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Independent Women - the Complete BWWM Romance Series Boxset

Page 28

by Lena Skye

  “That was a really good day,” Tommy said.

  “Are you serious? That was a horrible day. We played hooky because I was upset about some damned loser. I was so sad and the only thing that could make me feel better was vodka.”

  “See, I footed the bill for your vodka escape, we had a great time, we went to the movies, and we fell asleep in the movies…”

  “Your ass was snoring in the movies,” Kalena laughed.

  “I snore when I’m drunk!”

  “I noticed,” she giggled.

  “You think you’re funny huh? I was extra embarrassed when you woke me up.”


  “Maybe because you did it by throwing popcorn into my mouth,” he said.

  “It was entertaining and you looked like you were hungry.”

  “Whatever excuse makes you feel better.”

  “Awww, don’t be like that,” Kalena laughed as she reached across the table and caressed his face.

  “See; don’t touch me like that, unless you want to put on a show for these people right here on the table.”

  “That’s something that you may not know about me, I don’t mind putting on a show,” she grinned.

  “Don’t get me started because I’ll come over there and then we’ll put on a sex show, get put out, and then who is going to bail us out?”

  “Oh lord, you would have to call your friends because my friends would never let me live that shit down.”

  “We’re definitely going to have to call your friends, my friends are broke. That’s what I get for hanging out with my friends from childhood.”

  “I hope that you have a stash put away.”

  “Yeah, something like that, even though it took a huge hit.”


  “Oh recently I had to help out a friend; he says that he can start paying me back though. So that is cool.”

  “I hope that your friend does pay you back. You don’t need me to go regulate this situation for you do you?”

  Tommy looked at her and laughed, “So you’re a thug now?”

  “You better act like you know,” she teased.

  “Wow a preacher’s kid and a thug? Makes for a weird mix.”

  “Stranger things have happened.”

  “That’s true.”

  A half hour later their food arrived; soon they joined in with the rest of the restaurant. Every savory bite tasted better than the one before.

  “This place was a very good idea Tommy.”

  “Does that mean that I get brownie points?”

  “Only if the desert is just as good as this meal.”

  “Are we still talking about this menu or something else?”

  Kalena laughed, “I thought that your legs were gone, are you ready to do it again?”

  “I can always rise to the challenge.”

  “Stop being so nasty, I was talking about the menu.”

  “Awww,” he fake pouted.

  “Don’t pout, there is always later.”

  She laughed, “I guess now we can actually go back to my apartment. My mom is gone, it’s been a couple of weeks but now I feel like I miss her.”

  “Wow, are you serious? You couldn’t wait for her to get the hell out, now you miss her?”

  “I know, I’m backwards and I’ll have to get over it. I’ve been over to her new place a few times already. She looks surprised whenever I show up, it’s nice.”

  “You’re full of surprises tonight. Are you actually enjoying the company of your mother?”

  “Don’t tell anyone,” she smiled.

  “Your secret is safe with me.”

  “I will keep that in mind.”

  “So do you have anymore?”

  “Anymore what?”

  “Secrets that you want to share.”

  Kalena thought about it, her eyes searched the room and that’s when she saw them. Nina and Daniel were sitting across the restaurant. She couldn’t believe it! She’d just spoken to Nina days before and she claimed to still be done with Daniel, but it seems Nina was not true to her word.


  “I embarrassed you? No, you embarrassed yourself.”


  Nina didn’t have to keep her word to Kalena because she was no longer involved with him but what woman would want to deal with a scumbag like him? When Kalena met Daniel, she thought that his name was Joseph. He was cute, white, had swag, and was successful. She was hurt to find out that not only did she not know his real name, he also had a girlfriend. His girlfriend was Nina, her ex friend at the time. Nina and Kalena finally made up over dinner, and at the dinner Kalena told her about Daniel. Nina swore that she and Daniel were done forever, it was a lie. They were sitting at the table looking like a happy and intimate couple. Ugh, she hated that she slept with him. He was a lying sleaze ball who should have never seen her naked.

