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Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset

Page 17

by Lena Skye

  “Don’t even mention my mother, you don’t deserve to. You probably had your eye on my dad before you moved into their house. But that’s okay, because I can assure you that karma is a bitch and you’re going to find that out first hand.”

  She heard a sob through the phone and then a beep indicating that the phone call had ended. Her breathing was heavy, as if she’d been in a physical fight. Soon her phone rang again; it was her dad. “Hello?”



  “Why do you have Natasha in tears? She can’t even talk about what you said to her.”

  “Hello to you too, Dad.”

  “Hi, now tell me what’s going on.”

  “How about you tell me about what’s going on? First Mom had to call me and then your little slut bucket called me. When were you going to—”

  “Watch your mouth, Kalena! Don’t disrespect her or me like that.”

  Kalena scoffed. “So you don’t want me to disrespect you or that woman, but you’re perfectly fine with disrespecting my mother, yourselves, the sanctity of marriage, and your congregation?”

  Her father fell silent. “Look, I’m sorry that you had to find out the way that you did; I was too ashamed to call you myself. But the child is coming and there is nothing that we can do about it. All I can do is the right thing.”

  “You can try to fool everyone else, but you’ll never fool me dad. I truly know you, and I know what you’re capable of. I have better things to do with my time; I will talk to you later.”

  “I love you.”

  “Bye, Dad.”

  Kalena hung up. She felt worse, and incredible sadness washed over her. Her dad had a lot of nerve calling her. She’d been waiting on him to call her, and when he finally did, it was to take up for Natasha. Once again, he’d let her down, and although she thought that she should be accustomed to it, it never got easier.

  She’d always hoped that he would change his ways and be a better person for his family, but he never did. He would go out of his way to be an amazing person for the people that surrounded him, but he didn’t give two shits about his own family. He didn’t care that he kept hurting his wife and daughter. He wanted sex from multiple women and nothing would stop him.

  Kalena sat on her couch, her hands still slightly shaking from her conversations, and she thought about her mom. She’d tried to tell her mom about what her dad was doing after that horrible day. They were sitting in the kitchen, but she was so nervous. She’d promised her dad that she wouldn’t tell her mom about what happened. He even got her a new computer for her room, although normally she was only allowed to use the one in the common area. He got her a brand new pair of Jordans too. She’d always wanted a pair, but her dad and mom refused. Even though they had the money, they thought it was ridiculous to spend that much money on a pair of basketball shoes. But her dad got it for her with no questions asked to buy her silence.

  She was eating her breakfast before school while her mom was humming and reading the newspaper. She knew that she’d promised her dad to keep her mouth closed, but it felt like a betrayal to her mother. Her mom always said that she could talk to her about anything, so it was time to put that to the test.

  “Mom,” Kalena started.

  “Yes, baby?”

  Kalena looked at her mom and smiled nervously. Her mother was so beautiful; she was about 5’9 with a light complexion, and her slender nose, beautiful grey eyes, and long sandy brown hair made her the envy of many women. She was the kind of woman that men claimed that they would never cheat on if they had the chance to be with.

  “I want to tell you something, but you have to promise that you won’t get mad.”

  “Uh oh, should I be scared? Did you break something again? Is it your brand new computer?”

  “No, I didn’t break anything.”

  “Okay then, what is it?”

  “When I went out with Dad, he was in bed with that lady from church.”

  Her mom’s facial expression changed from shock to anger, and then blank. They sat in silence for a few moments. Then finally her mother said, “I thought that you were supposed to keep everything that happens on your trips with your dad between the two of you.”

  “Yeah, but I thought that I should say something.”

  “No, what you should have done is kept your word. Now how do you think your dad would feel if he knew that you were out spreading his business? When he’s out working, it’s not for everyone to know what’s going on. I’ll make sure that I talk to him about it.”

