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Teaching Maya

Page 2

by Tara Crescent

  I gulped. It was starting.

  “Just one. I don't do relationships. I don't want a girlfriend.”

  I nodded. This was no surprise; in all the years I'd known Ryan, he'd never mentioned a girlfriend. Women always threw themselves at him, and while he was happy to play along, it was always on his terms.

  Ryan looked a little relieved, as he continued. “Good. Now how much do you know about the whole BDSM thing, and do you have any questions?”

  I had spent my day doing some discreet Internet browsing. It had been eye-opening and somewhat terrifying. Had it been anyone other than Ryan suggesting this, I would have run, screaming. I had known Ryan all my life though, and I trusted him.

  I asked the question that was uppermost in my mind. “Are you looking for a slave?”

  He burst out laughing. The waitress chose that moment to appear with our drinks, and I seized mine, mortified. I don't know what reaction I was expecting, but mirth wasn't it. With effort, Ryan sobered up, and we both placed our dinner orders. Once the waitress had retreated, he continued, eyes dancing with amusement. “I'm assuming you spent some time on the Internet? I'm not saying there aren't people who are into the whole slave thing, but it's probably much more the kind of thing that people fantasize about without ever wanting it to be anything other than a fantasy.”

  He took a sip of his drink. “If you've been reading much of the drivel on the Internet, then I'll quickly clarify the way I play. It'll always just be you and me. No bondage clubs, no sharing you with friends, nothing in public, none of that crap. I don't do needles or blood, I won't lock you in a cage for hours on end, you won't have to call me Master, and you certainly will be expected to make eye contact. Let's see, what else? I don't do humiliation. No peeing on each other, or anything in that spectrum. Hmm. What am I forgetting?”

  That little speech had answered most of my questions, and quelled most of my disquiet. “Will I have a safe word?” I asked.

  “If you want one,” he answered. “You haven't done this before, right?”

  I shook my head.

  “I'll stop if you say no, Maya. It's pretty simple.”

  I knew he would. I took another sip of my drink, and met his eyes bravely. “And when will we play?”

  Our meals arrived. Ryan looked at me, and smiled wickedly. “Oh, we'll play tonight, Maya. Eat up. You're going to need your energy.”

  At his words, I shivered.

  The food was probably delicious, but it might as well have been lumps of coal for all the attention I paid it. I was nervous. Sure, I was also aroused, but for the moment, the emotion that was uppermost in my mind was nervousness. It wasn't the promise of the coming sex, it was the thought that Ryan would find me cold and frigid in bed. With Anthony, I'd been able to pretend interest, but I knew that I couldn't fool Ryan. I dreaded being inadequate. He'd smile his mocking smile, and his eyes would be expressionless, but underneath, he'd be bored out of his mind, wishing he was in bed with anyone else.

  “Maya?” Ryan's voice cut in softly. He sounded concerned. “Are you okay? What's wrong? We don't have to do this if you don't want to.”

  “No, I want to do this.” I said firmly.

  “Then I need to know what you are nervous about, Maya. If we are to play tonight, you need to be honest with me. We can't play safely if I can't trust you to tell me what you are feeling.”

  I loved the way he said my name. Maya. There was a caress in his voice when he said it, and heat spread to my sex. I searched my mind for what to say to him, and settled for a variant of the truth. No mention of how I felt nothing when Anthony and I had sex. That would just freak him out, but he'd still feel obligated to have sex with me, and I didn't want pity sex. “I don't have a lot of experience, I'm concerned I won't measure up.”

  He smiled warmly, and reached out and took my hands in his. “You'll be fine, don't worry.” Such was the magic of the Ryan Clayborn smile, that for the rest of the meal, I believed him, and my worries vanished.

  Chapter 3

  Our final destination of the evening wasn't far from the restaurant. Ryan pulled up in front of a small cottage, turned off the car engine, and faced me. “I've wanted to do this all evening,” he said quietly, as he leaned forward and kissed me.

  I'd had a crush on Ryan Clayborn for over ten years. That kiss... it was worth every minute of the wait.

