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Because I Said So: (A Texas Heroes Crossover Novel) (The Hell Yeah! Series)

Page 24

by Sable Hunter

  Brodie thought he would pass out, he cradled her close and backed up to the bed, settling down. Never letting her go. “I’m off tomorrow and I want to spend the whole day with you. I have a surprise for you that I think you’ll love. Okay?”

  “I love surprises.”

  “I know you do.” He kissed her on the forehead.

  Still wrapped in Brodie’s arms, Shane nestled close to him, pretty sure all of her dreams were about to come true.

  * * *

  The next morning, Shane woke with a huge smile on her face. Before she even opened her eyes, she reached for Brodie. When she found an empty space, she frowned, sitting up. “Brodie?” Today wasn’t his day to work, he’d promised they’d spend it together.

  “Brodie?” Rising, she donned her robe, then went to find him. “Are you cooking breakfast?”

  The kitchen was empty. He was gone. There was no note.

  “Okay.” Maybe he left a message on her phone. She went to get it. Again, nothing.

  An uneasy feeling hit her in the pit of her stomach.

  When it rang in her hand, Shane almost jumped out of her skin. “Brodie?”

  “No, this is Jai. Hope you don’t mind me calling, Brodie gave me your number last night.”

  “Of course not, Brodie’s not here at the moment. Can I help you?”

  “I didn’t expect him to be, considering what day this is. I was wondering if you’d like to go shopping with me, I’d love to buy something for the baby.”

  “Oh, sure. What do you mean, considering what day this is?”

  “This is Mary’s birthday. Brodie always takes flowers to the cemetery on her birthday. I have to tell you how much I respect you, Shane. I know Brodie cares for you and the baby, but to accept him like you have, knowing how he’ll always love Mary the most – I just don’t know if I could do it in your shoes.”

  Jai kept speaking, but Shane wasn’t listening. Her stomach was cramping, she held her middle tight. “Jai, I’m sorry, I’ve got to go.”

  “Of course, of course…call me.”

  Shane threw the phone down and made it to the bathroom just in time, going to her knees in front of the bowl. Afterwards, she leaned back against the tile, resting her face on the cool surface. For a long time, she’d been satisfied with as much of Brodie and his affection as he would allow. But could she go on like this? Knowing he loved someone else, would always love someone else more. Facing reality, she had to admit that she wasn’t sure he loved her at all. She was his safe place, where he could get what he needed without letting go of what meant everything to him.

  And that wasn’t her, it would never be her.

  Did she value herself so little?

  Shane rose to her feet, knowing she needed to be strong.

  “I was planning on booking a trip in one of these things with Shane.” Brodie grabbed a water bottle and guzzled the whole thing down. “I think I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Craziest thing I’ve ever seen.” Chris stared at what remained of the hot air balloon. “If that thing hadn’t hung up in the top of the trees, all of those people would’ve died. You are one brave son-of-a-bitch, Walton.”

  “Two of those folks may still die, they were hurt pretty bad.” He’d done his damndest to rescue the passengers and the crew from the basket of the big balloon before the whole thing went up in flames. Climbing up without the aid of a bucket truck had made the task almost impossible. The trees had been too thick for the heavy equipment to get close enough to do any good. “What time is it?”

  “Hell, it’s almost ten.”

  “I need to call Shane. I left so fast this morning, I didn’t get to leave her a note.” He smiled. “The sun wasn’t up and she was sleeping so peacefully; I just couldn’t wake her up.”

  “Thanks for coming in on such short notice. With the rest of the crew being called to that pileup over on 71, we were majorly shorthanded.”

  “That’s my job, Chris.” Brodie slapped him on the arm. “No problem. I’ve just got a few errands to run, then I’m headed to my girl’s house to pop the question.”

  “A proposal!” Chris beamed. “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you two.”

  “Yea, I can’t believe I’m so lucky.” He picked up his cell and called Shane. “Man, I need a shower. I can’t go ring shopping smelling like this.”