  Kalena was terribly confused. That wasn’t the reaction that she’d expected from her mother at all. Where were the anger and the outrage? Where were the tears? Instead, she seemed more disappointed with her daughter. That was when she learned that she didn’t have anyone to talk to anymore. Her mother wasn’t interested in knowing the truth, and her dad wasn’t as amazing as she’d thought he was. It was the loneliest that she’d ever felt in her entire life, and she never truly recovered.

  The same empty feeling that she’d felt in her youth followed her into adulthood. The ache was in her heart as she slumped over onto her couch. There was no way that she could call her friends. Tamika would be spending the evening with her husband and Crystal would have a new flavor for the evening.

  Usually she would call Tommy, but he was mad at her. However, he never stayed mad at her for long. She could cuddle with him on his couch and maybe he would make her feel better. He was a great friend, and if she showed up at his place, he wouldn’t turn her away.

  Without giving it a second thought, she grabbed her keys and purse and headed out the door. He was only a ten minute walk away, but she didn’t want to wait that long, so she hopped into her car, hoping that parking wouldn’t be a nightmare around his house.

  Within a few minutes she arrived at his Brownstone two flat condo. It wasn’t like her to show up to places unannounced, but she wanted to see her friend and she didn’t want to risk him being mean to her over the phone. If he didn’t want to deal with her, then he would have to tell her to her face. However, she did run the risk of him not being at home, and while that would suck, she didn’t lose anything by trying.

  She rang his doorbell and shuffled from one foot to the other nervously. Soon he came to the door with a look of surprise on his face.

  “Hey, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?”

  “I’m okay. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I’m sorry that I came by unannounced. I know that’s rude.”

  “No it’s okay; you don’t ever have to apologize for coming by here. You’re always welcome here.”

  Kalena smiled slightly, “Good, because I’m not okay. I just talked to Natasha and my dad.” Tears welled up in her eyes as she spoke. “I said so many things I can never take it back, and I don’t think that I want to. I just feel like shit.”

  “Where is Joseph, shouldn’t he be comforting you?” Tommy said.

  The tears began to stream down her face. “I shouldn’t have come here. I’m sorry.” She turned around and headed down his stairs.

  “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you.” He sighed deeply. “Don’t go anywhere, just wait right here, don’t leave.”

  Kalena walked back up his stairs and sat down on the stone stairs. Maybe she’d made a mistake coming over to Tommy’s. He was still obviously upset with her, and if she told him what had happened with Joseph, he would just rub it in her face. He probably couldn’t wait to stick her nose in it. She sighed and checked her watch; she’d been waiting for almost five minutes. What was he doing and why did she have to wait on the porch?

  Her question was soon answered. Tommy opened the door and escorted a beautiful woman out. She had auburn hair, dyed of course, but it was beautiful, a caramel complexion, full lips and bright eyes. However, her eyes were squinted and when she saw Kalena, she scowled.

  “So, this is just your friend, huh?” the girl asked Tommy.

  Tommy shrugged. “Kal
ena, this is Simone. Simone, this is my best friend, Kalena.”

  “Hi Simone,” Kalena said.

  “Hi, did he tell you that we were on a date? I just got here a half hour ago and he’s already escorting me out the door.”

  Kalena didn’t know what to say about it, so she kept quiet. That didn’t do much to tone down Simone’s rage.

  “Tommy I’m done…you play too many fucking games. We finally go out after four months and this is the shit that you pull? I knew I shouldn’t have given you a chance. You claim that you’re different, but you’re just like all of the rest.”

  “Look, I’m sorry Simone, it’s just that my friend needs me,” Tommy assured her. “I promise that I’ll make it up to you.”

  “No, you won’t. I’m done; you’re never going to get the opportunity to get with me again. I don’t tolerate bullshit.” Simone looked at Kalena. “He’s all yours, sweetie, and from what I understand, he always has been.”

  Tommy looked embarrassed as Simone stomped down the stairs. They watched her get into her car and she sped off as if she was late to an important meeting.

