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Kamikaze Nights [Love on the Rocks 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 15

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “The Hunt men have been taking care of her and supposedly are staking claim to her.”

  “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “Sorry. It’s true and because of the friends they all have we got cops sniffing around left and right. We don’t need them coming toward us, Don, and if Liam finds out you want Louisa and have been doing these jobs behind his back and taking money, we’re fucked.”

  “I hate those fucking guys, and the James brothers and Mondave brothers, all fucking soldiers taking over the fucking market both legal and illegal. Liam Russell is even losing his standings. Where the fuck does that leave us?”

  “I know, and they’re resourceful, too. It may be time to focus on other areas of our investments.”

  “Trix, I’m not being pushed out by a bunch of fucking soldiers. We have a big job coming up. We’ve been planning this for months. Look at the money we made already.”

  “How are we going to pull it off if those Hunt men are the ones scheduled to run security?”

  Don thought about it a few seconds. “We give them a distraction. Something to throw them off.”

  “Like what?”

  “Let me think about it. If Louisa is their woman, then their focus would be on her if she was in danger. Maybe a little distraction will be enough to pull off the heist,” Paulano said to Trix. Then he thought about a plan of action.

  * * * *

  “We have a problem,” Keno told Liam Russell.

  “What is the problem?”

  “Our inside people say the cops, Mercury James, and the Hunt men are getting close to figuring out a connection between the hit in Cuba that got screwed up, the robbery in the Cobias hotel, and Louisa’s relationship with Paulano Fellini. Supposedly Romo was hitting on her the other night at the hotel and sent her down for vaulted cognac and that was when she was hurt by the robber. These men are relentless and now thinking there’s a connection between the two events.”

  “I feared Romo would fuck this up.”

  “Liam, this could go south on us fast. You have a lot invested in your own business of importing and exporting. Maybe cool it with the idea of doing another hit to rip off a jeweler because you seek revenge against Mercury James and his brothers as well as the Mondave family,” Keno said to him.

  “I’m not the one physically doing the hit. It would be Paulano and Romo’s show.”

  “There’s more, Liam. The Hunt men are screwing Louisa. They’ve been taking care of her all week.”


  “Yeah, and when Miles ripped off that painting at the hotel, he supposedly groped her and got in a feel. I found out Miles is fucking her mother, but he’s really after Louisa.”

  Liam clenched his teeth.

  “Something needs to be done to eliminate these assholes once and for all. I want Paulano, Miles, and Romo out of the picture. Can you find out who Paulano and Romo have working at Ambiance Hotel as snitches? I’m going to entice them with a very precious piece of art. Then get in touch with Cooper Hunt and let him know I’m interested in hiring him for his security services at our event in two weeks.”

  “What are you planning?”

  “The demise of Romo, Paulano, and Miles once and for all.”

  “What about Louisa?”

  “Collateral damage. She chose her path, she is no longer of interest to me. It’s business as usual.”

  Chapter 8

  “Just because you’re friends with the bosses doesn’t mean you have special privileges,” Eliza snapped at her for the tenth time since Louisa arrived at work today.

  “Of course not, but do remember that I never even used them as a reference or asked them to hire me for the position. You chose me.”

  “What a mistake that was.”

  “Why would you say that when I’ve done outstanding work?”

  “You mean sucking off the Hunt men, and men like Don Romo? Any woman can use their body to get what they want from a man. Now let’s get this stuff organized. I’m adding to your responsibilities.”

  “Adding what?” Louisa asked, trying to keep her cool. She hated this woman, and suddenly she didn’t want to work here anymore.

  “Here’s a list of things that need to be done by tonight.”

  “I get off in two hours,” Louisa said as she looked at the list.

  “Not tonight, and no visits from your boyfriends,” she snapped, and then her cell phone rang. She got up from the desk and answered it. Louisa sighed. This list was bullshit and she wasn’t going to let this woman give her a hard time. Who the hell did she think she was?

  As she took in the detailed list and started to think about all that needed to be done to coordinate the multiple events, she knew she was going to be here late. She could hear Eliza getting angry and then she could have sworn she said Paulano’s name. Was she on the phone with him? She didn’t want to eavesdrop, but then she said Don Romo and something about her share of the money and when would she get it. That she was through.

  It sounded suspicious and Louisa felt her gut clench. She got up, took her folders and the to-do list, and grabbed her bag just as Eliza was coming out of the other room. She locked gazes with her. Something clicked and Eliza’s face turned bright red.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To start the list,” she said and Eliza stared at her with daggers in her eyes.

  “See you tomorrow,” Louisa said and then headed toward the door. As she hurried down the hallway she felt on edge and her mind was traveling in so many directions. She knew the investigation was not gaining any leads or information about the stolen painting or the robbery that took place at the one client’s house before the event. Her men felt like someone was out to sabotage their company and their friend’s companies, too. Could Eliza be one of the inside people getting information to those who wanted to hurt these men?

  As she rounded the corner of the hallway she got into the elevator and headed to the ninth floor. She had to talk to Cooper about this. When the doors opened, Gus was at the front desk with his cell phone to his ear. He looked at her and said, “Scratch that, it’s a yes.” Then he ended the call.

