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Regency Romance Collection From Christina Courtenay

Page 17

by Christina Courtenay

  ‘Well, if this isn’t the outside of enough.’ Without so much as a word to Ianthe, Lady Wyckeham marched off, back up the stairs and soon a door could be heard slamming. Ianthe saw several members of staff trying to hide a smile. She decided to pretend as if nothing had happened and continued to greet them, smiling and trying to remember their names. The housekeeper, Mrs Melmoth, was the last person in the line up, and she curtseyed and smiled. ‘May I show your ladyship to your room so you can freshen up before tea?’

  ‘Thank you, that would be lovely.’

  At least the staff were kind, Ianthe thought to herself as she followed the housekeeper upstairs. But as for Jason’s stepmother – she simply couldn’t believe the woman’s conduct. Still, it wasn’t her problem and no doubt Jason was more than capable of sorting her out.

  Jason smiled to himself. Caroline’s outburst couldn’t have come at a more opportune moment, contrasting as it did her behaviour with that of the new marchioness. Ianthe would probably have managed to charm the staff in any case, he thought, but Caroline’s rudeness made his wife’s friendly overtures and kind words even more appreciated. Even Melmoth, the butler and husband of the housekeeper, deigned to smile and bow low to his new mistress, which was something of a miracle.

  As Jason watched his new wife go off with Mrs Melmoth, he couldn’t resist ribbing the butler slightly. ‘That went well, don’t you think?’ he commented.

  ‘Er, if you say so, my lord.’ Melmoth’s expression had returned to neutral as always and Jason grinned at him.

  ‘I thought it best to surprise Lady Wyckeham. The Dowager Lady Wyckeham, I should say. At least it silenced her for a while.’

  ‘Not for long, I’ll wager,’ Melmoth muttered, then coughed as he realised he may have said too much.

  Jason laughed. ‘No, I’m sure I shall be treated to a scene or two, but rest assured there will be an end to them soon. Don’t think I haven’t noticed what’s been going on here. I’m sure the staff will be relieved to know her ladyship is moving to the Dower House.’

  ‘Yes, my lord, I can’t deny it. Now where would you like your tea?’

  ‘In the small sitting room, please. And could you make sure every member of staff has a glass of champagne with the evening meal to toast my marriage.’

  ‘Very well, my lord, thank you. I’m sure they’ll appreciate that.’

  As Jason made his way to the sitting room, which was at the back of the house, he felt rather pleased with himself. Everything had worked out surprisingly well. Still, it was going to be incredibly difficult to keep his hands off Ianthe for any length of time, but he’d be damned if he’d rush things like a callow youth. He was determined to make this marriage a happy one. The last thing he wanted was for history to repeat itself – with Elizabeth it had been lust at first sight and look where that got him? Ianthe was different and although he sensed their physical union would be just as explosive and satisfying, he didn’t just crave her body. He needed all of her, mind and soul included, and that didn’t happen overnight.

  I must give her time.

  A short while later Ianthe was shown into the small salon, where Jason and a tea tray awaited her. He smiled ruefully. ‘I apologise for the rude reception earlier. I hadn’t thought to have to confront her by the front door.’

  ‘Don’t worry, you had warned me and I shan’t take any notice. No doubt she’ll become used to the situation. It was a shock, that’s all.’

  ‘I’m not so sure, but I’ve told all the staff to take orders from you and no one else, so don’t let her try and usurp your role.’

  ‘Are you sure that is wise? Would it not be better for us to share at first, while I’m learning the ropes?’

  He shook his head. ‘No, I think a clean break is best. I will tell Caroline this evening that she must move to the Dower House within three weeks at the latest. I’ve had it cleaned and made ready. Now come and join me for some tea. Cook has excelled herself. Then I’ll take you on a tour of your new home.’

  Ianthe liked the sound of that, very much.

  Lady Wyckeham, however, refused to budge so much as an inch.

  ‘You’ll have to carry me,’ she said, crossing her arms over her chest, but her histrionics didn’t seem to impress Jason.

  ‘Very well, that’s exactly what I’ll do then,’ he retorted and simply gave her the date on which she was to leave. No doubt he was hoping she would calm down and accept the inevitable sooner or later, but Ianthe realised his stepmother wouldn’t give in that easily.

