Kamikaze Nights [Love on the Rocks 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Kamikaze Nights [Love on the Rocks 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I want out of here.”

  “Me, too. It’s dying down. I let half the guys go home already. Everything ran smoothly.”

  “Sure did. I think we had a little too much security.”

  “Well, now we’re extra light, which means the night shift needs to be on alert.”

  Just then a fire alarm blared. “Now what?” Graham asked and spoke into the wrist mic. “Cameras are down on the basement level, all corridors near the wine and liquor vault. A malfunction of some sort. Gus is working on fixing it now. Someone pulled the fire alarm,” Cooper said to them.

  “Where are you now?” Graham asked and pushed open the stairway door to head down to that floor.

  “I’m almost there,” Cooper said.

  * * * *

  Louisa was so pissed off. She didn’t sign on for a job that entailed kissing some rich jerk’s ass and fetching his five-hundred-dollar bottles of scotch from the security vault. As she walked down the long hallway, not seeing any of the usual security guards or even people sitting in the lounge area with all the expensive art as usual, she felt uneasy. Her pissed-off attitude had her walking around the corner, ranting when she stopped short. There was some guy wearing a black ski mask taking one of the expensive paintings. He locked gazes with her.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded to know and then stepped back. He stared at her.

  “Bonus,” he said and she reacted.

  She turned to run when she saw him pull something from his waist. As she screamed she felt a shove to her back. Her shoulder hit the wall. He pressed up against her.

  She swung her hands at him, trying to get free. She scratched his neck and he grunted.

  He was breathing heavy and she felt his hands on her hips. Then he cupped her breast. He rocked his cock against her ass and she tried pushing back. He towered over her, was stronger than her, and she couldn’t get her hands free. When she finally did after he groped her she slammed her head back, surprising him, but he was tall, so her head hit his chest. She got free and turned to defend herself when he grabbed her arm and shoved her into the other wall. Her back hit the corner of the fire extinguisher box before she fell to the floor in pain. He disappeared with the painting. She heard the door open and she reached up and pulled down the fire alarm. The sirens blared, and she felt the tears roll down her cheeks as her back and shoulder throbbed.

  She reached for her cell phone, and it wasn’t there. It was feet away on the floor. She went to crawl toward it as someone came around the corner and she screamed and covered her head.

  “Louisa!” Cooper yelled her name and then was on the ground next to her.

  “It’s Louisa. She’s hurt,” he said into his mic.

  “Where are you injured? What happened?” he asked her.

  “A painting. Some guy in a mask was stealing a painting on the wall that leads to the vault,” she said to him. Graham, Daxton, and three other security guards entered the hallway, running and guns drawn.

  “Check the walls. She said someone stole a painting,” he said and caressed her cheek.

  “Where are you hurt?” he asked and she tried to sit up.

  “Oh,” she gasped and cringed from the pain. Daxton fixed her dress so her breasts were covered but the material was ripped.

  “A black van just sped out of the parking lot. No license plate, only a description of a person wearing a black mask,” Graham stated as he held the cell phone to his ear.

  “How bad are you hurt? We can have a paramedic here immediately,” Cooper said to her.

  “He slammed me into the wall on this side and then grabbed me again and slammed my back into the fire extinguisher box. He was touching me,” she cried and Cooper narrowed his eyes and lifted her up against his chest. He held her in his arms off the floor.

  “I can see the bruising on her shoulder already,” Daxton said and Graham looked at her back. She felt the zipper come down and then heard him curse. “She has a long, wide welt along her back right along her spine and it’s starting to discolor. She needs ice.”

  “I’ll bring her to the main office.”

  “Oh God, Mr. Romo’s brandy. He needs it,” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “He can fucking wait,” Cooper stated and carried her out of the chaos as the fire alarm finally stopped and more people came into the hallway.

  Eliza was there along with Apollo.

  “What happened?” Apollo asked and Graham explained. Apollo caressed her cheek. “My God, Louisa, this could have been worse. Why wasn’t any security down here?” he asked and looked at Cooper and then at Graham.

