Book Read Free

Unexpected Series: Box Set

Page 3

by S. L. Schiefer

  Jonah’s brother, Jayden. I think I’m about to faint. I can’t fucking believe it. Jayden is the guy I’ve been looking for. He’s the guy I went home with that night. SHIT! He’s the father of my baby. How the hell am I supposed to tell these lovely people I just met that their son doesn’t know he’s expecting a baby.

  Maybe I won’t tell them. I’ll talk to Jonah first; tell him what’s going on. But after dinner, not before. I picked up the picture and starred at it a little bit longer. Taking Jayden in. He’s in his Marine uniform and looking sexy as hell. His hair is in that military high and tight cut they all wear. As, per usual with military men, there is no smile on his face just a cocky as shit smirk. It’s like he’s saying “yep, I’m a badass”. He definitely earned that cocky look in my book. Especially since it took one night to get me pregnant. His fucking potent little swimmers. But, his eyes. I’ve never seen such piercing green eyes before. It’s like even through this picture, he can see everything.

  I was startled out of my daydream by the sounds of feet stomping through the house. Jonah and his Dad must be done outside. I wonder what they had to do. Oh well, I have other things to worry about. I needed to make it through this dinner with my baby’s grandparents and uncle in one piece.

  Jonah comes into the living room to fetch me. I guess food was ready. I wasn’t even hungry after what I just learned. But whatever is sitting in that kitchen smells like a fucking all you can eat buffet and I’m a sumo wrestler that’s been on a diet. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the kitchen. I see the table and it’s a beautiful granite top with plush leather chairs. It’s so pretty! I need one!

  And then I see the food. It’s homemade pizza! Jonah, that sly thing, must have told his mom that I crave pizza. That was so nice of him, now I have to try not to eat like I’m eating for five. I don’t need them suspecting anything just yet. We sit down, and Momma starts passing around slices.

  “So, Annie, how did you and Jonah meet?” Momma just goes right for the jugular.

  “Momma, I told you that we aren’t datin’.” Jonah jumps in with a single eyebrow raised at his mom.

  “Honey, I told you to leave it alone. If the boy says they aren’t dating then they aren’t dating.” Dad adds.

  While I just sit there and stare, not sure really what to add, they go on discussing my lack of relationship with Jonah. How we would make a cute couple. Blah, blah, blah. I’m tuning it out and concentrating on this delicious pizza. I didn’t know pizza could be this good. It’s so doughy, with the perfect amount of pepperoni and banana peppers, and it’s a mild sauce not spicy.

  I glance up to everyone looking at me with strange looks. “What?”

  Jonah clears his throat and chuckles, “You were moaning. We didn’t want to interrupt a personal moment with your pizza. Carry on.” He leans forward on his arms to get a better look.

  That douche. I cannot believe I was moaning. “Sorry, I didn’t realize. But it’s just so good.”

  They all start laughing and Momma adds, “I did that a lot while I was pregnant. It was like right after the morning sickness stopped all food become like heaven. Even if I hated it before, I liked it while I was pregnant.”

  I feel like all color just drained from my face, I forced a laugh to add my two sense. Dinner went on this way, I added input when necessary. Answered questions when asked. And that was it. After food was consumed and everything was cleaned up Jonah said it was time to get me home. Thank you Jesus!

  We stood at the front door and hugged and were back in the car in less than five minutes. The minute Jonah’s door shut he looked at me strangely, so I learned forward and turned the radio up. Stopping any question asking for the time being. I’ll tell him when we get back to my house.

  The drive went too fast for my liking. And the damn radio played depressing songs. Just adding to my sour mood. Why can’t they play upbeat happy songs all the time? We pulled into my driveway and he turned the car off and turns in his seat towards me expectantly. Ok, now or never right?

  I turn in my seat and say, “Well, I know who the guy is that got me pregnant.”

  His eyes brightened a little, give it a minute dude I’m about to bring you back down. “Who is it?”