  “Wow, you didn’t tell me that you had company! Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He blushed. “Because I knew that you would leave, and it’s obvious that you need to talk.”

  “Now I feel so bad. That girl was pissed, and she was hot. I made you cancel your date.”

  “You didn’t make me end my date; she was already getting on my nerves. I didn’t mind asking her to leave. She’s one of those stuck up, high-maintenance types.”

  “So am I.”

  “But you’re different.”

  “But you were waiting on a shot with her for four months?”

  “Nah, it’s the other way around. She’d been flirting with me for a while; she goes to the same gym. If I want to go out with her again, she’ll be open to it. She was just jealous when she saw you.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do say so, now come in and let’s talk.”

  Kalena followed him into his place; she was flattered that he’d asked the girl to leave. Had the roles been reversed, she wasn’t sure if she would have done the same for him. She had to work on being a better friend, because he was far better than anything she deserved.

  She took a seat on his couch and he immediately brought her a glass of wine.

  “I swear that you’re too good to me.”

  “I would do anything for you,” he said with sincerity.

  Those words broke her heart, because all her life she’d wanted someone to feel that way about her. Now that she had someone, she felt confused about him. Tommy wasn’t the kind of man that she saw herself with in the long run. He wasn’t as polished as the men that she was accustomed to dating; besides, he was shorter than she liked, and he was a great friend. Ruining that friendship with a shitty relationship was out of the question.

  “I don’t even know what to say to that,” she admitted. “I’ve been having the hardest time since you’ve been away. My relationship with Joseph has been shot to hell and my dad has a baby on the way. I don’t know which way is up and which is down. Why can’t I make better decisions and why do I let my dad get to me so badly?” The anguish that she felt caused her voice to crack. She inhaled quickly and drank all of the contents of the glass; a tear fell down her cheek as she thought about her life. “I have it all together, so many women envy my life, yet here I am, unhappy.”

  “That’s what saddens me the most,” Tommy said, “I could be everything that you’ve ever wanted if you would just let me.”

  “Please don’t do this.”

  “No, just hear me out. I know you, I mean, I really know you. I know all of the good parts of you and I know the ugly ones too. None of it has diminished how I feel about you, if anything that’s only intensified my feelings. I lo—”

  Kalena kissed him before he could get the phrase out. She knew what he was going to say, but she didn’t want to hear it, she wasn’t ready for that. Once those words were spoken they could never be taken back, and returning the three words that changed every relationship wasn’t something that she could do. One thing that she knew was that she really cared for him and that she needed him. He was comforting her and it felt great.

  Tommy didn’t need any more encouragement; he responded to her kiss quickly. She’d finally kissed him first, and letting the moment pass seemed ridiculous. Their tongues intertwined, tasting like expensive merlot.

  Kalena pushed him away slightly and tried to catch her breath, “Tommy…” she said, unclear even to herself about whether she wanted him to stop or keep going, but then she kissed him again. His hands went to her legs, she was no fool, and things were heating up quickly. She had to stop him.

  “We can’t,” she gasped between kisses. His tongue flicked against the inside of her top lip teasingly, daring her to open her mouth further. He was absolutely delicious, his lips were plush, and she couldn’t stop long enough to pull herself away because the instinct to kiss him again was too strong. This was the man who truly loved her and she deserved to be loved

  She opened her mouth and he kissed her passionately, then they slipped from the couch and onto his thick white carpet, never breaking their kiss.

  “Wait,” Kalena’s body was heating up as he lay down next to her and moved on top of her body. He gently kissed and bit her neck and it drove her mad, “I can’t…what are you doing?” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head; it felt so good.

  “You don’t want me, Kalena?” he murmured as his tongue licked and sucked her ear. A moan escaped her lips. She was fighting a losing battle between her body and her brain. Resistance was futile; her body had spoken, and it was going to win. She was about to have sex with her best friend, and it freaked her out and excited her at the same time. It felt so wrong; there would be no going back after they crossed the line.

