Book Read Free

The Fab Life

Page 2

by Mercy Amare

  “I do.” I start the car, and the engine purrs to life. That is definitely my new favorite sound. “Where are we going to eat?”

  “Your choice.”

  “Are you okay with Chinese food?”

  He nods. “It’s my favorite.”

  “Mine too.”

  After my dad takes me out to eat, we go mini golfing. He beats me by a lot, but apparently he spends a lot of time golfing at the country club. I would too if I were married to Veronica, but I don’t tell him that.

  I’m thankful for the one-on-one time with my dad. I get the feeling that he won’t have that much time for me. He runs a multi-billion dollar company. Any time that I get with him, I will be happy for. We have seventeen years to make up for.

  As much as I want to go home to my mom, I know that this is where I belong — here with my dad. I want to get to know him. Even if it means putting up with my perverted stepbrother and my controlling stepmother.

  Sunday, August 16

  9:34 AM

  Family brunch.

  It’s Sunday morning, which means it’s time for our weekly family brunch. I’m kind of nervous. It will be the first time I’ve ever been with Dad, Veronica, and Toby all at once. And I’m also hoping Toby keeps his pervy hands to himself.

  The fact that it’s called a weekly brunch worries me. Do we ever have family dinner together? Or is this one meal the only time we have together all week? I wish I knew what to expect, because right now I have no expectations.

  After my shower, I blow dry my hair. It’s naturally wavy, and I love my curls. I put a little bit of mousse on the ends to keep it from frizzing, and put on my robe. When I come out into my bedroom, there is box lying on my bed. On top of the box is a red bow. I read the card.

  Kihanna — wear this today. I’d hate for you to embarrass yourself by wearing something ugly. Sincerely, Veronica.

  I roll my eyes. I take the lid off the box and see a very elegant-looking dress inside. It’s not very me. I put the lid back on and slide it under my bed. There is no way in hell that I’m wearing that. I will not let that woman control my wardrobe.

  As I am fuming, I hear a knock on my door. I silently hope it’s not Veronica wanting me to see how the dress looks on me. I open it and see my dad standing there.

  “Hey, Kihanna. I’m headed to the club. Your GPS has the address programmed in. Meet you there?”

  “Sure.” I smile and shut my door.

  I go to my closet and ponder the situation. I can either become Veronica’s Barbie, or I can take control of my life and show her that I can’t be controlled… I choose the latter, and I know exactly what I’m going to wear.

  Thirty minutes later, I am handing my keys to the valet at the country club. The guy looks at me funny but doesn’t say a word.

  “Excuse me, miss...” somebody stops me before I reach the doors. “I’m going to need to see some I.D.”

  I pull out my driver’s license and hand it to him. “Kihanna Evers,” I say. “Mark Evers is my father. He’s waiting on me.”

  “Yes, Miss Evers,” his tone of voice instantly changes when he sees who I am. “Follow me.”

  We walk through a very crowded club all the way to the back. When we get to the table, I see that it isn’t just my family there. There is also a couple about Dad and Veronica’s age and a blond guy about my age. When Veronica sees me, her drink spews from her mouth.

  “What happened to the dress I left for you?” she asks, in a much too polite voice, as she wipes up her drink.

  “I’m just being expressive. My mom always encouraged it.” I smile. I am very satisfied with her reaction, though if I‘d known that other people were going to be eating with us, I probably wouldn’t have worn this. This is definitely not the first impression I want to make on my father’s friends.

  I am dressed literally head to toe in black. I have a black hat on, a black shirt, a black pair of skinny jeans, and my black Converse. I’m also wearing black fingernail polish and black lipstick. I’m sure that Veronica is going to read way too much into this.

  I take a seat by my pervy stepbrother and grab a menu. “So, what’s good here?” I ask nobody in particular. Everybody has yet to say anything.

  “Kihanna, can I ugh… talk to you? Alone,” my dad asks. I think he’s trying to figure out what I’m doing. In the two weeks he’s known me, I’ve been pretty levelheaded. Especially considering the circumstances.

