Kamikaze Nights [Love on the Rocks 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Kamikaze Nights [Love on the Rocks 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Heard your brothers came to her rescue last night, though she didn’t quite need them. That must have rubbed Micah, Jace, and Vaughn the wrong way,” Garvan said to him.

  “From my understanding if she wasn’t pulled out of the way the asshole she kicked in the balls would have rearranged her face. Thank God they were there,” Cooper told them.

  “We heard and it was a good thing, also great timing for them. So when are you all going on a date with her?” Roman asked him.

  “Not sure that’s going to happen anytime soon. She’s being resistant,” Cooper said and kept looking around the crowded event, making sure things were running smoothly. A burst of laughter to the right caught their attention and sure enough Louisa was in the center surrounded by another woman and five men. She placed her hand on the guy’s shoulder tapping it as the others continued laughing, and then he was pulling out his wallet.

  “She’s got a great personality, and is very charismatic. Doesn’t date though from what Venetia told us,” Garvan said to him.

  “She mentioned that last night. I think she’s being cautious,” Cooper told them.

  “She has every right to be. This is a serious type of relationship. You guys have a bit of a reputation around here,” Apollo said to him.

  “Apollo, they’re rumors. We don’t initiate the new female employees by taking them to bed,” Cooper snapped at him and Roman chuckled.

  “A definite sore spot,” Roman added.

  “She’s one of our woman’s best friends, so we’re asking you to be sure you’re in it for the long haul and not some fling. She’s a gorgeous young woman. A lot younger than the six of you,” Apollo said to Cooper.

  Cooper gave him the stare-down and didn’t even respond. He and his brothers were all hard, stubborn, gung-ho men. They never backed down from any challenge. They weren’t afraid of anything or anyone. That made them dangerous and well sought-after for high-risk security details. The only reason why Cooper and his brothers took on the security at the hotel was because of their friendships with the six Corbias brothers.

  His eyes landed on Louisa once again and this time he grit his teeth.

  “Don Romo. I can’t stand that guy,” Roman whispered, looking exactly where Cooper was. Romo was a high-rolling, filthy-rich entrepreneur jack-of-all-trades. Whatever he felt compelled to get involved in he did, and when he did it turned to gold. He was particular about his tastes when it came to women though and by the look in his eyes as Louisa spoke to the small group around them he could tell he set his sights on her.

  “Excuse me a moment,” Cooper said and didn’t wait for a response from his buddies but heard them say to keep calm and professional, then chuckled as he almost made it to the small group before Eliza jumped in his path. She placed her palm against his chest and batted her eyelashes at him.

  “Cooper, I need a little assistance. Could you please escort Mr. Thomas and his purchase to the vault for safekeeping? He’s concerned about leaving his purchase locked up in the suite,” she said to him. That wasn’t his fucking job. Cooper looked at Mr. Thomas, a fat slob of a man with a young, barely legal blonde on his arm with big boobs and way too much makeup. She had enough jewelry on her to open a small boutique.

  “Let me see if I have someone available, Miss Cortland,” he said to her and noticed her squint at him as she lowered her hand.

  “I would like you to do it, then maybe follow me back with some of the items I was asked to bring to the showcase?” she said and he knew he needed to escort her if she had high-priced items with her.

  He spoke into his mic but heard Daxton’s voice in his earpiece.

  “I got her, just watch your ass with Eliza. She’s been eyeing us all up today and being touchy-feely, especially when Louisa is around.”

  He narrowed his eyes at Eliza, wondering if she was back to hitting on them and trying to get them to have sex with her. They weren’t even attracted to the older woman.

  “Got it,” he replied in the mic and then looked at Mr. Thomas and nodded.

  “Shall we?” he asked and followed them as they walked out of the large event room, but not before glancing to where Louisa was and in time to see her shake her head at Don Romo and then flush and look away. The man was making moves on her. It pissed him off as he walked quickly with Mr. Thomas and Eliza to the vault. He couldn’t believe how jealous he felt.

