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Darkest Knight

Page 7

by Kevin J. Anderson

  Chewie pointed to the burned pathways on the Shadow Chaser's removed

  navicomputer core. Lowie's father also spoke up, and Eit Teedee said,

  "Master Mahraccor asserts that this is an exciting new design, an

  Imperial configuration he has never seen before. Fortunately, however,

  he is confident that the facilities here on Kashyyyk can repair it quite


  The Tour Droid bent over on its long, stretched-out body. "You are quite

  good at translating Wookiee speech, my colleague," it said, "but you

  lack the finesse for being a true Tour Droid. You seem not to have the

  ability to make interesting comparisons that customers can understand.

  For instance, you might have said, 'With our facilities here we can

  place this damaged core in one of our crystal baths, flush out the

  impurities and the carbon scoring, and use our own master computers to

  retrace the circuits and map the electronic pathways. In short, we will

  provide a bacta tank to heal the computer core."' Em Teedee wasn't

  impressed. "They certainly didn't need to hear all of that. Of course, I

  wouldn't presume to tell you your job," he said. "We have more important

  things to do." The Tour Droid did not respond to the insult, since he

  had no doubt been given thorough programming in tactfulness.

  "rmank you for the tour," Jaina said. "It was very interesting."

  The Tour Droid stood up straighter, and the optical sensors mounted on

  all sides of its boxy head brightened with pleasure. 'That is the finest

  compliment you could have given me, Mistress Jaina Solo."

  -----------------SURROUNDED BY DIMNESS in his private office, lit only

  by recorded starlight from distant parts of the galaxy, Brakiss

  contemplated the plans of the Second Imperium.

  Time slipped away from him as he allowed himself to be swallowed up in


  Possibilities for conquest engrossed him, and he ran them over and over

  in his head, contemplating the complete destruction of the Rebels and

  his former mentor, Luke Skywalker. Such imaginings soothed him. Resting

  his elbows on the polished black desk, Brakiss touched his fingertips

  together and smiled.

  Suddenly, a startling signal destroyed his concentration like a

  thunderbolt. The potent alarm pulsed again, and he used his muchneeded

  Jedi skills to calm himself. 'This is Brakiss," he responded.

  "Qorl here," a voice replied. An image appeared on the flatscreen

  communicator built into his desk. The old TIE pilot seemed rattled-and

  that surprised Brakiss even more than the alarm had. Qorl was one of the

  steadiest officers in the Second Imperium.

  'We have a coded message coming into the Shadow Academy, sir. It carries

  the highest level of encryption. Every marking indicates that the

  transmission is of the utmost importance. You must receive the message

  yourself and respond personally."

  Brakiss blinked. "Any indication of the sender's identity?" His thoughts


  Tamith Kai and Zekk had already departed on their mission to Kashyyyk,

  but even they were incapable of sending such a high-level message.

  'No indication, sir," Qorl said, "but I would recommend that you respond

  without delay."

  "I'm on my way," Brakiss said, and switched off, propelling himself out

  of his chair in one fluid motion.

  He raced through the curved metallic corridors, taking an automated lift

  platform to the transmitting and receiving tower, which contained the

  machinery that cast a cloaking field around the spike-ringed station.

  Several stormtroopers stood alert as Brakiss swept into the transmitting

  tower. Qorl worked at the receiving stations, scanning computer ized

  readouts and recording the coded signal.

  Brakiss noted that the man used his biological right hand, letting his

  bulky robotic limb hang motionless at his side. Qorl blinked at the

  Shadow Academy leader. "They have begun transmitting again, Lord

  Brakiss," he said.

  "They seem to be quite impatient."

  "All right, let's input the decryption routine." Standing beside Qorl,

  Brakiss had to think for a moment to summon the correct string of

  symbols and numbers, then keyed in his password so that the Shadow

  Academy computers could translate the high-level coded message.

  Qorl handed Brakiss a dangling headset.

  'The message is for your ears only. Listen on this channel." Qorl helped

  Brakiss mount the earphones and microphone snugly against his head.

  Brakiss listened to the crackle of static as the convoluted message ran

  through its codedeciphering algorithms and finally resolved itself into

  coherent words. The voice pounded against his eardrums, harsh, almost

  reptilian, dripping with evil.

  Brakiss's eyes widened, and fear drove a spike through his mind. He

  cleared his throat twice before he could respond. "Yes, my lord," he

  finally answered. 'Yes, at once." He drew a deep breath to continue, but

  the sender terminated the signal. Brakiss heard only static.

  He stood rigid, using all of his Jedi strengths to keep himself from

  trembling. Qorl waited beside him, leathery face emotionless, his eyes

  unblinking. Only a slight furrow across the TIE pilot's forehead showed

  how concerned he was.