  “We don’t have anyone on after eleven. We had full security all day due to the event and lighter for the evening like usual,” Graham told him and she could tell that Graham was upset and feeling responsible. He looked right at her. “I’m sorry, Louisa, we should have had security down here, especially late tonight,” he said to her.

  “No one was down here. When I came in, not even the lounge area had people in here. Usually there are people around,” she said.

  “Get her some ice. There’s nothing that can be done about it now,” Apollo stated.

  “I should have tried harder to stop him. He had me pressed against the wall. He was…touching me,” she said.

  “Yeah, you should have. I thought you knew self-defense moves? That a lie, too?” Eliza asked.

  “Let me down,” she said to Cooper and he didn’t look like he wanted to. As he set her down the pain kicked in and she gripped him tight but then faced Eliza.

  “I didn’t get a chance to do anything. He looked at me and pulled something from his waist. I thought it might be a weapon so I went to run and take out my phone to call for help when he grabbed me by my shoulder, pulled me back, and slammed me into this wall. He restrained me against the wall as he touched me until I got my hands free and slammed back against his chest. I screamed and he pulled even harder and swung me into the other wall and the fire extinguisher box. There was no time to do anything else because I fell to the floor and he took off,” she said with tears in her eyes and her Brooklyn accent coming out full form.

  “What weapon?” Eliza asked as if accusing her of being part of the theft. Her lips parted as police officers arrived on scene and one of the guards called to Graham.

  “We found a knife on the ground. A fucking big one. He could have killed her.”

  * * * *

  “There’s no way she’s involved, and to be honest, I can’t fucking believe that Eliza said those things to her. She’s being a bitch because she’s jealous of Louisa,” Cooper said to Apollo, Roman, Garvan, and Graham. Daxton was sitting with Louisa, who was going over everything with the police again.

  “We fucked up and should have maintained security down here. I thought someone would be here until at least midnight,” Graham said and Roman squinted his eyes at him.

  “When did you make the call to pull security from here?” Roman asked him.

  “I didn’t. I told Gus all non-mandatory stations needed to be monitored by video surveillance. We didn’t have the other end of the building physically covered by security guards either. By midnight we let the extra men go home. It was a long, busy day and night,” Graham told him.

  “I’m not blaming you. You guys are military. What do you gather from this situation?” Roman asked him.

  Graham looked at Cooper. “I don’t like the feeling I have,” he said.

  “You know that Louisa isn’t part of this,” Roman said.

  “She was in the wrong place at the wrong time and we intend on finding out who did this. Let us take care of it our way, Apollo,” Graham said to him.

  “We should get Louisa home. There’s no way she can drive. She’s still shaking and pissed off,” Garvan said to them.

  “Yeah, we gathered that from her sudden Brooklyn accent with Eliza,” Roman said.

  “They don’t like one another now and you guys are responsible for that, too,” Apollo stated and then walke
d over to Louisa.

  “No way to win a woman’s heart,” Garvan said to them.

  “We didn’t do anything wrong. Louisa misinterpreted a situation from earlier today,” Cooper said to Garvan.

  “Fix it. She doesn’t deserve to be treated like some object or new quest,” Roman told them.

  “We’ll get her home,” Cooper said firmly and Garvan and Roman nodded, then walked over to Louisa with the rest of them.

  “You should get home and rest. Don’t worry about coming in for a few days,” Apollo told her. She nodded her head. “I’m sorry, Apollo. I wish I could have done more.”

  “No, don’t do that to yourself. You saw the size of that knife. The good thing is that the police will get fingerprints off of it,” Apollo said to her.

  “But Eliza…”

  “Will get spoken to. Not your concern. I want you rested and if there’s further pain you should see a doctor,” Apollo added. She nodded her head.

  “I need to head upstairs to grab my bags and purse.”

  “Someone is bringing them down and we’ll get you home,” Cooper told her.