  One of his hands was at the back of my head, entwined through my hair, pulling me towards him. His fingers grazed my check, gently outlining the shape of my jaw, and then his fingers were on my lips, tracing their shape, feeling their softness. I moaned softly, daringly sucking his finger into my mouth. And then, his mouth was on mine, hard and insistent, demanding that I yield. My mouth opened, my tongue entwined with his. I gave myself completely, openly, letting my need shine through.

  “Inside?” he asked, finally pulling away. There was a noticeable bulge in his pants; I couldn’t tear my eyes away from it. He saw my gaze, and reached out and grabbed my hand, placing it on his hard bulge. I stroked him through the fabric of his pants, my pussy dripping as I heard him growl in arousal.

  “Inside,” he repeated, his voice hoarse with need.

  We went in. I looked around in curiosity.

  “It's a friend's place,” he said. “I borrow it from time to time to write in.”

  Also to have sex in? I wondered, but didn't comment. The butterflies had reappeared in my stomach.

  The inside of the cottage was lovely. There was an open concept kitchen/living space on one side, a king-size bed in the other, and one of the walls was mostly window, which looked out to the ocean.

  Ryan drew me towards the bed. “Ready to play, Maya?” he asked. His breathing was steady again, he was back to his usual half-mocking, half-amused composure, but my courage was fortified by his erection, and I boldly reached out and traced the outline of his manhood through his pants.

  “I think we're both ready, don't you?” I said softly.

  Ryan laughed. “Oh no, no, Maya. We play by my rules here. You wanted a safeword earlier, no? Your safeword will be red. Got it?” His words were serious, but his voice was amused.

  “Red,” I repeated.

  “Stand still.” Ryan moved to stand in front of me. His right hand reached out, and very softly stroked the side of my left breast. I moaned, and leaned towards him.

  He stopped instantly. “Nope. Stand still, Maya. You obey, we continue. Okay?”

  Crap. This was going to be hard. I wanted to feel his entire body pressed up against mine. I wanted to kneel and take his cock into my mouth. I wanted to pleasure him and feel him pleasure me. I most definitely did not want to stand still. But stand still I did. His tone had left no room for disobedience.

  I nodded.

  His hands didn't resume touching my breasts. He instead moved around to my back, and very lightly traced the chain holding the dress together. The ends of the chain were clasped together, and he pulled me very slightly into him in order to unclasp the chain.

  “I'm assuming that if I unclasp this, the dress comes undone?” he asked.

  I nodded again. My body was screaming in arousal, and I didn't trust myself to speak.

  “Cat got your tongue, Maya?” Again, that tone of amusement. “Ah, there it goes.” Clasp undone, the dress fell to my waist. Ryan found the zipper and unzipped the rest of the dress, and guided me out of it.

  The dress had been backless, and I had therefore elected to skip wearing a bra. I was clad in the tiniest pair of lacy panties, and nothing else. Goosebumps instantly appeared all over my body, as I fought to resist the temptation to cover my breasts.

  “Good girl. Hands at your sides, please.” Ryan's voice was level and low-key, but there was no pretending that that wasn't an order. I did as I was told. He smiled warmly in approval of my obedience. God, that smile! It was no wonder women threw themselves at him. That smile was a drug, addictive and potent. I would do whatever he wanted, as long as he kept smiling at me.

  His hands were at the side of my breasts again, stroking very lightly, stoking the fire of my arousal. I was shaking slightly, and fighting the desire to lean into him again. His fingers gradually traced their way to my breasts, now cupping them very slightly and squeezing gently. It was all incredibly erotic. I closed my eyes.

  “Nope. Eyes open, please Maya.” His voice was curt. I instantly opened my eyes.

  “Sorry,” I muttered.

  “You're doing great, Maya,” he said, smiling at me. “Come on.”

  He tugged me towards the bed, and pushed me down on it. It was not gentle, but it wasn't rough either. It was simply firm. Just like Ryan. There was no raised voice; there was instead calm and the expectation that he would be obeyed instantly. I was so turned on by this, by Ryan's firm handling. I didn't really recognize myself. “Why am I so aroused by this?” I thought fleetingly. “I should be outraged.” But there was no hiding the arousal. My pussy was dripping; I had never been wetter in my life.