  “It’s your brother. I saw his picture on the mantel at your parents’ house. As soon as I looked at it I knew it was him. I’m really sorry, I never meant for any of this to happen. I don’t want your parents to hate me. I don’t want you to hate me. I didn’t plan this!” I blurted out. And I jump out of the car, as fast as I can and run inside. All before he can get a word in.


  It’s been a week since I’ve heard anything from my brother. Something is up there. It blows that I’m stuck over here and don’t have the chance to find out. We’ve been back on base for a week now; we are down to two months left. I’m out by the fire tonight. My boy, Jacobs finally fucking convinced me to come hang out. Not like this is something special, it’s just how I imagined. A bunch of dudes standing around a fire. Fun!

  Everyone is talking about their families back home. Guys have wives and girlfriends back home, and some even have babies or babies on the way. It sucks that this is what they have to do to provide for their family. But it is what it is. This is the life all of us chose. We will either reenlist or opt out at the end of the time we signed up for.

  The only family I have is my parents and my brother. I’m not too worried about them, if something were up with my parents’ health I know my brother would email me. That little shit. I wonder why he hasn’t emailed me. Standing up I head back towards my tent, no one was paying any bit of attention to my anyways.

  I grab my iPad and log into my email. Still nothing. I bring up the last email from him and hit reply.

  What’s going on, man? I haven’t heard from your ass in a week? Is something going on? Are mom and Dad alright? Nothing new really to report from over here. We’ve been on base for a little bit. Not too much action, there’s even talk that we may get to come home a little bit sooner than what they thought. Who knows though with the Marine’s.

  Good enough. I’m not one for words anyways. No dickin’ around for me. I’m blunt and to the point. Closing out of the email I pull up Facebook again. Check all my notifications. Typical wall posts of “stay safe” and “can’t wait to see you”. I have a couple friend requests again. One with no mutual friends and the other is an Annie Reynolds.

  Holy shit! It’s the girl from the picture. Hmmm, now I can check out all her pictures. I start scrolling through all of her albums. Which one to click on first? Mobile uploads is always a good one. She has a lot of pictures with three other girls. One is that Brandy girl. Oh! Relationship status. I need to check that shit out.

  While checking on all things Annie I received a notification of an email from my brother. Awesome, let’s see what this dickhead has to say. Getting back on my email I click on his message.

  Hey man. Sorry it’s been a minute. I’ve tried to not talk to you for a reason. Do you remember that girl I told you I wanted you to meet when you got home? She’s pregnant and can’t find the Dad? Remember all that? Well, turns out that this dipshit is deployed. Seems like on his last night home he went out and had a one night stand and knocked this girl up. This girl is amazing too, man. I had her over for dinner at Momma and Dad’s house. And, well man. I don’t know how to really say this. So I’m just going to spit it out. Since you technically can’t kill the messenger. Haha. See what I did there? So, she saw the picture Momma has of you on the mantel. Man, you’re this baby’s Dad. I told her to add you on Facebook and talk to you. But she clearly hasn’t yet. I’ll text her and tell her to get on that. You really need to try with this. She’s a great girl, Momma and Dad approve. They don’t know yet though. She didn’t want to tell them until she talked to you. She’s afraid of your reaction. BE NICE TO HER DICKHEAD.

  What. The. Actual. Fuck. I think I’m going to be sick. Did I read that right? I cannot possibly be the father of anyon
e’s child. Fuck all that nonsense. I seriously cannot believe this shit. How can he even joke about something like that? He’s lucky I can’t kill the messenger, because his ass would be dead.

  I sit up and put my head in my hands. What the hell. I hear my Facebook message tone go off on the iPad. I can’t talk to anyone right now. I don’t have anything to say to anyone. I glance over at the tablet anyways. I stab at my messenger icon and watch while it loads. It takes a few minutes with our Wi-Fi speed. But once it does load I see a message from Annie. Good, I need a little distraction in my life right now.

  Annie: Hey, I hope I’m not bothering you.

  Me: Nonsense, beautiful. I’m just relaxing in my tent.

  Annie: Ok, good. Your brother said he just emailed you, and that I needed to talk to you.

