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Because I Said So: (A Texas Heroes Crossover Novel) (The Hell Yeah! Series)

Page 22

by Sable Hunter

  “I can’t hold your hand and eat Cheetos.”

  “Yes, you can. I’ll feed you.”

  So, he had an answer to everything.

  A little while later, Brodie cut his eyes at Shane. She was watching the show so intently, her mouth was agape. He took a Cheeto and held it near her lips, then chuckled as she stuck her tongue out and twisted her head just enough to grasp it. Glancing down at their joined hands, he was gratified that she not only let him hold her hand, she was holding tight to his.

  Even if he hadn’t seen the show, he was much more interested in watching her. Stretching his long legs out in front of him, Brodie set out to seduce Shane Wilder.

  Bringing her hand over into his lap, right over his semi-aroused package, he began to show her how erogenous holding hands could be.

  He started out slow, moving his thumb over the back of her hand.

  “Cheeto,” she said, opening her mouth like a baby bird, her eyes never leaving the screen as someone died a semi-horrible death in the horror show. He accommodated her request, placing one of the cheesy snacks in her mouth. All the time, he kept up the steady rubbing.

  As he went about lulling her into complacency, he turned her hand over and began caressing the palm. He noticed she shifted slightly. Ah, he was getting to her. She was feeling his touch in places other than her hand.

  Shane shivered a little. Brodie’s initial innocent hand-holding session had morphed into a semi-erotic experience. She’d never pretended not to be attracted to him. The man could walk by and she’d get wet. When he set his mind to turning her on, he was dangerous.

  “Hmmm,” she whimpered as he began massaging her hand, their fingers entwined, skin-on-skin.”

  “You all right?” he had the nerve to ask.

  “Good,” she squeaked. Shane endured the sensual onslaught for a few more seconds, before she tore her hand from his grasp and jumped to her feet.

  Jumping when recovering from a gunshot wound is never smart.

  “Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.”

  “Now, see what you did. Sit down. I’ll get you a pain pill.”

  He stood up and left her standing there, watching his fine ass as he walked away.

  When he returned, he slipped the pill between her lips, then gave her water. “Now, sit back down. I’ll hold you while you go to sleep.”

  Shane didn’t argue. It’s hard to argue when one is being given exactly what they want – even when they know it’s bad for them.

  Nestled against his broad chest, Shane surrendered to sleep. The next time she awoke, it was morning and she was covered up, safe, in her own bed.

  The noise that roused her was Brodie calling to wish her good morning.

  Yes, she was in trouble. Big time.


  As the day wound down, Shane found herself stopping to listen every time there was a noise outside. If someone had asked her if she was waiting for Brodie to come, she would’ve denied it. Today was her last day of sick leave before returning to work and she spent the time getting her clothes ready and picking up the house. It was time for things to get back to normal.

  But what was normal? Was it normal for her to think about him all the time?

  Was it normal for her to realize she was slipping right back into the old habit of hoping they had a future?

  She covered her eyes and moaned. “He’s driving me crazy!”

  Knock! Knock!

  Again, her traitorous heart leapt in her breast.

  At least she refrained from running to let him in.

  And honest to God, if she’d opened the door and found someone else standing there, Shane would’ve fainted.

  But she didn’t have to faint, it was him.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “Hey.” She noticed he was holding a picnic basket. “Going somewhere?”

  “Sure am. Come on. We’re going on a picnic.”

  This was new. Instead of just coming to see her, he was asking her to go somewhere with him. “Brodie, I don’t know.” She pointed behind her. “I was working…”

  “No work tonight.” He grasped her ‘good’ hand. “Time to play.”

  “Oh, okay.” She gave very little token resistance. Grabbing her purse, she locked the door. “Where are we going?”

  He held up the picnic basket. “I brought this in as bait. Smell.” He held the basket to her nose. Her eyes brightened. “BBQ?”

