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Betting on Love

Page 3

by Alyssa Linn Palmer

  “Be Madonna,” she suggested. “Forget about all of us.”


  Elly gave her a hesitant smile. “I’ll try.” Her heart pounded in her ears as she walked to the stage. Her mouth felt dry, even though she’d just had a sip of her vodka cran. She was going to sing in front of a bunch of strangers. Shakily, she stepped up onto the stage and took her place behind the microphone. Why was she doing this?

  Bruce’s assistant, Ron, gave her a thumbs-up. “Ready?”

  She nodded, though she didn’t feel ready at all.

  The keyboard and percussion opening to “Crazy for You” began, and Elly licked her lips. Then came what she supposed was the horn, though it sounded more like another synthesizer. She looked at the screen, and it was her cue.

  The first line came out shaky and weak as she hadn’t sung anything in a long time, but the second line was stronger, and by the end of the first verse, she’d picked up the melody, and coming into the chorus, her body relaxed. Her grip on the microphone stand loosened and her voice rang clear on the ballad, the interior of the bar fading into the background as the joy of singing overtook her self-consciousness.

  When the song ended, she came back to herself, feeling her cheeks heat at the applause. She moved away from the microphone and, with little ceremony, stepped down from the stage, heading back to her seat, sinking onto the cool vinyl with relief.

  “El, you were great!” Alex hugged her. Elly rested her head on Alex’s shoulder, reminding herself to breathe, willing her heartbeat to calm. It was over, and she’d never have to do that ever again. She reached for her drink and had a sip of the tart cranberry juice, wetting her dry mouth.

  “You did well,” Will said with an acknowledging nod.


  “And you’re up soon, right, Will?” Alex said.

  “Two more songs,” Will replied.

  “Will likes a challenge, so I picked the song,” Alex confided to Elly in a stage whisper.

  “That’s brave,” Elly said, taking another sip of her drink. Just the thought of getting up there again sent a shiver through her.

  “I can sing anything,” Will stated.

  “Cocky,” Alex teased.

  “You know it, babe.” Will winked and rose, swaggering over to the bar.

  “Does he really not know what he’s going to sing?”

  “I picked it from the book and whispered it to Bruce. Will has no idea,” Alex explained. “But he likes the challenge. And he’s a good singer.”

  “So what did you pick?”

  “You’ll see.” She gave a mischievous grin.

  Bruce came to the microphone. “Oy, Will, get down here.” Will said something to the bartender, who laughed, and made his way down to the stage.

  “What am I singing?” Will asked, stepping up beside Bruce. The man motioned to his assistant, who hit a button.

  Elly didn’t recognize the song, but it was apparent that Will, and the entire bar, did.

  “Oh, man,” he groaned. “I’ll get you back for this one, Bellerose.”

  Alex cackled.

  “What is it?” Elly asked.

  “Britney Spears’s ‘Stronger.’”

  Elly choked on her vodka. “You didn’t.”

  “I did.”

  Will’s low tenor filled the room, and it was strange to hear a man singing a song meant for a woman with a much higher-pitched voice. Alex mouthed the words along with Will’s singing, and it was apparent the song was a familiar one for both of them. To hoots of laughter from the crowd, Will straddled a woman in the front row, hamming it up as he sang the chorus, then left her, tweaking the braid of another woman, and then sidled up to Vanessa, giving her a pouty kissy face. Vanessa made a gagging motion and Will flounced off, winking to Alex as he went back onstage to finish the song.

  The whistles and jeers drowned out the applause and Will blew a kiss to the audience. “I’ll be here all night,” he promised, provoking laughs. He sauntered back to his seat. “You’ll have to try harder than that, Bellerose.”

  “That sounds like a challenge, William.” Alex stuck out her tongue at Will, who made a face. Elly watched their teasing, feeling as if she was their audience of one.

  “It sure is, Bellerose,” Will replied. “I’ll find another song for you before the end of the night. And it won’t be Marianne Faithfull.”

  “Do your worst.” Alex finished her pint and lifted the pitcher, pouring another glass and emptying it.

  “Your round,” Will said.

  “I’ll get this one,” Elly said. She needed another vodka cran.

  “A girl after my own heart. It’s Keith’s.”

