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Kamikaze Nights [Love on the Rocks 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Let’s go have a drink,” Jace said and Micah stepped back and she was surprised how disappointed she felt, but he didn’t release her shoulder. Instead Vaughn slid his hand to her waist and turned her toward the bar as Jace led the way. Vaughn held her on the waist and Micah kept a hand on her back, then slid it under her hair to her neck and gently caressed her skin. It was dominant, controlling, macho, and she realized she was in trouble there. She liked it, and the best thing to do would be to leave right now, yet here she was at the bar with three men as her personal security and she was liking it way more than she should.

  “Another glass of red wine?” Jace asked her.

  She shook her head. “I need to get up early tomorrow. In fact, I should really get going,” she said and turned to see where Venetia was, but she couldn’t see past the wall of muscular chests hidden under designer dress shirts. She caught a whiff of their cologne and instantly retreated instead of pressing forward.

  “Have a drink, Louisa,” Vaughn said to her and stroked her cheek now that she was facing them. He stood on her right side and kept a hand on her left hip. Micah was on her other side with his arm behind her back, his fingers trailing up her spine, under her hair to her neck and Jace stood in front of her. She never experienced more than one man touching her at once. It unnerved her and made her mind feel like mush.

  “I have to drive home,” she finally responded, but too late as Micah handed over the glass of wine.

  “Have a few sips to stop the shaking,” he said and he still looked angry. Maybe that was just Micah.

  She took a sip. “I have to drive home.”

  “We’ll get you and your car home. Don’t worry,” Jace said in a serious tone, then let his tongue peek out and lick his lower lip.

  “Are we back at this again? I don’t even know you. I’m not interested in being the new play toy at the hotel,” she said and looked away. Jace reached up and cupped her cheek. At the same time Micah’s fingers swept back and forth against her skin on her neck under her hair and Vaughn stroked her ribs. She locked gazes with Jace. He was clean-shaven, tan, and had dark brown hair that was short but had a curl to it He tilted her head back slightly as he stepped closer.

  “Doll, my brothers and I don’t sleep around with every new hot, female employee at the hotel. We don’t sleep around, period,” he said and stared at her lips.

  “I don’t believe you. You’re older.”

  “Not a bad thing. It means we know how to please a woman,” Micah said and stroked his fingers a little higher, nearly to her breast line and she felt disappointed when they retreated. She went to look at him, but Jace gripped her chin. “We’ll get you home safe and sound, and eventually you’ll come around and realize what you heard was all lies.” Jace leaned forward and she panicked, thinking he was going to kiss her lips. She tightened up, but then he pressed his lips to her forehead.

  “We’re not patient men at all. Remember that the next time we’re together,” he said and then eased back. She was in shock at their abilities and the effect these three men had on her. Immediately she thought about Graham, Daxton, and Cooper. Six men, brothers, were attracted to her and she was attracted to them. How the hell did this happen? She brought the wineglass to her lips and wished it was something stronger. Where the hell was Venetia?

  * * * *

  It was nearly midnight when Louisa told them all she had to get home. Vaughn couldn’t help but to smile at the turn of events. Once Louisa loosened up and they started to talk about regular things, they found out more about her. He couldn’t believe how talkative Micah and Jace were, never mind himself. She had an adorable, addicting laugh, and she no longer tightened up when one of them touched her or snuck in a whisper against her neck and ear.

  The three of them were triple-teaming her so she wouldn’t know what hit her. What started out as a means to break down the walls she had wound up turning on each of them quickly. He liked her, a lot. And this was completely different for Micah, and for his brothers. He, Jace, and Vaughn were the hardest, most quiet of the Hunt brothers. As the oldest, Graham took on the role as leader, and he could see Louisa banging heads with Graham big-time. Hell with all of them.

  “You’re going to be so tired tomorrow. Good luck with the event,” Venetia said and kissed her good-bye. They all said good night, and then they escorted Louisa to her car. When she stopped at the classic 1966 blue Mustang convertible Vaughn was shocked.