  “Are you alright?” Tommy asked.

  “Umm yes, I’m fine. It’s just that Nina is over at the other table.” It was then that she realized she never told Tommy about the drama with her ex. He never knew anything about Daniel because she kept everything vague.

  “That’s cool! Let’s go say hi and meet this new white boy,” he grinned.

  Before Kalena could protest, Tommy was out of his chair and on his way over to the couple. Kalena considered sitting at the table, she didn’t want to see either of their faces.

  “Kalena! You coming?” Tommy said.

  “Alright,” she said. She stood to her feet, smoothed down her dress, and plastered her best fake smile onto her face and walked over to the table.

  Nina looked just as surprised as Kalena did.

  “Hey girl!” Tommy said, oblivious to the awkwardness that surrounded him.

  “Hey Tommy, hey Kalena,” she said with a bright smile that tried to hide her thoughts.

  Kalena wasn’t upset with Nina for being out with Daniel. She was Daniel’s official girlfriend and it was clear that he wanted to be with Nina. When he got caught lying, the only thing that he was worried about was Nina’s feelings. The sooner they could get their introduction over with the better. Ignoring Daniel and pretending like she didn’t know him was going to be her best bet.

  “Hey Nina! It’s great to see you. We just came over to say hello. We’re going to let the both of you get back to your date,” Kalena said.

  “Wait, you’re not going to introduce us?” Tommy said. Once again, before anything could be done, he stretched his hand out to Daniel and introduced himself. Daniel returned his handshake but kept his gaze on Kalena. He was still pissed at her.

  “As you can see, we’re still together,” Daniel said, “Despite the fact that you tried to break us up. I’m just happy that my girl decided to stick with me. Only God knows what kind of lies you told.”

  Nina scolded him, “Stop it, I already told you that we’re not going to do any shit like that. I forgave you but you are not going to talk to her like that.”

  Kalena’s fake smile fell, how dare his scrawny ass talk to her that way!

  “I should have thrown more than ice cold water in your face, you lying sack of shit,” Kalena said quickly.

  “I’m not worried about you, so how about you go back to your table with whoever dude this is,” Daniel said.

  “Whoa, hold on, wait a minute,” Tommy interjected, “I don’t know what’s going on here but don’t talk to my girl like that. Don’t disrespect her.”

  Daniel rose to his feet and stuck out his chest, “What the fuck are you going to do about it?”

  Kalena stood between them, “Please don’t do this. Tommy, let’s go back to our table and finish our date.”

  “Alright,” Tommy said, “But these boys out here need to learn some manners.”

  “What and you want to teach me?” Daniel asked.

  “I’m not your daddy, so I don’t want to teach you a damned thing. However, I’m willing to share a lesson or two,” he responded angrily.

  “Baby, sit dow
n,” Nina said, grabbing Daniel’s arm and trying to get him to sit down next to her.

  “Nah, I’m not in the mood for this bullshit. They came over here to us, trying to start shit.”

  “No one is trying to start anything,” Kalena said, “We just came over to say hi to Nina, and now we’re going back to our table.”

  Nina and Kalena exchanged glances, they knew that they’d bitten off much more than they could chew. Tommy and Daniel were being very aggressive towards one another.

  “Yeah take your ass on,” Daniel taunted, “And take that skank with you.”

  “Daniel!” Nina said a bit too loudly.

  All eyes were on them, Kalena wanted to disappear.

  Tommy didn’t care, he stood chest to chest with Daniel. Anger radiated off of him in waves.

  “I’m sorry fellas, we’re going to have to ask you two to break this up. Please have a seat at your table,” a man came over to say. He spoke with authority, so it was clear he was the manager.

  “Tommy please,” Kalena pleaded, “Let’s get the check and get out of here.”

  “You’re lucky that I’m not trying to get ignorant in here,” Tommy said.

  “Do something then,” Daniel said before he pushed Tommy.

