Juliette's dream aotr-1

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Juliette's dream aotr-1 Page 21

by Saxon Andrew

  Wesley paused and said, “Yes, but I’m intelligent.”

  Scotty smiled, “Most of us here aren’t really sure of that. However, you are taking a trip with us to discuss your actions with those you’ve injured.”

  Carrie said, “If you take him, I go, too.”

  “No! You will stay here.”

  “No, I won’t, Father. You promised mother never to leave me.”

  “That promise doesn’t apply to this situation.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  Scotty smiled and tilted his head, “We take promises very seriously. She will go with us, and I give you my promise she will come to no harm.”

  Carrie looked at Scotty defiantly and said, “Will you also promise my father his safety?”

  Scotty shook his head, “No. His accusers will determine his fate. Anglo?”

  The six disappeared from the throne room leaving the guard to contact the admiral.

  The group appeared in a clearing where Wesley and Carrie found themselves surrounded by hundreds of the giant flying creatures. They were huge, and Carrie grabbed her father’s arm and held tight.

  Scotty looked up and said so the King could hear, “This is the one that sent the hunters to your home.”

  The largest flying creature looked at him, and Wesley heard in his mind, “Why have you been killing my family?”

  Wesley was stunned. He looked at Scotty and his disbelief was obvious. Scotty said, “I believe you should answer his question.”

  Wesley looked up at the Zord and said, “I didn’t.”

  “White Hair, I thought you said this was the one that sent the murderers.”

  Scotty turned to Wesley and said, “The lodges said you were paid to allow the hunters to come here.”

  Wesley’s face turned red. Carrie looked at him and said, “Jimmy?”

  Wesley nodded.

  Bleath looked at Scotty, “This one did not know about the hunters. He thought they were only tourists visiting. He possesses no knowledge of how many of us have been killed.”

  Scotty looked at Wesley, “Then why did you send ships to attack the planet?”

  Wesley said, “My stepson told me that some of our tourists were being attacked. I sent the ships to protect them.”

  Scotty looked up at Bleath and said, “Show them.”

  Bleath showed them the visions of thousands of Zord being systematically hunted and killed. They heard the Zord tell a hunter that they were intelligent, then saw the hunter laugh and kill the messenger. They saw the giant heads mounted on trees outside the lodges and the revelry at every Zord killed. Carrie felt the sorrow of the giant creatures for the loved ones lost and the rage of being unable to stop the killing.

  Wesley sat down on the ground. Bleath said, “Return them where you found them. We have no quarrel with them.”

  Scotty looked at the King and said, “Let’s give him some time to collect himself.”

  Carrie was angry. Then she saw the young man that had threatened her. She went up to him and said, “Thank you for not killing me.”

  Michael smiled, “You’re quite welcome. We were blaming the wrong ones for what happened here.”

  “These creatures are intelligent.”

  “Yes, and they are honorable in their dealings with others.” A giant Zord swooped in and Michael started climbing its harness. “What are you doing?”

  Michael looked down at the princess and smiled, “Give her a leg up, Vetah.” The giant Zord lowered his front leg and held it in front of Carrie. She looked up quizzically and Michael said, “Sit down.”

  She looked at the giant claw, hesitated momentarily, then sat down on it. Vetah lifted her to his back and she sat behind Michael. “Hold on, my Lady.” Vetah lifted and Carrie grabbed Michael’s waist. The Zord rose quickly and flew out over the giant forest. Carrie closed her eyes, but slowly reopened them and saw the ground far below. She felt the wind blowing through her hair and the motion of the giant creature’s muscles under her. The forest and the light-colored smoke made the view below beautiful. She held on tight and felt the strength of the man in front of her. She looked up at the first stars as the Zord rose higher. This was unlike any experience she had ever had, and she lost herself in the moment. She heard, “Strong Bow, your companion’s father is waiting for her.”

  “Take us back, Vetah.”

