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Mayhem (Deathstalkers MC Book 5)

Page 20

by Alexis Noelle

He kisses me and I relax in his arms.

  There isn’t a day that goes by that he doesn’t make me fall more in love with him.

  He’s showed me that being myself is more than enough.

  He’s taught me that above all else, I need to be proud of who I am.

  He’s made sense of all the mayhem that haunted me.

  He’s made me believe in love.

  Turn the page for a preview of the next book in the series Sever…


  Chapter One


  As I ride toward town a part of me wants to turn around and try to transfer to another MC. The club I was a part of had been run by some damn idiots who didn’t know their asses from their goddamn brains. They ran the club into the ground and eventually teamed up with some crazy idiots that tried to demolish the Deathstalker MC. They failed miserably and the handful of us that weren’t in on the plan woke up the next day to guns in our faces and an ultimatum.

  Pledge our loyalty or die.

  There were five of us left who hadn’t tried to fight a battle there was no chance of winning. I wasn’t sure they would all decide to come, but this club is established. They have their shit together not like the bullshit organization we were conned into joining. Marcus, our now deceased ex-President, was basically a glorified drug dealer. The five of us all joined the MC around the same time. Rock, Colt, Storm, Gunner, and I met each other on the streets and in a way we had formed our own crew. Marcus offered us all cuts if we joined the club, no prospect time, no bitch work. It sounded too good to be true and we should have known that it was.

  We went on runs for him and got a small percentage of the take. It was enough to keep us comfortable and make us think we had a good thing. After talking to the officers from the Deathstalkers we realize that we were being robbed. Coming here we will be taking home twice what we were before.

  The problem is that I would have never wanted a new start in this town. I ran as far as I could the moment I turned eighteen. I ran to achieve the freedom I always wanted, but I also ran from her. She was the only person in my life that had ever made me feel something. I couldn’t take the chance that she would turn out to be the way every other person in my life had been. So I ran as far and as fast as I could.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse there are a ton of bikes parked. They said there would be church once we arrived so that the rules could be stated and we knew what would be expected of us. Getting off my bike, I look around at what will be my new home. “You guys ready for this?”

  I look at the only men I have let myself count on over the past seven years.

  “Yeah, it’s already looking better than that dump we called a clubhouse.” Rock says climbing off his bike.

  The doors open and the Pres and VP come walking toward us. Handshakes are exchange before the Pres takes a couple steps back. “Welcome, all the brothers are waiting in church. Follow me.”

  They turn and we walk behind them. The clubhouse is large and open, there are tables scattered around a bar that lines one wall. In the middle of the room are a couple couches and some chairs. There are even two pool tables in one corner. We walk down a hallways and end up at a large room. Walking in, all eyes are on us but I learned long ago to never seem intimated by anyone. It shows weakness and that is something you never want to let people see.

  “Have a seat and we will get started,” Pres says from the head of the table.

  “Brothers, these are the new recruits who have decided to join us.” He looks at us. “You all will be on a probation period. We have cuts for you, after a month with no incidents you’ll get your name on it. Make no mistake you are brothers as of now, that means that you are bound by the rules of this club.”

  We nod in understanding.

  “You do whatever job is assigned to you. No bitching, and no negotiation. If you need to there are rooms available for you to stay here. The upstairs rooms are off limits, they belong to the officers. I don’t know how your club was run before but here we respect our women. We have club girls that are ready and willing, but they are not to be harmed. The old ladies are to be respected. You find a girl you want to keep around, you’re more than welcome to claim her. We just had guys get back from a run so it will be a few days before our next one. The officers will give you any assignments you might have as of now. Any questions, ask.” He looks around the room. “This is your family now, respect it.”

  The gavel bangs on the table and the men start to get up. Pres walks over to us handing us each a cut. “Wear this with pride and don’t fuck it up. We’ll be having a party this weekend to celebrate.”

  One of the officers comes walking up to me. “Name is Cutter.” He offers his hand and I shake it. His patch says treasurer on it. “Pres said you had this title at the old club?”

  I did but considering Marcus was hiding all the money I don’t think the position was ever really mine. “Yeah, I was.”

  “Okay, I have been keeping up with one of the business’s problem is that it’s too much and I don’t have the education for it. Between taxes and everything else we need a professional. I’m gonna have you working under me and dealing face to face with the accountant. You are gonna head to the office that was referred to us. They don’t mind cutting some corners and fudging some numbers for the right price. You need time to get settled?”

  “No, I didn’t bring much with me.” I lived at the clubhouse and left most of the crap there.

  “Good, this is their card and the owner is expecting you.” He hands me the card and I slip it into my jeans pocket.

  “Good to have you here, brother.” He says as he claps me on the back and walks out of the room.

  I walk out to the main room and Colt comes up to me. “What was all that? You already get yourself in trouble?”

  “Nope, got an assignment and I need to head out. See you later.” I walk out to my bike. A part of me feels good that I’ve already been given a role. The other part worries if this is some sort of test that they think I will fail at. Either way I will make sure this goes smoothly.

  Hopefully, I don’t run into the one woman who could put all of it in jeopardy.

  Chapter Two


  Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzz.

  My alarm sounds as I groan and roll over swiping the screen to make the deafening sound stop.

  A band sounds on my door making me jump. “Get up before you’re late!” Chrissy yells from the other side.

  “Coming mom!” I yell back laughing.

  I hop in the shower, when the door opens all I can do is shake my head, “You’re worse than living with my parents, you know? I mean a girl can’t get a minute of privacy.”

  “Yeah, but don’t pretend like you don’t love living with me.”

  “I do, but I think I’d love to be able to get out of the shower without an audience even more.” I turn the shower knobs and reach out to grab my towel, but it’s gone. “Give it to me!”