  “Sure.” I am a little nervous. What if he kicks me out of his house? What if he wants nothing to do with me now? But then again, if he disowns me because of the clothes I wear, it’s best I find out now.

  We walk just out of earshot of the table.

  “Does your mom really let you dress like this?” I can hear the skepticism in his voice.

  “I don’t know. I never tried to dress like this before. I just did it to piss off Veronica,” I answer truthfully. “She is being really pushy and trying to tell me what I can and can’t wear. I just wanted to show her that I’m my own person. If I don’t stand up for myself now, it will just get worse.”

  My dad actually smiles at my words. “Consider the message delivered. I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself. Maybe next time though, try not to give Veronica a heart attack… Now, let’s try to salvage what’s left of brunch.”

  After we order our food, Dad introduces me to everybody at the table. Jack and Libby Johnson are the couple. Jack is CEO of a computer company, and Libby is involved with a bunch of different charities, whatever that entails. They have a son, Gabriel Johnson. He is a senior, and I will be attending school with him apparently.

  “Nice clothes,” Gabriel whispers to me.

  I look at him with curiosity. “I’m trying to figure out if you’re being sarcastic or serious right now.”

  Gabriel is very attractive. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and a great smile. He’s also wearing a very expensive suit. He was raised in money, so I can only assume he’s spoiled.

  “I was being serious,” he says.

  “Well, thank you, Gabriel.”

  “Call me Gabe,” he corrects me. “So you’re from St. Louis?”


  “What’s it like there?”

  I hate small talk, but it beats talking to Toby, so I answer. “It’s cold in the winter, hot in the summer, and very boring year-round.”

  “I don’t see how anything could be boring with you,” Toby joins the conversation. “I’m sure you had guys lining up.”

  I grit my teeth as I reply. “I wasn’t open for business, so there was no line.” I pause, and then add, “Just for the record — I’m still not open for business.”

  “You’re a virgin?” Toby half-shouts, and the whole table turns to look at us… Scratch that, everybody in the room looks at us. Now would be a really great time for the floor to swallow me whole.

  I glance at my dad, who is actually smiling. Ugh, of course he’s glad his only daughter is a virgin. But now, the whole country club also knows. “Toby,” he scolds in a stern voice.

  “Thanks for announcing it to the world, you asshole.” I get up from the table and run for the door just as our food arrives. No way in hell am I sitting at the table with him!

  “Kihanna!” I hear my dad yell after me… As if the situation isn’t embarrassing enough, now my daddy is chasing me. He catches up with me before I reach the door. “I’m sorry about Toby. He’s been very privileged all of his life, and he doesn’t know how to act around normal people.”

  “People? I am your daughter. I’m not just some random person you picked up off the street.” I cross my arms over my chest. “And what do you mean by normal people? Do you mean poor people? Go ahead and say it… You think that I was raised poor.”

  He sighs. “Kihanna, this is not a conversation that we need to have here.”

  I laugh as he looks around the room. Of course he is worried about his image. “I think this is the perfect place to have this conversation. I wasn’t poo
r. My mom was a teacher. I went to a good school and lived in a good neighborhood. I had food to eat at every meal, and I never needed anything. Mom and me were just fine. Just because we didn’t have marble floor, or butlers, or a million dollar chandelier didn’t mean we were poor. It just meant that we weren’t rich. And I’m okay with that.”


  I shake my head. “No. You want to know what I’m not okay with? I’m not okay with being told what to wear. I’m not okay with this being a weekly brunch. Is Sunday the only time I’m going to get to see you? Because if it is, just send me back to Mom. I came to get to know you, not Veronica or my pervy stepbrother.”

  “Sunday is not going to be our only meal together. I promise, Kihanna. I do work a lot, but I will always make time for you,” he says, putting his hands on my shoulders. “And I know you weren’t poor. Your mom did the best for you that she could. I’m still very upset with her for keeping you from me, but I know why she did it. You’re such a polite, and sweet young woman. I know if you were here with me, you wouldn’t be. You’d be like… your pervy stepbrother.”