  “Spread your legs, Maya.”

  Fuck. He was going to find out how very, very turned-on I was. I was mortified. My panties were soaked with the evidence of my arousal. I hesitated briefly.

  “Maya. You will get punished if I have to repeat myself.” There was ice in his voice.

  I quickly parted my legs. I didn't know what my punishment would be, but it didn't sound good. Relax, I told myself. You trust Ryan. You have a safeword. It will be fine.

  “These are the sexiest panties, Maya,” Ryan remarked, conversationally, as he put his fingers in the waistband, and tugged down. “But, I think they really are rather superfluous at this point, don't you think?”

  I moaned my agreement, as the panties slid down my hips, past my legs, and were tossed unthinkingly across the room.

  Ryan wasn't paying attention to me though, he was just looking, transfixed at my pussy. I had shaved it mostly bare that day, leaving one tiny landing strip.

  “For fuck's sake, Maya, this isn't playing fair,” he muttered, as his mouth descended on my pussy.

  Okay, all this while, the entire last two years, the year I was dating Anthony and having horribly indifferent sex, and the subsequent year when I was beating myself up about the lacklustre sex - if it were possible to erase all of that in one powerful moment of utter arousal and sexual responsiveness, this was the moment. The instant when Ryan's mouth met my pussy for the first time. His tongue licked my pussy in long sweeps, pausing to flick my clitoris at the end in a move that had me gripping the covers of the bed to try to ride out the overwhelming intensity. He continued that rhythm as my orgasm built. I just clenched the covers, and held on for dear life. It was all too much to bear, too intense. I didn't think I could take it. I was moaning louder, I was begging without realizing it, my hips were thrusting into Ryan's willing mouth...

  “Too fast.” Ryan moved his mouth away from my pussy, and softly bit my inside thigh. I moaned again.

  “Please,” I begged, desperate for him to continue. I was so close to an orgasm. “Please.”

  “All in due time,” Ryan said, moving off the bed. He stood at the edge of the bed, and looked at my naked body.

  “I don't really take a bag of whips and chains wherever I go,” he said, his lips twitching. “And there isn't a large selection of sex toy stores in this town. Not to mention the storm of gossip I would set off. So, we'll have to improvise a little, but we'll manage to make it work, okay?”

  I wasn't really listening to him; I was just wishing he would take his clothes off. I was riveted by the outline of his crotch, and I wanted it in my mouth.

  “Maya. I think that one of the rules of the game is that you need to listen when I talk.” Again, amusement. “Some punishment seems to be in order.”

  Now he had my attention. “Punishment?” I asked warily. I just wanted him to touch my pussy again. “I just want you to touch my pussy again.” I realized I'd said that out aloud, and I flushed, mortified. I felt my entire face go beet-red with embarrassment.

  Ryan chuckled. “In due time, kitten,” he said. He kicked off his shoes, and sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard. “Come lie down across me please, on your stomach. That delectable ass of yours is about to get a bit more colour.”

  I obeyed and lay on Ryan's lap, face-down. He positioned me so that my ass was on his lap, which meant my pussy could grind against his hardness, and I fully intended to take advantage of that.

  “Mmm. As wonderful as it would feel to have you grind all over my dick, Maya, I think you need to hold still. No moving, please.”

  Damn it. Every nerve ending in my body was on fire, I was pressed right on his crotch, and I was expected to just lie there quietly? I pouted in protest.

  “Remember your safeword, if you need this to stop, Maya,” Ryan said, as he brought his hand down on my backside. I clenched my ass in shock, but in truth, he hadn't hit me that hard. The sting of the spank was fading, and his hand was stroking my ass.

  His hand rose again, and came down on my ass. Crack. I clenched my ass automatically. He'd hit me harder this time, and I bit my lip to avoid making a sound.

  “You can cry out if you'd like.” Ryan read my thoughts, as he caressed my ass, waiting for me to relax my muscles.

  Crack. Crack. Crack. Three quick blows, landing on the fleshiest part of my right buttock. “Owww,” I cried out, and my hands moved to cover my ass.

  “Nope.” Ryan's voice was firm, and his other hand grabbed mine, and pulled it away. “Take your punishment, Maya.”

