Disrespectful Diva (DJ #2)
Page 26
After signing posters, T-shirts and lanyards for the last few clubbers security left in the tent we are escorted from the tent to the VIP area where we eat lunch and have a beer to start the day properly. Dominic hasn’t left my side since the signing fiasco but once Baz reassures him again he goes off to check in with the radio broadcasting team.
“He’s really got it bad, hasn’t he?” Lucy grins and I offer her a watery smile, not totally comfortable discussing Dominic with her, not given their history.
“He’s not the only one.” I reply quietly and a dreamy look swims across her face.
“It’s so sweet. I’m really glad he found ‘The One’ that could settle him. He’s a great guy and you both deserve to be happy. I’m really pleased for you both.”
I sip my rather flat lager and take my time in thanking her but when I do she smiles.
“I know it must be weird, what with what happened between Dom and I. But honestly, Tara, he is a totally different guy from the Dom I met. Still hot, but as a man, he couldn’t be more different if he tried. This time last year Dominic would have been around these partially clothed women like a fly around shit. I guarantee he’d have been the one you caught getting down and dirty around the back of the main stage. Now it’s hard to get him to leave your side.” She grins.
I hate thinking of Dominic before we met, he sounds like a complete douche, albeit a very attractive hot douche.
“Well, he’s changed me too. This time last year this event would have been Xtreem and Epic, Pops would be in charge and I would have been refusing to go back to back…” I admit and I see Lucy’s smile start to fade. “With anyone,” I add to make her feel better. “Dominic just makes me feel like anything is possible and makes me want to grab life by the bra strap and throw myself down on the dancefloor to enjoy both sides of the scene, if you know what I mean?”
“With a guy like Dominic in your corner I can see why your life suddenly opens up and you can’t help being optimistic about the future, loving living in the moment. I’m really pleased for you both, Tara. You’re both amazing people, you deserved to find each other.”
I am flattered by her kind words and touched, there really isn’t any resentment or spite there. I pull her in for a hug and kiss her cheek. Shazza walks in on the scene and smiles.
“Where is my hug, bitches?”
“And mine!” Lauren pipes up from the tent entrance, Grotzy right behind her.
They both join in the hug and it’s one of those moments where you look around you and realise you have amazing friends, every one of them special and just as mad or quirky as you are.
“No tequila.” We hear Baz warn and all burst out laughing.
“Shall we get this party started? I’m on in five.” Lauren grins and we all head over to the main stage, laughing and filling with excitement. The sun is beating down on the crowd and the place is rammed. Lauren goes on up on stage and the crowd cheer, we pick a spot to the left of the stage near a security station just in case we get mobbed again but luckily all eyes seem to be on stage. Lauren drops her first tune and the crowd erupts, arms thrown in the air and the air vibrates with the energy and booming music. There is electricity on the wind and nobody is immune to the festival atmosphere.
We enjoy the set, popping out some moves and we aren’t surprised when the live link to the huge screens either side of the stage pan over on us and we blow kisses at the camera, playing up to the attention. The professional dancers are all rigged out in specially made PVC outfits with the event logo on the cups of their bra’s. They are throwing out window stickers and key rings to the crowd and I get that huge buzz of adrenaline from the energy of the whole atmosphere. When Dom joins us he wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me back to his chest and laying a kiss on top of my head. I smile up at him, pressing myself to the length of his hot body. This is my idea of perfection. The atmosphere, the music, the company, the crowd. This has got to be one of the best days of my life.
The day passes in a huge blur of incredible sets by numerous DJ’s from all three record labels. We eat hot dogs and junk foods from the vendors, ride the rides until we are nauseous and dance until the summer heat forces you to relent and take on more alcoholic fluids. The weather stays warm into the evening and the party atmosphere is still going long into the night when at midnight we are still dancing and cheering to the set Dayton Scott and Grotzy are smashing out. Alannah and Shazza are even up on the tables on the right of the arena that are supposed to be for people ordering food but seems to have doubled as a small podium for two.
