Book Read Free

Teaching Maya

Page 8

by Tara Crescent

  He nodded. “How spicy do you like your food?”

  “Spicy is fine. I live in San Francisco, I’m used to it.”

  Ryan smiled, turned to the waitress, and rattled off our order in fluent French. She smiled and wrote it down. She seemed a little star-struck by Ryan, no surprise there.

  “I have to say, the one thing I’m pretty grateful for,” Ryan turned to me, once she’d left, “is that they speak absolutely no English here. Our conversation isn’t exactly for public consumption.”

  “Oh,” I said, abashed. “Sorry, I didn’t think.”

  “No harm done,” Ryan said, easily. “But it’s a good habit to be watchful. The paparazzi are everywhere nowadays, unfortunately.”

  I thought Ryan was being a bit paranoid, but I didn’t contradict him. The restaurant was filled with diners, conversation filled the air; everyone was eating, drinking and having a good time. I hardly thought anyone was listening to our conversation.

  “You don’t speak French? How did you escape the Martinez 3-language rule?” Ryan was referring to one of my grandmother’s foibles. She had insisted growing up that we all spoke at least three languages.

  “I didn’t, really,” I muttered ruefully. “I hated my French teacher in high school with a passion though; it’s always prevented me from learning the language properly. I speak fluent Spanish, and enough Mandarin that I can get by. That mostly satisfies Grandma. How do you know about the rule?”

  “Your grandparents brought me up when my mom died, remember? I wasn’t exempt either. French lessons, Spanish lessons, and I spent a semester in Russia. Your grandmother is formidable. One does not say no.”

  I laughed. It was true. We all adored my grandmother, but Ryan was right, she was formidable.

  Our food had arrived. I was starving; I hadn’t eaten since my croissant mid-morning. We both dug in, and ate companionably. I studied Ryan from under my eyelashes as I ate. Despite having a crush on him through most of my teen years, I hadn’t known Ryan very well at all. Now, sitting across from him, eating a meal, I realized how likeable he was. It was a potent combination – laid-back and easy-going outside the bedroom, and totally in charge in the bedroom. I was falling steadily under his spell.

  We both refused dessert. I didn’t want to be too full; I had learned that morning that flexibility was important when playing with Ryan. We walked home. It was cold, but the skies were clear, and it was lovely. People were hurrying back from Christmas shopping. I realized I would be spending Christmas with Ryan. Hmm. I needed a present for him.

  Back at the apartment, I looked at Ryan. I’d had a lovely day with him, what now?

  “Did I hear you say earlier you wanted to go to the playroom, Maya?” Ryan's lips twitched.

  In response, I winked at him, and took off my sweater and threw it across the room. My t-shirt and bra followed. “Coming?” I asked, laughing, as I sashayed to the playroom. I could hear Ryan’s chuckle as he followed me.

  “So, Maya. I thought we’d try something different today.” Ryan’s voice was crisp, but his eyes were still laughing.

  “Yesterday, you looked like you wanted to explore the contents of the dresser. So, today, you pick. There are clamps, handcuffs, vibrators, dildos and plugs in the dresser, whips, floggers, crops, canes, and assorted furniture in the closet, you name it, it’s probably in there. Pick a few things, and we’ll play.”

  I eyed him with a bit of nervousness. My nipples had perked up in the cool air; goose bumps rose up on my skin. “I might not know what everything is,” I said, cautiously.

  “I’m right here if you have questions.”

  Hmm. This was going to be interesting.

  “I do think you should take off your jeans first though.” His voice was definitely laughing now. His hands reached towards me, and his fingers stroked the sides of my breasts gently. My hands balled into fists at my sides. I knew better than to lean into him; I had to keep still. His hands moved down my stomach, to the waistband of my jeans. He slid his fingers into the waistband, and gently stroked me. My pussy clenched in arousal. I bit my lower lip to stifle my moan.

  He unbuttoned the jeans, and knelt down, pulling them down my legs. I stepped out of them, and stood, exposed in my plain black cotton panties.

  “Keep the panties on for a bit,” Ryan said, his voice rough with need.

  I nodded, and turned to walk towards the dresser. I could feel Ryan’s gaze on my back.