  “Holy shit, this is your car?” he asked.

  She smiled wide and ran her hand along the convertible top. “Sure is. I’ve had it forever,” she said and then unlocked it.

  “Can I?” Jace asked. She nodded. He slid into the driver’s seat. “This is in mint condition. How the hell did you get your hands on it?” he asked.

  “It was my dad’s car,” she said and then looked at Micah. He pulled her into his arms and ran his hand along her lower back to right above her ass. She in return held on to his shoulders. “He still around?” he asked. She shook her head.

  “Died of a heart attack about six years ago, the crazy jarhead,” she said and pulled away.

  “A marine?” Vaughn asked as Jace got out of the car.

  “Yup,” she replied.

  Vaughn took her hand and pulled her closer. He used his other hand to caress up her arm.

  “Daughter of a marine. That explains a lot,” he said and then pressed closer to kiss her, but she turned and stepped to the side.

  “Vaughn, I had a fun time with you guys despite the way it started. It’s always nice to make new friends,” she said and then turned.

  Vaughn pulled her back. She gasped and gripped his arms. “Honey, this isn’t the beginning of a friendship. Hell, I look at you and my thoughts aren’t the kind of thoughts that friends have for friends. Now, be honest. What are you afraid of?” he asked her.

  She was quiet a moment. “A lot of things.” She turned to look away, but he cupped her cheek and stared down into her eyes.

  “I’m really trying not to kiss you, but you’re making it hard.” He couldn’t get over the color of her eyes. Even right there in the dull light of the parking lot her eyes almost glowed like chocolate diamonds.

  “This isn’t really a smart thing to start.”

  “Why?” Jace asked her and stroked her hair from behind her. She closed her eyes and Vaughn knew she was just as affected by them as they were by her.

  “Well, the work situation for one.”

  “Not a problem. We can keep eyes on you, and be there if you need anything,” Micah said.

  “I don’t know anything about you.”

  “That’s the point of spending time together,” he retorted.

  “I turned down your brothers. Aren’t they going to be upset?” she asked.

  “No, that is instantly dissolved because we come as a package. We all want to get to know you,” Vaughn stated.

  “Why? What is it that you want?”

  “We want to get to know you, spend more time with you, talking, kissing, exploring,” Vaughn said and stroked her jaw with the pad of his thumb. She licked her lips and his cock hardened. It was pure fucking torture not kissing her and getting a good feel for her body. She had an incredible body, but damn it, those eyes, those expressions were the kicker for him.

  “You’ve dated the same woman before?” she asked.

  “Never,” Jace said and caressed her arm.

  “Shared the same woman in bed?” she asked and her cheeks flushed.

  “Not all six of us, no.”

  “So you’ve…forget it.”

  “No, say it. What’s the fear?” Vaughn pushed.

  “I’ve never engaged in this type of activity. I am far less experienced than all of you, that is for certain.”

  Micah crossed his arms in front of his chest and she looked at his brother.

  “How about we make a deal? You don’t talk about any of your past lovers and we don’t talk about ours,” Micah stated firmly.

; “Hmm, seems that deal really works out well for you guys.”

  “You’ve had a lot of lovers, baby?” Jace asked and Micah mumbled something under his breath. Was the thought of her with another man as upsetting as it was to Vaughn? They hadn’t even slept with the woman yet. This was insane.

  She stepped back and he grabbed her hand.

  “I need to go. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  “We’ll make plans for dinner and stuff?” Jace asked.

  She worried her bottom lip. “I think we should be friends first. I just started this job and the next few weeks are going to be crazy hectic for me.”

  “We’ll make the time,” Micah told her and then Jace pulled the door open the rest of the way so she could get in. When she sat down her dress lifted, revealing long, tan, sexy thighs. As she placed the key into the ignition her top gaped open a little more, giving him and his brothers a nice view of deep cleavage and a sexy black lace bra.