  His hand had resumed its stroking of my ass, and it moved lower, towards my pussy. I obligingly parted my legs slightly, as he pushed a finger into my tight pussy. I couldn't help myself; I pushed myself into his hand, trying to get more of his finger inside me.

  Crack. Crack. Left buttock this time. These were the hardest spanks yet, and they hurt. I yelled out. The heat radiated outwards from my ass, flowing through the rest of my body.

  “Like I said. Hold still, Maya.” Ryan's voice was even. My pussy gushed. I didn't understand why or how, but the firmer Ryan was with me, the more turned on I got.

  He resumed spanking me, and I held as still as I could. I probably cried out, but he would fondle my ass between spanks, and occasionally thrust a finger into my aching pussy. It all blended together, the pain and the pleasure, the hardness of his dick pressed against my lower stomach; I was reduced to just feeling. I was floating.

  The spanks stopped. Now, Ryan was just stroking my ass gently. My skin felt hot and flushed, but the pain was fading, and the heat in my ass echoed the wet molten heat of my pussy.

  “How are you holding up, kitten?”

  “Ryan, please.” I was face-down on his lap, and I wanted nothing more than his dick inside my pussy. “Please, I want you inside me.” I was begging now.

  All evening long, he'd set the pace, his control impeccable, but finally, I could feel it falter. He rolled me off him, and quickly stripped off his clothes. I felt him reach for a condom, and then he was on top of me and he thrust into me in one fluid, hard, hot stroke.

  That was all I needed. I’d been on the brink of orgasm for the last few hours, and I came instantly, shuddering and buckling. My nails dug into Ryan's back, and I clung to him as the waves of pleasure washed over me. He held himself still as I buckled underneath him, quaking all over, my hands digging into his shoulder until the contractions of my pussy against his cock eased, and I slowly floated back to earth.

  Ryan had remained still while I came, but as I quieted, he started to thrust into me, long deep strokes that impossibly were awakening the lust in me yet again. “Hold on, kitten,” he said, teeth clenched, as he ground into my pussy. My hands gripped his shoulders, and I moved my hips up to meet his thrusts. I was moaning near constantly, my pussy was gripping his cock, and when Ryan found my clitoris and gave it a gentle flick, I screamed in utter lust as another orgasm washed over me. Ryan thrust into me, hard, fast, and exploded into me with a groan.

m.” All I could do was purr. My body was utterly drained by the lust that had swept through it. Ryan moved to get off me.

  “No,” I protested, as I wrapped my legs around his. “Stay for a bit, I like the way you feel.” His weight was pressed against me, and it was amazing. It made me feel soft and fragile.

  We stayed that way for a while, but we had to head back, of course. My family wasn’t a particularly nosy bunch, but if both Ryan and me didn’t come back home for a night, eyebrows would definitely be raised. It was two in the morning, and it was late enough.

  We were quiet on the car ride back. I was still processing everything that had happened. It had been the most amazing sex I had had in my life. I had loved Ryan’s firm commands. Were those two things intertwined? Did I need someone to dominate me, was that why Anthony never did anything for me? It was all too much to deal with.

  As we pulled into the driveway, I had one important question for Ryan. One that I was too nervous to ask, really. Thankfully, he asked it for me. “Want to play again, Maya?” Was that hesitation in his voice?

  “Yes!” I answered, emphatically. There was no hesitation in mine. “Yes please, I’d love to play again.”

  Chapter 4

  The next couple of days were surreal. I went through the motions of the family vacation. I hung out on the beach with my sisters and cousins. We played volleyball. We went out one night, just the girls, to a new craft brewery that had opened up in town. All through this activity, my mind was wondering – when next? When would the next play session with Ryan be?

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, I got a text from Ryan at 4pm that evening. “Tonight? Meet me by the car at 11pm.”

  I texted back a one-word reply. “Okay.”

  It had been a tiring day. I’d gone for a run in the morning, trying to burn up some of the restless energy I was feeling. Once I got back, I’d played a game of beach volleyball. Lunch was delicious, and post-lunch, I’d been roped into helping my grandmother weed the garden. By the time I received the text, I was a hot, tired mess.


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