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Vesta Mansion: Book One - The Power Inside

Page 18

by P. A. Priddey

  Joseph raised his eyebrows. ‘What things?’

  ‘Dark shapes in the shadows, they appear to attack me, it’s almost like they’re draining my strength.’

  ‘That’s strange, if it is a dream.’

  ‘What do you mean, if?’

  ‘Sounds like you’re having visions while you’re awake, or it could be something much worse.’

  Alex’s eyes grew big. ‘What could be worse?’

  ‘They might not be in your dreams anymore; you might have freed them with your psychic powers.’

  ‘Are you saying they could be running around the mansion?’

  ‘Theoretically, yes.’

  House, did you hear that?

  Of course.

  Can you see anything?

  No, nothing strange.

  ‘They’re not here,’ Alex told them.

  ‘House?’ said George.

  ‘He hasn’t seen anything.’

  Joseph considered it for a moment. ‘Of course it might not be the case, but my guess is they are not strong enough yet for anyone else to see . . . or,’ he said, and paused for a moment, ‘the reason you’re so tired is they’re not free yet, and feeding off your energy.

  Alex wasn’t happy about that. ‘You know a lot about this kind of stuff.’

  Joseph nodded. ‘I’ve been studying the occult for a long time.’

  ‘Well, I better find a way to deal with them, as I’m worried about my girls and everyone else.’

  ‘It would appear they’re only interested in you.’

  ‘Do you know what they are?’

  Joseph shrugged. ‘Tormented spirits, I’d imagine, and using you as a portal to escape.’

  ‘If they’re tormented, why don’t I just let them go?’

  ‘They would cause havoc, there are only a few places you could do it and I’m not sure where.’

  ‘How do I stop them?’

  ‘I’m not sure, I’ll have to go home and search through my books and hope for the best.’

  Alex groaned. ‘Why did they choose me?’

  ‘At a guess, I would say you have a lot more psychic powers than the rest of us.’

  ‘I’ve found it easy to do, and it did come to me quickly.’

  ‘You’ve opened your mind to the spirit world, and you need to close it.’

  ‘How do I do that?’

  ‘I will show you, but we must sort your other problem out first, otherwise they could be trapped in your mind . . . and that wouldn’t be very pleasant.’

  Alex looked at the other men. ‘I’m not the only one who needs their mind closing.’

  George shook his head. ‘Our psychic powers are nowhere near as strong as yours.’

  James leant back in his chair. ‘That maybe, but it’s been growing since I moved in here and I’m also a lot faster.’

  Joseph shrugged. ‘It’ll be best to err on the safe side, it’s a simple procedure that’ll close a door in your mind, and stop anything from sneaking in.’

  James and George both offered to assist Joseph, neither knew what they were looking for, but at least they felt like they were doing something.

  Alex had the same dream over the next three nights, he felt exhausted and stressed. He kept away from the others as much as possible, as he was irritable and didn’t want to snap at anyone. It broke his heart when the girls thought it was their fault, but could only tell them he was tired. He saw the shapes in the shadows a lot more now. They wouldn’t let him sleep unless the light was on, and even then only managed an hour.

  * * *

  Opened books covered the table in Joseph’s living room. They had been searching for four days with no luck.

  George sat flicking through a book, checking the pictures for anything familiar. ‘Shouldn’t we be looking for protection spells, or ones to banish them?’

  Joseph rubbed his eyes. ‘It’s been such a long time since I’ve done one, I’m not sure.’

  ‘I’ve seen this picture before,’ said James, passing the book over.

  ‘Yes, of course . . . it’s on the chest I gave Alex, it’s a confinement spell.’

  * * *

  Alex was half asleep when his phone rang at six in the evening. Joseph told him what they had found out about the chest. He struggled off the bed relieved as he now knew what to do. One of the black shapes grabbed his leg from beneath the bed — he kicked it off — he didn’t care anymore. Alex trudged downstairs and picked his girls up.

  Adhara hugged his neck. ‘You OK, Papa?’