  “You don’t have to,” Alex said.

  Will apparently ignored Alex and slid the pitcher across to Elly. Elly rose, adjusting the strap of her purse to keep it from sliding off her shoulder. She hooked the pitcher with a finger and carried it up to the bar.

  “Another?” the bartender asked.

  “Of Keith’s,” Elly confirmed, “and a vodka cran.”

  “Done.” The bartender smiled at her. “Well done on that Madonna song, by the way.”

  “Thanks.” Elly felt her cheeks flushing again. The bartender propped a pitcher under the tap and let it run, glancing over as he made her vodka cran. He placed her glass on the bar and finished filling the pitcher.

  “That’ll be twenty-two dollars,” he said. Elly dug into her purse, pulling out her wallet and taking out a five and two tens. He handed her the change and she placed a couple of dollars in his tip jar.

  “Thanks again,” Elly said, putting her wallet back.

  “Want help with the pitcher?” he asked.

  Elly gave it an experimental heft and found it heavier than she’d expected. “That might be a good idea,” she agreed.

  The bartender came around the bar, lifting the pitcher easily. “What’s your name?”

  “Elly Cole.”

  “I’m Eric,” he said. “Good to meet you.” He didn’t say anything else, but when he reached the table, he plunked down the pitcher. “Any more than this, and you two need to give me your keys. Got it?”

  “I’m only having one more,” Alex said, lifting her pint. “Will can have the rest.”

  “You driving, Bellerose?” Will asked.

  “I am, and Elly has her car.” Alex shifted over on the bench and Elly tucked in beside her. “But we’ll call you a cab.”

  “No threesome on the bike?” Will waggled his blond eyebrows. “I’m disappointed.”

  “Hell no, you perv.” Alex chuckled, resting her arm on Elly’s shoulders. Elly loved the touch, the warmth of Alex’s caress. “It’s just me and my girl tonight.”


  It was late when they came out of the bar. Will staggered into a waiting taxi, and Alex took Elly’s hand, leading her toward the bike and her car. The wind had picked up and it blew her hair back. Alex could feel the chill in the breeze and knew it’d be a cold ride home. Cold, but worth it.

  “What shall we do next?” she asked, stopping beside the bike. She placed her helmet on the seat and let go of Elly’s hand. Elly zipped up her jacket, burrowing into its warmth.

  “Home, I guess,” she said. “I didn’t think it would get this cold.”

  “Yours or mine?”

  Elly hesitated.

  “Let’s go to mine. It’s not too far.”

  Elly nodded. “All right.” She pulled her keys from her purse. “I’ll follow you. Again.” She smiled faintly.

  “I’ll take it slow.” Alex walked to Elly’s door, taking the keys from her and unlocking it, pulling it open. Elly’s cheeks went a charming shade of pink.


  “Anytime.” When Elly had taken her seat, Alex bent down, stealing a kiss. “I’m just up Bow Trail, just a few kilometers.” She straightened and closed the door, then stalked back to the bike. Elly started her car, and Alex straddled the bike, turning the key, holding down the clutch and pressing the sta
rter. The bike growled, then settled into a rumbling purr. She let it idle for a few minutes, then glanced at Elly, giving her a nod.

  Elly nodded back.

  Alex walked the bike forward out of the parking spot, checking for traffic before she shifted into gear and gently eased up on the clutch. Alex took the turn out of the parking lot the way she always did: fast. She loved it on the bike, the feel of its power between her legs, the wind buffeting her, the intimacy with the journey that she never felt in a car, but above all, the speed and power that were hers to control.

  There were hardly any unbroken stretches of road between Parry’s and her place, much to her ongoing dismay. When she accelerated up the hill on Bow Trail, she snapped down her visor for that brief few moments of speed, and she wanted to be out on the highway, pushing the bike to the max. Not in the dark, of course, but tomorrow she would. She had to work, but she’d have enough time for a short ride. She glanced into her mirror, saw Elly’s car behind her, and smiled.