  He smiled. “Yes.” This was one of the things he wanted to do to make a new memory for her. The last time they’d been around BBQ, he’d been ugly to her, allowing the door to slam in her face, and making her eat alone. There were moments when he tried to make excuses for himself, but he couldn’t. No matter the degree of his grief, there had never been a good reason for him to treat anyone with disrespect. At the time, he’d thought he was being loyal to Mary. Mary, bless her soul, would’ve been appalled at his actions. “I remembered you liked brisket.”

  He was right, but Shane didn’t ask him how he knew. The idea that he’d been aware of what she’d ordered the day they had eaten separately at the BBQ joint was unfathomable to her. “I do. Thank you.”

  After he’d installed her in his truck, fastened the seat belt, and stolen a kiss, they pulled out onto the road. “I thought I’d take you to one of my favorite places.” He gave her a smile. “Canyon Lake.”

  “Really?” She didn’t even try to mask her excitement.

  “Yes, my boat is waiting and I have two fishing rods in the back. We’re going fishing!”

  For Shane, the next few hours were magical. Her arm was still a bit sore, but the little bit of pain didn’t hamper her good time. “I love your boat,” she told him, admiring the sleek lines. Caressing the smooth red hull, she gave him a big smile. “A Ranger, I love the Comanche series.”

  Her admiration for his boat was just the beginning. He found that his fishing companion knew her stuff. If she hadn’t been a bit handicapped, the woman would have out-cast and out-fished him. He’d known she considered herself a tomboy, but the fun they shared was addictive. Brodie had never been with a woman who could keep up with him. He couldn’t believe that he almost missed this, almost missed someone who was perfect for him in every way.

  After they’d caught a string of bass, they docked the boat and ate their supper.

  “This is beautiful.” Shane took a deep breath of fresh air.

  “You’re right,” Brodie agreed, his eyes only on her.

  “I love it here. The hilly terrain, the live oak trees, the limestone rocks. And look!” She pointed at a small red fox, getting a drink from the lake.

  “I see him,” he spoke lowly, not wanting to spook the small animal. “Someday, I want to retire out here, build a small log cabin and fish every day.”

  Shane agreed. “You’d love that, it sounds amazing.”

  “Tell me your hopes, your dreams, Shane.” Brodie urged.

  His question caught her off guard. “Well, I have someone else to consider now, not just myself.”

  “You don’t have to do anything by yourself, you know.” He tried to reassure her.

  “Oh, I know,” she agreed offhandedly. “My dreams have always been simple. I just wanted a home and a family. Someone to love.”

  “I have a sneaky suspicion all of your dreams are about to come true.”

  Thinking he meant the baby, she nodded. “True. I’ll never be alone. Will I?”

  “No, you won’t.” He intended to be with her every step of the way.

  * * *

  Returning to work was an experience. The men gave her a party and she didn’t have to lift a finger all day. Everyone was so gracious, there was even a bouquet of flowers from the woman whose life she’d saved.

  Maverick and Everly Cross took her to lunch and Chief Olsen checked on her every few minutes.

  “You all are spoiling me,” she said with gratitude.

  “Shane!” Jensen yelled from the bay. “Your boyfriend’s here!”

; Her boyfriend?

  “Why didn’t you tell us you were dating Big Brodie Walton?”

  “Because I’m not dating him,” she grumbled under her breath. “I’m not sure what we’re doing.”

  Since there was nowhere to run, she went to greet ‘her boyfriend’. “Brodie, what are you doing here?”

  To further cement his status as her significant other, he came and boldly kissed her on the lips in front of everyone. “Hello, sweetheart. I thought I’d come meet everyone.” Actually, Brodie knew the real reason he was here. Like any male animal, he was marking his property, claiming his mate, letting all the rest know she was off limits.

  “Great,” she said with some uncertainty.

  As the rest gathered around, Shane did the honors, making sure everyone knew Brodie and that he knew everyone else. When Maverick took Brodie over to see a new piece of equipment, Chief Olsen sidled up to her. “I presume that’s our baby’s daddy?”