  “Drive carefully,” Micah said.

  “You, too. Good night,” she replied and they closed the door, stepped back, and watched her slowly leave the parking lot.

  “What do you think?” Jace asked as he, Micah, and Vaughn started walking to their car.

  “I think she is really intimidated by us but definitely interested,” Vaughn stated.

  “Wait until we tell Graham, Daxton, and Cooper,” Micah said.

  “I just sent them this picture from earlier,” Jace said and showed them a picture on his cell phone. It was of Louisa sitting at the bar, legs crossed, holding a glass of wine, smiling and looking incredibly sexy.

  “I sent it saying they should have bypassed the security check at the hotel and come along with us anyway. I said we met this gorgeous woman and were working on bringing her home with us tonight.”

  Micah and Vaughn chuckled. “What did they say?” Micah asked and they got into the car and then headed for home. “Graham texted that it was Louisa and not to piss her off or none of them would have a chance,” Jace said and Vaughn smirked. “She’s tough, that’s for sure.”

  “Worth the trouble, whatever exactly that might be,” Micah added and they agreed as they headed home and hoped to get Louisa to say yes to going out with them really soon.

  Chapter 4

  “It isn’t going to work. Security is overkill.”

  “It has to happen. We’ve run out of time. Come up with something or we’re both dead. I don’t care what it is, but I need to cover what we owe. Just do something and get it complete by tonight.”

  Paulano heard the long sigh.

  “Have someone by the pickup location on standby tonight. Sometime after nine, when things are more chaotic and the night is on our side. After this I’m done.”

  The phone clicked and he narrowed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. They weren’t done. He owed them and it wouldn’t be the last time he cashed in on a favor.

  He made a second call and got the guy immediately.

  “I need a favor,” Paulano said to the guy.

  “What kind of favor?”

  “A snag and grab,” Paulano replied.

  “How much?”

  “Ten percent.”

  “Of what?” the guy asked with attitude.

  “Two hundred g’s.”

  “I’m in.”

  “I thought so,” Paulano said.

  “I need you ready for tomorrow night. I’ll get you the details and a time. I need this to go off with no problems. Understand me?”

  “I understand, and you better pay me right away.”

  “Just don’t fuck this up.”


  * * * *

  “Have you seen her yet?” Daxton asked Cooper as they exited the elevator. Daxton adjusted his black tie.

  “Only on the surveillance cameras in the main security room.”

  “How does she look?”

  “Pretty calm, considering there have been a few problems.” Graham and Daxton heard their brother Cooper’s voice in their earpieces.

  “She’s heading your way with two important clients,” he hissed into the receiver.

  “You sound pissed off. Is everything okay? Is someone not at their position?” Graham asked.

  “Fine,” he replied.

  “You don’t sound fine,” Daxton said as the elevator doors opened.

  They both stepped out and saw Louisa talking with two men. One had his hand on her shoulder and was looking at the folder and a paper she had. The other was just as close and pointing, then asking her questions with a smile.

  “I see why you’re pissed,” Graham said and they exited the elevator and headed her way.

  He saw her frustration and then she looked up from the paper and caught his eyes and then Daxton’s. She looked stunned, and he got an uneasy feeling in his gut like maybe she would deny what she did with their brothers last night and what it meant for all of them. She was scared of this kind of relationship or perhaps intimidated by them. She should be. Graham and his brothers were demanding, controlling, dominant men who expected a lot out of everyone and especially a woman they wanted in their beds.

  “You have this in the folders you received. I’ll put you in touch with Jack. Let me just find out where he is and I can tell him you gentlemen are on your way,” she said to the two men.

  “Can’t you personally assist us?” one of the guys asked.

  “Miss Bellino, are you in need of assistance?” Graham asked. The men looked at him and Daxton. He couldn’t help but to feel relieved when Louisa stepped from between the two men, causing the one man’s hand to move from her shoulder so she could stand next to Daxton and him.