  Alex turned the corner, shifting down into first gear as she drew up in front of a small bungalow, white with fading blue trim. The upstairs, her place, was dark, but a warm light glowed through the blinds of the lower suite. Hopefully the woman that lived there, Louise, had kept the television to a reasonable volume. Reality shows weren’t conducive to romance. And she wanted Elly, wanted her bad. Bad enough to want to do it right this time, to charm her with pretty words and a glass of wine, to make up for the uneasiness of Parry’s.

  Elly’d managed to relax, in time, but Alex hadn’t missed the hesitation, the nervous fidgeting she tried to hide. Even Will had noticed, and he’d leaned over to her when Elly went up to sing.

  “You sure about her? She looks like she’d bolt at a loud noise.”

  “Of course I’m sure,” she’d retorted. And she was. Mostly. If not, then one time was better than none.

  She killed the engine and flipped down the kickstand, dismounting. Elly met her on the sidewalk and she led Elly up the front walk and the three concrete steps to her front door, unlocking it and pushing open the somewhat weather-beaten wood. Inside, the place was spare: the living room held a black leather sofa and chair, a plain black coffee table, and a flat-screen TV with a home-theater system, DVDs stacked on a shelf behind it. Alex took off her helmet, placing it on the bench in the hallway where she always did. Elly took in what she could see of the house.

  “It’s not much,” Alex said, waving a hand. “But the TV is great for movies. We could watch one if you want.”

  Elly smiled. “Show me the rest of your place. It’s much bigger than mine.”

  “Not much to see,” Alex said. She bent and pulled off her boots, shoving them under the bench. Elly toed off her shoes, revealing delicate feet, the pink-painted nails showing through the thin stockings. Alex hadn’t remembered that about Elly, couldn’t recall if she’d worn any nail polish at all when they’d first met.

  “I’m sure there’s lots to see,” Elly said, moving past Alex and glancing left and right down the hallway before looking back at her.

  “What do you want to see first?”

  “Kitchen first, for a glass of water, then whatever else you want to show me.” Her cheeks pinkened and Alex chuckled, coming level with Elly.

  “I can think of a few things.”

  Chapter Three

  The water was cold, and it went down easy. Elly’s head buzzed from the vodka crans, but she didn’t mind. She held the half-full glass as Alex gave her the grand tour.

  “Kitchen, not my favorite room as I can’t cook to save my life.” Alex waved a hand. “Out that window is the next-door neighbor, Ryan, who always smokes up. I rarely ever open the windows on this side—I hate the smell of pot smoke. He’s a nice guy, though.”


  “And that door goes to the downstairs apartment. Come back this way, there are more interesting places to see.” Alex led her back down the hallway. “You’ve seen the living room. There’s two bedrooms, though one’s sorta my catchall for my bike gear.” She opened one door and Elly spotted the shine from another helmet’s visor in the light from the hallway. “And this is my favorite place.”

  Alex opened the door opposite, letting Elly precede her. Instead of hardwood flooring, Elly’s chilled toes hit soft carpet. The light flicked on and she blinked, letting her eyes adjust. The room was spare, like the others, but the bed itself was large, spread with a fluffy white duvet and plump pillows. A dramatic sketch of a nude woman sprawled on a blanket that was not much more than a squiggly line hung in a frame over the headboard.

  “Mary did that for me, in art school,” Alex said, noticing her interest. “About ten years ago.”

  “She was your girlfriend?” Elly walked closer. The piece was gorgeous, the woman’s gaze catching her eye, her languorous pouting sensual.

  “Not really,” Alex said. “We just hung out sometimes.” She took the glass from Elly’s hand and set it on the bureau behind them. “I’m glad I ran into you, though. Who would have thought?”

  Elly turned toward Alex. “I hadn’t,” she answered as Alex slid an arm around her waist.

  “This calls for a celebration.” Alex’s lips brushed hers, gentle but not the least bit tentative. Elly responded and Alex deepened the kiss, her tongue flicking into Elly’s mouth, making Elly’s knees weaken. She wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck and gave herself over to the kiss, barely noticing as Alex shifted them back toward the bed. Her knees hit the side, and she sat abruptly. Alex chuckled.

  “Pushy, aren’t you?” Elly managed to say before Alex kissed her again.

  “But you like it.”

