Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset
Page 19
There were some people in her life that made random appearances; he was one of them. They always crossed paths every now and then and then they parted ways and lived their lives. The two of them weren’t meant to be permanent partners, and that was great, because she was no longer looking for a husband. The thought of spending another minute of her life waiting on some man to sweep her off her feet made her want to hurl. Life was too short to wait on someone to complete her life. She was going to complete her life all by herself.
For now, she had to work. This particular day she had to visit some of her sites. She pulled up to one of her favorite ones. It was an afterschool program for boys and run by college interns. It was important that she make sure that things were running smoothly. She loved walking in and talking to everyone there. It reminded her of what she worked so hard for every day.
As soon as she stepped in, she was greeted by the site manager. She was a cute Arab girl named Aleah.
“Hey Crystal!” she said excitedly.
“Hey girly, I’m digging that hijab; the colors are so beautiful.”
“Thank you; it was a gift from my sister. She sent it from Palestine.”
“It’s gorgeous, how is your sister doing anyway?”
“Our contact has been minimal because her internet access is sketchy. She will be returning in a couple of months, but her work there has been intense. I pray for her every day.”
“I’ll pray as well. God bless her for dedicating her time to such a worthy cause.”
“It’s our people and the war is a serious matter. We all have to go back and do our part.”
“I understand, and I wish that my people showed that kind of solidarity,” Crystal replied.
“Well, it’s never too late.”
“This is true. So tell me, what is everyone doing?”
“Well,” she sighed. “Everyone is in their respective classrooms. They just got finished with their snack and should be going over homework right now. Solomon’s class is with Michael’s because Joshua had a bit of a temper tantrum. He had to take him to the side to speak with him. They’re in the conference room right now.”
“Uh oh, do you know what happened with Joshua?”
“You know how it is…Shana made fun of his shoes and he spazzed out on her. I’ve already reprimanded Shana and she won’t be participating in receiving prizes on Friday.”
“Okay, Joshua didn’t get too out of hand though did he?”
She shook her head. “No, a lot of yelling really, he didn’t get physical.”
“Great, let’s keep a watch over that and make sure you write that up for me. I have to check in with Joshua’s family soon. I’ll see if they need some resources; we’ve just partnered with a thrift store so we can pretty much get anything we need.”
“That’s amazing! I have a list of families that could benefit from this.”
“Cool, type it up and send it over. Chanel is going to announce exactly what that entails at your meeting on Friday.”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright I’m going to walk back here and see what’s going on with Joshua.
“Okay, I have some paperwork to get done; my boss is a real stickler for paperwork.”
Crystal laughed, “So I’ve heard.”
Crystal turned around and kept smiling. She knew that she didn’t have the right to complain about anything as long as people like Aleah were on the earth. She was one of the bravest women that she knew and she helped anyone that needed it, even if it was to her own peril. Every now and then she would have to step in because the parents would disrespect her. Her hijab made her a walking target for bigots. She was only about 5’3, but Crystal felt sorry for anyone that crossed her, because she was training with MMA fighters.
Her life completely changed after 9/11. When Aleah had turned seventeen she was attacked by two drunken men who took out their rage on her. They had broken two of her ribs and her jaw had had to be wired shut. After that, she was determined never to be a victim again. Aleah never went looking for a fight, but if someone brought it to her, then she was going to whip their ass.
Crystal found Solomon just as he was finishing up with Joshua.
“Hi Ms. C,” Joshua said in the cutest voice. He was only six, but he had the swag of a teen.
“Hey Josh, are you doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“All right,” she said after she hugged him and let him walk out of the room.
“Hi Crystal,” Solomon said with his pearly white smile. He always looked like he was keeping a secret.
“Hey Solomon, how are things going?”
“They’re going well, doing my best to keep my head above water.”
Solomon was one of her favorite workers. When he’d come into the job interview, she had known that she was going to hire him. He knew how to follow directions, he was intelligent, and he was exactly the kind of young man that she was determined to help. Although he was in school, he was into the drug game. Most people would have turned him away because of that, but he never brought his drama to the school, and he took great pride in his job. He never called in sick because of bull and whenever the kids needed anything he was there. Solomon also tried to steer them in the right direction. She hoped that some of the great advice he gave the kids would sink into his own head.
That’s when she noticed his hands; they were scraped and bruised. “What in the hell happened to your hands?”
He laughed. “Don’t worry; I just had to take care of some business. It’s no big deal.”
“Solomon, you have to be careful and make better decisions. Do you know how much potential you have? I mean, you’re in school, you’re smart, and there are so many other things that you could be doing. Why are you into that crap anyway? You have options.”
