thomas Gardner, who later became the first King of the Holy Realm, forgave the Admiral and charged him to work his entire life to make up for his atrocity.” Scotty paused and said, “The planet where he killed the colonists was Ross. The Admiral’s name was Dorg.” Scotty looked at Jing and nodded.

  Jing stood and said, “The Admiral never forgave himself. However, he was the reason the Algeans stopped their war. He was the one that saved the Dremel from annihilation. The Heroes Park on Ross was named after him and the planet loved him. His funeral was the largest gathering in the Realm’s history. I bear his last name proudly. as do many of my people.” Jing looked at Grang and said, “He died still feeling the guilt of what he had done. But to the Realm, he was its greatest hero.”

  Scotty looked at Grang, “And now I charge you, just as Thomas Gardner charged Dorg-Ross, to go and atone for your crime by working your entire life to make up for it.” Scotty turned and faced the communities, “Admiral Dorg added Ross to his name to always remind him of his actions, and to make him remember what arrogance and power can do to a person.” Scotty looked at Julie and then turned to Grang, “From this day on, your name will be Grang-Robbins. You will carry the name of the woman you killed to remind you of what cruelty can lead to. You will be my brother, not only in name but in spirit. I know my Mother wouldn’t have had it any other way. You will be the one responsible for my safety. Jingo has duties and, though he has sworn to look out for me, I need him elsewhere.”

  Jingo said, “He’s not qualified. I can’t let you depend on someone that can’t do the job.”

  Scotty handed Grang his bowgun and quiver. Grang clipped the quiver to his belt and looked at Scotty. Scotty turned and pointed over the crowd at a house at the edge of the clearing three hundred yards away. “I want the first arrow in the column closest to us, the second arrow in the center column, and the third arrow in the far column. I want them hit in the center of the columns.”

  Jingo looked at Scotty, “Get real. I don’t think we could make those shots.”

  Scotty said, “Are you ready?”

  Grang took a deep breath, “You’re not going to kill me?”

  “What do you think Madeline would say if you asked her to do it?!?” Scotty shouted, “Now!!”

  The bowgun fired so fast that it sounded like one shot. The crowd listened and then heard three loud twocks.

  Scotty looked at Jingo and said, “Go and see.”

  Jingo turned and walked away. Hundreds followed him down the path and when they arrived, there was an arrow in the center of every column. Jingo looked at the distant Zord in the clearing and looked back at the arrows. He walked back up the hill and said, “Ok, it’s his job.”

ty started laughing and Jingo said, “What!?”

  “That is the least I’ve ever heard you say.”

  The three communities roared their laughter. Even Jing smiled. Jingo shook his head, “Frapped if you do, frapped if you don’t. There’s just no winning. Every time I open my mouth someone has something to say. Have they ever considered what I’m saying may be important?!? Noooooo. But are they quick to criticize? Yessssss.”

  Scotty looked at Grang and he said, “Your friend talks a lot.”

  Vring nearly fell off his back legs laughing, and Julie held on to Scotty to keep from falling.

  Scotty smiled at Grang, “You have no idea.”

  The cats arrived at the Zord’s lands two days after they left. They discovered the huge Torg herds living close to the forest, and the leader stopped the migration. There would be food for his family for many years.

  Four weeks later Scotty, Julie, and Grang sat on Anglo’s bridge watching the main display. The three communities were placed on the sites of the former hunting lodges. The ground had been cleared for a radius of a mile, and each of the three communities were settling in.

  The three communities were also growing to like their new home. The native Zord had started arriving and began teaching them which things on the planet were edible and which were not. The communities were thriving, and many stopped carrying their bowguns within the borders of their town. Julie looked at Grang and said, “You have no idea how much I hated you.”

  Grang looked at her and said, “Yes, I do. The Zord shared your feelings about me during that initial gathering. You were right to feel that way.”

  Julie stared at him and said, “I believe you. Now, I expect you to watch out for my husband.”

  “It will be my honor, your Highness.”

  Julie smiled and looked at Scotty. “He’s not the same Magrum I knew.”

  “And I’m not the same after seeing his thoughts. One must see their crimes from the perspective of the victim to understand their mistakes.”

  “Uh oh. You’re planning something?”

  “Yes, I am, and you have a role now that you must accept.”

  “What is that?”

  “You will rule in my absence.”

  “Scotty, the communities will never accept that!”

  “They will and they have. You’ve not noticed that most will stumble in their haste to do the slightest thing you ask?”

  “Well, they do that out of respect to you.”

  Grang said, “That’s not true. I’ve listened to them, and they love you. You have earned your place in their hearts, and they trust you with their lives.”

  Julie stared at the big Magrum and Scotty said, “I am not going to make a pronouncement. You will assume your role and do what is necessary in my absence. The leaders of each community will support you. I expect you to do what you think is necessary. Will you do that for me?”

  Julie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I’ll try.”

  “That’s all I ask, my love.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I have an issue with the former King of this planet. He hasn’t sent any more ships, but I know he’s planning a welcome for us when we go visiting. He should be confronted by his victims.”

  “When are you leaving?”

  “Tomorrow. I’m taking Jingo, Michael, and Grang.”

  “That’s all?!?”

  “Well, Anglo and BC will also be in attendance.”

  “Good. I’m not as worried now.” Julie paused and said, “Whose bowgun is that standing in the corner?”

  Grang said, “It is mine, your Highness.”

  “Grang, that bowgun is set on a ten power setting. What’s the velocity?”