  Alex stood between her knees, and all she could look at was the silver buckle of Alex’s leather chaps, how it rested snugly over her jeans. Reaching out, Elly pulled the belt free of the chrome-plated tongue, taking her time, loving the feel of the leather in her hands.

  “Hold up,” Alex said. She bent and unsnapped the bottom of the chaps, catching the zippers and pulling them up. The leather sagged loose around her legs. “That’s much easier.”

  Elly finished unbuckling the belt and the chaps fell to the floor at their feet. Before she could speak, Alex’s fingers were at the buttons of her polka-dot blouse, making quick work of them.

  “Gorgeous,” Alex breathed, parting the soft panels to expose Elly’s delicate lacy bra.

  Elly rested her hands on Alex’s hips, drawing her closer, tilting her head up in invitation. “If I’d seen you in chaps last time, I think I would have melted on the spot.”

  “Is that so?” Alex leaned down, kissing her again, her hands cupping Elly’s breasts through the lace, her thumbs brushing over the nipples.

  “Yes,” Elly replied between kisses. She fumbled with the button on Alex’s jeans and managed to get it undone, pulling her shirt from the waistband, finally baring skin.

  “I’ll wear them for you more often,” Alex murmured, drawing in a breath as Elly placed butterfly-light kisses over her belly. Elly loved that sound and wanted to hear it again. She inched Alex’s jeans down over her hips, her mouth following their path, over the plain black bikini underwear she wore. She heard the rustle of Alex’s shirt and felt the cotton as it brushed her on its way to the floor. Hooking her fingers into the edge of Alex’s underwear, she tugged the briefs down, baring the trimmed dark curls. Alex cupped the back of her head gently and Elly leaned forward again, her tongue darting to the soft folds, tasting the sweet musk that was wholly Alex. Going to her knees beside the bed, she took Alex into her mouth, teasing and tasting until Alex swayed above her.

  “I knew I should have come back to the farm,” Alex said breathlessly. “Come here, El, come up.” She pulled Elly to her feet beside the bed, pushing her shirt off her shoulders and undoing the clasp on the front of her bra. Her hair tickled Elly’s stomach as she bent to tongue her nipples. Elly drew in a quickened breath, cupping her hands at the back of Alex’s neck, urging her on.

  Alex undid her jeans, an
d the rush of cool air raised goose bumps as she tugged down the jeans, which stuck tight around Elly’s knees.

  “They always do that,” Elly said, bending to help.

  “They’re delicious on you, so worth the extra effort,” Alex replied, lowering herself to one knee to get a better angle. She pulled off Elly’s stockings while she was there, then rose, nudging Elly onto the bed.

  Elly felt the duvet against her skin, soft and cool as she sank into it. Alex urged her down and she fell back onto the bed, her arms outstretched.

  “This feels familiar,” Elly said, remembering the time before. But the bed hadn’t been as comfortable; the lumps of her pile of quilts had not been enough to hide the sag of the old mattress.

  Alex trailed kisses down Elly’s sternum, raising more goose bumps. “It was like a dream, before.” She traced over the dampness on Elly’s matching lacy panties before slipping a finger beneath, into her wetness. “You missed me, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” Elly admitted. She had missed Alex, but she’d never thought this would happen again. Alex had become a fantasy, safe in her remoteness, her ideal form. Real life was different. She didn’t want to think of that now, real life. Real life meant dwindling savings and no job, the persistent ache of homesickness. Elly pushed it all aside. Right now, there was just Alex, for what it was worth. For tonight, if nothing else. Alex wouldn’t be one to follow her back to the farm; she was too at home here, the city her playground.

  “What are you thinking of?” Alex lifted her head.

  “Thinking of what I want to do to you,” Elly replied. Alex and her. Tonight. “I want you.”

  Alex chuckled and slid up the bed. “You have me, babe.”

  They kissed again, and Elly wrapped her arms around Alex’s neck so they were skin to skin.

  Alex pulled back, her dark eyes regarding her. “So, what did you want to do to me?”

  Elly skated her fingers down Alex’s spine, feeling each vertebra, and slid over her rounded yet muscled buttocks. Alex shifted, bringing her leg up to hook it over Elly’s hip, opening herself to more. Elly took the invitation, dipping her fingers lower, teasing Alex’s curls, then into her wet heat.


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