  ‘I’m fine, sweetheart, I’ve just been a little tired and thought a hug off my girls would make me feel better.’

  They both hugged and kissed him, and when he looked into their big eyes he didn’t feel so tired. Alex realized he should have done this sooner as his love for them almost doubled his strength. He put them down and walked towards the study.

  Alex, I can see them now, said House.

  Good, where are they?

  All over the place, wherever they can find shade.

  I need them in the study.

  They will not cross the main hall with the lights on.

  We’ll have to turn them off for a few minutes without worrying the others.

  Do you have a plan?

  I believe so.

  Rho walked over to him. What’s going on?

  Have you seen the black shapes?

  Like little ghosts, are they the ones from your dreams?

  Yeah, and I’m not sure how dangerous they are to anyone with psychic powers. I’m going to turn the lights off in here soon, and want everyone to go in the party room.

  They should not bother us, human spirits never do, but I will take Chi and the little ones in there.

  Alex looked around the hall for any sign of them. House, how bright can you make the study?

  Bright enough to hurt your eyes.

  Good, you’re going to have to help me.

  What do you want me to do?

  Flicker the lights in here so I can get the others to go into the party room, and tell them the lights will go off as I’m sorting out the fuses.

  Eight women and the girls moved into the party room as Blaze ushered them out while giving him an accusing look. He walked into the study and put the chest on the table. He opened it slightly, and put a pencil in the gap.

  ‘Where are they?’ said Alex.

  They are outside the door.

  Alex sat down at the desk with the chest in front of him. ‘You’ll need to turn the lights off in here and put the ones in the main hall back on. And when the spirits are all in here make this room as bright as possible, but give me a little warning so I can cover my eyes.’

  House turned the light off as Alex grabbed a cloth. The spirits came flooding in underneath the door grabbing at him, they didn’t hurt, but he guessed in a few days they could be ripping him apart.

  They are all in, said House, before turning the light on.

  Alex covered his eyes with the cloth. He heard high-pitched squeals from the spirits looking for somewhere to hide.

  Now, said House.

  Alex pulled the pencil out and held the lid down as the light lowered to a normal hue. He locked the chest before leaning back in the chair, relieved.

  That was nicely done, said House.’

  ‘You didn’t do so badly yourself,’ said Alex, and checked the chest to make sure it was sealed. He walked back into the hall where a couple of women were watching him, and one was Blaze.

  She folded her arms. ‘Fix the lights did you?’

  ‘Erm . . . yeah,’ said Alex, surprised at her tone.

  ‘I didn’t realize the fuse box was in the study, not to mention that’s Michelle’s job as you’re rubbish with electrics, and what were those things?’

  Alex stared at her open-mouthed. ‘You saw them?’

  ‘Yeah, are you going to keep me in the dark?’

  ‘No, not anymore.’ Alex took Blaze’s arm and walked her away from the others.

‘Oh,’ Blaze sounded surprised. ‘Why tell me now? And what’s with the change of mind?’

  ‘It’s not a change of mind. There are a few secrets here that just a few know about, and that’s because they’re part of it. Everyone here might be part of it but I won’t tell them unless I believe they’re ready.’

  ‘And you believe I’m ready?’

  ‘For the most part as you saw the dark shapes. I’ve no idea what they were, but they won’t bother us again. Have you noticed anything else?’

  Blaze rubbed her hands nervously. ‘I’ve heard you and the other men talk to the wolves.’

  Hello, Blaze. It was a female voice they both heard.

  Alex looked down and saw Chi. He smiled as he saw the look on Blaze’s face.

  ‘How do I talk back?’ she said, quite startled.

  I will teach you, said Chi. But we best do it in your office or living area as you might get some strange looks.

  ‘I’m not the only one who as heard you talk, there are three others.’

  Who are they?

  ‘Asima, Paige and Claire.’

  You might as well get them as it will save time if I teach you all together.

  Thank you, Chi, said Alex, as Blaze walked away to find the other women.

  No need to thank me, it’s been a long time since I chatted to an adult female and now I have four of them.