  Carrie felt the big wings begin working, and the giant Zord flew like an arrow over the forest. Carrie felt the rush of the wind and the power of the giant flyer. All too soon she felt them descending to the mountain below. Michael dropped off and helped Carrie down.

  Carrie looked up into the archer’s eyes and said, “That is an experience I will never forget. Thank you, again.”

  Michael smiled and kissed her hand, “Please come back and we’ll do it again, my Lady.”

  She smiled at his gallantry and walked over to her father.

  He looked at the Zord she had just climbed off and shook his head at her. “I was perfectly safe. The gentleman I flew with would never allow me to come to harm. Their King gave his oath.”

  Wesley spun around and looked at Scotty, “Are you a King?”

  Scotty smiled, “Actually my title is Emperor. It appears that is the title I’ve been given.”

  “Are you planning to take my throne?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “It’s my understanding that you’re brutal to your subjects. We don’t hold to that kind of treatment. However, that is an issue we will deal with at a later date.” Scotty turned to Bleath, “Is there a three year old mature enough to listen to others’ thoughts that can go and find the ones responsible for your deaths?”

  Bleath looked at the edge of the clearing and a fifteen foot long Zord scampered up. “White hair, this is Kreej. He will go with you.”

  Carrie watched the young Zord actually trembling at the opportunity to go with the blond haired archer. These creatures have emotions very similar to ours, she thought.

  Scotty smiled at Kreej, “Thank you for coming with us. It could be dangerous, but we need to conceal your presence. A full grown Flyer would not fit in the throne room.”

  “I am honored to work with you, White Hair. All of my brothers and sisters would give a wing for the opportunity. They’re going to be so jealous.”

  Scotty laughed and smiled at the young Zord.

  “So, you think you can just waltz into my throne room and take over?”

  Scotty looked at Wesley, “If I were in your shoes, I would be begging for us to come.”

  “Why is that?”

  “It’s obvious to me that someone has been deliberately deceiving you about what was happening on this world. They have also collected fees that were not given to you. If it were me, I would really like to find out the truth of what those funds are being used for. Of course, that may not bother you.”

  Wesley stared at Scotty and then looked at Carrie. Carrie nodded. Wesley looked back at Scotty, “I will agree for the moment that we will work together to get to the bottom of this. I will guarantee your safety while this is happening.”

  Scotty shook his head, “We will handle our own safety. I’m not going to trust you have the control you think you do. However, I will not open hostilities with you during this investigation.”

  Wesley looked at Scotty with a hard stare. Scotty continued, “You might be interested in knowing we have two Searcher Class vessels at my disposal. I really wouldn’t think it would be a good idea to see which of us has the biggest stick here.”

  Wesley showed his shock and said, “We will discuss this after we find out who caused the Zord to be attacked. How do you want to do this?”

  “We will all go back to your throne room and you will question anyone you might think knows about it. My brave friend here will hear their thoughts and tell us what they know.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “One more thing.”


  “No one com
es in armed. We will protect you and your daughter from any harm. I’m not the trusting sort when it comes to blasters.”

  Carrie looked at Scotty, “So you are guaranteeing my father’s safety now?”

  Scotty smiled, “Until this issue is resolved, yes.”

  Carrie looked at her father and said, “I believe they keep their promises, and he makes a good point about who is behind this.”

  Wesley nodded and said, “Well, let’s do it.”

  Scotty lifted his com, “BC, anything happening back at the farm?”

  “As a matter of fact, there is. It seems the King’s wife has assumed the throne and is ordering the military not to come here for a rescue attempt. Her son is attempting to replace the King’s admiral.”

  Scotty saw the anger on Wesley’s face and said, “Everyone turn on their Zecka. I suspect the Queen is using force to make the change. Anglo, send us back, but put each of us in a place where we can cover the room.”