  ‘I’d like you two to be friends,’ Jason said at breakfast the day after their arrival. ‘You must be Ianthe and Caroline to each other as you’re family now.’ To Ianthe it sounded more like an order and she was happy to comply, but although the new dowager reluctantly did likewise, she managed to make Ianthe’s name sound like an insult every time she used it. In fact, the woman began to make trouble in every way, and Ianthe steeled herself for a battle – there was nothing for it but to fight for her rights as chatelaine.

  The staff all seemed to be on her side, which helped, but Caroline still interfered wherever she could, trying to wrong-foot Ianthe and questioning her every decision. It didn’t help when Jason was called away to one of his other properties to deal with some emergency only a day after their arrival. Ianthe felt very much on her own.

  ‘What on earth do you think you’re doing?’ Caroline had come sweeping into the small sitting room at the back of the house where Ianthe was writing a letter to her mother. Four spaniels kept her company, two lolling on a settee and the others around her feet. Caroline was regarding the animals with loathing. ‘Dogs are not allowed in the house,’ she stated.

  ‘They are now. I like dogs and Melmoth said these were house-trained,’ Ianthe replied calmly and continued to write.

  ‘They’re filthy creatures and they shed hair everywhere. Look at that, how could you allow them on the furniture? Have you no sense?’

  Ianthe turned to look at the woman and sighed. ‘Jason said I could do whatever I liked in this house and I wanted some company. Dogs are so peaceful, don’t you think? They don’t screech at one all the time,’ she added pointedly.

  ‘They’re not staying, I tell you. It’s disgusting and I won’t have it. Go on, out with you, out I say!’ Caroline flapped her hands at the dogs, trying to shoo them towards the door, but the two by Ianthe’s feet half stood up and growled deep in their throats. ‘Oh, for heaven’s sake.’ Caroline took a step towards the dogs on the settee, who both bared their teeth at her, making her jump back. She glared at Ianthe. ‘You’ll pay for this, see if you don’t. And I want you gone as well.’

  As she slammed out of the room, Ianthe sighed once more. She had a bad feeling about Caroline, and until the woman left for the Dower House, she wouldn’t rest easy.

  As soon as word spread about the marriage, Ianthe began to receive calls from their neighbours, but although they were friendly enough, she found most of them superficial and not many of them were her own age. When she went to church on the Sunday, however, she finally met someone whose company she truly enjoyed – the vicar’s daughter, Harriet Everly.

  Harriet seemed shy at first, but as soon as she noticed that Ianthe wasn’t high in the instep, she began to chat more and they realised they had a lot in common. ‘Do you ride?’ Ianthe asked.

  ‘Yes, my lady, when I get the chance. We only have one old nag at the moment, and Papa needs him most days.’

  ‘Why don’t you come over to the Hall and ride with me? I’m sure there are any number of horses you can borrow and I’d appreciate the company. Also, I’d like to visit all the tenants on the estate, but without my husband I won’t know who anyone is. Perhaps you could help me? I’m sure you must know everyone hereabouts.’

  ‘I’d be delighted to and I’m sure they would enjoy meeting you too.’

  ‘Excellent, that’s settled then. Would tomorrow at ten suit you?’

  ‘I’ll be there.’

the next several mornings they rode out together and Harriet introduced Ianthe to all the local farmers and tradesmen. ‘I think they like you,’ Harriet said after their first outing together. ‘You’re not at all condescending, not like The Dowager Lady Wyckeham.’ She clapped a hand to her mouth. ‘Oops, I shouldn’t have said that, should I?’

  Ianthe smiled. ‘Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul. And I can assure you I will do everything in my power not to be like her.’ She decided to change the subject. ‘Now tell me, do you like books? My husband has the most wonderful library here and if you’re anything like me, you’ll find it an absolute treasure trove.’ She’d been almost overwhelmed the first time she had set eyes on it herself and couldn’t imagine anything more wonderful than being surrounded by books on all sides. She’d been reading at every opportunity. Harriet, it seemed, was of the same mind.

  ‘You’d allow me to borrow some?’ she said, her eyes shining.

  ‘Of course. I’m sure Jason wouldn’t mind. He said they were to be enjoyed.’