  I started by opening the same drawer as yesterday. I picked up a long metal rod, with 4 cuffs along its length. I raised an eyebrow at Ryan.

  “Spreader bar, keeps your legs spread open,” he said promptly. “The middle two cuffs are for your hands, the outer two for your legs.”

  Umm. Intense. And lots of flexibility required, evidently. I’d have to think about the spreader bar.

  I rummaged in the drawer again, picking up a set of handcuffs. They were metal, and looked utterly formidable. I couldn’t wait for Ryan to use them on me. I set them aside on the bed.

  “Nice,” Ryan muttered.

  I picked up a bulb-shaped plug. “Butt plug,” Ryan said, in response to my quizzical look. “Have you had anal sex before?”

  I laughed. “Are you kidding me? Anthony didn’t really even like going down on me.”

  “And you wonder why you never came?” Ryan muttered, rolling his eyes. “This guy sounds like a prince. If you want a butt plug, I’ll get you a smaller one.” He walked up next to me, and quickly found an unopened plug. It couldn’t have been more than an inch in diameter.

  “Really?” I asked. “That seems really small.” I couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. Not only was I okay with the idea of a butt plug, but I was asking for a larger size? It all boiled down to trust, I realized. I’d always trusted Ryan, but more and more, I was comfortable with him and I realized he’d always be watching out for me. He would never do anything that made me uncomfortable.

  “Eager kitten,” Ryan chuckled. “Start with this, we’ll go larger if you want.”

  The butt plug joined the handcuffs on the bed. I found a pair of nipple clamps, connected by a thin chain, and added that to the bed as well. A butt plug, handcuffs, nipple clamps. The start of a perfect evening.

  Ryan looked at me intently. “Maya, you are so beautiful. I am so turned on right now.” I could see the outline of his hard cock through his jeans. I moved over to touch him, but he moved back, grinning. “Go pick stuff out of the closet, kitten,” he murmured.

  The doors of the closet were hung with racks of whips, floggers, crops and paddles. There were also two canes. They didn’t look that scary, really.

  “Nope.” Ryan’s voice was firm. “No canes, not yet. I don’t think it’ll be pleasurable for you at all. If you do want to try the canes, we’ll work up to it.”

  “Okay,” I said. I eyed the rest of them. I picked up a really short crop, and looked at Ryan enquiringly.

  “It’s for your pussy,” he said. His voice was hoarse, arousal clear in his eyes. Ah, so he was a fan of the pussy crop. My lips twitched as I added it to the pile on the bed. I looked at the rest, considering, and added a medium size paddle.

  “Your poor ass,” Ryan remarked wryly. “No, keep it there,” he ordered, as I went to remove it from the bed. “Try it, safeword if you can’t handle it.”

  Gulp. This was going to be one heck of an evening.

  “Might I suggest some furniture?” Ryan’s voice was in my ear, he was at my back, his hands cupping my breasts from behind. I was nearly naked, and he was fully clothed, and the weave of his jeans rubbed against my ass. He leaned his head forward, kissing the side of my neck, first softly, then taking little nibbles. Flames of arousal were making their way all down my body. I moaned. I wanted him to squeeze my breasts harder, I wanted him to pinch my nipples.

  “Furniture, Maya, before we both get too carried away.” Ryan’s voice sounded rough, his breathing was ragged.

  He selected a leather and metal
bench from the closet, and dragged it into the room. I looked at the bench with some trepidation. It was padded in four places, for my hands and knees, I assumed. There was a raised padded portion in the middle, and it had a tripod-like contraption on one end, and a metal brace on the other end.

  “It’s called a punishment bench,” Ryan explained. “Your elbows and knees go here,” he gestured to the padded portions. “Your waist goes here, keeps you from slumping.” That explained the central padded bit.

  “What’s the tripod-like thing?” I asked, pointing to one end.

  “It holds a dildo,” Ryan grinned wickedly. “Let’s try that feature, shall we?” He turned towards the dresser, and quickly found an unopened package. Unlike the butt plug, the dildo was not small. I gulped. What was I getting myself into?