  Kalena closed her eyes because she knew that all hope was lost. Tommy stumbled back a few steps and then came back and hit Daniel with a left hook. They scuffled, and everyone went crazy including Kalena and Nina along with the other nearby patrons.

  “Stop it!” Kalena said.

  “Daniel no!” Nina yelled.

  Helpless was the only word that could describe how Kalena was feeling. She felt even worse when she saw the police walk in. The two of them finished tussling but it was too late. As luck would have it there were two cops right outside when it all started and the hostess rushed them in.

  Both of the cops headed straight over to Tommy and quickly apprehended him, while asking Daniel if he was hurt.

  “What the fuck!” Tommy exclaimed, “So you’re just assuming that I’m the one that started this shit?”

  “Sir, calm down. We’re just making sure that everything is okay and that everyone is safe.”

  “Please stop, he didn’t start anything,” Kalena said.

  “This is a place of business, not a place to get outrageous. Right now I’m going to ask for you all to step outside.”

  Every inch of Kalena’s body shook, “Okay I’m going to pay the bill and meet you outside. Please don’t do or say anything crazy.”

  Tommy shook his head in disbelief, “This is some bullshit. They’re all over me like I’m the one that started this shit. Neither one of them is handling him that way.”

  “Just calm down, Tommy.”

  Kalena grabbed her and Tommy’s coat, and avoided eye contact with Nina. She was trying not to be upset with her but it was difficult. None of it would have happened if she wasn’t out to dinner with the douche-bag. Kalena gave her charge card to the waitress and waited for her to return. After the bill was settled, she went outside.

  However, by the time she got there, things had gotten a lot worse. Tommy was handcuffed.

  “What is going on?” Kalena asked.

  “Ma’am, you’re going to have to pick him up from the station. He’s a little too irate right now. Maybe he’s under the influence and just needs to sweat it out.”

  “I’m not drunk! You fuckers are just racist!” Tommy said.

  “Stop it!” Kalena said, “You’re making it worse.”

  They walked Tommy over to the squad car and Kalena stood there angrily. She was upset with everyone. She was pissed with Daniel, Nina, and Tommy. Why couldn’t Tommy just walk away when she asked? Why did he have to be the macho man?

  She turned around and headed to his car. It looked like she was going to have to end up at the police station anyway.

  “Kalena!” Nina called after her.

  “I don’t have anything to say right now. I need to go see Tommy.”

  Daniel stood there with a smirk on his face, Kalena wanted to slap it off. He was scum and everyone else could see it but Nina.


  An hour and a half later Kalena and Tommy walked out of the police station, neither of them having much to say. He was let off with a very stern warning. They walked to the car in silence and Kalena looked out of the window as he drove her home.

  “So you don’t have anything to say to me?” Tommy asked.

  “I don’t know what to say to you.”

  “Just tell me what’s on your mind.”

  “Why couldn’t you just walk away? Why did you feel the need to stand there and argue with him?”

  “I was about to walk away but he disrespected you and he kept talking shit. So was I just supposed to let him?”

  “Yes,” she said clearly, “You were supposed to because I asked you to.”

  Tommy shook his head, “Wow.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “When are you going to own up to your own shit?” he asked.

  “So what’s the history between the two of you? Did you fuck him or something?”

  Kalena was shocked with how harsh his words were, he never spoke to her that way, “That’s none of your business!”

  “I guess that means that you did.”

  “Yes! Yes I fucked him! I dated him, I had no idea that he was dating Nina the whole time. When I found out I broke it off with him. I don’t have anything to be ashamed of. However, I was extremely embarrassed by the shit that happened today.”

  “I embarrassed you? No, you embarrassed yourself. You embarrassed yourself by fucking with that lame ass in the first place. You sure know how to pick them don’t you? The whole time that I was trying to get next to you, you were dissing me for him. I learned a lot about you today.”

  Tears pooled in Kalena eyes and streamed down her face. His words cut through her like a hot knife through warm butter. She was speechless, there wasn’t anything else left to be said. The very same friend that defended her honor in a barbaric brawl was now disrespecting her.