  “First, you have to apologize for letting the red death corrupt your soul and make you bitchy this morning.” She laughs.

  “I’m not on it yet and if you weren’t so intrusive, I wouldn’t be so bitchy.”

  “Maybe you need some intrusion to make you less bitchy”

  I peek my head out of the shower curtain. “I will cut you.”

  Her eyes widen. “Whatever man you end up with is gonna need balls of steel.” She tosses me the towel before shutting the door.

  Chrissy and I were roommates freshman year of college and have been best friends ever since. She’s the first person after Ryder that I ever thought I could trust. When she met me, I was a mess and honestly had lost myself. Chrissy helped me put the pieces back together with her particular mix of caring and sarcasm. She helped me dig myself out of the hole and I swore then I would never let someone have enough of me to leave me shattered.

  I get dressed, and then head into the kitchen to fill my travel mug with coffee. “You gonna be home for dinner?�

  “Yeah, unless I get stuck.” Chrissy is a social worker, which still blows my mind sometimes.

  “Okay, well I’ll see you tonight. Want me to bring home Thai?” I grab my purse and head toward the door.

  “Miss Hendrix, are you trying to seduce me? You know that’s my favorite.” She wiggles her eyes at me.

  “Jesus, do you ever stop?”

  “Yep, the entire time I’m at work. Although, I’m making dirty jokes in my head, so I don’t know how true that is.” She shrugs and walks out of the room.

  I walk downstairs to my car and head to the office. I went to school for accounting, wanting to have a stable job that would help me support myself. Once I decided to leave my house and live at college my parents basically disowned me. They never thought I’d go, so the fact that now they actually have to be parents probably scared the shit out of them. I miss my brothers and sister, but they won’t even let me see them. I had to do something for myself once in my life. I spent my entire senior year waiting for Ryder to come back for me like he always said he would. By the time August rolled around, I couldn’t wait to get as far away from that place as I could.

  I pull up to Stevens & Brooke Accounting Offices and grab the first spot I see. Right now I’m only at an entry level position, but I have been trying to be really efficient and proactive so when a spot opens up with a higher title, I might get it. Walking into the office I stash my purse in the bottom drawer before powering up my computer.

  “Hey Megan.” I look up to see Connor. He just started here a few months ago and he seems really nice. He has asked me out to lunch a few times but I just can’t bring myself to say yes.

  “Hey Connor, how’s it going?”

  “Good, they just called a meeting and I wanted to come and let you know.” He walks toward the boardroom and I stand up quickly following him.

  Mr. Stevens is sitting at the head of the table. “Today we have a new client coming in. This one will be a high priority and I want him taken to my office once he checks in. The organization is one that some of you may be intimidated by; it is our local motorcycle club the Deathstalkers. They have a number of businesses and their account will bring in a lot of money.” He looks around at each of us. “I will be bringing on a point person for this, so make sure to be performing at your best.” He stands up and walks out of the room.

  I want this account. This is the kind of thing that can get you noticed and advance your career. I have no idea what a motorcycle club entails. I have seen the guys on their bikes a few times in town, but I’ve never spoken to them. The closest point of reference I have are the books I read, and I don’t know how much of that is realistic. I mean, let’s be honest; those things aren’t real life. Not every girl gets kidnapped, saved by prince charming, and ends up married with babies.

  I go back to my desk and google the club to try and gain some insight on them. I can’t find much and what I do is intimidating. The results are mostly articles about crimes they are suspected of, or a few known members being arrested. The more I read, the more I wonder why the firm wants to associate with them. They don’t seem like the clientele we would normally accept.

  I can hear the secretary speaking to someone and saying that she’ll page Mr. Stevens now. That must be the guy. I stand up deciding to welcome our new client and introduce myself. Walking toward the desk I try to calm my nerves. It’s only saying hello, you’re a professional.

  His back is toward me, the leather vest he’s wearing bearing a symbol of a scorpion, a skull, and what seems like angel wings with the name Deathstalkers MC. He is tall, his hair long up top but buzzed on the sides.

  “Hi, welcome to Stevens & Brooke,” I say in the most professional voice I can manage.

  When he turns toward me my entire body freezes. I grip the reception desk to keep my knees from buckling. My heart is beating three times its normal pace.

  He can’t be here.

  Why is he back?

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  If you enjoyed this book please consider leaving a review.

  Also check out other books by Alexis Noelle!

  All books can be read as standalones:

  The For Me Series

  Fall For Me

  Wait For Me

  Fight For Me

  Breaking Free

  All For Me Box Set

  The Shattered Series

  Shattered Innocence

  Shattered Lives

  Shattered Duet

  The Fractured Serials

  Fractured Volume One

  Fractured Volume Two

  Fractured Volume Three

  Fractured Box Set

  The Her Series

  Keeping Her

  Protecting Her

  Saving Her

  Claiming Her

  The Her Series Box Set

  Ground & Pound

  The Deathstalkers MC Series







  Deathstalkers MC Box Set Books 1-3

  Kiss My Crown

  Sexy Beginnings

  About The Author:

  I love reading romance books! I feel like being able to lose yourself in a book in one of the more exciting aspects. The books I love to read and write will be ones that make you feel for the characters. You should have an opinion on every character in a book. Whether you love them, hate them, or think they are up to something.

  I live in Philadelphia Pennsylvania with my husband, and three kids. On top of starting a writing career I am a full time student, and a full time mom. I love spending time with my kids, although I have to hide the computer from them when I am writing! I love being active and being able to do any activity outdoors.

  I have always thought as an author the most important critic is your reader, so I would love to hear from you. If you read the book and loved it or hated it, tell me. As long as it is in a constructive way I will always answer and interact with you. I want fans to feel free to tell me what they want for the characters in the story and what they want to see happen.

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