I see Pops and Val making their way through the crowd towards us and I make my way over to them, Dominic hot on my heels, not letting me out of his sight now that he’s handed over control of the radio broadcast to his experienced crew of station hosts.
“Hey, Mum,” Dom greets. “Pops, I’m surprised to see you still here. I thought you had already left.”
“We are just about to head home, it’s been a long day for a pair of oldies like us.” Val smiles and Pops nudges her.
“Speak for yourself, Mrs!”
I giggle and Pops puts his hand out to Dominic to shake. “Dominic, I just wanted to thank you for all of your hard work with the radio station today, we’ve been listening in from the VIP tent for the last few hours. It’s the highest number of listeners we’ve ever had, well done.”
Dominic shakes his hand before pulling him in for a manly hug and a pat on the back.
“And you, DisDiva. I think I can safely say you have pulled of the most elaborate event we have ever hosted and you’ve done it like a pro. I’m so proud of you, both of you. I think Valerie and I can rest easy knowing we will be leaving the record label in safe hands when we retire next year.”
My mouth drops open and I blink in surprise, looking from Pops and Val to Dom then back to Pops. I hear a choked laugh from Dom and Pops is grinning like he’s on acid or something. I open and close my mouth a few times, trying to speak but I’ve been rendered speechless.
“Are you serious?” Dom chokes and Pops nods.
“It just makes sense, the place is running like a well oiled machine and you both know the trade inside and out. Obviously we’ll always be on hand if you need help or advice but seeing as you’re going to be my step son after the wedding next month, and I’m hoping one day you’ll make Tara family officially, we couldn’t think of anyone else better suited for taking over our role at the studio.”
I feel a lump clog my throat and my legs weaken.
A label manager? Holy fuck nuts!
“Oh. My. God. Pops, I’ve always loved the bones of you but right now I wanna kiss you,” I declare, throwing myself into his arms and hugging him so tight he struggles to even laugh. I grab his face and kiss him hard on the cheek, peppering kisses on his face and practically squealing. “You are a fucking legend, both of you. You have made this the best day of my life, twice!” I step back out of Pops’ embrace and literally do bunny hops on the spot, squealing in excitement.
“I love you too, you crazy little fire cracker. After the work you’ve both put into the label this last six months I think you deserve this. Plus, the honeymoon can always be used as a trial period if you like?”
“Brilliant idea.” Dom agrees and Val nods.
“That was my idea.” She winks and we all laugh.
“I never thought I would want to hang up my headphones, when I was still as involved in the scene as I was a few years ago I started to think I would die in that studio. Then this beauty,” Pops says to Val, pulling her close. “Shows up and suddenly my life wasn’t just about music anymore. I think my time has come to step back and let the next generation take the reins and I know I can trust you both to make every move with my baby’s best interests at heart. Look after that label and she will look after you. Look after each other while you’re at it, too.”
I can’t help the tears that well in my eyes and Dom seems to spot them the minute one cascades down my cheek. He giv
es me an understanding smile and holds me closer, kissing my forehead.
“Don’t worry, Don. I’ll look after her.” He smiles and I don’t know if he is referring to me or the record label but when Pops winks I know he understands perfectly.
“I’m going to dedicate tonight’s set to you both, make sure you record it.” I demand and Pops nods.
“I may be past hanging around a jam packed arena after midnight, Tara, but I’m not against armchair raving.” He winks. “I’ll be listening in, don’t you worry.”
At this I see him give Dominic a meaningful look and I think it’s his way of telling Dom he’ll be keeping a sharp eye on tonight’s radio broadcast. Dominic seems to blow out a deep breath and actually squirms, not his normally confident self but he shakes Pops’ hand again and kisses his mum goodnight before I hug them both one last time. Thanking Pops numerous times for his trust and support. When they walk away I turn to face Dominic, still not believing the conversation we have just had.
“I still can’t believe it,” I exclaim and Dom chuckles, pulling me to his chest.