  I can’t help but laugh at that. “Thank God I’m not like him.”

  “Now, will you please come finish brunch?” he asks. “I promise I will talk to Veronica about Toby’s behavior. I assure you that she’s embarrassed by him too.”


  He puts his arm around my shoulder as we talk back to the table. “So are you really a virgin?”

  “Dad!” I laugh.

  “What? Is that subject off limits?”

  I nod. “Definitely. Mom already had the sex talk with me. I know all about using protection.”

  “Of course, waiting for marriage is best.”

  I can’t help but smile at that. “Right. Like that’s going to happen.”

  I take my seat by Toby again and glare at him.

  “Are you really a virgin?” he whispers to me.

  I don’t respond. I just take a bite of my breakfast and smile. I would rather keep him wondering.

  “Hey, Kihanna, I’m having a pool party on Saturday. Kind of a back to school bash. Everybody from school will be there if you want to come,” Gabriel says. “It’d be a great way to get to know people from school.”

  “I’d love to come,” Toby jumps in.

  “Sorry. It’s kind of a seniors only thing,” Gabe responds to him.

  “You’re not a senior?” I ask him.

  Toby shakes his head. “Junior. I should be a senior, but I failed a couple years ago.”

  “Must be all the pot,” I whisper to myself, and then turn to Gabe. “That sounds like fun. I guess I’ll just get your address from my dad.”

  “Hand me your phone,” he says.

  I hesitantly had it to him. He types in a few things and when he hands it back to me, his number is programmed in.

  “You have my phone number and address now.”

  I look at the contact. Gabe the Babe. I laugh. “Really?”

  He shrugs. “Hey, if you got it, you got it.”

  “Um… what?” Cocky much?

  “Kihanna, are you coming to the black and white party on Friday?” Mrs. Johnson asks me.

  “Black and white party?” I ask.

  Veronica answers her for me. “Yes, she’ll be there. In white.”

  I look at her questioningly, and then turn to Toby. “What is a black and white party?”

  “It’s where rich people get dressed up, and throw their money around. You have to wear black or white. It’s a charity thing,” he answers.

  Charity — wow, at least there is something good. “What charity?”

  He laughs. “Like I care. I just go for the free champagne.”

  “It’s fun,” Gabe joins in. “You will get to meet all the important people from school, and you get free alcohol. They give champagne to everybody. It’s basically a big socializing event.”

  “Do you remember last year when Ty Newman’s stepmom got wasted and vomited in the fish tank?” Toby starts laughing. “Classic.”

  “I wonder who will make a fool out of themselves this year,” Gabe says.

  “My money is on Jacqueline Hoff. It’s about time that bitch got knocked off her high horse.”

  Toby and Gabe knuckle bump, and I’m wondering who Ty Newman is and who Jacqueline Hoff is. I feel like the only kid who didn’t get ice cream.

  “So, who are these people you speak of?” I remind them that I’m there.

  “You will know soon enough,” Gabe answers. “Welcome to the life of the elite, Kihanna Evers. You are officially part of the group now.”

  Why does Gabriel’s welcome sound more like a warning?

  Friday, August 21

  3:34 PM

  The one that got away.

  Since Sunday, I’ve hardly seen my dad at all. He’s been working basically around the clock, coming home only to sleep. He always gets in around midnight and leaves around six or seven in the morning. I’m not sure how he can get by on so little sleep. I miss him, but I know I get to see him today at least. Veronica let me know that he will be at the black and white party.

  I hardly ever see Veronica either. She’s always out doing something — a day at the spa with her rich friends, or at the country club, or at some kind of charity event. I’m kind of glad for that though. I don’t really want to spend time with her. I didn’t come here for her.

  Toby is always locked up in his room, usually with a girl. The hallway always smells like weed. I don’t know how Dad or Veronica doesn’t notice. Of course, they hardly ever come this way. But certainly the butlers or the maids have smelled it. Why haven’t they said anything?