  “You will arrive in 5,4,3,2,1…”

  The group teleported into the throne room, with Wesley and Carrie appearing ten yards in front of the throne. The woman on the throne almost fell off it when she saw them appear. Wesley looked at her and said, “I’m gone less than two hours and you’re attempting to replace me?”

  The woman looked around the room at the guards and then leaned back on the throne and smiled, “Why no, Darling. I was just worried about you.”

  “Is that why you ordered our fleet not to try a rescue attempt?”

  The woman’s smile vanished.

  Carrie looked at the black haired beauty and said, “What’s wrong, Maranda? Aren’t you happy we’ve returned?”

  Wesley walked up and stood in front of Maranda. She slowly stood up and looked at the ten guards in the room. Wesley took his seat and hit his communication panel, “Admiral?”

  The display came on and a very distraught officer looked at the King in relief. “Thank the Creator you’ve returned! Bixler is here attempting to take command of the fleet.”

  “Put him on the panel.”

  “A young, dark haired man with a very thin face appeared. He looked shocked to see the King. “Yes, uh Yes, Your Majesty?”

  “I require your presence.”

  The Admiral appeared on the display and said, “He will be there momentarily, Your Majesty.”

  Wesley looked at his wife and said, “Why did you attempt to take power in my absence?”

  “Well, someone had to step in and make sure everything remained stable. We were told by Admiral Redmit that you had been kidnapped by the ones that destroyed our tourist lodges. I assumed you were already dead.”

  Carrie moved next to the throne and stood on her father’s right side. She glanced around the room and could not see the archers, even though she knew they were there. Wesley said, “Give me a moment.” He hit his panel and began asking the Kingdom’s nobility on the forty five planets if everything was under control. He noticed that eight of them were shocked when he appeared on their panels. All the others didn’t know anything was wrong. He looked at Carrie, noted that she had watched the display with him, and knew she would remember the ones that were surprised.

  Jimmy Bixler entered the throne room and moved to his mother’s side. She gave him a hard look and he nodded. Wesley saw their communication and said, “I want to know who has been selling hunting permits on the planet of the giant flying creatures.”

  Maranda looked at Wesley and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She nudged Jimmy and he said, “Me, either.”

  “I am going to go to the agency that issues them and I believe the one who sold them will tell the truth after gentle persuasion. I do not tolerate disobedience.”

  Maranda asked, “What are you going to do with the ones responsible?”

  “Find out what they have done with the funds collected and see if they were being used for treasonous actions. If they were, I’m going to execute the traitors.”

  Maranda stared at Wesley, then turned to the guard standing next to the throne. She nodded and the guards in the room raised their blasters. “I was hoping to keep this simple, but you had to come back alive. Now you leave me no choice. You and that witch of a daughter are going to have to die.”

  All ten guards were hit with an arrow in the middle of their foreheads. The one next to the throne was driven eight feet beyond the throne with the force of the arrow that hit him. Maranda and Jimmy looked at the guards and couldn’t move.

  “You’ve found the ones responsible.”

  Maranda looked around but couldn’t determine where the voice was originating. Scotty turned off his Zecka and appeared next to the throne with Wesley. “Kreej, tell us what you saw.”

  “The woman’s father is planning to overthrow the one on the throne. It was he that built the lodges and provided the small ships to chase us. The funds were being used to convince those that went there to assist him in his plan. It appears only those who possess great wealth could afford to go.”

  Maranda looked around and said, “If you harm us, my father will destroy this world.”

  Wesley looked at Maranda and said, “I thought you actually cared for me. When your father suggested a marriage to unify our kingdoms, I only agreed because you said you loved me. How long has this plan been going on?”

  Maranda said, “It’s a recent development.”

  Kreej might not have said what he did if he had more experience. But the very young often tell the truth not knowing the consequences of their actions. Zreeg said, “That’s not true. Your father planned all along to get him to marry you. That’s why he had his first wife killed.”

  Maranda’s mouth fell open and Jimmy started whimpering. The transformation that came over Wesley was sudden. He stood from the throne, “What do you mean, ‘Had her killed?’.”