  After he got to the vault and assured Mr. Thomas his new five-hundred-thousand-dollar jewelry purchase for his gold-digging girlfriend was secure, he escorted them back to the elevator. Once they were inside he headed back to the vault with Eliza to grab the items they needed.

  “So what do you think about Louisa? She really seems to have a knack for smoothing over the men,” she asked him as they locked things up with the guard on duty and headed toward the elevators.

  “What do you mean? She seems very professional with everyone and with everything she does.”

  “Hmmm, I guess you haven’t noticed her flirting with the big shots?”

  “No, I can’t say I have.”

  She placed her hand on his arm as they exited the elevator. “I’m just warning you, Cooper. She seems a little too friendly and like maybe she’s after money.” She rubbed his arm. “I know that you and your brothers are paying close attention to her, but be careful. I care about each of you,” she said and rubbed his arm again and stared up at him with desire in her eyes.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  He looked up to see Louisa rushing around the corner. She stared at them and Eliza caressing his arm. He stepped away from her like she had some sort of disease and looked at the upset expression in Louisa’s eyes.

  “Did you need something from Cooper, Louisa? Cooper and I were just catching up and he’s escorting me with some more merchandise to the event.”

  Louisa eyed them both over. “No, I don’t need anything, from Cooper. I was heading toward the ladies’ room. Sorry I interrupted,” Louisa said and walked past them, giving Cooper a disgusted expression. Eliza smiled.

  “Shall we, Cooper?” she asked and slid her arm around his. He grabbed her hand and then pressed it away from him.

  “Eliza, I don’t know what you’re up to, but cool it. You and I have never been an item and never will be. Don’t play games with Louisa.”

  “You can’t possibly tell me that you and your brothers are interested in her. She’s so young and inexperienced. I’ve heard stories about the lovers you all take. You expect a certain type and she’s too sweet for your desires,” she said to him and ran her palm up his chest. He immediately grabbed it and pushed it down.

  “Don’t ever touch me like that again. You think sexual harassment goes one way only?” he asked.

  “No one would believe you if you tried, Cooper.”

  He smirked at her and then lifted his wrist and tapped his mic. “It wouldn’t be your word against mine, Eliza. You forget, I’m head of security and my entire team is listening in. Don’t ever touch me or one of my brothers again like this. And for the record, Louisa is going to belong to my brothers and me. That I guarantee.”

  “Harrumph. That’s what you think, Cooper,” she said.

  He gave her a dirty look. He walked away and as he did he saw two of his men on security detail. They nodded and then looked at Eliza with disgust.

  She growled.

  “Please escort Miss Cortland with the package to the location she requests in the event area,” he ordered them.

  “Yes, sir,” one of them said and they took position by Eliza and escorted her from the hallway. Cooper headed after Louisa.

  “Where ya going now?” Daxton asked.

  “To find Louisa and explain.”

  Just as he got down the hallway and turned off his mic so no one could hear he saw her enter one of the private suites set up as a break room. He used his card to get in and when he entered she was bent over trying to remove her high heel. When she turned she nearly fell over. He stormed toward her and she stood
wobbly with one heel on and one off and held her hand up with the high heel in it and demanded he stop. “Stop. I don’t want to hear it. You’re a liar and so are your brothers.”

  “Not true,” he said and grabbed her wrist and lowered the high heel, pulling both hands behind her back and pressed her against the back of the couch.

  “Cooper, what are you doing?”

  “What I should have done first thing this morning.” He pressed closer and kissed her.