  Brakiss spoke quietly, looking at Qorl but knowing that the stormtrooper

  guards were also listening intently. "The Emperor," he said hoarsely,

  "the Emperor is coming here!"

  An ominous transport shuttle dropped out of hyperspace in the vicinity

  of the Shadow Academy. The shuttle was an Imperial design, the Emperor's

  private escort ship, armored with tarnished hull plates. Its

  configuration was similar to a triangular Lambda-class transport, except

  that this craft bore very special weaponry, sensing devices, and

  ultrapowerful hyperdrive engines. Even such extreme modifications,

  though, were of little consequence when compared to the importance of

  the passenger it carried.

  Brakiss stood within the hangar bay, struggling to drive back his

  anxiety. In all this time he had never met the Emperor face-to face,

  despite his unwavering service to the Second Imperium.

  The Great Leader of the Second Imperium, Emperor Palpatine, must somehow

  have escaped death years earlier-though Brakiss had been sure the

  Emperor had been destroyed . . . several times, in fact. He did not know

  what secret Palpatine had used, or how he had managed to restore himself

  to life, but Brakiss didiyt care-all that mattered was that the Second

  Imperium was in the most capable hands imaginable.

  The comm buzzed and Qorl's voice made an announcement. "Lord Brakiss,

  the Emperor's private transport has just come out of hyperspace. I await

  your orders."

  Brakiss leaned closer to the wall speaker.

  "Very well, drop the Shadow Academy's cloaking field and transmit our

  greetings to Emperor Palpatine. We are honored by his visit." "Yes,

  sir," Qorl said, signing off.

  Brakiss could feel no difference, not even through the Force, as the

  invisibility shield dissolved around the station. He stood with an honor

  guard of stormtroopers in
side the cleared docking bay. The transparent

  atmosphere containment field flickered.

  Brakiss stared out into open space, watching the awesome craft approach.

  The storm troopers stood more rigidly, their armor locking into place,

  boots clicking together.

  The Emperor's transport followed Qorl's signal. The three-bladed shuttle

  glided through the atmosphere containment field, which flickered and

  sparked as it folded around the hull of the ship. The Imperial transport

  coasted to the center of the broad deck, then lowered itself to a stable


  Brakiss swallowed a large lump in his throat. He transmitted to Qorl.

  "Reactivate the cloaking shield, please-we don't want to expose

  ourselves any longer than necessary."

  'It is done, sir," Qorl said.

  The stormtroopers shouldered their weapons and stood in perfect ranks.

  Brakiss stepped forward to offer greeting, but paused when nothing

  happened. The Emperor's transport remained silent except for a few

  hissing and ticking sounds as the ship settled. He saw no movement

  inside. The hatch remained stubbornly shut. Brakiss waited for any sign.

  Finally, a voice boomed from loudspeakers mounted outside the Emperor's

  shuttle. "Attention, all Shadow Academy personnel! The Emperor has

  arrived. As a security precaution, we insist that everyone depart the

  docking bay immediately. The Emperor has a private escort of Imperial

  guards and wishes no further contact at this time."

  The announcement took Brakiss completely by surprise. When he noticed

  that his mouth was hanging open in foolish astonishment, he closed it so

  quickly that his teeth clicked together. The Emperor had come to the

  Shadow Academy- and now Palpatine refused Brakiss's honor escort. The

  Great Leader wanted to be left alone?

  Brakiss realized that he had hesitated in following Palpatine's

  instructions. Aghast and trying to make up for lost time, he turned and

  clapped his hands smartly. "You heard the orders! Everyone, about-face.

  Clear the docking bay. The Emperor wishes his privacy."

  The storrntroopers turned and, with a booming clatter on the metal deck,

  marched out of the docking bay and into the curved corridors.

  "Sir," one of the stormtroopers said, breaking ranks to stop in front of

  Brakiss, "I had requested to be part of the Emperor's personal escort

  squad. I'll stay here to greet him as he disembarks."

  Brakiss blinked in shock, noting the stormtrooper's service number. He

  recognized Qorl's trainee, Norys. Qorl had said the burly young man was

  ambitious and ill-tempered, but Brakiss was nonetheless stunned at the


  "You will follow my orders, trooper," Brakiss snapped. "The Second

  Impeiium has no room for those who don't understand discipline." He drew

  in a cold breath. "If I see any further instance of your failure to obey

  commands, you will be ejected from the airlock into space. Is that


  As Norys clomped off without acknowledging Brakiss's rebuff, the master

  of the Shadow Academy turned to look back at the silent Imperial

  shuttle. He himself was unable to comprehend why the Emperor had come

  here if he had no intention of interacting with the Shadow Academy, or

  at least meeting with Brakiss personally.