  She felt herself grinding against him, she was happy that she’d decided to wear a dress. His bulge was directly against her panties. The friction of his denim-covered bulge against her moist center was almost enough to send her over the edge.

  Tommy broke the kiss and moved down her body slowly. Kalena watched in shock, awe, and pleasure. They were really about to do this! He kissed and nibbled his way down her legs and then removed the shoes that she was wearing. He gently massaged her feet. His hands were amazing, but she knew that already. She was completely relaxed against the carpet.

  “Just for now, I want you to be completely here with me mentally,” Tommy said. “No regrets and no pressure. I just want to make you feel good and give you an escape, even if it’s only temporary. Can I do that for you?”

  Kalena gave him a slight nod. The silly man that she’d known had transformed into a confident and sexy man that she desperately wanted to have sex with.

  “This is insane,” she said with a quick intake of breath. His hands were at the top of her thigh and her internal temperature had risen a few degrees. He leaned down and licked around the delicate fabric of her underwear, moving slowly to place a tender kiss on her mesh panties, right where here swollen mound was. The wet, sheer fabric revealed how horny she was despite her trying to hide it. Tommy looked at her with a grin; he knew he had her and that she wanted him. There was no way that she could cover it up this time, because her body betrayed her. The only way that he was going to stop was if she told him to. “Tommy, we shouldn’t,” she said half-heartedly as he pulled her panties off and threw them to the side. He moved back between her legs, his eyes never leaving hers. “I don’t know, oh,” she moaned when his mouth made contact with her slick folds.

  Tommy slowly tongue kissed Kalena down below, his tongue lightly licking her clit as he kissed and sucked gently. She finally stopped trying to stop him, and the only sounds that came from her lips were moans of pleasure as he applied more pressure with his tongue. His tongue went in slow torturous circles, slowly picking up momentum until he was going as fast as a tornado. Kalena rocked against his
face, grabbing the back of his head and pushing him deeper against her. His tongue probed inside of her, and she was lost. All of her earlier anxiety had melted away. She wasn’t thinking about any of her problems; she could only focus on the way his hot, slick tongue felt.

  Suddenly Kalena began to move spastically, her hands grabbed his head tighter, she pulled him closer, and he could hardly breathe but he didn’t care. A desperate howl came from her lips and she cried out in raw pleasure. Tommy lapped at the juices her delicious pussy graced him with, the woman that he’d always wanted came all over his face, and he finally knew what she truly tasted like. It was sweet.

  “Shit!” Kalena screamed. “Yes-more!”

  Tommy licked at her hole, getting the rest of his reward, and then kissed her swollen lips. He slowly kissed his way back up her quivering and satiated body. She was glowing, and she looked happy. She didn’t look like the pitiful thing that had showed up at his door a half hour before. She looked like a woman with no worries.

  “That was…” she said in disbelief.

  Tommy grinned, and he felt proud of himself. He’d always promised that if he ever had the pleasure of being with Kalena, he was going to make it count. It looked like he’d come through, but there was so much more that he wanted to do to her. They were just beginning.

  Tommy kissed her neck gently until Kalena, coming out from her personal world of ecstasy, looked into his eyes with unmasked passion. She rolled him over, sat him up, and straddled him. His bulge was fighting against his jeans; his dick felt like it was going to break free with or without help. Once again, her body was overcome with desire. She couldn’t leave their encounter like this; she wanted to experience all of him.

  “The whole time,” she said with lust lacing her voice. “When you started your crush on me,” her hips rocked against him pressing against his bulge. “What would you think about me? Did you think about kissing me? Touching me?” Her arms moved up as her fingers combed through her long, dark hair. “Your tongue in my mouth, your lips on my neck? Or was it something else?” She was rocking faster now, rubbing deeper against him, her arms moving down from her hair to cup the sides of her breast through her dress. “Was it these? When you thought about me, were you sucking my breast?” she asked breathlessly, her pussy naked against his rough pants. “Did you think about me touching your dick, Tommy?”


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