  Carrie approached him, wearing joggers and a vest top with a towel around her shoulders. ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘How do you mean,’ said Alex, giving her an innocent look. She might have been working out in the gym, but she still looked stunning, he thought.

  ‘You were talking to Chi, or I could be losing my mind.’

  ‘You heard us?’

  ‘I think so,’ said Carrie.

  ‘That’s wonderful,’ said Alex, he kissed her cheek, and was happy even though he felt exhausted.

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘You can talk to people through your mind.’

  Carrie looked shocked. ‘How do I do that?’

  ‘Chi will show you, I‘m going to bed.’

  ‘It’s a bit early for that.’

  ‘I know, but I’m tired.’

  James, George and Joseph entered the mansion as Blaze and the other four women walked into her living area.

  ‘We came back as soon as we could,’ said George. ‘Have you found out what to do with the chest?’

  Alex smiled. ‘To put those annoying spirits, or whatever they are inside.’

  Joseph raised a brow. ‘How are you going to do that?’

  ‘Just get them to jump in.’

  James stood with his hands on hips, and shook his head. ‘You’ve already done it.’

  ‘House and I kicked their butts.’

  ‘Are you saying we didn’t need to go looking through those books after all?’

  Alex gave a tired nod. ‘Yeah, you did, my friend. If you hadn’t found out what the chest was, I’d never have known.’

  ‘That’s marvellous, but how?’ said a cheerful George.

  ‘I’ll tell you in a week or two after I’ve slept.’

  Joseph shook his head. ‘I’m sorry, you can’t sleep just yet.’

  Alex wasn’t happy about that. ‘Why not, I’m tired?’

  Joseph patted his shoulder. ‘Your mind is still open.’

  It took just a few minutes, it was like how Rho had taught him to talk, and the wolf walked over to them.

  Have you seen Chi?

  ‘I’ve bad news for you,’ said Alex.

  How do you mean?

  ‘Five of the women have heard us talk, and your mate is teaching them how to do it.’ The men stood grinning as Rho walked over to his cubs groaning. Alex gave his girls a hug and carried on upstairs to bed.


  A Time to Trust

  Alex fell asleep straight away. The children were in and out of his room during the whole time he slept.

  Carrie was happy, she could speak telepathically, and it made her feel more secure as if she had become part of something. What didn’t sit right was when Chi told them Alex was special. He was special to her, but wouldn’t it make him even more unattainable. Carrie decided she would hug his children every time she saw Alex, as it would keep her hands off him. He was special and destined for something she wouldn’t be part of, which hurt. She glanced towards his bedroom before going downstairs and saw Sarin coming out.

  ‘Is your papa OK?’

  ‘Yep, he’s still sleeping, but you can go in if you want.’

  ‘I can’t go in his room just like that,’ she said, even though she wanted to on many occasions.

  ‘Course you can.’ Sarin took her hand and led her into Alex’s room.

  Carrie saw him sleeping. ‘He looks very peaceful, are you sure I’m not disturbing him?’

  Adhara looked sad. ‘Papa will wake up when he wants, and no one else has come to see him.’

  Carrie knelt and put her arms around the twins. ‘They might want to, but won’t wanna disturb him.’

  ‘You came.’

  ‘Yeah, Sarin brought me in.’

  ‘Oh, so you didn’t want to come in?’ said Adhara, shaking her head, with her big brown eyes looking even sadder.

  ‘Oh I wanted to, but I thought it would be rude,’ said Carrie, and took Alex’s hand in her own. ‘I was worried about him.’

  ‘Papa will be fine,’ said Sarin.

  Carrie looked at them suspiciously. ‘So why are you here?’

  Adhara put her arms behind her back trying to look all innocent, and shuffled her feet. ‘We want to make sure he’s OK.’

  Carrie looked at Alex. ‘I’ll do that now, you go and have fun.’

  Adhara grinned at Sarin. ‘You’d do that for us?’

  ‘Of course I would,’ said Carrie, and turned to hug them.