  “Actually yes, that would be great. Could you find out where Jack is for me? I need to direct these gentlemen to his location for some business. Any idea where he is?” she asked and held Graham’s gaze.

  He looked at Daxton who stared right at the two men. “Jack’s location, please. Thank you,” he said into a wrist mic. The two men watched and then looked at Louisa.

  “You’ll be back in the main area soon, right? We may need some more assistance later,” one of the men said and he winked at her.

  “I’ll be around, Mr. Williams. But please keep in mind that I am not a personal escort but the event coordinator and have many responsibilities. Plus, I’m preparing for the activities, dinner, and celebrations for this evening out on the deck. I’m certain if you need any assistance there will be plenty of people to help,” she said to him.

  He eyed her over and Graham placed his hand on her hip as Daxton gave Jack’s location. Graham pulled her along with him and Daxton took care of the two men, explaining where Jack was and how to get there.

  Graham kept a hand on her lower back and then gripped her hip. He loved how she smelled, never mind how she felt. Even in the beige high heels she wore she was still shorter than him. The cream-colored blouse and pencil-straight, slim-fitting dark tan skirt accentuated her curves. She had an incredible ass. The blouse was sleeveless, showing off her toned arms and her tan skin, but it gaped slightly at the front, teasing his eyes with a hint of deep cleavage and a large beaded necklace that brought out a hint of green in her unique, glowing hazel and caramel eyes. She was mesmerizing.

  “Thank you, Graham. Those two have been relentless all morning.” She stopped walking and turned to face him. His hand dropped from her waist and he felt the loss.

  He gazed over her body and to her lips, then her eyes.

  “You look incredible as usual. How are you feeling?” he asked her as Daxton approached.

  “Hi,” Daxton said and she glanced up at him and gave a small smile. She then pulled the folders against her chest and swallowed hard.

  “Hi, Daxton. Thanks for the help.”

  “Anytime, sweetie,” he said and Graham saw her cheeks blush.

  “How are you feeling?” Graham asked again, and she looked him over as he had done to her.

  “Surprisingly not tired,” she said to him.

/>   Graham reached out and stroked her cheek as he pushed a strand of hair away from her cheek.

  “Had a good time last night with our brothers?” he asked. Again she blushed. She looked away from him and he pulled his hand away.

  “It was fun. They have quite the personalities,” she said and then looked past them as two other employees walked by, smiled, and then whispered to each other. It got Louisa to move away from them.

  “Well, I need to move it along. I have a dozen things to do. It’s crazy. Just as I sigh and think the day’s events are all wrapped up, I’m hit with the problems of this evening.”

  “You’ll be here tonight for the dinner party and all?” Daxton asked.

  “Of course. Even brought along a change of clothes.”

  “You need to change? You look incredible,” Daxton said to her.

  “Eliza insisted on cocktail-dress attire and I need to mingle with certain clients and things. Anyway, I’ll see you two around, right?” she asked.

  “We have our eyes on you, Louisa. No worries,” Graham said.

  She nibbled her bottom lip, nodded, and then turned back down the hallway she had come from.

  Daxton released a long breath.

  “Jesus, she gets more and more beautiful.”

  “Sure does, and we need to try and keep our cool as she gets hit on. Let’s go do the rounds and check on everyone,” Graham said and they walked toward the gallery in the hotel.

  * * * *

  “Security is overkill. Vaughn, Micah, and Jace don’t need to be here, do they?” Apollo asked Cooper and smirked.

  Cooper licked his lower lip. “They’re not working. They’re browsing the event just like you are, but they already had enough. They’re heading home shortly.”

  “Yeah, like those three are into fine art and jewels. Unless you’re looking for jewels to shower Louisa with,” Apollo hinted. Garvan and Roman chuckled. Cooper looked away, his eyes landing on Louisa immediately. He knew exactly where she was at all times. So did Graham and Daxton.

  “That would be jumping the gun. We hardly know her,” Cooper responded.


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