  Shane blushed to the roots of her hair. “Yes. It is.”

  “I thought you two were…splitsville.”

  Shane giggled a little, not at her predicament but at the older man’s attempt to whisper out the side of his mouth. “We are not together. Frankly, I don’t have a clue what the man is up to.”

  “Hmmm, it’s pretty clear to me,” the chief observed dryly. “If you two have plans, I wouldn’t mind if you knocked off early.”

  “Oh, we don’t…”

  “Thanks, Chief!” Brodie walked up behind them and hooked an arm around her waist, pulling her to him gently. “I thought I’d take this pretty lady out for coffee.”

  “Good. She needs to be shown a good time.”


  Shane knew when she was beat. Locking up her desk, she let Brodie lead her out. “So, you’re my boyfriend?”

  “Technically, yes, I believe I am,” Brodie deduced as they went to the parking lot. “Let’s leave your vehicle here. We’ll pick it up on the way back.”

  After climbing into his truck, she had to ask. “Brodie what are you doing?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you show up every day.” She searched for the right words. “And you’re being so good to me.”

  Brodie felt like he’d been kicked in the gut. He had a lot of making up to do. “Isn’t it obvious, Wilder? I’m courting you.”

  * * *

  Over the next couple of days, the concept of Brodie’s courting her began to sink in.

  When she showed up at home one evening, he met her with several boxes from one of the trendy malls. To her surprise, he took her dancing at a club on 6th Street. When she appeared a little nervous at their location, he kissed her until she forgot where she was.

  When he was showing off out on the dance floor, she couldn’t help but note. “I didn’t realize you had so much rhythm.”

  “Really?” He held her hand and twirled he around. “You know what that tells me?”


  “It’s been too long since we made love.”

  Made love. They’d had sex, she didn’t know if they’d ever made love. Still, a reminder of being with him was all it took to make her clit jump for joy.

  When the evening was over, Shane had her excuse all ready as to why they shouldn’t sleep together.

  Much to her relief/disappointment, he just left her at the door with a goodnight kiss.

  Another day, he really shocked her by kidnapping Shane for his class reunion. “I’m not sure I want to do this, Brodie.”

  He looked so spiffy in a sports jacket and dress slacks. Almost every day Shane was meeting a new Brodie, the excitement was making her dizzy.

  “Please, Shane. I need you today. I haven’t been to one in a long time.”

  All of a sudden, she understood. He hadn’t been to a reunion since Mary died.

  Shane didn’t know whether to be touched he had admitted to needing her or angry that he’d put her into this position.

  She had to decide at feeling a little of both. “Are you sure? I’m probably not what they’d be expecting.”

  Brodie bristled. “What the hell do you mean by that?”

  His attitude confused her. “Well, you’re Brodie Walton. And I’m…”

  “My girlfriend.” He grabbed her hand. “You’re my girlfriend, soon to be the mother of my child.”

  Twice, she tried to let go of his hand, but he wouldn’t let her. Later, that evening, she understood why.

  The reunion was held at one of the nice hotels downtown. There was a hall of memories down one corridor and Brodie and Mary’s picture was everywhere. “You two did everything together.”

  “Yea, we were inseparable.”

  His sad voice spurred her to action. “Come on, let’s dance.”

  He allowed her to lead him away to the ballroom, but as she held him, he trembled in her arms.

  His classmates welcomed him with a mixture of joy and uneasiness. Some ventured to mention Mary and some made over Shane, asking them all sorts of personal questions.

  When the date was over, their ride home was quiet. Shane didn’t really know what to say. When they arrived at her apartment, she half expected him to tell her that this wasn’t working. Instead, he asked her to church.

  “Church? I haven’t been to church in ages.”

  Brodie wound a lock of hair around his finger. They were standing at her door, just about to say goodnight. “I haven’t either. For a long time, I hated God.” Letting go of her hair, he let his hand drop to rest on the very slight baby bump. “I have a reason now to make some changes, make everything right.”