  She shook her head. “That isn’t necessary. I can drive myself,” she said and went to stand up but then grunted and grabbed on to Apollo.

  “Fuck. You let them drive you home and ensure that you’re okay and safe.”

  “But, Apollo…” she said.

  “No, it’s an order, and tomorrow Venetia will call you to check on you.”

  She nodded her head and Apollo kissed her forehead. Garvan and Roman did the same and then left the room. Just then Tony, one of the security guards, brought in her stuff. Graham took it from him and Daxton and Cooper assisted walking Louisa out of the room.

  “Enough of this,” Cooper said. He gently scooped her up into his arms and carried her down the hallway and out of the building to their car.

  * * * *

  “I sure as shit hope that prick got it to you.”

  “He did. I’m looking at it right now. Good job.”

  “Yeah, well, he didn’t do such a good job. He almost got caught. Hurt this bitch working here as an events coordinator. Then he dropped the knife he nearly used on her. The cops have it.”

  “Louisa?” he asked.


  “Is she okay?”

  “Bruised up badly. Why? I thought you couldn’t wait to get her out of your hair, Paulano?”

  “I was stupid and she was smarter, but that doesn’t mean she’s out of my system. She’s also gained the attention of a certain powerful man. She could be a means to expand business relations. Make sure you keep me posted on her condition. I need to call my guy and let him know that our man fucked up big-time.”

  “I’m not your puppet.”

  “You’re on my payroll and you owe me. I’ll take care of everything.”

  * * * *

  Louisa was glad that her small house was clean. It was a two-bedroom cottage on a short strip two blocks from the beach. A postage stamp of a place but it was hers. She bought it. She owned it, and she had wished her father had still been alive to enjoy it with her. She had a detached garage she usually put the Mustang in for safe keeping. That angered her mom, too, because she thought she deserved the car and even suggested that Louisa sell it for money. It had sentimental value. Her parents divorced when Louisa was sixteen. She was closest to her dad even with him serving in the military and disappearing so much. Her mom wasn’t worth her time.

  She noticed Daxton pulling the Mustang into the garage as Graham pulled their car up behind it.

  Cooper opened the door and reached for her to assist her out of the car. She held her breath, feeling the aches deeper in her back when suddenly a large pickup truck pulled up in front of the house. It was a wild blue color with matching blue rims. She gulped as she saw Vaughn, Jace, and Micah get out of it with their eyes narrowed at her. They were dressed casually in camo shorts and tight dark T-shirts.

  “How the fuck did this happen?” Micah asked as he approached.

  She tightened up and held her breath with her eyes closed. “Why are you here? You don’t all need to be here. They’re dropping me off,” she said and painstakingly took each step, refusing Cooper’s hand to help her.

  “Carry her. She’s in pain.” Micah raised his voice. She looked over her shoulder.

  “Don’t. I can do it,” she said. Even though it hurt like hell she pushed herself to get to the front door. Her back and shoulder was burning with pain. She heard Micah, Vaughn, and Jace asking questions as she placed her palm on the doorframe, hung her head, and took a few breaths. Tears filled her eyes and one escaped down her cheek.

  “My keys. In my purse,” she said and felt the hand on her hip. “Let me help you. Step back and Cooper will get it open,” Vaughn said to her and she felt his lips press against her skin on her shoulder. She tightened up but he pulled her back gently. She kept her eyes closed. “I’ve got you. We’ll take care of you. Trust us.”

  “I found them,” Cooper said after a few seconds of rummaging through her bag. He opened the door.

  “Maybe I should call one of my friends to come over,” she said as they walked into her home. She was relieved the place was spotless. She placed her hands on Vaughn’s and tried pushing down on them so he would release her but the move hurt. “There are drinks in the refrigerator.”

  “Shh, you’re not to worry about us. We’re here to take care of you,” Vaughn told her.

  She swallowed hard and kicked off her high heels, and used his arms to support her weight. “Jesus, I feel like I got hit by a linebacker. I can’t believe the pain.”