  No answer.

  “Hmmm.” He tried again.

  Still no answer.

  “She must be in the shower or something.” Oh well, he’d do his best to hurry. A trip to the jeweler and a quick stop by the court house to get the license. He didn’t want to keep his best girl waiting.

  Climbing into his truck, his eyes landed on the cross he’d taken off and hung on the rearview mirror. Normally, he would have reached for it to bring the heavy necklace over his head.

  Not today.

  Today, was Mary’s birthday. The day he always went to the cemetery to tell her how he’d always be hers, how he’d never forget her, how he’d never love anyone else.

  He couldn’t do that anymore.

  Today, he’d go to the cemetery one last time.

  To say goodbye.

  * * *

  Shane sat primly, waiting. This was the first time in days that she had doubts whether he would come or not. He’d called twice, but she hadn’t answered. What she had to say would best be said in person.

  At three p.m. on the nose, she heard his truck door slam. There were other noises, but she’d memorized the sound of his door closing, the sound of his feet as they ran up the steps – the sound of his knock on her door.

  She opened it.

  “Shane.” He came right in and stared at her with the most serious look she’d ever seen on his face. “There’s something I need to say to you.”

  “I know. We’ve been needing to have this conversation for a long time.” Taking a deep breath, she whispered, “I woke this morning and you were gone.”

  “Yea, I got a call. A hot air balloon went down and hung up in some trees. At the same time, there was a pile up on the highway, they needed me.”

  “Of course, I understand completely.”

  “I knew you would.” She looked so pretty. He cupped her cheek. “So, why do you look so sad?”

  “Jai called.”

  “She gets excited.” Brodie cursed. “If she did something to upset you…”

  “No.” Shane backed an inch or two away, but Brodie moved an inch or two closer.

  “So, what is it?”

  “She told me what day this is. She told me where you usually go.”

  Brodie nodded. “Yes, I go to the cemetery. I did that today, I told Mary goodbye.”

  Shane didn’t act like she heard him, she just kept talking. “I keep waiting for the other shoe to fall, for you to figure out you’re making a mistake. To realize that I’m not enough.” She lifted her face and looked into his beloved eyes. “I can’t do this anymore, Brodie.”

  Brodie used his thumb to wipe away a tear from her soft cheek. “I agree. I can’t do this anymore either.”

  Being proved right brought more pain than pleasure. Shane’s heart ached. “I know. It’s okay.”

  “Nope, it’s not okay. It’s time we do something about this.”

  She expected him to leave, but to her surprise, Brodie picked Shane up and threw her over his shoulder – fireman style.

  “What in the world are you doing?” She gasped. “Put me down!”

  “Nope.” He popped her gently on the butt. “I didn’t come here today to tell you it’s over. I came to propose.”

  “Propose?” She wiggled and he gave her another pop. “Where are we going?”

  “Instead of asking you a question and giving you a choice, I’m just going to do what will make both of us happy.”

  “And what is that?”



  “We’re getting married, right now – today. I’ve already got the license and don’t you dare ask me why.�

  “Why?” She couldn’t resist.

  “Because I said so! Dammit! And because I love you, obviously.”

  He loved her?

  “Brodie. Put me down. Please. I won’t run away.”

  Even Brodie couldn’t miss the change in the tone of her voice.

  He put her down and she launched herself into his arms, tangling her fingers in his hair and kissing him like there was no tomorrow. “You love me?”

  “Yes, I love you, Shane. I love you beyond anything I could ever imagine.” He picked her up and carried her to the couch. “I am so sorry I hurt you. I was so stupid and scared.”


  “Yes. I took one look at you when we first met and I knew you could be the one.”

  “The one?”

  “Yea, the one who would force me to feel again, the one who would make me want to live. The one that would make me whole.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Brodie tipped her face up, his hand holding her chin tenderly. “It took me almost losing you to realize that love is endless. I’ll always love Mary, but I love you more.”