  Who could argue with reasoning like that? “All right.”

  After a sweet, almost chaste kiss, he opened her door and told her goodnight. “I’ll see you in the morning, love. Dream about me.”

  She usually did. “Goodnight, Brodie.”

  * * *

  He took her to Riverbend, a big non-denominational church close to where she lived. She was surprised what a good voice he had and after the sermon, when they were on their way out, she told him so. “You need to be in the choir.”

  “Why?” he asked, touching the heavy ever-present cross that hung around his neck.

  “You have an amazing voice,” she complimented him.

  “Maybe, I should serenade you,” he whispered as he helped her into the car. “Do you think it would help my chances with you?”

  “I don’t know, you could try,” she teased. As they drove a few blocks to Jack Allen’s Restaurant, Shane couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t tried to sleep with her. They’d been together almost every day for weeks and while he’d showered her with romance, he’d made no move to be physical with her. The comparison to how things were before, to how they were now made Shane dizzy.

  Once they were in the restaurant, he sat across from her. It wasn’t until he reached for her hand that she noticed he no longer wore the ring on his thumb that Mary had given him. Of course, she didn’t say anything but the absence of the memento was certainly noteworthy to her. After they’d ordered, he asked, still holding her hand across the table. “Have you felt the baby move yet?”

  “It’s a little early yet, soon I hope.”

  “Are you going to keep working?”

  She noticed his tone was serious and she answered equally seriously. “Of course. What choice do I have? I’m fairly addicted to food.”

  He opened his mouth to respond, but was prevented from doing so when Sawyer Lewis stepped up to the table. “What a fortunate coincidence,” he greeted them both. “I was just about to call you, Brodie. Shane, you look lovely.” Sawyer kissed her on the cheek.

  “Hello, Sawyer.”

  Brodie shook his friend’s hand. “Since you’ve so rudely interrupted us. What’s on your mind, Lewis?”

  Completely ignoring Brodie’s complaining, Sawyer pulled up a chair. “I’d like to invite you to my house tonight. I’m throwing a party; I have a huge announcement to make.”

nbsp; Shane could tell that Sawyer had piqued Brodie’s curiosity. He narrowed his eyes and smirked at his friend. “What are you up to? Has some woman finally answered your perverted personal ad?”

  “Close.” Sawyer gave them both a big smile. “Come and find out. The whole crowd will be there. Including you know who.” He slapped Brodie on his shoulder.

  Before they could ask him any more questions, he was gone, leaving them wondering what was going on with the gentleman farmer.

  “Are you going to go?” she asked him after they placed their order.

  “Yes, and I want you to go with me. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

  The twinkle in his eye made her nervous. Shane felt her body break out in chill bumps. “You’ve been occupying most of my time, Brodie Walton. This isn’t what I expected when we parted ways.”

  “No one can ever say I don’t learn from my mistakes.”

  From that moment on, Brodie didn’t give Shane a moment to have a second thought. He swept her away on a tide of laughter and anticipation. After lunch they walked along the river, catching a ride on one of the paddleboats that traveled from the bridge to downtown and back. The only concession he made was to go back to her apartment for her to change clothes before the party. After that, they headed to Sawyer’s place on the outskirts of Fredericksburg.

  “How did you meet Sawyer?” she asked. “Did you two go to school together?”

  “No.” He told her with a burst of laughter. Somehow his hand had found its way to her leg and it was moving languidly from her knee to mid-thigh and back – over and over again. The man was driving her crazy. Before, their relationship had been all about sex…and now – now, it seemed like they were hovering on the edge of some miraculous erotic experience. The suspense was killing Shane.

  “No?” She hugged herself, her fingers going to probe the place where she’d been shot. Remembering what the doctor had recommended about plastic surgery, she wondered if Brodie would be bothered by the scar.

  If they ever had sex again.

  Considering her lack of feminine appeal above the waist, the scar probably wouldn’t make much difference.


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