  Kreej was silent. Scotty stood in front of Wesley and pushed him back toward the throne. Michael came forward and grabbed Carrie before she could grab one of the guard’s blasters. She was weeping, and Michael pulled her close. Scotty said, “Kreej, tell us what happened.”

  Maranda and Jimmy saw the giant creature appear behind them. Their fear doubled. Kreeg said, “This female developed the plan. She wanted a kingdom for her son. Her father bought into the idea. In order for it to work, the king’s current wife had to be removed. They found her in a shopping center and pushed her over the ledge as she was looking at the flowers being put out on the main floor ten stories down. The guard that was next to the throne pulled the rails out of the floor to make it appear it was an accident. The one called Ketchum was in on the plan. I think he was her assigned body guard.”

  Scotty saw the Wesley’s barely restrained rage. “Jingo?”

  “Right here.”

  “Take Kreej and these two back to the clearing. Have them wait for me. Anglo, do it now!”

  The four disappeared from the throne room. Wesley turned his rage toward Scotty. Grang appeared and grabbed the King and snatched him back to his throne. Scotty yelled, “You better think long and hard before you kill millions of your subjects.”

  Wesley’s eyes were slits in his face. Michael said, “Help him, Carrie!”

  Carrie ran and fell into her father’s arms weeping uncontrollably. Wesley looked at her and his rage turned to sorrow for his daughter. He took her in his arms and rocked her back and forth as they wept together.

  Chapter Twelve

  S cotty watched the sorrow of Wesley and Carrie. Grang looked at Scotty and said, “It appears she was loved very deeply by them.”

  “We know their pain, Grang. Now they are going to have to rise above it and turn their back on revenge.” Grang stared at Scotty. “Her father rules another Kingdom. If Wesley takes his revenge, there will be interstellar war. Millions, possibly billions, will die.”

  “They are responsible for their actions.”

  “How many Madeline’s will die if we allow that to happen?”

  “There was
only one Madeline.”

  “That you know of, Grang. Are you willing to allow that to happen?”

  Grang looked at the floor and said, “No, I guess not.” The three archers sat and waited in silence for the two to express their pain.

  Michael sat and wished there was something he could do for Carrie. He sighed and waited with a heavy heart.

  After an hour, Carrie sat up and wiped her tears on her sleeve. Wesley was too weak to stand. He looked at Scotty and said, “After my wife died, I didn’t want to go on. But I had Carrie to think about. King Talben came to June’s funeral and his daughter came with him. She took time to comfort me and seemed to understand my pain. She later invited me to her planet and there she seemed to show sincere interest. When Talben suggested a marriage to unite our kingdoms, I agreed. Now I can see all the manipulations that were done to rope me in. Carrie warned me, but I was blinded by the compliments.” Wesley looked at Scotty, “What do you mean kill millions of my subjects?”

  “What do you think Talben will do if you kill his daughter and grandson?”

  Wesley thought and Carrie said, “He will come in force and take control of our planets. The only reason he hasn’t done it before is because of that Searcher we had in our fleet. I’m sure he knows we lost it, and Maranda’s grab for power was the first step in annexing us into his kingdom.”

  Scotty looked at Wesley, “How important are those under your rule to you?”


  “Then why the brutality being used against your citizens?”

  “What brutality?”

  Scotty shook his head, “How long has it been since you visited your colonies?”

  Wesley sighed, “I’ve not gone anywhere since June died. Maranda has insisted I stay here with her.”

  “Weren’t you afraid of her father’s fleet?”

  “No, we discovered that Searcher Class ship and he didn’t have anything to stand up to it.”

  Scotty was silent. “Scotty?” he heard from his com.

  “BC, I was wondering if you had something to say.”

  “I was wrong.”

  “And now, where are your loyalties?”

  “They are with you, but Wesley should know the truth.”


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