  However, the Emperor was the ultimate master, and Brakiss would not dare

  question Palpatine's orders.

  The last one to leave the docking bay, he turned with a swirl of his

  silvery robes and stepped outside before transmitting the signal that

  closed and sealed the doors to the docking bay.

  As he stood in the outer corridor, though, Brakiss made a decision of

  his own. He was master of this station-and was required to know what

  happened aboard it, wasn't he?

  He had followed the Emperor's wishes to the letter, but now he needed to

  see what was going on. Brakiss went to a videomonitor designed for

  observation of docking and loading procedures.

  With the docking bay emptied of stormtroopers and Shadow Academy

  representatives, the hatches finally opened on the Emperor's shuttle. On

  the monitor Brakiss was impressed to see four Imperial guards stride

  out, shrouded in scarlet robes. The intimidating red guards had been the

  most feared elite corps of Palpatine's forces, and now four -of them had

  accompanied the Emperor here.

  Smooth red armor covered their heads and shoulders like cowls, reminding

  him of historical images he had seen of ancient Mandalorian uniforms.

  The red Imperial guards moved away from the ship and took up defensive

  positions, their robes flowing like flames around them.

  A shudder ran down Brakiss's spine. He tried to feel the intense dark

  force crackling from the core of the Imperial transport ship. The

  Emperor, he knew, must be in there somewhere.

  Through the voice pickup mounted in the docking bay, Brakiss heard a

  clanking, slamming sound. Two pairs of squat, powerful workerdroids

  tromped down the wide extendedramp, carrying an enormously heavy

  isolation chamber. The worker droids, little more than the powerful arms

  and legs mounted on a stocky body core, hauled their burden without


  The droids were gentle with their cargo, moving smoothly, carefully,

  despite the immense power in their hydraulic limbs. They carried the

  huge tank off the Imperial ship and into the docking bay. Side panels on

  the isolation chamber's black riveted walls blinked with multicolored

  lights; computer displays showed life monitors and external


  The four red guards surrounded the chamber, looking protective and

  menacing. Then they marched toward the broad doors-two in front of the

  chamber, two behind-into the main core of the Shadow Academy.

  Brakiss hurried to open the doors for them, but somehow the

  computer-locked seals were automatically broken before he could do so.

  The doors slammed open, as if controlled by the Emperor's dark side


  The red guards strode forward, still surrounding the worker droids. The

  huge isolation tank hissed and buzzed and bleeped as a thousand

  electronic systems monitored its supremely important occupant.

  Brakiss stopped in front of the foremost pair of Imperial guards.

  "Greetings. I am Master Brakiss of the Shadow Academy."

  The leader of the red guards turned his armored head, and Brakiss felt a

  cold scrutiny through the black eyeslit. "You will leave us alone. We

  have important work, and we require privacy. You may guide us to our

  chambers-and then leave."

  Brakiss could barely contain his dismay.

  "But . . . I am the Master of the Shadow Academy."

  The red guard said, "And the Emperor is the master of the galaxy. He

  wishes privacy for now. We suggest that you do not displease him."

  Brakiss backed away, bowing quickly. "I have no wish to displease the

  Emperor. Forgive my impudence."

  After Brakiss indicated the quarters to which the visitors had been

  assigned-the plushest and most spacious accommodations aboard the

  station-the red guards and worker droids marched into the ch

  leaving Brakiss alone out in the corridor.

  He felt belittled, insignificant, stepped on, as if all of his

  accomplishments and work meant nothing to the Emperor. It baffled him.

  What could be the purpose of it? He frowned as thoughts whirled inside

  his head.

  The Emperor had originally died in the destruction of the second Death

  Star, but six years after his defeat, Palpatine had been resurrected in

  a series of clones, which had also-presumably-been destroyed.

  Now, after observing the isolation tank, the secrecy, the inexplicable

  behavior of the four Imperial guards, Brakiss felt a new and deeper fear

  coil through his body. He wondered if something could be wrong, if the

  Emperor could perhaps be in failing health again. . . .

  If that was the case, the Second Imperium was indeed in great trouble.

  -----------------AS A FORMER TIE pilot, Qorl had been trained in the

  Imperial way, with loyalties and duties and responses drilled into him.

  No questions, only orders. His mind had been programmed to turn him into

  a perfect fighting machine for the Empire.

  The cornerstone of that training had been discipline. And one thing Qorl

  knew: the young man who stood before him was not disciplined.

  He wondered if perhaps Brakiss and Tamith Kai had been too hasty in

  accepting Norys and his band of young ruffians from Coruscant to be

  trained as stormtroopers and pilots. nine, the battles ahead to


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