  “What’s going on, Louisa?” he asked and looked a bit nervous.

  “Looking for Cooper, Daxton, or Graham. Are they in their office?”

  “No, they’re out and about. It’s almost time for them to head home.”

  “I know, I’m staying late. I’ll text them. Thanks.”

  She turned around to get back into the elevator and locked gazes with Gus. He definitely seemed on edge. Her gut clenched. Could that call have been from Eliza, and maybe Gus was helping the bad guys, too? She thought about when the robberies took place, and who may have access to the guys’ schedules and would know when they left for the client’s house and what they were protecting. Gus would have access to that, plus he worked the desk outside of the main business hall and their office. Anyone who came through or talked about things would be overheard by Gus.

  Shit. No wonder Eliza tried to accuse Louisa of being part of the painting robbery. She was looking to frame her.

  She was all fired up when she got off the elevator and headed to the small office she got to work out of. She pulled out her phone and texted Graham.

  Come to my office.

  She used her key card to get into the room and then walked over to the desk and turned on multiple lights. She placed the work she needed to do onto the desk and waited for Graham to get there.

  She heard the knock on the door and headed toward it. She looked through the peephole and saw Graham. She opened the door and then looked outside of it to see if anyone was around. It was all clear.

  “What’s going on?” he asked with a smile and then squinted at her as she checked the hallway and then closed the door and locked the bolt on the top. She started to pace.

  “I was meeting with Eliza, who was being a total bitch, and giving me this list that will keep me here all night. Then she gets this phone call and walks sort of
out of the room, but I can hear part of her conversation as I’m looking at this list. She mentions Paulano, which is no big deal, she knows my old boss somehow, but then she mentions Don Romo and again, not really a shocker because obviously from the other night she knows him, too.”

  “Louisa, you’re rambling.”

  “You’re not listening to me.”

  “Yes, I am, but what am I supposed to say to this?”

  “Wait. As she continues to talk, she asks whoever on the line, ‘When will I get my cut?’”


  “Yeah, I know, totally suspicious. So I hightailed it out of there but before I left she locked gazes with me and it was like I know and heard what you said and now I’m suspicious and her cheeks turn red and then she looks pissed. I leave and head upstairs to see you and when I get off the elevator Gus is there.”


  “He was on his cell phone, which he never is, and he says, ‘Scratch that, it’s a yes.’ Perhaps meaning that I’m there and showed up to talk to you immediately and maybe it’s Eliza he was on the phone with.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Graham, think about this. You guys said you believe there is someone on the inside helping out whoever stole the painting and also did the other robbery. What if Eliza and Gus are their informants? Eliza has access to plenty of information and knows everyone’s schedules and who will be with security, with merchandise, and so on.”

  “But Gus was with Daxton and Hunter on at that client’s house when—”

  “When Daxton got locked in the office with the client as gunfire was exchanged. Hunter was shot, but where was Gus? He wasn’t hurt or locked in a room or whatever,” she stated.

  He licked his lower lip and pulled out his cell phone.

  She listened as he explained to whoever was on the other line about the possibility. When he disconnected the call she ran her fingers through her hair and exhaled.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe this. They tried to frame me for stealing that painting. That witch. Now she’s going to know that I figured it out and what will she do? What about Gus?”

  “Calm down. I’m not going to let them near you.” He pulled her into his arms and instantly she felt safe, secure. She inhaled his cologne and hugged him tight.

  “I want a normal job. This is too nerve-racking and frustrating.”

  He chuckled. “Under normal circumstances it would be normal. Listen, I don’t want you worrying about this now. It’s being investigated.”

  “By who?” she asked.

  “Men I trust. They probably already contacted Micah, Vaughn, and Jace.”

  “Why?” she asked and then both their cell phones started ringing.

  Louisa went for hers and saw it was Cooper calling.


  “Where are you right now?” he yelled at her.

  “With Graham in my office.”

  “Stay there, keep it locked.” He disconnected the call.

  She looked at Graham.

  “What? Are you sure?” Graham asked and she was shaking now after hearing Cooper yell at her. Graham pulled her close.

  “I’m staying right here with her.” He closed up the phone and then pulled her by her hand toward the back of the room.

  “What’s going on? Why did Cooper yell at me to stay in here?”

  He grabbed her by her shoulders and bent down to look at her in the eyes.

  “Eliza is looking for you. She has a gun. They saw her on surveillance and she shot Gus at the desk.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened and she felt the tears fill them and she couldn’t even swallow she was so scared.

  He caressed her arms.

  “I’m not letting her in here. This side of the hotel is all offices and it’s on lockdown. Daxton and Cooper are heading after her with the rest of security and the police are on their way. I want you to stay back here.”

  She grabbed on to him as he released her arms.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To have a look.”

  “No, you’re not. She has a gun.”

  “So do I.”

  “No, Graham. No. I love you and nothing can happen to you. I won’t be the one to cause you to get hurt or killed. No, Graham.” She hugged him close and gripped his arms.

  He caressed her back.