“Living the way that I have is the only reason that I have options. I wouldn’t be able to pay for school if I didn’t have some real financial help.”
She sighed. “I’m not trying to parent you because frankly, I’m too young for it, but let me tell you, you don’t have to live this way. There are other ways that you can make money and there are programs out there can help you. If you want me to, I can find some for you.”
“Thanks for caring, but I’m doing alright. I’m taking care of business.”
“I just need you to assure me that you’re going to be safe, I don’t know what this place would be like without you.”
He looked at her and licked his lips. It sent a jolt through her, and then it upset her. He was looking at her as if he really thought that he had a chance with her. Why did his young behind think that he could get her? Boys his age had the balls of giants; they thought that their sexual prowess could get them through the door with any woman. Crystal loved men, but she wasn’t into raising anyone’s babies.
“Alright, get back to your class. I’m sure that Michael is a little crazy right about now.”
“You’re right,” he said.
“And Solomon.”
“It’s never going to happen. I just figured that I would put that out there. Besides, you should be chasing after women your own age, not after old women like me.”
“In my life, you’re young,” he grinned.
“I would ask, but I don’t want to know. I’ll catch up with you at the end of the day. I’ll be here until things shut down.”
Crystal spent the next two hours going from class to class and interacting with the students. They were all happy to see her whenever she came in. Some really liked her, and some just wanted a break from whatever they were doing. Either way, she was okay with it. Seeing the shining faces of children was great. Her womb felt like it was crying out, but she ignored it. Kids were for other people, not for her.
Soon the day was over, and she and the staff were gathered together and eating a pizza that she’d ordered them. After they ate it, most of them took off, but Solomon was still han
ging around.
“You alright?” Crystal asked. “Do you need a ride somewhere?”
“I’m waiting on my ride; she’s late.”
“Who is picking you up?”
“A family friend.”
“Cool, I’m going to head on out then, so you have a great evening.”
After she said that, his phone buzzed. He read the text and smiled. “My ride is here.”
“Great, then we can walk out together.”
They gathered their things and headed outside. A bright red Hummer was idling by the curb.
“Wow, that’s your ride?” Crystal asked.
“Yep,” he said.
The dark tinted window lowered and a beautiful woman who looked to be in her mid forties was sitting there and smiling. “You ready?” she asked.
Solomon gave her a nod and then walked toward the car. “See you later Crystal.”
“You’re Crystal?” the woman asked.
“Yes I am.”
“Oh, it’s great to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you. There aren’t a lot of people out here willing to give a black man a shot. Thank you for taking such good care of him; he really needed a job,” she laughed.
“It’s my pleasure. He’s a great worker and the kids love him. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
“That’s exactly what I want to hear,” she smiled.
Crystal thought that the conversation was a bit odd, considering that she was only a family friend, and he was twenty-one. She was speaking as if he was a teen and she was parenting him, but it wasn’t her place to judge.
Solomon hopped into the passenger side of the car and the woman waved at her again, but before she could leave Crystal asked, “What’s your name?”
“You can call me Mimi,” she smiled brightly.
“Great, I’m sure I’ll see you again Mimi, so you have a great day.”
Something felt a little off about it, but it really wasn’t any of her business so she walked away and got into her car. Before pulling off, she checked her phone and saw some missed calls and a text from her mother. She read the text. It was her mom asking to borrow a thousand dollars. Crystal shook her head, cursed, and drove off. Her mom wasn’t getting that money; the gravy train had left the station.
“Now where is the fun in that?”
“Well, you know how I do baby,” Tyrell said with his annoying laugh.
“Yeah, I know,” Crystal replied. He was just a fucking narcissist; everything had to be about him, but she was just going to grin and bear it.
“I guess it’s time for us to get out of here huh?” he said suggestively.
“Yep, it’s definitely that time. I don’t think there is anyone left that works here that you can insult.”
He scowled at her. “I require top notch service everywhere I go. If people want to work in the service industry, then they need to do their job to the best of their abilities.”
“Dude, this is a pub.”
“I don’t care where this is, they need to do better.”
Crystal shook her head. She was tired of his ass and regretted bringing him to one of her favorite spots. When the check came, he pulled out his wallet.
“No, don’t worry about it, I’ve got this,” she said.
“Damn, you must be trying to get in a dude’s pants tonight.”
“You know me so well,” she smiled. The truth was that she wanted to leave a big fat tip for the waitress. That poor girl had endured more than her fair share of verbal abuse for the evening.