“You better believe it, baby, because you know Pops doesn’t talk shit or take shit. We will soon be the managers of the whole label. It’s a fucking honour.”
“Tell me about it. Today as just been fucking amazing and now this, life doesn’t get any better.”
“Oh, I think it could get better.” He smiles, kissing me thoroughly, making my blood heat and my skin flush. “Now, let’s go break the news and celebrate DisDiva style. Shaz and Alannah can just get down off that table and give us a turn.”
I laugh, being pulled back in the direction of our friends.
Chapter 22
I am on such a high when I hit the VIP tent with Lucy, Shaz and Lauren to prepare for our back to back set that I think my head is going to pop from pure excitement. Lucy and I have planned to switch roles for this set. We even hit the nail bar in preparation and my talons are a cute shade of baby pink.
I have scrubbed off my make up and Shazza is in the process of re-applying pink everything, Lucy style, while Lauren goths up Lucy. We are listening to Jimbo and DJ D’s set through the radio and giggling at all the prep work we are doing to surprise the crowd who have all filtered out of the other tents into the main arena for the last sets of the night. Well, technically it’s the early hours of the morning, but either way, we aren’t partied out just yet.
We are sipping drinks and I quickly change out of my cut off black denim shorts and white tube top into a loose fitting, bright pink long top and white jeans encrusted down either side in gems. I drew the line at huge champagne heels and agreed to white wedges. I finish the outfit with lots of bling and fancy accessories.
Shazza is in hysterics at the sight of me. This girly get up as never been seen on me before and I feel incredibly uncomfortable but at the same time I can’t stop laughing, too.
“I feel a proper idiot,” I giggle.
“I think you look great.” Lauren smiles, biting her lip because she knows it’s like looking at seeing a British bull dog wearing a fairy costume. Just then the poodle walks out dressed like a demon from hell. Lucy looks fucking amazing in dark make up, a studded dog collar and a tight fitting T-shirt with a picture of Snow white turned murderer on the front. Her black jeans are ripped across the thighs. The black Timberland boots finish the look with clunky silver jewellery.
“Christ, Tara, how the hell do you walk in these boots?”
I have to laugh at her discomfort because I feel exactly the same. We survey each other and burst into a fit of giggles.
“This is a classic moment. I have to get a picture of you both together,” Shaz howls and we pose for pictures, Lucy making my peace sign with her tongue out and me pouting and winking.
We finally calm down and finish our drinks, just minutes from our set which Shazza will be singing to also. Lauren has agreed to get up and dance on stage with the professionals so we all give our make up a last once over before we are escorted by security out of the VIP tent to the back of the stage. Dominic meets me at the stage door and flicks an amused eyebrow at my attire.
“You look.., different.”
I elbow him playfully and we both laugh. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
“I just prefer you when you’re you.” He smiles, pulling me to him as Shaz goes on stage and takes the microphone and greeting the crowd. The roar of the crowd echoes through the air for miles and goose bump raise on my flesh, adrenaline surging through me like an electrical jolt that Dom can feel through me. He runs his hands up my arms and gives me a knowing smile.
“Go do this thing, baby. I’m so fucking proud of. I’ll be watching and I’ll see you soon.”
He kisses me hard, demanding and I’m torn between savouring the feel of his mouth on mine and wanting to get out on stage. I hear Shaz introduce Lucy who is met with a stampede of applause, whistles and horns going crazy from the crowd. Dom breaks off the kiss and looks behind me.
“You’re the true star of the night, Tara. Now go get your appreciation from the people who love you, including me.”
I smile and throw my arms around his neck, pulling him hard to me. I kiss his cheek hard.
“Thanks, Dominic. I couldn’t do this without you. I love you.” I slip out of his arms and up the stairs until I’m by the side of the stage and Shazza sees me. She winks and I almost bounce on the spot, totally psyched up but hampered by the stupid heels I’m wearing.