  Cooper stood in front of her, reached out and cupped her cheek. Now with no heels on she was super short compared to all six men. She couldn’t believe the sensations running through her body. Six huge badass soldiers and security guys, were in her small living room.

  “It will feel worse tomorrow. Like you got hit by a truck. Believe me,” he said.

  “Great. Something to look forward to waking up to,” she whispered.

  “You should get out of that dress. It’s tight, you need something loose to put on,” Graham said from her kitchen. She looked toward him and noticed Daxton and Jace talking and Jace was shaking his head and asking, “How?” Daxton was probably explaining what happened.

  Her stomach rumbled. She was hungry and hadn’t had a chance to really eat anything, even when she was at Don Romo’s table.

  “Graham, her stomach is rumbling over here. See what she has to scrounge up for a snack, or order something to pick up like pizza and beers. Something,” Vaughn said and then Cooper gave her a wink.

  “Let’s go to your bedroom and find something more comfortable to wear.”

  “I can do that.”

  “You can try and probably feel more pain or you can let us help. Jace and Micah were medics and brought over some things to help ease your pain, unless you’ve changed your mind about going to the emergency room?” Cooper said to her very firmly. She didn’t want to go there. To sit in a waiting room only for them to give her prescription ibuprofen or something a little stronger, then send her on her way.

  “Fine,” she whispered and then started to walk. Vaughn kept his hands on her hips and Cooper led the way.

  “Which one?” he asked.

  “The first one on the right,” she said.

  When they entered her room she had clean laundry on the bed she never had the chance to put it away that morning. Some matching thongs and bras, her black bikini bathing suit. She felt her cheeks flush.

  “Do you have a T-shirt, something long?” Cooper asked her.

  “I can get it. Really. I’ll do it.”

  Vaughn’s lips touched her bare shoulder. “We are going to help you. Don’t worry, we’re not going to take advantage of you. Tonight, anyway,” he added and kissed along her neck, sending goose bumps under her skin.

  “Nice, Vaughn. We don’t need to make her tighten up. She needs to relax those muscle
s,” Cooper said and rummaged through her drawers. When he pulled out a marines shirt in an extra-large and looked at her he seemed pissed off. Maybe if she said it was an old boyfriend’s of hers they would put on the brakes a little? She wasn’t one to lie or play games. The shirt was one her father had given her. She treasured it. It was a comfort shirt.

  “That’s perfect, Cooper. It’s one of my favorite shirts to wear,” she said and he narrowed his eyes at her as Vaughn kissed her shoulder and began to unzip her dress. She placed her hand against the bodice. “Wait, Vaughn,” she said, but the zipper went all the way down and she knew he would be able to see her thong panties and maybe even the tattoo she had along her hip.

  “Fuck,” he hissed and then lowered down and kissed along the outside of the bruising that had to be there. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “We ordered pizza, holy fuck,” Jace said, entering the room. Cooper cupped her cheek and wiped away the tears. “Easy, baby. Let’s get some painkillers into you,” Cooper said and then pressed a kiss to her forehead, her nose, and then her lips. She felt Jace take her hand and bring it to his lips. As Cooper released her lips she turned to look at Jace. He was staring at the red marks and bruising along her shoulder. He kissed her hand and then up her arm to the bruising, bypassed it, and then gripped her chin. “I think you’re going to need something stronger.” He swallowed as if saying that upset him.

  She felt Vaughn begin to push her dress down more. She held it tight against her bodice and winced. “Wait. Oh God, I have to do this myself.”

  “No, you don’t. We aren’t going to hurt you,” Cooper said. She heard the floor creak. Daxton, Graham, Micah, they were all in her bedroom, which she always thought of as large, especially as she squeezed in a king-size bed because she always wanted one and finally could afford one. Now it seemed ultra-small and she felt claustrophobic.

  “God damn, it’s discoloring fast. Did you give her something yet, Jace?” Graham asked.

  Micah walked closer. “Here’s the water. Give her the stuff, Jace,” he said.


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