  Shane looked deep into his eyes. “Yes, Brodie, the answer is yes.”

  “I don’t remember asking you a question,” he teased.

  “Ask me.”

  Brodie hugged her so tight, Shane saw stars.

  “Why should I?” he asked, needing for her to say it.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you why.” She gave him the sweetest smile he’d ever seen. “Because I said so, Brodie Walton! Because I said so.”

  Taking the ring from his pocket, Brodie went to his knees in front of her. “Will you marry me, Shane Wilder? Will you be my wife?”

  Shane looked at the ring, a simple solitaire. The facets of the diamond caught the rays of the evening sun as it shone through the window. As much as the ring meant to Shane, the beauty of the diamond faded next to the sight of the love she saw reflected in his eyes. “Yes, I’ll marry you. Today. Tomorrow. Anytime you say.”

  Brodie buried his face in the softness of her neck. “I guess we could wait for a church wedding. I’d love to see you walking down the aisle toward me in a white dress.”

  “Whatever you want,” she gave a long, contented sigh.

  “I have you and our baby. What more could I want?”

  He had it all.

  Epilogue…The wedding

  “Oh, I love weddings.” Aunt Bess cried into her handkerchief. “I have my whole family with me.” Sure enough, she did. One whole side of the small church was full of McCoys – all shapes and sizes.

  The other side was full of firemen and first responders. If anyone passed out today, the congregation had it covered.

  The preacher stood at the front, waiting patiently while Brodie stood next to him in a tuxedo. Completely impatient. “She’s late. She’s not coming.”

  “No, she’s not late.” Sawyer tried to reassure him. “Chief Olsen is here to walk her down the aisle. She’s just back there getting beautiful for you.”

  “She’s already beautiful,” he stated with complete confidence

  “I know.” Sawyer patted him on the back. “I know.”

  When the organist began to play, Sawyer perked up. “Here they come.”

  Everyone in the church clapped when little Elspeth came forward dropping rose petals on the carpeted runner. She was closely followed by Mason and Harvey, both carrying the same white satin pillow with the rings tied to a shiny ribbon.

  Behind the children came his sister Jai, looking beautiful in a pale yellow gown, her blonde hair hanging down her back in ringlets.

  But nothing – nothing prepared Brodie for what next came into his view. “Look at her. Just look at her.” He felt himself choking up.

  From the back of the church, Shane held tightly to the Chief’s arm. “Don’t let me fall, sir. My knees feel weak.”

  “I got you. Just keep your eyes on Brodie, you’ll be just fine.”

  Shane did as he suggested. Raising her head, she locked gazes with the man she loved. “Look at him, isn’t he magnificent?”

  Chief Olsen chuckled. “If you say so.”

  As the music swelled, Shane drew near enough for him to reach out his hand for her to take. When he clasped it, Brodie realized she was trembling. “None of that, come here.” He pulled her close and kissed her sweet lips. “Better?”

  The preacher cleared his throat.

  “Perfect,” she whispered.

  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together to join this couple, Brodie Walton and Shane Wilder, in holy matrimony.”

  As the service progressed, vows were offered and rings were shared.

  The preacher was just about to declare them husband and wife when Shane gasped.

  “What’s wrong?” Brodie asked, concerned. “Are you all right?”

  “The baby kicked.” She grabbed his hand and pressed it over the place where their child lay. “Do you feel it?”

  Every person leaned forward, every ear was listening.

  Brodie whooped. “I feel it. I feel my baby!”

  The room exploded in claps and well-wishes.

  Once he could regain everyone’s attention, the preacher stated clearly so all could hear.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  “Finally.” Brodie enveloped Shane in his arms and kissed her with passion. “I love you, my darling. I’ll love you all of my days.”

  “I love you too, Brodie. Only you. For always.”