“And now to start the final set of the night, a set dedicated to Pops and Valerie. The back to back set you’ve waited years to see. You lucky, lucky bastards, welcome on stage with Lucy, the new manager of Xtreem Records, DJ DisDiva.”
My blood pumps through my veins so fast I have to take a few deep breaths before I take the steps and join the girls on stage. I look out from behind my spot behind the decks and marvel at the view. There are literally thousands of bodies in front of me, all with their hands in the air and the noise they are creating sends a chill throughout the whole of my body. The roar from the sea of people and the bright lights blazing up to the early morning sky truly are a sight to behold. All eyes are on me and Lucy, cheering and chanting for us to play. I lift the first CD in the air, showing the CD to the camera that is feeding the huge screens on either side of the stage. The crowd go into melt down, whistles and horns being blown at a deafening level as I load the track and bring it in hard and fast.
The tune is heavy and fast but Lucy and I agreed we were going to play this set as hard as nails and keep this crowd sweating from the first to the last track.
Some pyrotechnics go off and there is a huge gush as silver sparkles shoot high into the sky before showering back down, extinguishing before they fall back down to the stage. Even though I’d booked these fireworks and had been at the meeting with the professionals they still take my breath just how high they shoot and the smoky smell blows through the summer breeze.
“Shit,” gasps Lucy and we both burst into a fit of giggles before I pull my headphones onto my head and cue up the next track with Shazza performing the live vocals. Lucy is interacting with the crowd and the energy is pumping, every hair on my body is stood to attention and my mix is flawless, as always. The adrenaline rush from the thousands of clubbers fills my body with what I can only describe as a static charge. My whole body is abuzz.
Shazza belts out the vocals to the track and Lauren is popping out some amazing moves on the front of the stage. I fist pump the air, throwing my head back and forth to the drilling beat of the tune. I’m totally hyped, on a massive high and I smile to myself when I think how proud my parents would be if they could see me now. I look up to the heavens and hope they are watching. When I look back out to the crowd I see Dominic stood just inside the security barrier, watching me intently. I blow him a kiss and the look of pride and love on his face tells me that even though my parents might not be here to tell me how proud they are, he is just as proud and loves me just as much. He blows me a kis
s right back and I smile a huge, beaming smile down at him before Lucy hands the headphones back for me to mix the next track.
The tunes go down amazingly and the crowd don’t stop dancing and clapping their hands in the air the whole time. Lucy and I have only one more track to play each then the night is over. I’m almost sad to see it over and I savour the moment when the bass drops on my last track and Shazza bursts into song. The electrical buzz that has had my hairs stood on end all night peaks and endorphins bleach through my veins. I tip my head back and absorb the rush, getting higher on this music fuelled drug than I ever have before. I look out to the ocean of people before me as more fireworks explode around the stage, this truly is the highlight of my career so far. I did all this. This truly is my biggest achievement and best night of my life.
Just as Lucy starts to mix in the next track, Shazza approaches the decks and leans in to kiss me on the cheek before shouting into my ear. “Hold on to your knickers, bitch, because this is going to blow every fucker in here away.”
I frown at her in confusion and shrug. “What do you mean?”
Have they arranged something I don’t know about for the finale apart from a fireworks display? Shaz just winks before turning back to the crowd with the mic in her hand. Lucy grabs my hand and squeals in excitement.
“What the fuck is happening, Lucy?” Again, I get no answer from her apart from an excited grin.
“I’m sure all you clubbers know that this whole event was the brain fart first thought up by our beautiful DisDiva and I know you all love her for being so fucking amazing to organise and create what you have lived tonight. I know I’ve had the best night of my life and I’m sure it’s a night you’ll never forget, am I right?” Shaz taunts and raises another roar of noise from the hordes of clubbers. I smile and take a bow before Shaz signals for me to join her and Lauren at the front of the stage.
With my hand still encased in Lucy’s I pull her with me so all four of us are stood front and centre on the main stage, the cameras panning in close on our faces.