  “Calm down. I’m not going to get hurt.” He cupped her cheeks and looked down into her eyes.

  “So you love me, huh?” he asked and winked.

  “Seriously? Don’t look so smug.”

  He snickered, then kissed her softly.

  “Stay back here.” She nodded her head and watched him pull out his gun. At that same second they heard gunshots and the bullets hit the door.

  “Get down,” he yelled at her and she jumped behind the couch as he flipped over the desk and had his weapon drawn.

  They could hear yelling and then one more shot followed by two.

  She couldn’t stop shaking and was breathing heavy. “Graham?”

  She jumped when she heard his cell phone ring. He answered it.

  “Yeah? Okay,” he said and then closed up the phone. He pulled Louisa into his arms.

  “It’s over, baby. Daxton just shot Eliza.”

  * * * *

  “Louisa figured this out? That’s amazing,” Micah said as they gathered around the hallway along with Mercury James and other men who were investigating the incidents surrounding their security firms.

  “How is she now?” Mercury asked Graham.

  “Shaken up big-time, and she can’t believe what happened. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it,” he said to Mercury.

  “Well, from the time you called me earlier I had my people looking into Eliza and Gus. Sure enough they would be capable of helping with those hits. Paulano and Romo are definitely the ones trying to destroy our security firms and businesses. I’ve got men who will interrogate the shit out of Eliza. Gus may not make it.”

  “Shit, I hope she rats everyone out. I want to be done with this shit,” Graham said to him.

  “We need a fucking vacation,” Micah said to them.

  “After the event Saturday for Liam Russell,” Graham told him.

  “You’re doing the security there?” Mercury asked.


  “I don’t trust that guy either. He’s been pissed off at my brothers and me for taking over a lot of businesses he had muscle in. He’s even worse with the Mondave family,” Mercury said to him.

  “Louisa is working the event with her friend Deanna. That’s why I said yes, but believe me we are doubling up the security there.”

  Mercury laughed. “You need to get that woman of yours to check with you before she commits to events for people like Liam,” Mercury said and smirked.

  “This was decided before our relationship started. Believe me, I don’t want her out of my sight,” Graham said, and just then she emerged from the office with Jace, Daxton, and Vaughn.

  “Get her out of here. We’ll take care of the rest,” Mercury said.

  Graham smiled at her, but she still looked upset.

  * * * *

  Paulano answered his cell phone.

  “I want my cut of the deal,” Liam said to him.

  “What deal?”

  “The one you did in my territory and behind my back. Five hundred thousand you made, so I’ll take three hundred of that.”

  “What? Are you out of your mind? That’s my money.”

  “No, it isn’t yours, it’s mine. Get it to me in cash and I won’t fucking kill you for double-crossing me.”

  “I don’t have it all. I had to pay the guys their cuts.”

  “Oh well, get it back from them. It isn’t my problem, but if the money isn’t to me by the morning, say good-bye to life.”

  “Fuck!” Paulano slammed his hand down on the desk.

  “Who was that?” Trix asked and Paulano looked at Miles.

  “Liam wants hi
s share of the hit he found out about. Three hundred g’s.”

  “What? Is he out of his fucking mind? We did all the work. It wasn’t his plan and he kept me out of doing a job for him and hired someone else. Fuck him.”

  “He’s going to kill me, you asshole. He has power, money, and connections we don’t. We’re fucked,” Paulano said.

  “Unless we come up with the money and pay him off,” Trix said.

  “We can pay him off but it sets us back,” Paulano said.

  “So we do a bigger job,” Miles suggested.

  “Like what?” Paulano asked.

  “Like do a hit at that hotel on Saturday. There’s supposed to be some really great shit there,” Miles said.

  “You idiot, Liam is hosting that event,” Trix said.

  “Exactly, and if we’re smart he won’t know it’s us,” Miles stated and Paulano shook his head.

  “Maybe there’s something at Hotel Ambiance,” Paulano added and pulled out his cell phone.

  “I thought you weren’t going to talk to Eliza after she demanded money from you?” Trix said.

  “She and Gus can let us know if there are any potential opportunities coming up. Ultimate Defense is providing security for the event. They’ll know what we need to know.”

  Chapter 9

  Louisa couldn’t even appreciate the men’s home as they brought her through the house and toward the stairs. It was huge and set on the beach, but she couldn’t explore and she really wasn’t up for it.

  Graham held her hand and led her to a bedroom as Daxton kept his hands on her hips and guided her along. When they got to the bedroom Graham turned toward her and cupped her cheeks.

  “You’re safe here with us, always,” he told her and pressed his lips to hers. She closed her eyes and let her hands hang down as Daxton began to undress her.

  They made quick use of their hands and the moment she was bare she started to remove Graham’s clothes. A low light was turned on and windows opened and the sound of waves crashing against the shoreline could be heard in the distance. She inhaled as Graham gripped her wrists and placed them behind her back. Daxton clasped them with one hand and kissed her shoulder, then kissed down her back as Graham cupped her breasts and began to explore her. She inhaled the scents of their cologne and the ocean air now filtering through the bedroom.


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