  The preacher raised his hands. “I am happy to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Brodie Walton.”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” Brodie kissed her again. “Are you ready, Mrs. Walton?”

  “For the honeymoon, oh yeah.” She held his face, brushing her thumb across his cheek. “I’m ready for it all, Brodie. I don’t want to miss a thing.”

  Epilogue…The birth

  “Breathe, baby, breathe.”

  “She’s gonna slap your face, Brodie Walton. You’d better stand back.” Aunt Bess warned the near frantic father-to-be.

  When the contraction faded, she had to laugh. “I’m not going to hit Brodie, Aunt Bess. I’m just going to make him change those two a.m. diapers.”


  “Another contraction!” Shane announced, grabbing Brodie’s hand again. “I keep telling myself this is going to be worth it. When I see our baby, I’m going to forget all of this pain. Right?”

  “Right.” He hoped she would, he was sure he wouldn’t. “We’re going to have a beautiful baby to love.”

  “And my boobs are going to stay big.” Shane barked, grimacing through the tremendous pressure of the contraction.

  “Your boobs are perfect, darling.”

  Shane laughed again. “You’re a good husband.”

  The doctor, who had remained silent during all of this hoopla, calmly announced. “It’s time, I see the head. It’s crowning.”

  “Brodie. Our baby’s coming!”

  Aunt Bess, at her position at the rear of the birthing room, clapped her hands. “I can’t wait!”

  Brodie held his breath as his beloved wife gave one final push to bring their child into the world.

  The doctor laughed. “There you are.”

  Shane clutched Brodie’s arm. “What is it?” She and Brodie had firmly refused to find out the sex. They’d wanted to be surprised.

  “Come here, proud father. You can cut the umbilical cord, and then you can hold your beautiful daughter.”

  “It’s a girl!” Shane and Aunt Bess exclaimed at the same time.

  “A girl, I have a little girl,” Brodie whispered reverently as he snipped the cord, then held his arms open to receive his daughter. His heart was so full, he thought it might burst. Finally, he’d given himself permission to be happy and he was holding the evidence of that happiness in his arms.

  “Place her on her mama’s chest and you three can bond.”

  With the doctor and B
ess looking on, he moved up close to Shane. “She looks just like you, Shane. She’s gorgeous.”

  Shane accepted the wiggling little body and rested it against her breasts. “Hello, sweetie. Mama’s so happy to meet you.”

  Brodie leaned over them both, his hand spread wide on the baby’s back. “I love you both, I love you so much. Thank you, Shane. Thank you for giving me everything.”

  “What’s her name?” Bess asked, unable to wait one more moment for the news.

  Shane and Brodie looked at one another, both breaking out into a huge smile. “Her name’s Elizabeth,” Brodie stated proudly.

  “You’re naming the baby after me!” Bess exclaimed.

  “Yes, we are.” Shane felt an overwhelming sense of peace envelop her. Brodie was hers now, she had no doubt that he loved her more than life. “We want to honor two women we’ll never forget. “Her full name is Elizabeth Mary Walton.”


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  Her Magic Touch

  In book three of the Hell Yeah! New York Times bestselling author Sable Hunter offers her readers a touch of magic. When Joseph McCoy is struck down, he is rescued by his real, honest-to-goodness guardian angel. In Her Magic Touch, Sable builds a bridge between the world we see and the one we can only imagine.

  Daredevil Joseph McCoy is convinced of two things: first, he's invincible -and second - he's God's gift to women. But heaven has other ideas.

  Joseph's world is turned upside down when he wrecks his dirtbike and finds himself paralyzed from the waist down. For a while, Joseph doesn't know if he wants to live – until Cady comes to take care of him.

  Cady is Joseph's guardian angel - literally. And she will do anything to make sure he regains all he has lost - including his manhood. Cady is not Joseph's usual type of woman - but by the time this handsome cowboy knows what hit him - Cady has found a place in his heart.


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