  FUCK! No! It’s her! God, please don’t tell me this is the chick that’s claiming I’m her baby’s Daddy. Shitfuckdamn.

  Annie: I know this is horrible timing, but I need you to know something. I’m pregnant, and the last person I had sex with was you. Before you it had been a long time, so I know one-hundred percent for fact that you are the guy.

  I stare at the screen. I don’t even remember this girl other than from seeing her in pictures on Facebook.

  Me: Sweetheart, are you sure? I don’t remember having sex with you. And I’m sure if I had sex with you I would remember it.

  I see the little thing that says she’s typing. Let me hear it, sweetheart.

  Annie: Well, considering I didn’t remember your name, only what you looked like, I think it’s safe to say we were both pretty fucking drunk that night. Apparently it was the night before you were deployed. My friend, Brandy, has pictures on her Facebook of that night. Maybe if you look through them something will trigger your memory.

  Fuck. That. I don’t want nothing’ to do with this shit. I’m not having a baby.

  Annie: I’m due December thirty-first. I’m sixteen weeks, on Wednesday. I find out what I’m having at the next appointment. Jonah said you’re coming home in two months?

  Me: Yeah, I’ll be home hopefully before the end of August. I already went through your friends pictures. I don’t remember seeing you at all. I actually don’t know how I made it home because I was so drunk.

  Annie: See, you don’t remember getting home. We took a cab to your apartment. I didn’t stay the night because all I wanted was a one night stand. I don’t do that. And it’s been since you since I’ve had sex. I’m sorry you don’t remember me. But is it that hard to believe? You were drunk, so was I. Apparently too drunk to remember a damn condom. Once I have this baby we can do a paternity test. I’m that sure that you’re the father.

  She sent that then logged off. Damn, what if she’s telling the truth? What am I going to do? I get back on my Facebook app and pull up a picture of just her. I stare at her. Willing myself to remember anything from that night.

  She has brown hair that lays just past her shoulders, it’s straight in this picture. She has these dark brown eyes that look so dark they almost could be black. And that smile, she has white teeth, full lips and a dimple on her right cheek. There is no doubt about it that this girl is beautiful. But could she be lying? I’m not about to try to be a father for a baby this isn’t mine.

  I look at her picture one last time then lay back on my cot. I sit the iPad down and close my eyes. I just need a good night’s sleep.


  It’s been a few days since I talked to Jayden online. Jayden Miller. My baby now has a last name. And a father. I hope he comes around. I just want him to believe me. Being thousands of miles away I see how it looks to him though. I don’t know if I would believe me if our roles were reversed. It’s hard to believe that these past couple months I’ve been becoming fast friends with my baby’s uncle. It’s been so nice being involved in a family sense again.

  I’m sitting out on the back porch of my house looking up at the sky. It’s such a beautiful night outside you can see all the stars. Usually you can’t see the stars this well. I have one hand on my stomach, rubbing lightly.

  I keep thinking I’m feeling little flutters but I can’t be sure. I’m excited that in four short weeks I will know what I’m having. Then I can start shopping. I also need to talk to talk to Jayden’s parents. Tell them that they’re going to be grandparents. I’m worried they aren’t going to like me after I tell them this. I just hope they don’t think I’m trying to trap him. I would never try to do that to someone.

  Hearing my text tone I pick up my phone. Seeing that I have a message from Brandy I open it up.

  Brandy: Hey bitch, how ya holdin’ up?

  Me: Oh, you know I’m here.

  Brandy: Do you want to have a girl’s night? We can make those fake alcohol drinks and stuff ourselves silly.

  Me: Sure, you can come over this weekend anytime. As far as I know Jonah doesn’t have plans for us. He’s still trying to get over the fact that he’s going to be an uncle.

  Brandy: I know that must have been a hard one to drop on him, but at least you found out who he is.

  Me: Yeah, I’m so happy yet so terrified at the same time. Actually I should call Jonah and see how he’s doing so text me Saturday morning.

  Brandy: Ok, mommy ;)

  What a turd. I close out of my texts and pull up my phone click on Jonah’s name and wait for him to answer. It didn’t take long for me to hear his voice.