  The house is so big. Sometimes it feels too big. It’s more of a hotel than a home, and I still don’t feel like I belong here. The only person I’ve really talked to since Sunday are the cooks, the gardeners, and the butlers.

  There is a knock on my door, and I expect that it’s Nicolas, the butler. I haven’t been out of my room yet today, and I’m sure he’s just checking on me. I really like Nicolas, he’s from Russia and his family moved here when he was fourteen years old. He has an awesome accent, and he always has the best stories to tell. But when I open the door, I am surprised to see my dad standing there.

  “Hey, I just wanted to stop by and see how you were. I’ve had a pretty busy week at the office.”

  I roll my eyes, but open my door so he can come inside. “You know a simple phone call or text message here and there isn’t that hard. I’ve talked more to the hired help than I have to you, and that’s kind of sad.”

  “I know, and I am sorry. But we are going to the black and white party tonight at Mike and Angela Newman’s house. They have a son your age, Ty. I know the Johnson family will be there as well, and other people from your school. It will be a good opportunity for you to meet new people.” He smiles at me, but I can see he’s tried. The lack of sleep is starting to wear on him. Is it possible that he has aged in the three weeks I’ve known him?

  “That sounds good. Maybe I can make some friends.” I don’t want to stress him out more by whining about not seeing him. He obviously has enough stress at work, without the added pressure of a demanding and needy teenage daughter.

  “I have a favor.” He looks nervous.

  “What?” I ask cautiously.

  “Veronica wants to pick out your outfit for the event.” He pauses, waiting for my response.

  For a moment, I think about protesting, but I know that I am completely out of my league. I know nothing about designers or labels… My wardrobe normally consists of jeans and a t-shirt. If I picked out my own dress, it would probably be worse than the family brunch disaster. So, I say, “Okay.” Partly because I want my dad to be happy, and partly because I do need to make friends here. It’s obvious that Mom isn’t going to cave and let me come home any time soon.

  I can see the relief wash over my dad’s face, and it’s in that moment that I know I made the right decision. I want to
make him happy, and if being Veronica’s Barbie for the day is the way to do it, then I will suck it up. For him.

  “Thank you.” He gives me a big hug. “Oh, and I think she has somebody coming to do your hair and makeup.”

  I groan. “Makeup?”

  “Please, just let her do this. It’s an important night. You do know that Mark Newman is the senator of California, right? There are going to be a lot of really important people there.”

  “Right. And you don’t want me looking like a devil worshiper. I got it. It won’t happen again. Like I said, I did it to make a statement.” Of course, I didn’t realize at the time that it would backfire on me. Now nobody trusts me to dress myself. I’d say that I’m off to a great start here.

  “I know that this is all new to you. I’m sorry. But maybe we can spend the day together tomorrow,” my dad offers.

  “Yeah.” I nod. “I told Gabriel Johnson that I would go to his pool party tomorrow night, but I’m free all day.”

  My dad smiles again. “I am so glad that you’re making friends. I know it’s hard for you to be here, away from your mom, but I think it’s for the best right now.”

  “I know,” I agree. “I feel like I should be mad at Mom for keeping this secret from me… And for keeping me away from you… But I’m not mad at her. I mean, I’m upset that seventeen years was wasted between us, but I’m not mad at her.”

  “You should never be mad at your mom. She loves you very, very much. Plus, I can guarantee you that I am mad enough at her for the both of us.”

  “I miss Mom,” I tell him. “She promised to visit on Christmas break, but that feels like it’s forever away.”

  “It will be here before you know it.” I can hear something in his voice — maybe sadness? I don’t know, but the mood shifted from happy, and now it feels heavy.

  Memo to self: do not bring up Mom around him for a while. It’s obviously still a touchy subject… her keeping me a secret. Or maybe he simply never got over her.

  “Did you love my mom?” My curiosity gets the best of me. I really want to know.


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