  The bed now contained a butt plug, handcuffs, nipple clamps, the newly added dildo, a crop and a paddle. I decided to stop stressing, and just enjoy myself instead. After all, I’d selected most of what was on the bed.

  “What’s the brace for?” I pointed to the other end of the bench.

  “Neck brace. Locks your head in.”

  I looked at Ryan warily.

  “Relax, kitten,” he smiled at me. “You’ll have fun, I promise.”

  I nodded at him. He was right; I always had an amazing time with him.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I said meeting his eyes.

  He smiled at me automatically, but he looked a little troubled.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked him.

  He shook his head. “I really shouldn’t be corrupting you, Maya.”

  “No.” I shook my head emphatically. “I picked out the toys, I want to play. I’m not a child, I know what I want.”

  “Do you?” he looked at me steadily. He made a small gesture of dissent. “Reason goes out the window when it concerns you, Maya. I don’t break my rules, ever. Except with you, evidently.”

  “Still,” he muttered, his eyes sweeping my nearly naked body, his gaze resting on the dampening triangle between my legs. “You did go to all that trouble, picking out your toys…”

  I kept very silent. He was teetering at an edge; he might call off the entire play session if I said the wrong thing. I avoided eye contact too, focusing instead on the punishment bench. The seconds dragged by.

  “Eye contact, please, Maya.” Ryan’s voice was once again firm, crisp. Good, whatever inward debate he’d been having, it had been resolved, and he was still here, ordering me around. I released the breath I didn’t know I was holding, and looked at him. There was no hiding the need in my eyes.

  “Maya, this is going to be your most intense session yet.” Ryan’s voice was serious. “I’ll be pushing your limits. You won’t be able to move, you won’t always be able to see me. It is therefore imperative that if at any point, you are feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable, that you tell me. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I responded.

  “Will you stop me if you feel like things are impersonal?” he asked again. His voice was still serious.

  “I will.” My voice was untroubled. Ryan might think that he was coercing me in some way, but he wasn’t. I was here because I wanted, with every fibre of my being, to be here.

  “Okay.” He came up to me, and lifted me onto the bench. His strength surprised me a little. Ryan wasn’t a big body builder type; he was lean and firm, built like the runner that he was. But there was no doubt as to his strength as he placed me on the bench. I was on my knees, holding onto the waist padding to keep steady.

  “Hang on,” Ryan said, expertly strapping my knees in, and then my calves and my ankles. My legs were completely immobilized. I wiggled a toe experimentally. My feet were free, but otherwise, I was pretty locked down. My knees were spread; my ass and pussy were soon going to be on display. I felt very exposed and very vulnerable. I was also soaking wet.

  “Okay?” Ryan asked. He was in front of me, his eyes searching mine for any hint of disquiet.

  “Stop coddling me,” I said crossly. “I’m fine.”

  Whap. His palm made contact with my ass. Hard. It hurt.

  “Maya, any more sass from you, and it’ll be the paddle. And I won’t be gentle, okay?” His voice was level, even. He was behind me, I couldn’t see his eyes. I gulped.

  “Yes Ryan,” I said meekly. One spank, and I was quickly reminded who was in charge. My pussy gushed again.

  “Okay, give me your arms,” he said, coming around the front of the bench. “Here.” My elbows and wrists were strapped in quickly, as was my head in the neck brace. I had to hand it to him; he was frighteningly efficient. I was completely immobilized in seconds.

  I considered my position. My knees were spread wide, my ass in the air. My midriff was supported by the bench. My head was at the right level to receive Ryan’s cock in my mouth. My breasts hung loose, my nipples hard. I could feel him looking at me. My hair covered my face for the present, for which I was glad. It was slightly embarrassing how very aroused I was. My body felt flush, my pussy was swollen in need. All this, and he hadn’t yet laid a finger on my pussy.

  He moved away. I tried seeing where he went, but the neck brace limited my motion. Damn. I could hear him walk away from the playroom. I considered my options. I could call out to him, but that wouldn’t be in the spirit of the game. I was supposed to remain quiet, to consider the immobility. I steadied my breathing, striving for a place of calm.