  “Fifty six hundred feet per second.”

  Julie looked at Scotty and he said, “He fires it easier that I do mine. He wanted one at fifteen but we aren’t able to make one that strong yet. The chambers keep blowing out. We’re reluctant to keep wasting the compressors.”

  Julie looked at Grang in his Zecka and saw how big he was. He was one powerful Magrum. “Have you discussed how you’re going to handle it with Jingo?”

  “Yes. He said we should just crash the King’s party and show up unannounced.”

  “That’s Jingo’s style.”

  “I tend to support the idea. If we let them know we’re coming, there will be huge loss of life. I’m sure we’ll have to destroy their ships. Those ships are more important than the King.”

  “Why are you taking Michael?”

  “BC says he is also a latent psychic. We should include him in most of our major operations. He’s smart; you even might say brilliant. His bowgun prowess is as good as any of us. He also believes in our core principles. He won’t act rashly. I also sense he should go with us. I’m not sure where that feeling is coming from.”

  “Just be careful, Scotty.”

  “You know me.”

  “That’s why I’m asking you.”

  Scotty sighed and Grang smiled. He had decided that his mission to protect Madeline’s son was worthy of his debt. He also found he liked this new Emperor. Maybe he could be killed while defending him. He longed for the peace of death.

  King Wesley Varner sat on his throne and checked with his fleet commander, “Anything on your scanners?”

  “Nothing, Your Majesty.”

  “They should have come by now.”

  “I agree. Perhaps they are going to just leave us alone?”

  “Would you?”

  “No, I wouldn’t. I would have been here weeks ago. I wouldn’t want extra defenses added while I waited.”

  “Well, maybe we’re wrong and they’re not coming.”

  The King heard a voice, “No, both of you are quite right.”

  The King looked around the throne room and didn’t see anyone. He slowly reached for the blaster leaning against his throne and an arrow came out of nowhere and pinned his sleeve to the huge throne. “Now, reaching for a blaster is not a way to make guests feel welcome. A man in a light green uniform appeared ten feet in front of him. A giant Magrum appeared next to his throne, walked forward, and removed the blaster.

  Wesley sat back in his chair and saw a Cainth appear to the right holding a drawn bowgun pointed at him. “You might inform your Admiral that you will be indisposed for a while.”

  Wesley looked at his display and said, “They are here in the throne room. Do not rush in here. They have some kind of gun pointed at me.”

  “A what?”

  “I’ll tell you later.”

  Scotty’s com beeped, “There’s someone hiding behind the throne.”

  Michael still had his Zecka shifting colors and he eased around the throne and saw a young woman holding a blaster. He raised his bowgun and said, “I would never endanger a female; especially one as beautiful as you. However, if you don’t drop that blaster, I am going to be forced to end your life. I beg you not to make me live with that memory.”

  The king heard the exchange and quickly turned around in his chair, “Carrie, are you back there? Don’t be stupid. Do as they say.”

  Carrie looked around and couldn’t see where the voice was coming from. She couldn’t let them harm her father. She was prepared to die, but then she heard. “I would really hate to kill your King, but I will if you don’t do as we ask.”

  Carrie dropped the blaster and it rose in the air. A young man appeared two feet from her and said, “Thank you. The universe would not be as beautiful without you in it.”

  She frowned and walked from behind the throne.

  Wesley looked at her, “How many times have I told you not to sneak in here? Now you’re trapped and I can’t save you.”

  Michael said, “She has nothing to fear from us. She is innocent and we will not harm her, except to defend ourselves.”

  Scotty looked at the King and said, “You know why we’re here?”

  Wesley replied, “You said something to my Admiral about those beasts being your

  Carrie saw, out of the corner of her eye, one of the King’s guards sneak in behind the throne from a hidden door. He raised a blaster. She saw the young man that had taken her blaster whip a short sword out of his belt and throw it at the guard. A second blade instantly followed the first. He moved faster than she could see. The first sword cut the blaster down the length of its barrel and the second caught the guards backpack and pinned him to the wall. The backpack was only an inch above the guard’s shoulder and the green clad archer had hit it perfectly. An arrow ripped by her face, and she felt it pass through several strands of her hair. The arrow hit the door the guard had entered on the edge of its opening, and slammed the door shut. She saw the arrow was embedded all the way to the fletching. No one was coming through that door now. She looked and saw a giant yellow-colored creature lower his bowgun. The King saw the shot and knew he was in imminent danger. That shot was impossible. He had never known of a Magrum using a weapon that fired arrows.

  Carrie appeared calm but she still felt that arrow flying through her hair. She didn’t know if she lived because the creature had missed or if it had done it intentionally. She walked calmly around the throne and sat down beside her father. Her heart was beating incredibly fast, but she maintained her calm appearance.

  Michael watched her and was amazed at the young woman’s composure. If the same shot had been made that close to him, he probably would have needed to change his uniform. He shook his head at her.

  Carrie was flabbergasted by the two sword throws. Not only the amazing speed, but the accuracy was impossible. She watched the young man go back and pull his sword from the guard and bring him into the center of the room. “Can we count on you behaving yourself?”

  The guard looked at Wesley and nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then sit down.” The guard sat on the floor and saw the big yellow creature closely watching him.

  Scotty smiled and said, “I’m sorry we were interrupted, but yes, those creatures are our citizens.”

  “How can an animal be a citizen?”

  “Meaning no disrespect, you are technically an animal yourself.”


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