  ‘OK, you’re in charge of Papa, and we’ll watch a film.’

  It happened so fast, one minute she was about to go downstairs, and the next she was in the bedroom of the man she loved. Carrie realised she was holding his hand again when a strange idea came to her, and thought it wouldn’t really hurt. She climbed on the bed and lay next to him. Well, who’s going to know anyway?

  Carrie fell asleep.

  * * *

  Alex woke hours later and the smell hit him straight away, that wonderful smell. He felt a head resting on his chest, he knew in an instant who it was, and opened his eyes. He couldn’t believe it. Carrie was finally in his room. She was fully dressed and asleep, but it was something. Alex realised that apart from his t-shirt he was naked under the duvet. All it took was the change in is heartbeat to wake her.

  She opened her eyes and looked up. ‘Well, this is embarrassing.’

  ‘Were you worried about me?’ said Alex, looking into her eyes, hoping she was there because she wanted to be.

  ‘No, the girls said you’d be OK, but they wouldn’t leave your side, so I decided to sit with you.’

  ‘I like the way you sit,’ said Alex smiling, he was going to do it, her lips were inches away.

  ‘Papa,’ the girls shouted as they run into the room. Alex and Carrie sat up quickly as both girls jumped on the bed hugging them.

  Alex did love his girls — but there were times.

  * * *

  Carrie strolled downstairs a few minutes later. She sat on one of the sofas, next to Claire, which for some reason is where Alex always sat.

  Claire raised an eyebrow. ‘Oh, so you pinched his bed, and now you’re pinching his seat.’

  Carrie felt her cheeks go warm. ‘What do you mean?’

  Michelle waved a finger at her. ‘We know where you been.’

  ‘Adhara and Sarin wouldn’t leave his side unless someone was watching him, and were upset no one else had gone to see if he was OK.’

  Blaze laughed. ‘They conned you.’

  ‘But I offered, they didn’t ask me to stay.’

  ‘Like we offered to work her

  Claire stifled a laugh. ‘They certainly are his daughters.’

  ‘I know that, they have the same eyes and hair,’ said Carrie, and everyone looked at her, astonished at what she said.

  ‘How on earth can you say that?’ said Claire. ‘Their hair and eyes are different colours.’

  ‘I know, but if you look into their eyes they all have the same sparkle, and Alex’s eyes are only a shade darker than Sarin’s. As for the hair they each have two colours, and both are natural.’

  Michelle shook her head. ‘Alex has only one colour.’

  ‘He has two, both brown, but one is lighter than the other.’

  ‘It’s true,’ said Paige.

  ‘I wonder what their mother was like,’ said Sammy. ‘I bet she was beautiful.’

  Carrie tensed. ‘You don’t think she’ll come back do you?’

  ‘I can’t see how,’ said Paige. ‘I knew most of Alex’s movements up to five years ago, and he never got anyone pregnant.’

  ‘It’s all a bit weird,’ said Claire.

  Michelle tugged on her hair. ‘And you talking to the wolves isn’t weird?’

  ‘We all do,’ said Blaze quickly. Michelle, she said in her mind. Don’t say anything, not a word. You heard Claire talk to the wolves because you’ve been given a special talent, and there’s a few here who don’t know about it. They can’t know until they hear it for themselves. When we get a chance, Chi will teach you how to do it. If you understand, just say yes in your mind.


  Yes, another voice said, it was Skye and she smiled at Michelle.

  Nicely done, Blaze, said George.

  ‘So, Cas, why did you do it?’ said Claire, changing the subject.

  ‘You’re not gonna have a go at me for going in his room?’

  ‘No, course not, I’d have fallen for their trick.’

  Carrie looked sheepish. ‘You wouldn’t have got on the bed with him though.’

  ‘No, I wouldn’t have, but I want to know why you fell asleep. There’s nothing wrong with you is there?’

  ‘No, but spending the day in the gym training with Asima is exhausting.’

  ‘I can relate to that,’ said James. ‘And she can swim for hours.’


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