  He wasn’t gone long. “Your hair will get in the way if we leave it undone. He quickly tied it up in a ponytail, and let it hang down the side of my face. “There, that should be okay for most of the session.” His fingers brushed against my back as he tied the ponytail, and I shivered. I craved the feel of his hands against my body.

  Ryan crouched down, looked into my eyes. He looked slightly amused. “Maya, the rules today. Speak when you are spoken to. Otherwise, I don’t want you talk, okay? Except to safeword, or to say no.”

  I maintained eye contact, and nodded. He smiled at me in pleasure, and leaned in to kiss me on my lips. “Such a pretty kitten,” he murmured. He moved away. I could hear him rummage through the toys on the bed.

  And then, darkness. The lights of the playroom suddenly went out, and everything was dark. I gulped. I wanted to call to Ryan, but I remembered the rules. Silence.

  “Good.” Ryan’s voice was behind me, approving. “Don’t worry, I’m right here.” His hand made a reassuring stroke down my back. I swallowed, and bit my lip. The darkness magnified every sensation. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to just feel. I had goose-bumps all over my body. Every nerve of mine was extra alive.

  “Are you attached to your panties?” I could hear Ryan’s voice behind me.

  “No,” I said, softly.

  “Hold very still,” he warned. “I’m going to cut them off with a pair of scissors.”

  In the dark? I gulped, and did what I was told. I had no desire at all to get cut. I didn’t need to worry though; Ryan pulled the panties away from my body, and three efficient snips later, my panties were off.

  “Soaked through, Maya, it appears that you are enjoying this.” His voice was wry.

  I could feel him move again. Ryan’s hands were on my ass, kneading them, pinching them, and occasionally spanking them slightly. Heat flowed through my body. I moaned. Now, his hands were pushing my butt cheeks apart. I clenched my muscles involuntarily; momentarily afraid of what was coming next.

  Whap. The heat from his spank flowed from my ass, through the rest of my body. As best as I could, I pushed my hips towards his hands, but I couldn’t move very much; he’d made sure of that. I moaned again. His hands were once again running over my ass. “Relax, Maya. Don’t clench,” he ordered, evenly.

  I took a calming breath, and willed myself to obey.

  Now, there was a trickle of liquid running down my ass. “Lube,” Ryan said, in response to my unasked question. His thumb traced little circles around my puckered ring, gently pushing the lube into my tight hole. His fin
ger followed the lube in. I hissed at the violation, my ass clenching inadvertently around his finger. “Relax,” Ryan urged again, holding his finger still. “That’s right, kitten,” he added warmly, as I forced each muscle to unclench. His finger was still buried in my ass; I could feel it in me. It felt bigger somehow. I bit my lip.

  Ryan moved his finger, wriggling it around in my ass. His other hand was stroking my inner pussy lips, gently tugging on them, pinching them, distracting me from the anal invasion. It was unbearably erotic. I was getting used to the sensation of his finger, and somehow, perhaps because I was tied down, unable to move, unable to resist, it was making me even wetter. I could feel the juices drip down my thighs.

  “I’m going to turn on a spotlight, Maya,” Ryan said, again behind me. I could feel him move away towards the wall, flicking a switch. I was suddenly bathed in light, while the rest of the room was still dark. He moved towards me, but he stood in the darkness, and I couldn’t see his face. “You okay, kitten?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine,” I said, quietly. The darkness, the spotlight, his finger penetrating my ass, his hands on my back, the overwhelming sensations were putting me in a magical place. Everything narrowed to just this space, to the two of us and to the small cone of light I was in. I didn’t want to talk, I just wanted to feel.

  I could feel his hands again on my back; could hear the sound of a package tearing. Either the dildo or the butt plug, I thought. Which one?

  His hands were at my puckered ring. Butt plug. I willed myself to relax. I could feel the tip of the plug resting against my asshole.

  “You can move your hips just a little, right Maya? Push back against the plug; beg me to put the butt plug in you.” Ryan’s voice was level. I gulped. Okay. He wasn’t joking here; he was utterly in charge, and I was going to have to beg.

  I gulped again. “Ryan,” my voice was soft, aching with need, “will you please put that butt plug in my ass? Please?”

  “Mmm-hmm. Sure thing, Maya,” he said, easily. “But let’s see you push back against it, kitten.”


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