  ‘Then thank you, I would love to have a peek and I promise I’ll look after anything I borrow very carefully.’

  Ianthe thought to herself that she was extremely lucky to have found such a like-minded friend.

  Jason returned at last, and seemed pleased to see his wife.

  ‘I hear you’ve been making friends,’ he said with a smile.

  ‘Who told you that?’

  ‘Oh, news travels fast in the country, you must know that. Actually, it was Caroline. She seemed most put out that you’ve been welcomed by our neighbours.’

  Ianthe shook her head and sighed. ‘I can imagine. I’m afraid we haven’t been dealing too well together. I’m sorry if I’ve let you down. I know you would prefer peace in your household.’

  He came over and pulled her into his arms, gazing down at her with a serious expression. ‘My dear, I know full well that such a thing is not possible with Caroline. We can only hope she decides to see sense soon when she notices that she is outmanoeuvred on every flank. I take it the servants are doing your bidding, as I asked them to?’

  ‘Yes, they’ve been most helpful.’

  Ianthe was having trouble concentrating on his words, the sensation of being held by him was overwhelmingly wonderful. She looked up at him and opened her mouth to say something, but he cut her off by kissing her.

  It was a gentle kiss, as before, but it went on for a long time and began to change subtly while his lips moved over hers as if urging her to respond. She did so without thinking, and the kiss deepened. The rest of Ianthe’s body felt strangely detached and tingling, and she began to think that the only thing keeping her upright was Jason’s arms.

  When the kiss came to an end, he smiled at her, and put up a hand to gently caress her cheek. ‘Ianthe, I think …’

  A knock on the door interrupted him, and he sighed and let go of her before calling out, ‘Enter.’

  Ianthe sank down on to the nearest chair, her wayward legs still jelly-like.

  ‘I beg your pardon, my lord, but there’s an urgent message for you from London.’ The butler had entered the room, proffering a silver salver.

  ‘Thank you.’ Jason took the letter and slit it open. ‘What now, I wonder? Am I never to have any peace?’

  Ianthe saw him frown as he read it. ‘Is anything amiss?’

  Jason’s jaw tightened and he nodded. ‘Yes, it’s Rob. Seems he’s got himself into some serious trouble. I must go and rescue him.’ He bent to put a hand on her shoulder. ‘I’m very sorry I have to leave you again so soon. I had hoped … but it will have to wait. Will you be all right?’

  Ianthe could see that he was genuinely troubled and wished with all her heart she could help him. ‘Yes, of course,’ she said stoutly and he gave her an approving smile.

  ‘That’s my girl. I’ll be back before you know it and then perhaps we can finally spend some more time together.’

  Ianthe felt herself blush. ‘That would be nice.’

  They were still sleeping in separate rooms, but his kiss had made her hope this might be about to change. She sighed. I’ll just have to be patient, she thought.

  Robert was a sorry sight when Jason finally brought him back to the Hall. He had a black eye, a broken wrist and untold bruises all over his body. His mother was appalled.

  ‘Robert, dearest, what on earth has happened to you? Who did this? I thought Wyckeham was supposed to look out for you. Some guardian you are,’ she spat at Jason.

  Robert frowned, and winced when that hurt his swollen eye. ‘This has nothing to do with Jason, Mother. You should be thanking him. If it wasn’t for him, I may not be alive now.’

  ‘How so?’

  ‘I’d been gambling and I couldn’t pay my debts. The people I owed money to hired someone to give me a going over and they simply wouldn’t stop. He came just in time and now he’s paid my dues it won’t happen again.’ He hung his head in shame. ‘I don’t know how I’m ever going to repay you, Jason. I’ll have to hand over all the revenues from my estate for the next ten years at least.’

  ‘Surely not? That’s ridiculous,’ Caroline said, not giving Jason the chance to reply. ‘Your brother should have kept you away from gaming hells in the first place. Why didn’t you, Jason? I trusted you to look after my boy.’

  Jason opened his mouth to defend himself, but Robert jumped in again, glaring at his mother. ‘It’s not his fault, Mother. I wouldn’t listen to him. I thought I knew best and there were some people … well, I know now they are worthless scum.’