  “Kalena,” Tommy said softly as he reached for her hand.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  “I’m so sorry. You know that I didn’t mean that. It’s just been rough night and I’m so sorry for hurting you. You know that I would never hurt you.”

  “No, what I know is that you’re a liar. You just hurt me, and for no reason. All I wanted you to do was sit down at the table with me so that we could pay our check and go home but you were too busy trying to be macho. I didn’t need you to fight for me! I needed you to leave with me and show me that I’m worth walking away for.”

  “What kind of man would I be if I did something like that?”

  “You would be the kind of man that I could be with.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that I don’t think that this is going to work. I’ve seen a side of you that I don’t care for at all. I don’t like it, we’re not going to work out.”

  “Don’t do this.”

  “Do what?” she asked as she dried her tears.

  “Put that wall back up. Give me a chance.”

  “I was giving you a chance and you blew it.”

  “So you don’t even want to be my friend anymore?”

  “You don’t want me to answer that question right now. I’m not in the place to answer it, I’m too upset. At this moment I would say that I don’t want anything from you.”

  “Okay, well, wait to answer it then.”

  “Can we just stop talking now?”


  “Lies, all lies.”


  Tamika spun around in her seat and stopped when she faced Jin, “Oh my goodness, I’m so tired that I’m delirious but I know that I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I went home. Don't you just hate that?”

  Jin laughed, “I was wondering what was keeping you so long.”

  The work day ended over an hour be
fore, but Tamika wasn’t ready to go home. It was empty there, and she kept looking at the door, expecting Reggie to walk in. She wanted him to show up but at the same time she didn’t want to see his face. It was a huge dilemma because she missed her husband terribly. However, he was living a life that she didn’t know anything about and it scared the hell out of her. What kind of man was she married to? Now she was afraid to step outside of her job and to leave from home every day. Were people going to show up and beat her up too? If it could happen to Reggie’s brother, Paul, then it could happen to her.

  “So tell me, what’s going on with you? How have things been at home? What you went through wasn’t easy and I can only imagine the strain that it’s put on you.”

  Tamika raised an eyebrow, she wanted to vent but it probably wasn’t a good idea.

  Jin rose his hands in surrender, “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it. You don’t have to discuss anything with me. I’m just worried about you. You haven’t been your usual self.”

  She slipped her feet out of her 4 inch black patent leather Louboutins. They were comfortable but having them on all day was just too much. “It’s not that I don’t want to talk to you, I just don’t know if I should.”

  “Like I said before, I understand. You don’t owe me an explanation. I just want to let you know that I’m here for you.”

  He had an authentic look of concern on his face and she could use someone to talk to. Trusting Jin with her secrets was nothing new but sex severely changed the dynamic of their friendship. At least she knew exactly where she stood with Jin. He stayed honest and he never hid anything, even when it was uncomfortable for him to tell the truth.

  “Thank you,” she replied, “I’m just so tired. Things with my husband have completely fallen apart. He’s been out of the house for about a month now and adjusting to it is killing me. I’m torn between wanting him back and wanting to serve him with divorce papers.”

  Jin sighed. He hated to see Tamika so upset over a man that didn’t deserve her. She deserved the best and if she was with him, then that’s exactly what she would get. He still could remember the feeling of being inside of her, of caressing her skin, and hearing her moans. He’d wanted that for so long. Actually he wanted much more than sex from Tamika but she was married. The encounter that they had was wrong, even though she initiated it, he should have stopped her. He grew up in a very family oriented environment. If his sister knew what he’d done, she would slap him on the back of the head. But Tamika was different, being with her didn’t feel wrong, it felt like it was exactly what they should have been doing. She was something special. Everything about her was captivating, and he always wanted more. He mentored her because he saw the untapped potential inside of her and she rose to the occasion. Whenever she closed a big account the look of glee on her face made him want to kiss her. She was so damned sexy when she worked, it was her element.


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