  * * * *

  Louisa didn’t know what to do. She tightened up, concerned about what she saw taking place in the hallway, about the instant jealousy she had at seeing Eliza touching him and the fact that he possibly wasn’t the type of man she was hoping he and his brothers were. She felt confused, untrusting, and went from declining any offers of a date or spending time together until they proved they weren’t players. Now that he acted so aggressively and was kissing her, her mind couldn’t think. She felt his muscles and was entirely too turned on by being restrained by him right now. She was off balance with only one high heel on, but that didn’t matter as she felt his large, warm hand caress up her thigh and lift it against his hip. When she felt the gun she remembered where they were, what their positions were, and that anyone could come through that door, which snapped her out of the fog. He must have sensed her need to slow down as he released her lips and trailed his mouth along her neck and started nibbling the bone there.

  “My God, baby, you taste and feel incredible.”

  “Let go of my wrists, Cooper,” she whispered and he looked down into her eyes and eased her wrists free from his grip.

  She lowered her eyes and dropped the heel and went to step into it as he gripped her hips and steadied her.

  “There is nothing going on between Eliza and I or my brothers. What you saw was her attempt at making you jealous to keep you away from us.”

  “Why is that, Cooper? You slept with her and then moved on and she’s pissed because you’ve made it obvious to every employee here that you and your brothers want me in your bed? For how long, Cooper?” She shoved away from him and he let her go. He placed a hand on his hip and with the other rubbed his jaw.

  “That isn’t true. We don’t just want you in our beds.”

  “You’re making a mess of things for me. How am I supposed to work with Eliza, my boss by the way, knowing she wants you and your brothers and is trying to make me jealous and pretend that there was something between you? How do you think that makes me feel? I just started this job. This is the first event and now I can’t even fully concentrate. I’m sorry, Cooper. You and your brothers need to keep away from me.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her as she walked over to the mirror and fixed her hair, then pulled a lip gloss from under her blouse and applied it to her lips. He stepped close behind her, placed his hands on her hips, and looked down at her refection in the mirror.

  “We aren’t going to leave you alone and not pursue you and this attraction we all feel.”

  She took a deep breath and exhaled. “I don’t trust you. I don’t know any of you.”

  “You will learn to trust us as you get to know us.”

  “Not here. Not at work. Not anytime soon. I just don’t know what to believe. The gossip, your actions in the hallway with her. I just don’t need to waste my time on players. I’m sorry, Cooper, but I want you and your brothers to leave me alone.”

  She turned away and he grabbed her hand.

  “Don’t do this, Louisa. You were interested until you walked around that corner and saw her touching me.”

  “Maybe I was, but seeing how you let her touch you, and then did it again while I was right there instead of pushing her hand away from your chest, warns me to stay on guard. Oh, and it wasn’t just you either. She was whispering into Daxton’s ear and had her hand practically on Graham’s ass earlier. I don’t date, Cooper, so you’re all wasting your time. I need to get back.” She walked away, opened the door, and headed down the hallway.

  Her cell phone rang and she saw it was Eliza. She took a deep breath. She had nothing to feel uncomfortable about. “Hello?” she answered.

  “Where are you?” she demanded to know.

  “On my way back.”

  “There’s no time for breaks. We have another thirty minutes until the place clears out, at least until later tonight. There are some requests for your personal assistance.”

  “Requests?” she asked as she walked past Graham and Daxton, who narrowed their eyes at her and she looked away from them.

  “Don Romo has certain things he requires be at his table before he dines.”

  Louisa rolled her eyes. He sounded just like Liam Russell.

  “Is there a list?”

  “Yes. He will give it to you personally. Go see him on the veranda overlooking the beach.” She disconnected the call and Louisa felt that unsettling feeling in her gut. Her boss was pissed at her because she wanted the Hunt brothers, but they didn’t want her. They made a mess of things for Louisa and she couldn’t help but be angry.

  “Louisa?” She heard her name just as she headed for the other hallway and door that led to the veranda. She turned to see Graham. She swallowed hard. His firm jaw, distinguished nose, and classy personality instantly affected her body. He narrowed his eyes at her as her expression changed to annoyance and a little anger. He was a player, too.