  “Hey, sunshine. How are you feelin’ today?”

  “Not bad actually, do you want to come over maybe? I’m sitting on the back porch, you can bring some beers.”

  “Yeah that’s fine. Is it ok if I bring one of my buddies with me? I was going to hang out with him some tonight.”

  “Absolutely, I don’t care who ya bring.”

  He said he’d be over in less than an hour. I wonder who he is bringing with him. I’ve never met any of his friends. I walk back inside the house and glance around to see if I need to clean anything up before they get here.

  Deeming this part of my house clean enough I go upstairs to change. I stare into my closet, trying to remember the last time I did laundry. When yoga pants become the only thing available to wear you know you’ve been incredibly lazy. Snagging a pair and an old high school t-shirt I strip and get comfy. As I’m situating the girls, who have seemed to grown into fucking melons overnight, I hear the doorbell. At this point I’m not sure why Jonah even bothers.

  Standing at the top of the stairs I yell to just come in and tell them I’ll be down in a minute. Going into my bathroom I check my reflection to make sure I look somewhat decent. And go pee, of course. It feels like my bladder has become the size of a. Every time I move I have to pee.

  Going back downstairs I head towards the voices in my kitchen. I walk up behind Jonah and wrap my arms around him. Without realizing it this man has become my safe place, my rock. He turns in my arms and gives me a one armed hug. He then moves out of the way to introduce me to his friend.

  Holy fucking shit. This guy is one of the single most sexiest men I’ve ever met. And then he opened his mouth.

  “Well, hey there sugar. Had Miller told me just how sexy you were I would have come prepared.” What the actual fuck?

  “Dude, be nice. This is... My brother’s girl?”

  “That doesn’t sound like a definite thing to me. So that means she’s free game until he has staked his claim.” Who does this guy think he is?

  “Listen, buddy. Just because Jonah invited you doesn’t mean I can’t kick you the hell out. Open your damn mouth one more time. For the love of Batman. Get it together man. Women don’t respond to that shit.” I spit out.

  I step away from Jonah. I’m kind of pissed he brought this guy over here. I just don’t understand why he even would?

  “Annie, I’m sorry. I’ll just go and take this asshole with me. Oh, his name is Kyle Stephens though. Since we never got to that part.”

  “Jonah, it’s fine. You guys can stay and hangout if you want. But if th
is bitch doesn’t keep his mouth shut I will straight up throat punch him.” I glare angrily at Kyle.

  Jonah laughs a full on belly laugh, “Stephens I’d listen to her if I were you. If she starts talkin’ all ghetto like it’s more likely to happen.” Still with that damn grin. I hate that grin.

  “I’m just warning him that’s all.” I turn my glare on Jonah.

  “Alright doll, I’ll play nice. For now. But once your guy comes back and nothing happens don’t forget about me okay?” Kyle said with a gleam of something in his eyes.

  “We’ll see, buddy. Just fucking chill for now.” Shaking my head I walk outside to the porch and plop down on one of the chairs.

  Jonah follows me outside and hands me a water and I see he brought himself a beer. I relax back and close my eyes. Maybe I should have just let them leave. I need some time to relax. I don’t want to think about this pregnancy or my “baby Daddy” issues.

  “Hey, Jonah do you want to go to my next appointment with me? I’m supposed to be able to find out with I’m having.”

  “Of course I do! Especially since my brother can’t be there. I can record it on my phone and send it to him. Try to get him a little more excited than he is.”

  “Excited? You called what that conversation was excited? Denial, maybe? Definitely anger and denial. Not excitement.” Glancing over at Jonah I look him in the eye. “I hope he comes around.”

  “He will sweetheart, he will. I got an email from him today asking if I thought you were making this up. But I told him the truth and said that you had no idea who I was or anything,” Jonah said.

  Another voice adds, “Aw, hell doll. You’re pregnant? And this fuck tard’s brother is the father? You will have no problems from me, I’m not going to move in on someone else in this situation. You two need to work out how things are going to work between you guys. Figure out if you want to try to be together or what.”


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