The only reason that Crystal hadn’t left him before the date ended was because she was horny and he knew how to make her squeal. She could put up with his ignorance for one evening long enough to get the ‘soul pole.”
“So do you want to go to your place or mine?”
“We can go to your place; I’ll meet you there,” she replied.
He grabbed her face and kissed her. “Well, let’s get the hell out of here then.”
“After you,” she grinned.
“You know that I’m going to tear that ass up right?”
“You better.”
“I’m a man of my word.”
“That’s the only thing that matters.”
On their way out of the door, he placed a firm smack directly against her backside. It stung, but it felt so good. She smiled in anticipation of things to come.
About an hour later they stood in his bedroom. Crystal didn’t waste any time. “I’m guessing that you want me naked.” Her fingers played along the waistband of her skirt. Without waiting for an answer he pulled her skirt down, revealing her shaven pussy.
“Damn, you didn’t have on any panties the entire time?” he asked.
“Nope, you know how much I detest those things.” She removed the rest of her clothing, revealing the rest of her lush body.
He smiled and rubbed his face with his hand. “Damn, well let’s do this.” He quickly took off his clothing. His body wasn’t perfect, but neither was hers. He was almost six feet tall, with a full beautiful goatee, strong arms, and an average body. Crystal loved his butt the most; it was round and tight.
Crystal licked her finger and started to circle her breast gently. She sat on the edge of the bed and spread her legs. She was putting on a show. Her legs spread wider, her hands moved between her thighs and rubbed up and down. After about a minute of that she said, “Get your ass over here, I’m wet and horny.”
“You sure know how to make me feel welcome,” he grinned. His heavy cock was already erect. He was about seven inches with an impressive girth. He walked over, leaned down, and kissed her on the mouth. Her hands went to his shoulders and she pushed him down to his knees. His tongue trailed across her midsection, down to her hips, past her most sensitive area, and then down her thigh.
Tyrell’s hands cupped her breast and slightly pinched her nipples. She gasped quickly. It hurt, but it was pleasurable.
“I want you to lick my pussy,” Crystal said boldly.
“You know I don’t mind,” he said. “That’s what I was going to do anyway.”
“I just wanted to make sure that we were on the same page.
He slowly moved his tongue up and down her slit, taking his time and giving her pussy exactly what it needed. Her clit stood up proudly, practically begging for him to attack it. She loved his mouth because he always knew what to do with it.
He purposely avoided touching her sensitive clit with his tongue and slowly tortured her pussy, sliding his tongue up and down and dipping it inside of her hungry hole until she grabbed his head and pushed it hard inside of her, grinding her wetness against his face.
“Yes Ty, just like that, fuck my pussy with your tongue, get in there,” she cried out. “You’re so good, make me cum.”
He found her sensitive clit and started to suck on it gently and roll his tongue across and underneath.
“Oh…yeah! Keep going, don’t stop!” Her body started to tense and he moved faster and faster, flicking her clit with his tongue harder and harder. She let out a loud moan and bucked her hips into his face. “Fuck, I’m going to cum all over your face, are you ready baby?”
“Mmm-hmm,” was all that he could muster. He took a finger and slid it into her pussy. It was warm, wet, and tight, just like he remembered it. He stroked her inside while working hard against her clit. She clenched the sheets while he ravaged her wet center with his mouth and tongue. Finally, her pussy tightened around his finger. She cried out and released a powerful orgasm. Her juices ran out of her pussy and onto his tongue, so he lapped it up, tracing his tongue down her thighs. She was panting hard and slowly her hips stopped. She caught her breath; her entire body felt like a limp noodle.
He stood to his feet and watched her with satisfaction as she tried to recover. “Told you I was going to tear that ass up.”
“Oh, shut up,” she laughed as she crawled backward on the bed and then turned over onto all fours. S
he spread her legs, her wet pussy spread wide, and looked back over her shoulders at him and said: “Don’t you want to fuck me?” She put one hand behind her and slid a finger inside. “Mmm, come on and give me what I’ve been waiting for all night.”
He laughed slightly and reached for his condoms. Once he had one on he headed directly for what she offered to him. Without any hesitation he stepped forward, moved his dick into position, and rubbed it up and down her lips a few times to get it lubricated. Then slowly he pushed it inside of her. Her pussy eagerly pulsated and welcomed him. Her walls clenched onto his dick as he buried himself in her slowly and carefully. His hands grabbed her hips. She took him in entirely with one long, drawn out stroke.
“Fuck,” they said in unison. When he finished his stroke, he felt her vibrating around him. Slowly he slid out and then pushed it back in hard and deep.