  “I don’t have time to talk to you. I’m working,” she said to him as she turned and opened the door to head down the corridor. He was right on her heels.

  “I heard what happened.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and up at him. “Good, then there’s no need to discuss it.”

  “I think there is.” He stopped her and pressed her up against the wall. His hand was on her hip, holding her in place and his other arm pressed above her shoulder onto the wall. She couldn’t look away from his dark blue eyes. She inhaled his cologne and he pressed closer, whispered into her ear, against her neck.

  “The whole conversation between Cooper and Eliza was heard by the entire security staff.”

  Her eyes widened. She felt him stroke her waist and then press closer. She felt his gun, and his hard erection.

  “Sorry if this caused you some trouble. Eliza will get over it. We thought we set her straight that we weren’t interested in her a year ago.”

  “I don’t need the aggravation, Graham. I told you and your brothers that this wasn’t going to work out. You can’t be cornering me at work and dong this to me.”

  “Doing what to you?” he asked and pulled back to look down into her eyes. She felt his fingers caress upward nearly to her breast.

  “This,” she said and pressed her hands against his chest and applied pressure.

  He eased back, pulled her from the wall, and let his hand glide over her ass before he released her. “We’ll talk tonight, when this event is over.”

  “No, we won’t,” she said and headed away from him. She continued toward the door and out to the veranda, a glorious open area off the left side of the hotel that overlooked the beach and the ocean on the center on one side, as well as the abundant gardens and walkways on the other side. The sun would be setting in a couple of hours and the evening festivities would begin outside with a toast and the sunset as a backdrop. The staff was preparing as she spotted Don Romo and his assistant/security guard. He saw her, smiled, and opened his arms and said something to her in Italian.

  “Mr. Romo, how can I be of assistance?” she asked, but her mind was on Graham and Cooper and who they really were and ultimately what they and their brothers were after.

  * * * *

  It was getting late. The event was in full celebration and all the valuables locked up and guarded. The majority of security was in the vicinity of the event room and along the back veranda and beach area. Daxton noted how drunk people were but his eyes roamed back to the table of men with Louisa, who was interacting with all of them. Graham told him that Eliza said Roma requested her assista
nce and was an important aspect of this event. It was good for the hotel and for the security of future events.

  When she stood up and Roma took her hand and then curled his finger at her to step closer, even from this position across the room Daxton could see the deep cleavage of her breasts, how sexy the black cocktail dress she wore really was. She nodded her head and he winked at her as she stood back up and headed away from the table.

  As he thought about following her a commotion broke out by the back of the room, pulling his attention that way and losing Louisa’s location. He followed two of their security guards over to the activity and saw a woman on her back laughing hysterically at herself and the fact she fell off the chair in a drunken state.

  “Help her up,” he said and then shook his head and glanced at his watch. Another fucking hour to go.

  His eyes landed on Romo as he heard the conversation with the other men.

  “Will you be bedding her tonight or are you taking your time with her, Romo?” one guy asked.

  “As much as I would love to say Louisa will be in my bed tonight, I know it isn’t going to happen. She needs convincing,” he said and took a sip from his expensive cognac Louisa had to search for to get for him.

  “Convincing? Something must be wrong with her. You’re filthy rich. What woman wouldn’t want a filthy rich man to spoil her?” another guy asked and they continued to talk about Louisa and how beautiful, sexy, young, and sweet she was. They joked around about corrupting her, and how Romo planned on making a move despite knowing tonight was not the night he would have her in his bed, but that another night would come soon enough. They all laughed, but Daxton saw red. If it wasn’t for the tap on his shoulder and then Graham nodding to move away from the scene, he might have done something stupid, like kick the shit out of Don Romo.

  “Ignore them. Where did Louisa go?” Graham asked.

  “I don’t know. I lost her when that woman fell off the chair.”

  “Yeah well, the guys were betting on how long it would take before that happened. Clyde just won a hundred bucks.” Daxton chuckled.


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