  ‘Let’s put it all behind us,’ said Jason. ‘We will draw a line over this and forget it ever happened. As for repayment, forget it. As long as you’ve learned your lesson. Come now, it must be time for dinner.’

  ‘I’d better have a tray in my room.’ Robert glanced at Ianthe. ‘You won’t want someone as disgraceful as me at your table, ma’am.’

  ‘Nonsense.’ Ianthe smiled and went up to tuck her hand through the crook of his arm. ‘Everyone can make mistakes, we’re only human. You’re welcome at our table any time. Isn’t that so, Jason?’

  ‘Indeed. Now do as your sister-in-law tells you and come along.’

  ‘And please call me Ianthe or I’ll feel positively ancient,’ Ianthe told Robert with a laugh. ‘No need to stand on ceremony. We’re family now.’

  Jason sent her a glance filled with gratitude and perhaps something else, something she had only dared to dream of.


  Robert’s spirits recovered quickly, and already the following day he and Jason decided to accompany Ianthe on her morning ride. Robert looked surprised to see Harriet join them, and Ianthe had to explain to him about their daily outings.

  ‘Are you sure you don’t mind? I can always come back another day,’ Harriet said, looking concerned. ‘I don’t want to get in the way.’

  ‘No, please don’t go away,’ Robert said, going over to help her mount, despite his bandaged wrist. ‘I’m going to feel like the third wheel with these two lovebirds otherwise. They’ll probably ignore me completely so if you come I’ll have someone to talk to.’

  ‘We would never be that rude,’ Jason retorted with a smile, ‘but you’re very welcome to come along, Miss Everly.’

  The tenants they met along the way all greeted Ianthe effusively, and Jason threw her an amused glance. ‘You have been busy charming the locals in my absence, I see. Well done!’

  Ianthe felt herself blush. ‘I hope that was the right thing to do? Only, you did say it was best to be on friendly terms with everyone.’

  ‘Of course and I’m very pleased they like you. It makes life a lot easier.’ He glanced over his shoulder to where Robert and Harriet were deep in conversation. ‘And I’m glad you’ve made such a delightful friend. I was afraid you would be a bit lonely here, but you did say you like living in the country.’

  ‘I love it. I couldn’t ask for anything more, truly.’ Inside, Ianthe thought to herself that there was one mor
e thing she would like, but she mustn’t be greedy. No one could have everything they wished for and in time, perhaps Jason would at least come to care for her a little.

  ‘Must we have the vicar to dinner yet again? He and his family were here only last month,’ Caroline complained when she heard Ianthe ask Jason if she could invite a few neighbours, including Harriet and her parents. Robert was going back to his own estate the following day, and Jason had reluctantly agreed to accompany him as they had some urgent business matters to discuss there, so Ianthe felt they ought to have a special farewell dinner.

  ‘He’s a nice enough fellow,’ Jason said, ‘and I like his daughter. Sensible young woman, wouldn’t you say, Robert?’

  ‘Oh, yes, capital girl and a bruising rider to boot.’

  Jason and Ianthe exchanged an amused glance. It hadn’t escaped their notice that Robert had been very taken with Harriet and Jason had whispered to his wife that Harriet was exactly the sort of girl Rob needed. ‘A vast improvement on your sister, with whom he was infatuated for a while, if you don’t mind me saying so.’

  ‘Of course not,’ Ianthe smiled. ‘I wouldn’t wish Serena on anyone half as nice as Robert and Harriet would make a wonderful wife for any man. Perhaps we could take her with us when we go and visit Robert in the autumn?’

  ‘Excellent idea. Just don’t tell his mama. She was hoping for an heiress at the very least for him.’

  Jason added now, ‘If you don’t like the company, Caroline, you don’t have to join us. Once you’ve moved to the Dower House, you can invite whoever you choose to your table.’

  Caroline glared at him. ‘As I have told you repeatedly, I don’t see why I should have to move out. You asked me to continue to live here and promised to look after us. Are you breaking your word now?’

  ‘I never said it was to be forever and I think I’m being very magnanimous in offering you a house of your own, free of charge, as well as a monthly allowance. I’ve already bought my brother an entire estate. What more could anyone possibly ask of me?’ Jason was frowning now, his good humour evaporated, but Caroline seemed not to notice.


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